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Remove earth runes from pvp


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Reflect was already too present with classes like mirage and now it's even worse because everyone is running earth runes. It's free protection and free reflect when you get hit, it's literally free defense. These kinds of runes are not healthy for the game, please either make earth runes require elite usage for the proc or get them out of pvp. Random procs are not something that can be balanced and should not be in pvp.

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> @"Ario.8964" said:

> Reflect was already too present with classes like mirage and now it's even worse because everyone is running earth runes. It's free protection and free reflect when you get hit, it's literally free defense. These kinds of runes are not healthy for the game, please either make earth runes require elite usage for the proc or get them out of pvp. Random procs are not something that can be balanced and should not be in pvp.


It's clearly not free. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opportunity_cost


It's also not random. You could quite literally hit them once and wait 5s behind a pillar.

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Nah, that rune is fine. Keeps "most" of the one shot cheese in check. Especially with Deadeye due to how bad interpolation, ping and response time can be.


Tempest always had a similar trait and nobody complained, just learn to play around it all it takes it one hit, if you ask people to react faster than you do to counter your skills you should be able to do the same with theirs.

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> @"Kotte.2460" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > 5s of easy to predict and baitable reflection @ a 60s cooldown are overpowered?

> >

> > Seriously?

> So op Mann


Didn't make any claims they were OP. Just not something that could be reliably balanced since unless you count the CD you have no idea when it's going to be up. Take for example rev sword 2 or holo's static discharge, 1 thing hits them and since your other projectiles are already on the way to are forced to either eat them or dodge if it happens to pop off the first projectile that hits them. Considering the classes running this rune are classes like soulbeast, warrior, and mirage (all of which are side noders with the ability to make combat last a long time, it's not uncommon for the runes to pop multiple times during a fight). Random and unbalanceable =/= op. Same reason I advocated for removal of fire/air sigs from pvp when that was a thing. Random procs should not be present in pvp is what I'm getting at. Reducing randomness everywhere (including traits, runes, sigs, etc.) will help to balance pvp better in the long run.

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I kinda agree. Procs are dumb, hard to predict and should be changed. There are a lot of them, Rune of Earth is just used a little more currently. Change them into something else, like, I dunno, either proc on elite or "takes 5% less damage from enemies more than 600 away" or something like that.


However, in my view this is faaar down the priority list. :wink:

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It was dumb giving an Ele skill away for free on a rune with Shocking Aura on Surging and it's equally dumb with Magnetic Aura on Earth. Protection is already one of the strongest boons in the game, which add free reflect on top of it. The OP is right, it has no place in PvP, it's as dumb as Surging was, and that triggered only on elite, so at least you had to use it actively. This was one triggers on any dps you get, so effectively always. Sure you can bait it and wait out, but if a passive effect from a rune with other useful stats forces you to disengage for 5s, maybe that's a tad too strong?

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LMAO no.


Do not run your stupid range builds that should be weaker in the first place.


If Dragonhunter longbow cannot be strong, than neither can DE rifle or Ranger Longbow. Keep killing yourself on my aura. You're complaining about a rune that is sometimes teched in to counter projectile heavy comps. They are not even listed in the meta builds because meta builds wants to dump the most damage on a person or keep their boons revved up as much as possible.


There is no reason we should be considerate and play stupid just because every Holosmith/DE/Soulbeast wants to rely on their grossly, high damage range attacks. So yeah, good luck, Anet ain't never gonna listen to something that petty.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Tbh we should have icons for every passive that is ready to proc. In general the boon/debuff bar should be more readable.


Yes, this please! The bar is so small to read. I've been playing for years and even still, it's tough to read. Maybe just cause my eyes are old, but please make this bigger

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> @"Stallic.2397" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > Tbh we should have icons for every passive that is ready to proc. In general the boon/debuff bar should be more readable.


> Yes, this please! The bar is so small to read. I've been playing for years and even still, it's tough to read. Maybe just cause my eyes are old, but please make this bigger


Anet increases UI size by 1000000% but forgets boon/debuff ui

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> @"Ario.8964" said:

> Reflect was already too present with classes like mirage and now it's even worse because everyone is running earth runes. It's free protection and free reflect when you get hit, it's literally free defense. These kinds of runes are not healthy for the game, please either make earth runes require elite usage for the proc or get them out of pvp. Random procs are not something that can be balanced and should not be in pvp.


3 words


1 min cooldown

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> LMAO no.


> Do not run your stupid range builds that should be weaker in the first place.


> If Dragonhunter longbow cannot be strong, than neither can DE rifle or Ranger Longbow. Keep killing yourself on my aura. You're complaining about a rune that is sometimes teched in to counter projectile heavy comps. They are not even listed in the meta builds because meta builds wants to dump the most damage on a person or keep their boons revved up as much as possible.


> There is no reason we should be considerate and play stupid just because every Holosmith/DE/Soulbeast wants to rely on their grossly, high damage range attacks. So yeah, good luck, Anet ain't never gonna listen to something that petty.


I'm all for toning down ranged builds as well because I agree, ranged damage is over the top and is ridiculous. Random procs are not the way to fix that, all they do is add more balancing issues over time. If earth runes want extra projectile hate then by all means put a dmg decrease when people are beyond the range threshold. I'm all for it, as long as it's not a random proc.

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > Reflect was already too present with classes like mirage and now it's even worse because everyone is running earth runes. It's free protection and free reflect when you get hit, it's literally free defense. These kinds of runes are not healthy for the game, please either make earth runes require elite usage for the proc or get them out of pvp. Random procs are not something that can be balanced and should not be in pvp.


> 3 words


> 1 min cooldown


Rampage is a 90 second cd and still gets popped every fight that has a warrior in it. What's your point? 1 minute is a short cd when you consider time spent travelling between fights and how long many fights last nowadays.

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> @"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:

> It just reflects projectile.... Get up close and personal and do some meele damage... Or better yet... Why cry about Earth runes being unbalanced if nobody's stopping you from equipping one??? Or is it that you guys want your specific build to be superior and anything that counters it must be nerfed? :'(


So your argument is "just use it too"? Yeah no, if I went by that logic I'd be playing condi mirage and boonbeast but I'd like to play builds that don't put me to sleep and actually have some risk involved in them. Earth runes aren't a full counter to any build either. Like I've said many times before, it isn't the strength of the rune that I'm attacking, it's the priciple of random procs in pvp.

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Well, it's more the another random mecanic that's bother me.


The % procs or procs with cooldown impossible to track for both player and enemies are just unskilled. Like all those % life procs with long cooldown.


At least for those passive runes, give a buff indicator that will help both parties. (+ cooldown for the player).

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> @"Ario.8964" said:

> > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > > Reflect was already too present with classes like mirage and now it's even worse because everyone is running earth runes. It's free protection and free reflect when you get hit, it's literally free defense. These kinds of runes are not healthy for the game, please either make earth runes require elite usage for the proc or get them out of pvp. Random procs are not something that can be balanced and should not be in pvp.

> >

> > 3 words

> >

> > 1 min cooldown


> Rampage is a 90 second cd and still gets popped every fight that has a warrior in it. What's your point? 1 minute is a short cd when you consider time spent travelling between fights and how long many fights last nowadays.


if the guy pops it twice in a fight is prolly your fault not rune's


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