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Veteran Reward System


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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Delivering stimulating, interesting and varied content will be the key driver for retaining veterans. Veterans by their very name and nature stick around because they want to be around.

> >

> > A wvw veteran is unlikely to care about this system when deciding to buy gems or stay playing. They will care about the development of their mode. If WvW were to never get updates again (and its been a huge drought for them already), this system would be defunct for them. Same for raiders, pvpers and so forth

> >

> > I'm not trying to pour water on your suggestion because at its core it has some truth to it, but a whole new system dedicated to rewrading players based on utterly arbitrary milestones (inclusive of your edit) is not the answer. For something like this, they could change the daily system to add extra rewards per year of account. Or perhaps rework the achievement system to be a bit more relevant and consistent at delivery rewards.

> >

> > But as someone you specifically are aiming at with your system, this would do nothing to improve my further retention whatsoever.


> “Delivering stimulating, interesting and varied content will be the key driver for retaining veterans.”


> Are you saying that rewards are not a key component in that above equation?


New rewards alongisde new content are about improving depth of gameplay. Introducing a new currency (which players would be unhappy about given the complaints about more currencies) just to buy old stuff doesn't seem likely to help with retention.

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Anet I'm sure has all of the statistics on players and retention. They alone would best know what they deliver will keep veteran players logging in. Or, perhaps, ANet is more concerned with bringing in new players who might well purchase more content/gems than the veterans (who convert gold->gem) that would keep the servers running and light on. Again, only ANet knows for sure.


Having said that, my opinion is that the suggestion by the OP could lead to elitism in the player base. This might run counter to the perception that GW2 is a casual-friendly game and may keep new players from deciding to try (and eventually buy) the game. In this scenario, the game would die out with veterans not contributing enough financially for ANet to keep the game breathing.

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> I am a veteran myself and I don’t need this. I would prefer to have resources spent on content and not on this “reward system”


Are you saying that you’d not prefer a reward system to increase retention among other veteran players of the game? You do know there are paid devs who handle rewards and such right? Do you think the devs try to figure out ways to keep players playing? Do you know that rewards are a big factor in retention? Do you not care about the veteran class?

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > Delivering stimulating, interesting and varied content will be the key driver for retaining veterans. Veterans by their very name and nature stick around because they want to be around.

> > >

> > > A wvw veteran is unlikely to care about this system when deciding to buy gems or stay playing. They will care about the development of their mode. If WvW were to never get updates again (and its been a huge drought for them already), this system would be defunct for them. Same for raiders, pvpers and so forth

> > >

> > > I'm not trying to pour water on your suggestion because at its core it has some truth to it, but a whole new system dedicated to rewrading players based on utterly arbitrary milestones (inclusive of your edit) is not the answer. For something like this, they could change the daily system to add extra rewards per year of account. Or perhaps rework the achievement system to be a bit more relevant and consistent at delivery rewards.

> > >

> > > But as someone you specifically are aiming at with your system, this would do nothing to improve my further retention whatsoever.

> >

> > “Delivering stimulating, interesting and varied content will be the key driver for retaining veterans.”

> >

> > Are you saying that rewards are not a key component in that above equation?


> New rewards alongisde new content are about improving depth of gameplay. Introducing a new currency (which players would be unhappy about given the complaints about more currencies) just to buy old stuff doesn't seem likely to help with retention.


You can word it how you want, but rewards are a big retention tool.


We get new currencies all the time, and that won’t stop.


You really can’t downplay rewards as “old stuff”.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > But this system would not be the answer.

> > >

> > > and how do you know that?

> >

> > For the reasons I already mentioned in an earlier post.


> Do you have a better idea in mind to increase retention for veteran players?



Content that is repeatable and worth doing over and over because it's fun and rewarding.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> Veteran player retention is important folks. I can guarantee there is a decent sized drop off of older players, and incentives to keep those players logging in are important from many different angles.


You think that people stop playing because the game isn't rewarding them and not because people lose interest in what the game offers?

It's really difficult to retain members from _any_ organization, regardless of its purpose. Of the many veterans I know who stopped playing or play less than they they used to, not a single one left because the game failed to reward them more for being a veteran: they changed jobs, changed relationships, found newer games, found other hobbies, and in a lot of cases, just found that 1 new story every 3 months wasn't enough to keep their interest.


Besides that, Veterans _already_ get rewarded with AP chests, birthday presents, and simply being able to work on both the latest collections as well as "backfill" the old ones.


I'm not at all against ANet increasing the later AP rewards (even if it's not retroactive). But neither do I think it will have any noticeable effect on veteran attrition.


> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > Do you have a better idea in mind to increase retention for veteran players?

> Content that is repeatable and worth doing over and over because it's fun and rewarding.

Yup, content (that people enjoy) matters more than rewards. (People can stomach paltry rewards if they have stuff they like doing; people can't stomach great rewards for a long time if the content isn't there.)


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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > Delivering stimulating, interesting and varied content will be the key driver for retaining veterans. Veterans by their very name and nature stick around because they want to be around.

> > > >

> > > > A wvw veteran is unlikely to care about this system when deciding to buy gems or stay playing. They will care about the development of their mode. If WvW were to never get updates again (and its been a huge drought for them already), this system would be defunct for them. Same for raiders, pvpers and so forth

> > > >

> > > > I'm not trying to pour water on your suggestion because at its core it has some truth to it, but a whole new system dedicated to rewrading players based on utterly arbitrary milestones (inclusive of your edit) is not the answer. For something like this, they could change the daily system to add extra rewards per year of account. Or perhaps rework the achievement system to be a bit more relevant and consistent at delivery rewards.

> > > >

> > > > But as someone you specifically are aiming at with your system, this would do nothing to improve my further retention whatsoever.

> > >

> > > “Delivering stimulating, interesting and varied content will be the key driver for retaining veterans.”

> > >

> > > Are you saying that rewards are not a key component in that above equation?

> >

> > New rewards alongisde new content are about improving depth of gameplay. Introducing a new currency (which players would be unhappy about given the complaints about more currencies) just to buy old stuff doesn't seem likely to help with retention.



> You really can’t downplay rewards as “old stuff”.


Why not?

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > Veteran player retention is important folks. I can guarantee there is a decent sized drop off of older players, and incentives to keep those players logging in are important from many different angles.


> You think that people stop playing because the game isn't rewarding them and not because people lose interest in what the game offers?

> It's really difficult to retain members from _any_ organization, regardless of its purpose. Of the many veterans I know who stopped playing or play less than they they used to, not a single one left because the game failed to reward them more for being a veteran: they changed jobs, changed relationships, found newer games, found other hobbies, and in a lot of cases, just found that 1 new story every 3 months wasn't enough to keep their interest.


> Besides that, Veterans _already_ get rewarded with AP chests, birthday presents, and simply being able to work on both the latest collections as well as "backfill" the old ones.


> I'm not at all against ANet increasing the later AP rewards (even if it's not retroactive). But neither do I think it will have any noticeable effect on veteran attrition.


> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > Do you have a better idea in mind to increase retention for veteran players?

> > Content that is repeatable and worth doing over and over because it's fun and rewarding.

> Yup, content (that people enjoy) matters more than rewards. (People can stomach paltry rewards if they have stuff they like doing; people can't stomach great rewards for a long time if the content isn't there.)



This post pretty much nailed it. People don't leave a game because they don't get rewarded, they leave because they either don't have time or feel that there's nothing fun to do in the game.


At least that is how it is for me, I recently came back from a 8 month break, mainly because there's nothing else out there really. Just 3 days before I left I dropped a precursor, for the first and only time in about 8k logged in hours. This did not in at all make me want to stay, rewards only make you happy if you're already happy with the game and not considering quitting. Therefore largely irrelevant in player retention.


Clearly OP would want to get some new shinies for free, who doesn't but this system would mainly feel like a punishment for new players. If any reward systems need to be changed it's the massive timegating of everything in this game including BiS gear for some content (laurels) and pseudo-timegated stuff.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > But this system would not be the answer.

> > > >

> > > > and how do you know that?

> > >

> > > For the reasons I already mentioned in an earlier post.

> >

> > Do you have a better idea in mind to increase retention for veteran players?

> >


> Content that is repeatable and worth doing over and over because it's fun and rewarding.


World Versus World

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > Veteran player retention is important folks. I can guarantee there is a decent sized drop off of older players, and incentives to keep those players logging in are important from many different angles.


> You think that people stop playing because the game isn't rewarding them and not because people lose interest in what the game offers?

> It's really difficult to retain members from _any_ organization, regardless of its purpose. Of the many veterans I know who stopped playing or play less than they they used to, not a single one left because the game failed to reward them more for being a veteran: they changed jobs, changed relationships, found newer games, found other hobbies, and in a lot of cases, just found that 1 new story every 3 months wasn't enough to keep their interest.


> Besides that, Veterans _already_ get rewarded with AP chests, birthday presents, and simply being able to work on both the latest collections as well as "backfill" the old ones.


> I'm not at all against ANet increasing the later AP rewards (even if it's not retroactive). But neither do I think it will have any noticeable effect on veteran attrition.


> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > Do you have a better idea in mind to increase retention for veteran players?

> > Content that is repeatable and worth doing over and over because it's fun and rewarding.

> Yup, content (that people enjoy) matters more than rewards. (People can stomach paltry rewards if they have stuff they like doing; people can't stomach great rewards for a long time if the content isn't there.)



There are a plethora of reason why players, of every category, stop playing. This topic happens to be addressing rewards specifically for veteran players though.


As established earlier, rewards are a component of gameplay, for reasons, in addition to a bunch of other areas. Rewards are tools to also incentivize playing, and there is nothing inherently wrong with looking at rewards for veteran players right? I have yet to see an real argument that giving extra reward incentives for longer term players to keep playing as a bad thing.


Repetitiveness and grind can be off putting and fatiguing to some, especially to players who’ve been around any game long enough. HoT rewards were improved to (paraphrased from a dev video from long ago) “value player time”... And hence why PoF rewards were better overall from the get go. If someone has dedicated time and effort to playing then I don’t see anything wrong with a reward boost for dedicated players who have stuck with the game, nor providing addition methods of earning game currencies.


Edit- and part of the inspiration came from stuff like this...


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Statuette... Buy gems, or convert your gold, to obtain keys for chests and get statuettes to buy items from vendor.


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Converter... Play game, earn currency, exchange currency for stuff.


My idea... Veteran player meets certain requirements, plays game, earns a special currency to buy stuff they need or want from vendor.

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I actually like the concept, and believe me I don't approve of yet another random currency lightly. To be honest the best criticism I see is that the requirements may be a bit restrictive and the rewards, well too rewarding. I agree something that costs over 1000 gold on the TP and usually comes from BL chests shouldn't be obtainable from doing 1000 events or hearts. Perhaps conceding to something along the lines of


Not FTP account

2K + AP (Proves that the player is somewhat experienced and easy enough to obtain with effort)

Complete a veteran vendor quest/collection/story to unlock the vendor

completion of Core, HoT and PoF story unlocks tabs from those storylines with related rewards

Keep the coins earned section the same, but allow any other currency or key or whatever to be traded for Veteran coin

Rewards should include any or all of

Crafting Mats

Limited Use Gathering Tools (including special ones)

Salvage kits (maybe add a rune salvage kit that destroys item but saves the rune?)

Ascended Materials (Limit per day)

Mystic Coins (Limit per day)

Mystic Clovers (limit per day)

Obsidian Shards

Loot bags of various quality with ascended loot bags that have rare chance of unique rewards ie: 90% of suggested rewards on original post

Campaign unique rewards or currencies (with a net loss included for the convenience of exchange)

Consumable Items

Unique Item/Food recipies

Unique Armor / Weapon Sets

Unique Mount Skins

Unique Booster ie Karma on Kill, bonus magic find that stacks applied on purchase

And maybe make the coins themselves sellable for gold to a vendor or even tradable on the TP

Maybe include 1000 coins for one BL key once a week?

Honestly it looked like OP had a good idea but wanted to use it as a way to get ultra rare or ultra expensive rewards without the work or effort or real cash needed to obtain them, while I can empathize with the feeling I don't think it's reasonable for the life of the game.


Now here's where it could be fun give unique coin multipliers or bonus coins based on certain criteria such as

Party member's first time completing content

Partied with a sub 80 character who is close to the required level for the content

Partied with a not FTP party member who does not have the veteran vendor unlocked

Joined a party that had previously full party wiped in content ie. fractal, dungeon, raid

Non FTP party member's account is under 1 year old

Party member or self gains achievement for the first time from content

Repeating content for the first time on another character

*FTP account limits would be set to prevent abuse of the system with free accounts


I think it would be a nice buff to the rewards "veteran" players gain and provide reward versatility, it helps follow the play what you want model. And if introduced correctly could be a fun side quest to unlock the vendor, maybe put them in your home instance and lock them for non qualified visitors?



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> @"Kamikae.9536" said:

> I actually like the concept, and believe me I don't approve of yet another random currency lightly. To be honest the best criticism I see is that the requirements may be a bit restrictive and the rewards, well too rewarding. I agree something that costs over 1000 gold on the TP and usually comes from BL chests shouldn't be obtainable from doing 1000 events or hearts. Perhaps conceding to something along the lines of

> Requirements:

> Not FTP account

> 2K + AP (Proves that the player is somewhat experienced and easy enough to obtain with effort)

> Complete a veteran vendor quest/collection/story to unlock the vendor

> completion of Core, HoT and PoF story unlocks tabs from those storylines with related rewards

> Keep the coins earned section the same, but allow any other currency or key or whatever to be traded for Veteran coin

> Rewards should include any or all of

> Crafting Mats

> Limited Use Gathering Tools (including special ones)

> Salvage kits (maybe add a rune salvage kit that destroys item but saves the rune?)

> Ascended Materials (Limit per day)

> Mystic Coins (Limit per day)

> Mystic Clovers (limit per day)

> Obsidian Shards

> Loot bags of various quality with ascended loot bags that have rare chance of unique rewards ie: 90% of suggested rewards on original post

> Campaign unique rewards or currencies (with a net loss included for the convenience of exchange)

> Consumable Items

> Unique Item/Food recipies

> Unique Armor / Weapon Sets

> Unique Mount Skins

> Unique Booster ie Karma on Kill, bonus magic find that stacks applied on purchase

> And maybe make the coins themselves sellable for gold to a vendor or even tradable on the TP

> Maybe include 1000 coins for one BL key once a week?

> Honestly it looked like OP had a good idea but wanted to use it as a way to get ultra rare or ultra expensive rewards without the work or effort or real cash needed to obtain them, while I can empathize with the feeling I don't think it's reasonable for the life of the game.


> Now here's where it could be fun give unique coin multipliers or bonus coins based on certain criteria such as

> Party member's first time completing content

> Partied with a sub 80 character who is close to the required level for the content

> Partied with a not FTP party member who does not have the veteran vendor unlocked

> Joined a party that had previously full party wiped in content ie. fractal, dungeon, raid

> Non FTP party member's account is under 1 year old

> Party member or self gains achievement for the first time from content

> Repeating content for the first time on another character

> *FTP account limits would be set to prevent abuse of the system with free accounts


> I think it would be a nice buff to the rewards "veteran" players gain and provide reward versatility, it helps follow the play what you want model. And if introduced correctly could be a fun side quest to unlock the vendor, maybe put them in your home instance and lock them for non qualified visitors?




I wanted to address this...


“Honestly it looked like OP had a good idea but wanted to use it as a way to get ultra rare or ultra expensive rewards without the work or effort or real cash needed to obtain them”


I want you to read the idea and look at numbers I used...


To buy an endless upgrade extractor for 1,000 Prestige Coins you would need to first unlock the ability to earn Prestige Coins by...


“Milestones to start earning veteran rewards...


10k AP

Core Map Completion

Core Personal Story Completion

Participated in all Core Map Meta Events

Crafted 1 legendary

Dungeon Master Achievement (Complete 8 explorable dungeons.)

Fractal Initiate (Complete each fractal scale from 1 to 25.) PLUS Fractal Adept (Complete each fractal scale from 26 to 50.)

Complete 1 Raid Wing

Rank 100 in WvW OR SPvP




Alternative milestones based off of feedback...


Base requirements that need to be met to unlock the veteran reward system AND a core item vendor...


15k AP

Core Map Completion

Core Personal Story Completion

Participated in all Core Map Meta Events”


Again, the above unlocks the ability to earn Prestige Coins... Now you have to play the game to earn the Prestige Coins...


“Players start earning a new currency once the BASE milestones are met... Let's call this currency... "Prestige Coin"...


1 Prestige Coin for completing any event

1 Prestige Coin for completing a Heart Quest

1 Prestige Coin for defeating any Champion https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_champions

3 Prestige Coins for capturing an objective in WvW

3 Prestige Coins for winning a SPvP match

3 Prestige Coins for completing a dungeon path

3 Prestige Coins for completing each T3 or T4 fractal

5 Prestige Coins for completing a Meta Event”


Adding up all the requirements above clearly shows this is not “without the work or effort”.


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Yeah Sorry if that felt aggressive, I wasn't trying to call you out in any way. I suppose as a mostly casual player I blow away all of your original requirements, but have nowhere near the resources or gold to purchase your suggested high tier rewards. So perhaps my view of the difficulty to meet those requirements is skewed, since in my mind I easily meet them. At any rate wasn't meant as a dig at you, more so, that I don't see Anet releasing the majority of the rewards you suggested from a vendor in this way. Did you feel that my suggestions were a valid compromise?

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