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Why didn't the human gods step in to intervene Kalk in the mist?


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We all know that the human gods left Tyria because they know if they confront the Elder Dragons it will destroy Tyria.


but the Mist is not Tyria, it's their domain, especially the fact that Kalk is in there devouring spirits to grow even stronger after grew strong from Zhaitan and Modremoth's deaths and the bloodstone


have the human gods ventured to a space that is beyond the mist that they can no longer receive news of what's happening within their domain?

they just gonna sit back to let Kalk to grow to the point beyond the point the human gods themselves will not stand a chance?


share your 2cents to why the human gods did not intervene ;)

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> We all know that the human gods left Tyria because they know if they confront the Elder Dragons it will destroy Tyria.


> but the Mist is not Tyria, it's their domain, especially the fact that Kalk is in there devouring spirits to grow even stronger after grew strong from Zhaitan and Modremoth's deaths and the bloodstone


> have the human gods ventured to a space that is beyond the mist that they can no longer receive news of what's happening within their domain?

> they just gonna sit back to let Kalk to grow to the point beyond the point the human gods themselves will not stand a chance?


> share your 2cents to why the human gods did not intervene ;)


They didn't just abandon Tyria, they abandoned the Tyrian-adjacent parts of the Mists, which is where K has been rampaging, for now. Grenth has left the Underworld, Kormir left her domain after talking to us. Maybe they foresaw this, and that's why they left. Or maybe it will turn out to have something to do with the post-dragon storyline.

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They're not omniscient. They likely weren't aware he was in the Mists. Their intervention would require us finding them and likely asking forcefully or impassionedly for assistance - Like King Doric did with the Bloodstones.


That said, yes. If Kralkatorrik is next fought in the Mists, where I assume he will go to recuperate, it stands to reason that the Gods could assist, maybe not outright, but in the form of empowerment/resurrecting Aurene/reinforcements from their servants. Because again, clearly what we gathered in Episode 5 still wasn't enough.

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> @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

> They're not omniscient. They likely weren't aware he was in the Mists. Their intervention would require us finding them and likely asking forcefully or impassionedly for assistance - Like King Doric did with the Bloodstones.


> That said, yes. If Kralkatorrik is next fought in the Mists, where I assume he will go to recuperate, it stands to reason that the Gods could assist, maybe not outright, but in the form of empowerment/resurrecting Aurene/reinforcements from their servants. Because again, clearly what we gathered in Episode 5 still wasn't enough.


This is exactly what I'm hoping will happen. Knowing that Kralkatorrik can now ravage the Mists, the gods and their "new garden for humanity" aren't safe either. It's very much possible they'll face problems there as well, so not stepping in to help in one way or another would just be absurd. AND

>! there was the whole ascension mention in the latest episode:

>! "Glint: Scion, my beloved child, there are things about Ascension that can only be expressed between dragons."

At least my commander thinks it's time to stop the frigging gardening and come save the day, so there would be people to plant. :#

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > We all know that the human gods left Tyria because they know if they confront the Elder Dragons it will destroy Tyria.

> >

> > but the Mist is not Tyria, it's their domain, especially the fact that Kalk is in there devouring spirits to grow even stronger after grew strong from Zhaitan and Modremoth's deaths and the bloodstone

> >

> > have the human gods ventured to a space that is beyond the mist that they can no longer receive news of what's happening within their domain?

> > they just gonna sit back to let Kalk to grow to the point beyond the point the human gods themselves will not stand a chance?

> >

> > share your 2cents to why the human gods did not intervene ;)


> They didn't just abandon Tyria, they abandoned the Tyrian-adjacent parts of the Mists, which is where K has been rampaging, for now. Grenth has left the Underworld, Kormir left her domain after talking to us. Maybe they foresaw this, and that's why they left. Or maybe it will turn out to have something to do with the post-dragon storyline.



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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > We all know that the human gods left Tyria because they know if they confront the Elder Dragons it will destroy Tyria.

> >

> > but the Mist is not Tyria, it's their domain, especially the fact that Kalk is in there devouring spirits to grow even stronger after grew strong from Zhaitan and Modremoth's deaths and the bloodstone

> >

> > have the human gods ventured to a space that is beyond the mist that they can no longer receive news of what's happening within their domain?

> > they just gonna sit back to let Kalk to grow to the point beyond the point the human gods themselves will not stand a chance?

> >

> > share your 2cents to why the human gods did not intervene ;)


> They didn't just abandon Tyria, they abandoned the Tyrian-adjacent parts of the Mists, which is where K has been rampaging, for now. Grenth has left the Underworld, Kormir left her domain after talking to us. Maybe they foresaw this, and that's why they left. Or maybe it will turn out to have something to do with the post-dragon storyline.


well, that is true, but Kalk may eventually wander into the Rift, which is the gateway to other parts of the mist and Hall of Heroes


my point is, the human God are probably fine with Kalk just wandering around in Tyria, but once he's in the mist and capable of opening gateways to worlds as will, Kalk is now a direct threat to the human gods themselves?


the disciples like Desmina should know where they went and how to relay what's been happening to the human gods right???

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> @"Svennis.3852" said:

> The gods can’t fight the elder dragons or they’d destroy tyria. That’s been established. They left to find a new home for humanity, so presumably they wouldn’t intervene even if they knew what Kralk was up to.


they could lure Kalk to somewhere remote


ok, this is just my hypothesis, the old world where humans originated from was dying, hence they moved to Tyria; if that's the case, the human gods could lure Kalk there and kill it to contain the after impact on the dead world?

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"Svennis.3852" said:

> > The gods can’t fight the elder dragons or they’d destroy tyria. That’s been established. They left to find a new home for humanity, so presumably they wouldn’t intervene even if they knew what Kralk was up to.


> they could lure Kalk to somewhere remote


> ok, this is just my hypothesis, the old world where humans originated from was dying, hence they moved to Tyria; if that's the case, the human gods could lure Kalk there and kill it to contain the after impact on the dead world?


Given how they've established The All and the Elder Dragon's role to it to work, the Elder Dragons being killed *in general* would destroy Tyria, regardless of where; and it's possible that lure them far enough away would be the same thing in regards to The All, thus destroying Tyria without destroying the Elder Dragons.


Besides that, who's to say the human homeworld even exists. Maybe it's nothing but dust in space now.

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Apart from you know, the act of forbidding themselves from intervening in Tyria due to the destruction it caused when they fought Abaddon, and withdrawing to avoid fighting the Elder Dragons directly and causing the exact same thing.


They demonstrably care enough to not want to harm Tyria. At point where they -could- kill the Elder Dragons if they wanted to, but knew this would destroy the world in the process and so did not, they proved they cared.


They demonstrably care enough about humanity and perhaps other races as well to outright leave and search for a new world free of Elder Dragons, if we assume Garden of the Gods is accurate.


It's pretty much a trope in fantasy at this point for Gods to care about what happens to the world/peoples they are watching over but being unable to intervene because they believe doing so would make things worse.

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I think they are antagonists.


TBH I think the gods were just human kings and queens that came to Tyria when it was a nexus of raw magical power. They stole that power and used it to become divine, creating their own realms and order. The problem was, the dragons were here first and that magic was their food.


Not to say that the dragons were good or bad. They would wake up every now and then and blast every civilization back to the stone age in a worldwide extinction level event specifically to prevent races from growing powerful enough to threaten them or their food. That activity is simply protecting their own existence.


In short Tyria sucks and its literally a giant dinner plate for massively powerful elemental space worms to eat from every 1000 years. The correct course of action is to A.) discover the dragons early and B.) GTFO before they wake up and get hungry. The Mursaat were probably the only ones that had this figured out properly.


So now you have a bunch of pissed off, hungry dragons that wake up only to find that someone raided their pantry. The dragons did not forsee the human gods and how much they would take. Also it didn't help that the watch officer that the dragons assigned to watch over the pantry became sympathetic to the foreign humans and basically abandoned her post to help the outsiders.


All the problems we have now, yeah guess whose fault that is.


What need to happen to bring back balance is:


-Human gods need to give back what they stole (out of all of them, probably Dwayna will be the only one that will)

-Mortal races need to figure out how to GTFO Tyria and find a new home because Tyria sucks

-When they leave, they need to put a black flag in Tyria to warn others: beware of crocodiles do not settle here, this place is a craphole

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... Except that's not what the Gods are or what they did at all. The Gods were divine before they came to Tyria.


They haven't "stolen" anything, their magic is completely self-contained, and is in fact anathema to the Elder Dragon corruption and minions, if not the Elder Dragons themselves.


People thinking the Gods are antagonists is laughable.

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> @"lordhelmos.7623" said:

> TBH I think the gods were just human kings and queens that came to Tyria when it was a nexus of raw magical power. They stole that power and used it to become divine, creating their own realms and order. The problem was, the dragons were here first and that magic was their food.

Except it's outright confirmed that they came to Tyria as gods, and that their power is foreign to Tyria.


> The Mursaat were probably the only ones that had this figured out properly.

Not really. The mursaat had intentions to return once the Elder Dragons fell asleep and attempt global domination over the ruins of what civilizations remained.

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> @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

> People thinking the Gods are antagonists is laughable.



You are aware that basically everything in Guild Wars 1 was Abaddon's fault, right? (I mean, I guess Balthazar was the one who said 'dude the other races will be easy to conquer)

And did you miss the part where Balthazar was totally fine with destroying the world in the name of throwing down with dragons?

Grenth deposed Dhuum to take on the mantle of god of death because Dhuuum was, and I quote, 'a prick'


This is a little less solid, but there's also that whole thing where Bath Salts doesn't curse Lyssa as he dies and the hand mirror that he used to disguise himself was enchanted by Lyssa herself



The point is that the gods have quite a number of fuckups to their name. I won't call them antagonists, but I think Kormir had it pretty right when she said 'you never needed out help'



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> @"Rockin Twilight Sparkle.2615" said:

> > @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

> > People thinking the Gods are antagonists is laughable.



> You are aware that basically everything in Guild Wars 1 was Abaddon's fault, right? (I mean, I guess Balthazar was the one who said 'dude the other races will be easy to conquer)

> And did you miss the part where Balthazar was totally fine with destroying the world in the name of throwing down with dragons?

> Grenth deposed Dhuum to take on the mantle of god of death because Dhuuum was, and I quote, 'a prick'


> This is a little less solid, but there's also that whole thing where Bath Salts doesn't curse Lyssa as he dies and the hand mirror that he used to disguise himself was enchanted by Lyssa herself



> The point is that the gods have quite a number of fuckups to their name. I won't call them antagonists, but I think Kormir had it pretty right when she said 'you never needed out help'




Oh, gee. You're right, how could I be so blind?


Of course I'm not referring to the Gods and Ex-Gods that turn into villains, I'm referring to Gods that left Tyria.

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> @"Rockin Twilight Sparkle.2615" said:

> > @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

> > People thinking the Gods are antagonists is laughable.



> You are aware that basically everything in Guild Wars 1 was Abaddon's fault, right? (I mean, I guess Balthazar was the one who said 'dude the other races will be easy to conquer)

> And did you miss the part where Balthazar was totally fine with destroying the world in the name of throwing down with dragons?

> Grenth deposed Dhuum to take on the mantle of god of death because Dhuuum was, and I quote, 'a prick'


> This is a little less solid, but there's also that whole thing where Bath Salts doesn't curse Lyssa as he dies and the hand mirror that he used to disguise himself was enchanted by Lyssa herself



> The point is that the gods have quite a number of fuckups to their name. I won't call them antagonists, but I think Kormir had it pretty right when she said 'you never needed out help'


So, because three gods turned evil, the other five we know must be evil too?


Because that's what was being suggested and countered. Not that the gods are infallible and never evil, but that they as a whole aren't evil.


Lyssa's pretty unlikely to be evil too, tbh. Balthazar not cursing her could mean a lot of things.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Rockin Twilight Sparkle.2615" said:

> > > @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

> > > People thinking the Gods are antagonists is laughable.

> >

> >

> > You are aware that basically everything in Guild Wars 1 was Abaddon's fault, right? (I mean, I guess Balthazar was the one who said 'dude the other races will be easy to conquer)

> > And did you miss the part where Balthazar was totally fine with destroying the world in the name of throwing down with dragons?

> > Grenth deposed Dhuum to take on the mantle of god of death because Dhuuum was, and I quote, 'a prick'

> >

> > This is a little less solid, but there's also that whole thing where Bath Salts doesn't curse Lyssa as he dies and the hand mirror that he used to disguise himself was enchanted by Lyssa herself

> >

> >

> > The point is that the gods have quite a number of fuckups to their name. I won't call them antagonists, but I think Kormir had it pretty right when she said 'you never needed out help'


> So, because three gods turned evil, the other five we know must be evil too?


> Because that's what was being suggested and countered. Not that the gods are infallible and never evil, but that they as a whole aren't evil.


> Lyssa's pretty unlikely to be evil too, tbh. Balthazar not cursing her could mean a lot of things.


i probably wouldnt call them evil, they are just perceived to be evil


all they are doing is what they believed to be the righteous thing to do from their view


Abaddon = sharing knowledge and magic freely, went to crusade for his view, but got quashed and chained up


Balthazar = wanting to stay on Tyria and fight the Elder Dragons, but no one else agrees, took his power taken away and chained up

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