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Are gankers bad players?


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> @"kratan.4619" said:

> I've found the reverse actually, the solo gankers trying to pick off zerglings trying to get to their commander are the ones who will not "get better". They sit around in their 1v1 builds trying to catch people who are not optimized for 1v1 combat so they can have easy kills.


Why would you play outside of zerg with a non roamer build?

This same discussion has been around since the start of mmos and the answer is red = dead. The tears just make it sweeter.

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> @"Cuks.8241" said:

> > @"kratan.4619" said:

> > I've found the reverse actually, the solo gankers trying to pick off zerglings trying to get to their commander are the ones who will not "get better". They sit around in their 1v1 builds trying to catch people who are not optimized for 1v1 combat so they can have easy kills.


> Why would you play outside of zerg with a non roamer build?

> This same discussion has been around since the start of mmos and the answer is red = dead. The tears just make it sweeter.



Whether it's one roamer or 5 zergling destroying on player it's all the same and par for the course. A handful of zergers heading back to a zerg will gank a player and laugh about it harder than a solo roamer ganking a player will. Open world pvp, no one gets safe passage lol.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> So my thought is: ganking will make you remain a bad player?

Doesn't this assume that all the players have equal opportunity to be good at the game?

IRL we're not all 20 years old, some are 70 or more,

Some of us have physical differently abilities,

Some of us have mental differently abilities,

Some of us don't have macros,

or a fancy mouse with 50 buttons,

Some of us don't have superfast broadband,

Some of us don't live near the servers.


There are many reasons why we're not of equal capability, we're not all ABLE to improve.

Some of us are never going to get any better at Guild Wars 2.


So when you lump us all into a group of "bads" who can't play and then rub it in by forcing us into an involuntary 1v1, just because we dump siege on some uber dood who seemed to be impossible to kill, think again.


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Good players define themselves on what they can do. It may not be everything, but it is something. They make themselves useful


Bad players define themselves in what they can't do. They already have a page of excuses ready before they even fail.


I know players that are 60-70+ and yes, they won't win any 1v1. They also don't get 1 pushed either, and find many ways of contributing and also not being easy targets (eg, taking smarter paths). You can always make up for lack of mechanical ability (lol like Gw2 has any) with your brain.


Nobody cares if you suck at dueling because it doesn't matter. There are many other ways to play this game mode. But when you start writing like the world owes you, it makes you an easy target.


If you contribute to your server, then why does losing a 1v1 even matter lol.

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yea wvw it isn't really easy to make groups of the same size. you will have zergs running around. then roamers and people that are outnumbered. but occassionally they are one and the same. I think each player contributes to one of these groups in one way or another and helps out the server. Now what makes a bad player. I think it is perception. I for one learnt that you have to be on the edge in wvw at all times. a friendly enemy might stab you in the back while you thought it was safe. That's why I tend to get the first attack in battles 1vs1, because I know the player would have used the time eventually to attack me first aswell.


an eye for an eye

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> @"Zepoolpe.9217" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > @"Shadowcat.2680" said:

> > > I've always thought "ganking" meant 100 to 0ing someone unexpectedly (e.g. from stealth).

> >

> > "Ganking: It is a word commonly used in online video games, usualy used in an MMORPG. Ganking is the process in which a group of characters gang up on one or more players that do not have a chance to defend themselves..." Meaning, outnumbering.

> Does not mean necessarly outnumbering you: some builds can make it so that if you open on them by surprise (usually that means opening either from stealth or by shadowstepping from a "hidden" position), you down them before they can react by a combination of bursts and stunlocks (ie: one-shotting).


No it means they outnumber you. That's its definition. If a player pops out of stealth and hits you for 100% of your health before you knew they were there its not ganking unless there's two of them. If someone perma stuns you, pews you from range condi nukes you etc, its only ganking if you were outnumebred.


There are no Ifs or buts, ganking is purely a numbers term, and has negative connotations the same way bullies are looked down on when they "gang" up on one kid at school.


You can call getting one shot being "cheesed" or "meta abuse" or something else, but it is not, has never been and will never be ganking.

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Well, i actually looked it up in a few dictionaries and found the following definition (among other, similar explanations):


"(Internet, online gaming, slang) To kill, ambush, or defeat with little effort; used in online games."


So apparently you do not need to outnumber someone to gank him, it is enough if the the other side has no chance to win the fight. And this is exactly what usually happens if a zergling gets attacked by a roamer, unless the roamer makes several huge mistakes.


But at the end of the day "ganking" is just a word. You are the only person who knows if you gank people to help your server to control the map or if you gank them because you enjoy to grief other players. The former is part of the gamemode, the latter is where the word gets it's bad name from. And while both actions bear the same name, the reasons for them are fundamentally different.


Edit:While the first part with the definition was meant for Doug, the rest was more generic and not targeted at someone specific. I also understand that "ganking" was created from the words "gang" and "killing", but that doesn't mean that it is restricted to this meaning. just remember where the term "bug" comes from.

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As many of my PvP forum friends can attest. WvW players kitten suck! With a capital S. Just today I had a Borlis Pass warrior (PM me if you want acc name) BM me, after losing 6-0 he then proceeded to claim I was playing a cheese build (Mind you I am, blame ANET for that one). By all standards, I ganked the guy. At one point he had a weaver +1 and camp guards and still killed both. No I'm not boasting. Merely illustrating how bad the bulk of WvW players are when compared to even Silver Rank PvP players. I'm genuinely surprised by the average performance, tho I imagine the non plebs already quit and we're left to play vs sub par opponents.

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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > WvW players kitten suck!

> . . .

> > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > I was playing a cheese build

> . . .

> you just confirmed your observation xD



Jokes aside I'd challenge any WvW roamer to fight me 1v1. Those that would take the bet, boy I feel sorry for them. unless you're a thief.

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> @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > WvW players kitten suck!

> > . . .

> > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > I was playing a cheese build

> > . . .

> > you just confirmed your observation xD

> >


> Jokes aside I'd challenge any WvW roamer to fight me 1v1. Those that would take the bet, boy I feel sorry for them. unless you're a thief.

Spoken like a true roamer . . . I apologize for my hasty prejudice * bows *

(no sarcasm)

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> @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > WvW players kitten suck!

> > . . .

> > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > I was playing a cheese build

> > . . .

> > you just confirmed your observation xD

> >


> Jokes aside I'd challenge any WvW roamer to fight me 1v1. Those that would take the bet, boy I feel sorry for them. unless you're a thief.


U na? I'll 1v1 for fun, I have no issue losing and feel no shame in it. I pvp to but am only gold 3 but also roam wvw. Usual pd thief so u wont feel bad beating me, not that ud feel bad anyway lol.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:


> Even when there were several legitimate 1-shot builds available, I didn't see a lot of pros complaining about losing to noobs. Have they just been keeping quiet to protect their memes?


That's because pros usually don't loose to noobs.. quite the reverse in fact :)



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> @"Zepoolpe.9217" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:


> > Even when there were several legitimate 1-shot builds available, I didn't see a lot of pros complaining about losing to noobs. Have they just been keeping quiet to protect their memes?

> >

> That's because pros usually don't loose to noobs.. quite the reverse in fact :)




And yet we have people claiming that the 1 shot meta allowed exactly that to happen. I think that's nonsense, too.

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> @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> As many of my PvP forum friends can attest. WvW players kitten suck! With a capital S. Just today I had a Borlis Pass warrior (PM me if you want acc name) BM me, after losing 6-0 he then proceeded to claim I was playing a cheese build (Mind you I am, blame ANET for that one). By all standards, I ganked the guy. At one point he had a weaver +1 and camp guards and still killed both. No I'm not boasting. Merely illustrating how bad the bulk of WvW players are when compared to even Silver Rank PvP players. I'm genuinely surprised by the average performance, tho I imagine the non plebs already quit and we're left to play vs sub par opponents.


but then again, there's not much difference between most plat players and silver players in spvp either...

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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > > WvW players kitten suck!

> > > . . .

> > > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > > I was playing a cheese build

> > > . . .

> > > you just confirmed your observation xD

> > >

> >

> > Jokes aside I'd challenge any WvW roamer to fight me 1v1. Those that would take the bet, boy I feel sorry for them. unless you're a thief.

> Spoken like a true~~ roamer~~ ganker . . . I apologize for my hasty prejudice * bows *

> (no sarcasm)


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > So what you are saying is that if those 30 do /bow, at least one of them will be skilled? Thats singular. Guess they just have to kill 30 people 30v1, do /bow and then all will be skilled.

> > > > Ehm no, I was saying that ppl who jump on corpses are bad players.

> > > But we are talking about /bow, not jumping on others. You made it the defining feature of a skilled player.

> > >

> > No, I sad that skilled players either bow or just move on to the next fight. And that corps jumping confirms bad players.

> >

> Exactly. Since moving on to the next fight is rather normal, then /bow is what defines the skilled player.


> Now, the *real* question here is, what happens if I /bow to someone I kill, then the next one I kill I jump on?


> *mind blown*



Think one would be Super(ior) but at the same time bad...Superbad?!

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For those who complain about a 1v1 ganker;

If you fail to Stay on tag and die while hè doesn't wipe its on you, not the tag or ganker


Now you have the tools to switch builds and gear to switch in 2 secs completely to be able to win a 1v1 and you still complain 'i have but a zergling build' its 100% on you


For those who complain about xv1 gankers:

if you pass through Them without thinking they attack its rather stupid. If you run and they chase..yeah they most likely bad players




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> @"L A T I O N.8923" said:

> if you pass through Them without thinking they attack its rather stupid.

Has nothing to do with the term ganking. If it would be sufficient to just avoid being ganked by switching to a specific build or to make a choice "Would you like to be ganked? Yes / No / Maybe?" thats not ganking.

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