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Are gankers bad players?


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This thread be like


**You're bad if you:**

Don't bow


Use any build that counters my build

Don't play by my rules

Roam with 1, 2, 5, 10 friends, how ever many I can't handle alone

Corpse jump, siege bury, or any kind of bm

Kite too much

Fight me when I'm using a zerg build

Kill people in zergs when you're not in a zerg

Play a meta build

Play a OP build

Provide me with any kind of challenge


**I'm good if I:**



A bad player is a bad player. Doing things you disagree with or don't enjoy dealing with doesn't make someone bad. Not being mechanically or strategically skilled is what makes someone bad. You can be as much of a jerk as you want, abuse as many OP builds as you want, or play as scummy as you want, it doesn't make you bad, it just makes some people mad.

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You guys take this to serious. Why are people only supposed to fight in an even fight, this basically never happens so why even start with it. And isn’t wvw also about uneven situations, this makes the game interesting. If evey singly fight is an 5v5 it would get boring very fast. Just go obsidian refuge and fight 5v5 I bet the most of you do this an hour and then go do something else. Personally I had a lot of fun fighting outnumbered while heading north camp and if you don’t take it to serious you can even laugh about it if more and more enemy’s come to fight you. Of cause I get a little bit salty if I get ganked by an outnumbered squad but I for myself feel fire after that and are motivated to find these guys and kill them one by one. After that I also sometimes jump and throw siege just for the lulz, who cares

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> This thread be like


> **You're bad if you:**

> Don't bow

> Chase

> Use any build that counters my build

> Don't play by my rules

> Roam with 1, 2, 5, 10 friends, how ever many I can't handle alone

> Corpse jump, siege bury, or any kind of bm

> Kite too much

> Fight me when I'm using a zerg build

> Kill people in zergs when you're not in a zerg

> Play a meta build

> Play a OP build

> Provide me with any kind of challenge


> **I'm good if I:**

> Win


> A bad player is a bad player. Doing things you disagree with or don't enjoy dealing with doesn't make someone bad. Not being mechanically or strategically skilled is what makes someone bad. You can be as much of a jerk as you want, abuse as many OP builds as you want, or play as scummy as you want, it doesn't make you bad, it just makes some people mad.


People act in videogames as they'd act in real life if no social security would be present, a bully in real life will most likely be a bully in a videogame...

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Just go vs. Whiteside Ridge in EU T1 and you will know where all the bad players stack. I mean 5 Thief gank group? 24h gank camp at SMC? Spawn camping with siege ? Thats just pure LULs ;) You may die, but try it and you will have the max skill and fun lvl WvW can offer you these days :p


PS: oh I forgot about guild ganking ofc, I just got ganked ingame by 20 idiot LAYS guys :) its as I said, high quality gaming <3


PS 2: . . . and I logged in a second time and guess what? that idiot braindead LAYS squad ganked me again, just because I again dismounted one of their idiots . . . that so lul you should try that shit by yourself -> get good luls for sure ;)

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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> Just go vs. Whiteside Ridge in EU T1 and you will know where all the bad players stack. I mean 5 Thief gank group? 24h gank camp at SMC? Spawn camping with siege ? Thats just pure LULs ;) You may die, but try it and you will have the max skill and fun lvl WvW can offer you these days :p


> PS: oh I forgot about guild ganking ofc, I just got ganked ingame by 20 idiot LAYS guys :) its as I said, high quality gaming <3


> PS 2: . . . and I logged in a second time and guess what? that idiot braindead LAYS squad ganked me again, just because I again dismounted one of their idiots . . . that so lul you should try that kitten by yourself -> get good luls for sure ;)


I don't get it. Why are they idiots? If it's red, it's dead. What are we even arguing about? Whether they had 10v1 or 1v3, if a player is killed in WvW it was fair game. Solo roaming is a roll of the dice. If you get salty about dying, you'd better get good at fighting and play builds that allow you to disengage/escape at will.


I just went solo roaming for an hour and a half. I had some great fights, got all of my dailies done, gained a bunch of ranks, and had a good time. Yeah, I got steamrolled by a roaming group or two, bit off more than I could chew a few times, and also won a lot of fights both 1v1 and outnumbered. I met good, bad, and inbetween. Isn't that how it's supposed to be?

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > Just go vs. Whiteside Ridge in EU T1 and you will know where all the bad players stack. I mean 5 Thief gank group? 24h gank camp at SMC? Spawn camping with siege ? Thats just pure LULs ;) You may die, but try it and you will have the max skill and fun lvl WvW can offer you these days :p

> >

> > PS: oh I forgot about guild ganking ofc, I just got ganked ingame by 20 idiot LAYS guys :) its as I said, high quality gaming <3

> >

> > PS 2: . . . and I logged in a second time and guess what? that idiot braindead LAYS squad ganked me again, just because I again dismounted one of their idiots . . . that so lul you should try that kitten by yourself -> get good luls for sure ;)


> I don't get it. Why are they idiots? If it's red, it's dead. What are we even arguing about? Whether they had 10v1 or 1v3, if a player is killed in WvW it was fair game. Solo roaming is a roll of the dice. If you get salty about dying, you'd better get good at fighting and play builds that allow you to disengage/escape at will.


> I just went solo roaming for an hour and a half. I had some great fights, got all of my dailies done, gained a bunch of ranks, and had a good time. Yeah, I got steamrolled by a roaming group or two, bit off more than I could chew a few times, and also won a lot of fights both 1v1 and outnumbered. I met good, bad, and inbetween. Isn't that how it's supposed to be?

You might have missed the part where I dismounted a player that was obviously too bad to fight a fair 1vs1, so 20 ppl rode all the way back, wasting their time ;)


> I don't get it. Why are they idiots? If it's red, it's dead.

Maybe because they need to call 20 ppl for help to do that?


So I get the whidespread concept of having fun with ganking as a guild, and the excuse with "its because we play as one guild, blah blub", its not that one specific guild, in fact its the usual misbehaviour in current WvW. Oddly the same guilds cry a river and go mad if some random newbs jump and ruin their GvG scrim, and call them idiots. So why is that then? :p


Howsoever, this thread very much tempts me to create a new troll build for 1 vs gank teams. There is an astonishing amout of ~~idiots~~ ok lets call them "players that just have fun with chasing a outnumbered enemy" that are willing to follow me across the whole map . . . also this is very helpful to get the missing parts of map completion :p

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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > > Just go vs. Whiteside Ridge in EU T1 and you will know where all the bad players stack. I mean 5 Thief gank group? 24h gank camp at SMC? Spawn camping with siege ? Thats just pure LULs ;) You may die, but try it and you will have the max skill and fun lvl WvW can offer you these days :p

> > >

> > > PS: oh I forgot about guild ganking ofc, I just got ganked ingame by 20 idiot LAYS guys :) its as I said, high quality gaming <3

> > >

> > > PS 2: . . . and I logged in a second time and guess what? that idiot braindead LAYS squad ganked me again, just because I again dismounted one of their idiots . . . that so lul you should try that kitten by yourself -> get good luls for sure ;)

> >

> > I don't get it. Why are they idiots? If it's red, it's dead. What are we even arguing about? Whether they had 10v1 or 1v3, if a player is killed in WvW it was fair game. Solo roaming is a roll of the dice. If you get salty about dying, you'd better get good at fighting and play builds that allow you to disengage/escape at will.

> >

> > I just went solo roaming for an hour and a half. I had some great fights, got all of my dailies done, gained a bunch of ranks, and had a good time. Yeah, I got steamrolled by a roaming group or two, bit off more than I could chew a few times, and also won a lot of fights both 1v1 and outnumbered. I met good, bad, and inbetween. Isn't that how it's supposed to be?

> You might have missed the part where I dismounted a player that was obviously too bad to fight a fair 1vs1, so 20 ppl rode all the way back, wasting their time ;)


> > I don't get it. Why are they idiots? If it's red, it's dead.

> Maybe because they need to call 20 ppl for help to do that?


> So I get the whidespread concept of having fun with ganking as a guild, and the excuse with "its because we play as one guild, blah blub", its not that one specific guild, in fact its the usual misbehaviour in current WvW. Oddly the same guilds cry a river and go mad if some random newbs jump and ruin their GvG scrim, and call them idiots. So why is that then? :p


> Howsoever, this thread very much tempts me to create a new troll build for 1 vs gank teams. There is an astonishing amout of ~~idiots~~ ok lets call them "players that just have fun with chasing a outnumbered enemy" that are willing to follow me across the whole map . . . also this is very helpful to get the missing parts of map completion :p


I'm more astonished at how many people play competitive modes, yet clearly can't handle losing as they'll create their own arbitrary code of ethics just so that they can convince themselves that their losses are somehow less-than-legitimate. If you want to live forever, just make your troll build have mobility and stealth. I recommend mesmer or thief. You may not win every fight, but you shouldn't lose any either. No more tears! Perfect!

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > > > Just go vs. Whiteside Ridge in EU T1 and you will know where all the bad players stack. I mean 5 Thief gank group? 24h gank camp at SMC? Spawn camping with siege ? Thats just pure LULs ;) You may die, but try it and you will have the max skill and fun lvl WvW can offer you these days :p

> > > >

> > > > PS: oh I forgot about guild ganking ofc, I just got ganked ingame by 20 idiot LAYS guys :) its as I said, high quality gaming <3

> > > >

> > > > PS 2: . . . and I logged in a second time and guess what? that idiot braindead LAYS squad ganked me again, just because I again dismounted one of their idiots . . . that so lul you should try that kitten by yourself -> get good luls for sure ;)

> > >

> > > I don't get it. Why are they idiots? If it's red, it's dead. What are we even arguing about? Whether they had 10v1 or 1v3, if a player is killed in WvW it was fair game. Solo roaming is a roll of the dice. If you get salty about dying, you'd better get good at fighting and play builds that allow you to disengage/escape at will.

> > >

> > > I just went solo roaming for an hour and a half. I had some great fights, got all of my dailies done, gained a bunch of ranks, and had a good time. Yeah, I got steamrolled by a roaming group or two, bit off more than I could chew a few times, and also won a lot of fights both 1v1 and outnumbered. I met good, bad, and inbetween. Isn't that how it's supposed to be?

> > You might have missed the part where I dismounted a player that was obviously too bad to fight a fair 1vs1, so 20 ppl rode all the way back, wasting their time ;)

> >

> > > I don't get it. Why are they idiots? If it's red, it's dead.

> > Maybe because they need to call 20 ppl for help to do that?

> >

> > So I get the whidespread concept of having fun with ganking as a guild, and the excuse with "its because we play as one guild, blah blub", its not that one specific guild, in fact its the usual misbehaviour in current WvW. Oddly the same guilds cry a river and go mad if some random newbs jump and ruin their GvG scrim, and call them idiots. So why is that then? :p

> >

> > Howsoever, this thread very much tempts me to create a new troll build for 1 vs gank teams. There is an astonishing amout of ~~idiots~~ ok lets call them "players that just have fun with chasing a outnumbered enemy" that are willing to follow me across the whole map . . . also this is very helpful to get the missing parts of map completion :p


> I'm more astonished at how many people play competitive modes, yet clearly can't handle losing as they'll create their own arbitrary code of ethics just so that they can convince themselves that their losses are somehow less-than-legitimate. If you want to live forever, just make your troll build have mobility and stealth. I recommend mesmer or thief. You may not win every fight, but you shouldn't lose any either. No more tears! Perfect!

Tell that to the many gankers out there. Obviously, they are the ones that cant handle to lose and thus come in big groups vs. outnumbered right? ;)


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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > > > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > > > > Just go vs. Whiteside Ridge in EU T1 and you will know where all the bad players stack. I mean 5 Thief gank group? 24h gank camp at SMC? Spawn camping with siege ? Thats just pure LULs ;) You may die, but try it and you will have the max skill and fun lvl WvW can offer you these days :p

> > > > >

> > > > > PS: oh I forgot about guild ganking ofc, I just got ganked ingame by 20 idiot LAYS guys :) its as I said, high quality gaming <3

> > > > >

> > > > > PS 2: . . . and I logged in a second time and guess what? that idiot braindead LAYS squad ganked me again, just because I again dismounted one of their idiots . . . that so lul you should try that kitten by yourself -> get good luls for sure ;)

> > > >

> > > > I don't get it. Why are they idiots? If it's red, it's dead. What are we even arguing about? Whether they had 10v1 or 1v3, if a player is killed in WvW it was fair game. Solo roaming is a roll of the dice. If you get salty about dying, you'd better get good at fighting and play builds that allow you to disengage/escape at will.

> > > >

> > > > I just went solo roaming for an hour and a half. I had some great fights, got all of my dailies done, gained a bunch of ranks, and had a good time. Yeah, I got steamrolled by a roaming group or two, bit off more than I could chew a few times, and also won a lot of fights both 1v1 and outnumbered. I met good, bad, and inbetween. Isn't that how it's supposed to be?

> > > You might have missed the part where I dismounted a player that was obviously too bad to fight a fair 1vs1, so 20 ppl rode all the way back, wasting their time ;)

> > >

> > > > I don't get it. Why are they idiots? If it's red, it's dead.

> > > Maybe because they need to call 20 ppl for help to do that?

> > >

> > > So I get the whidespread concept of having fun with ganking as a guild, and the excuse with "its because we play as one guild, blah blub", its not that one specific guild, in fact its the usual misbehaviour in current WvW. Oddly the same guilds cry a river and go mad if some random newbs jump and ruin their GvG scrim, and call them idiots. So why is that then? :p

> > >

> > > Howsoever, this thread very much tempts me to create a new troll build for 1 vs gank teams. There is an astonishing amout of ~~idiots~~ ok lets call them "players that just have fun with chasing a outnumbered enemy" that are willing to follow me across the whole map . . . also this is very helpful to get the missing parts of map completion :p

> >

> > I'm more astonished at how many people play competitive modes, yet clearly can't handle losing as they'll create their own arbitrary code of ethics just so that they can convince themselves that their losses are somehow less-than-legitimate. If you want to live forever, just make your troll build have mobility and stealth. I recommend mesmer or thief. You may not win every fight, but you shouldn't lose any either. No more tears! Perfect!

> Tell that to the many gankers out there. Obviously, they are the ones that cant handle to lose and thus come in big groups vs. outnumbered right? ;)



And that's their right well withing the gameplay possibilities of the mode, @"AliamRationem.5172" is correct. I'm not playing in zergs, I mainly solo in wvw and it sure is annoying when some people only want to "Xv1", but that doesn't make those players wrong. We go into WvW knowing the rules, if we MAKE A CHOICE to solo roam, we know we can get outnumbered easly and that it'll probably happen more than it won't. It seems you're making excuses to try and claim you didn't lose because they didn't obey your self-imposed rules. There's no reason for the opponent to care about the way YOU (or I) want to play. The sooner everyone understands that, the better (mainly for their mental health I guess :p ).

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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > > > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > > > > Just go vs. Whiteside Ridge in EU T1 and you will know where all the bad players stack. I mean 5 Thief gank group? 24h gank camp at SMC? Spawn camping with siege ? Thats just pure LULs ;) You may die, but try it and you will have the max skill and fun lvl WvW can offer you these days :p

> > > > >

> > > > > PS: oh I forgot about guild ganking ofc, I just got ganked ingame by 20 idiot LAYS guys :) its as I said, high quality gaming <3

> > > > >

> > > > > PS 2: . . . and I logged in a second time and guess what? that idiot braindead LAYS squad ganked me again, just because I again dismounted one of their idiots . . . that so lul you should try that kitten by yourself -> get good luls for sure ;)

> > > >

> > > > I don't get it. Why are they idiots? If it's red, it's dead. What are we even arguing about? Whether they had 10v1 or 1v3, if a player is killed in WvW it was fair game. Solo roaming is a roll of the dice. If you get salty about dying, you'd better get good at fighting and play builds that allow you to disengage/escape at will.

> > > >

> > > > I just went solo roaming for an hour and a half. I had some great fights, got all of my dailies done, gained a bunch of ranks, and had a good time. Yeah, I got steamrolled by a roaming group or two, bit off more than I could chew a few times, and also won a lot of fights both 1v1 and outnumbered. I met good, bad, and inbetween. Isn't that how it's supposed to be?

> > > You might have missed the part where I dismounted a player that was obviously too bad to fight a fair 1vs1, so 20 ppl rode all the way back, wasting their time ;)

> > >

> > > > I don't get it. Why are they idiots? If it's red, it's dead.

> > > Maybe because they need to call 20 ppl for help to do that?

> > >

> > > So I get the whidespread concept of having fun with ganking as a guild, and the excuse with "its because we play as one guild, blah blub", its not that one specific guild, in fact its the usual misbehaviour in current WvW. Oddly the same guilds cry a river and go mad if some random newbs jump and ruin their GvG scrim, and call them idiots. So why is that then? :p

> > >

> > > Howsoever, this thread very much tempts me to create a new troll build for 1 vs gank teams. There is an astonishing amout of ~~idiots~~ ok lets call them "players that just have fun with chasing a outnumbered enemy" that are willing to follow me across the whole map . . . also this is very helpful to get the missing parts of map completion :p

> >

> > I'm more astonished at how many people play competitive modes, yet clearly can't handle losing as they'll create their own arbitrary code of ethics just so that they can convince themselves that their losses are somehow less-than-legitimate. If you want to live forever, just make your troll build have mobility and stealth. I recommend mesmer or thief. You may not win every fight, but you shouldn't lose any either. No more tears! Perfect!

> Tell that to the many gankers out there. Obviously, they are the ones that cant handle to lose and thus come in big groups vs. outnumbered right? ;)



Why? They aren't the ones complaining that their notion of fair play has been violated. You are. But nobody agreed to play by your rules. Why don't you get on board with the only rule there is in all of this: The Red Rule! If it's red, it's dead. No more worrying about being outnumbered, +1'd, 1-shot, killed from stealth, hard countered, while your cat is walking across your keyboard, or any of the other excuses you've told yourself to make those deaths seem less legitimate. But in the end, there is only one rule and it states that if you die in WvW, it was a fair kill. No matter what.


If you started thinking this way, you'd enjoy WvW a lot more. Maybe that's why roaming is dead? Because too many people cry about how they died instead of just accepting that it happened and that its part of the game mode?

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> It seems you're making excuses to try and claim you didn't lose because they didn't obey your self-imposed rules. There's no reason for the opponent to care about the way YOU (or I) want to play. The sooner everyone understands that, the better (mainly for their mental health I guess :p ).


> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> Why? They aren't the ones complaining that their notion of fair play has been violated. You are.


WTF are you guys talking about? U on drugs or something? I just laughed at that guild because they are so bad, thats it ;)


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> @"Vortigern.1987" said:

> You are the only person who knows if you gank people to help your server to control the map or if you gank them because you enjoy to grief other players.


The very idea that someone could be griefing by killing another player in a pvp game is fantastically cringeworthy.



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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > It seems you're making excuses to try and claim you didn't lose because they didn't obey your self-imposed rules. There's no reason for the opponent to care about the way YOU (or I) want to play. The sooner everyone understands that, the better (mainly for their mental health I guess :p ).

> ...

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > Why? They aren't the ones complaining that their notion of fair play has been violated. You are.


> kitten are you guys talking about? U on drugs or something? I just laughed at that guild because they are so bad, thats it ;)



The salt is a hell of a drug...

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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > It seems you're making excuses to try and claim you didn't lose because they didn't obey your self-imposed rules. There's no reason for the opponent to care about the way YOU (or I) want to play. The sooner everyone understands that, the better (mainly for their mental health I guess :p ).

> ...

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > Why? They aren't the ones complaining that their notion of fair play has been violated. You are.


> kitten are you guys talking about? U on drugs or something? I just laughed at that guild because they are so bad, thats it ;)



You were literally calling people "idiots" because they didn't play the way you wanted them to and because of that it's clear you have the wrong mindset about that issue. I'm fairly sure that's what we're talking about, thought it was clear enough from the answers. :p

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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> Just go vs. Whiteside Ridge in EU T1 and you will know where all the bad players stack. I mean 5 Thief gank group? 24h gank camp at SMC? Spawn camping with siege ? Thats just pure LULs ;) You may die, but try it and you will have the max skill and fun lvl WvW can offer you these days :p


> PS: oh I forgot about guild ganking ofc, I just got ganked ingame by 20 idiot LAYS guys :) its as I said, high quality gaming <3


> PS 2: . . . and I logged in a second time and guess what? that idiot braindead LAYS squad ganked me again, just because I again dismounted one of their idiots . . . that so lul you should try that kitten by yourself -> get good luls for sure ;)


I'd say from that server Lays and Kill are the least of the gankers. The many times they just passed me or the 2 of us without even trying to get us. Why would they it's not really a challenge.

But there are some other people on that server that seem to love 5 v 1 everyone and everytime. I dont see how that is fun, but hey perhaps they are really insecure in real life :)

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"Vortigern.1987" said:

> > You are the only person who knows if you gank people to help your server to control the map or if you gank them because you enjoy to grief other players.


> The very idea that someone could be griefing by killing another player in a pvp game is fantastically cringeworthy.




How dare you ruin my gaming experience! (which somehow involves killing your side somehow)

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"Vortigern.1987" said:

> > > You are the only person who knows if you gank people to help your server to control the map or if you gank them because you enjoy to grief other players.

> >

> > The very idea that someone could be griefing by killing another player in a pvp game is fantastically cringeworthy.

> >

> >


> How dare you ruin my gaming experience! (which somehow involves killing your side somehow)


Some of these guys must've got lost on the way to silverwastes, eh? <,<

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