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> @"Mikali.9651" said:

> Yeah Obtena and Justine could you please stop with this, the point of this thread is not to argue, and also, the point of this thread is not to rub salt into the wound, Obtena. This is one thread about and for Guild Wars 1 players, and do you really need to make all this drama, Obtena? Come on now, let us be already, you are really being abusive now.


Forgive me for doing this to your thread. I will step out.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> Mikali while I understand and agree with you just let it be this time, I'm quite curious on the similar things between gw1 and gw2 apart from lore because I can't think of anything.


There is not a single thing that is similar between these two games, nothing from Guild Wars 1 came into Guild Wars 2 aside Lore and the fact that there is no vertical progression. GW2 game is not made for GW1 players, it is a completely different community and taste. That being said, I still love Guild Wars world, no matter GW1 or GW2 or GW3 or w/e will be. I will always be a part of it. GW2 still has quality, there is no denying it and I really like some things we got in GW2. But it is absolutely, 100% different game and I am of a stance that it shouldn't have been named Guild Wars.

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Teamwork and synergy being encouraged makes a good game. If Arenanet isn't going to continue to develop Guild Wars 1 they should sell it to people who still care. Old school runescape got made only for nostalgia and it's popular and played by many.



Nostalgia is not a problem and memories are good and should be cherished. People should be able to love and enjoy a game they played forever. Do not shut down a game because you made a sequel. Games are not movies...people spend hours grinding in them and love them.



This video I'm going to post is proof that communities inspire games to become popular. PvP and WvWvW are the true end game Arenanet. We should not be ignored...We are your most passionate and dedicated players.


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I think the problem with this kind of thread is a few things:


> 1. Lamenting GW1 just to do so has little value to the players of this game. It might come as a surprise, but some of us didn't play GW1. Even if you did, what did you come away with from this thread? Some renewed sense of what you will never experience again? To what purpose does that bring for you?

> 2. Regardless of the size of the game or what it offered, they all eventually get to a point of 'maintenance' mode; so accept it. The same will happen to GW2 and I suspect that it's closer than we think it is due to the upcoming popularity of mobile gaming.

> 3. Those of you that stopped playing GW1 did so for a reason, which likely led you here. If you came here because of what GW1 was, and not for what GW2 is or might be in anticipation, then you have only fooled yourself into leaving something you really enjoyed. The remedy for that is not threads like this one.


> The thing that is particularly weird about this thread is that even after speaking to the OP privately, it seems that there isn't a purpose to this thread other than to provide a eulogy to what GW1 was. Don't live in the past and definitely don't lament what GW2 isn't because of it.


Why are you always defending the crap out of gw2? Your always here doing the same thing everytime, its very very odd. Every mmo has clear flaws let people express their opinions, they are being far more objective then you, your opinions no longer holds value when your always blindly defending the flaws and I am talking about from class to general posts here.

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> @"Lost Dragons Tail.3760" said:

> I want to chime in here. I played gw1 and waited in anticipation for gw2, but no where in any of their statements did they say that gw2 was going to be like gw1. They made it clear multiple times, from what I remember, that it was going to be a different experience, but with some of the professions and lore. I heard it said and told that it was 250 years in the future and things have changed.

> But by all means if you can find proof on the net where anet, not people on forums or similar places, said that it was going to be like gw1 then please post them. Because simply saying that it is so does not make is so. Just like many things in gw2 where someone will state that anet promised something, but was never able to provide proof and then another provides proof they said it differently.

> When gw2 came out I at first thought this is not gw. But I kept with it and eventually learned the game. Now I have tried multiple times to play gw1 and just can't do it. I feel stifled in combat because I can't move, or I can't jump. But each persons memory will vary. And one thing I have learned over time is that most people will only remember the good things and ignore or forget the things they don't like. But how one remembers a game is their own. But to say that anet promised something requires proof.

> Now this not to say either side of any argument in here is right or wrong. I see points on each, but as I have been watching this thread I have noticed that it is slowly devolving into a mute argument since the thread is already here, but at the same time it really doesn't help either gw1 or gw2 in any fashion. Up til now I was just finding the discussion interesting, but when someone claims something about anet saying something when I can't remember them every saying, I personally want proof they did.


Showing some important bits of words that got said in the GW2 Manifesto:

Time: 0:44


It's natural GW1 players expected an open-world, more advanced and more fluid version of GW1 set 250 years after the events in GW1.

GW2 really didn't capture most of the things which I stated in my previous posts, I am not saying it's a bad game, but it really did not take so many things that we loved from GW1 :/

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> @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > Every time I hear people talk about how GW1 was stellar for how you can make builds, I think about Champions Online where you actually could pick abilities piece meal from any set. Classes? What's that?


> You COULD pick any skill from any class... 100% of all skills were selectable on a single character if you took the time to learn them. That was a choice of 1,319 different skills across all classes. You were limited instead by your bar size (only 8 skills selected at a time, only one of them can be elite), and the main and off profession you had at any given time. Your secondary could be changed in any outpost, so you had to plan ahead based on what you were doing, but you could make a setup for anything, with any skills you wanted. (attributes were a different story... each class had a "primary attribute" that was unique to that class... for most classes it was some kind of sustain based attribute for managing energy, but there were exceptions)


Champions Online had all that and lets you choose how many ranks your abilities had or if you wanted a different special perk for them. You pick your attributes based on what kind of abilities you wanted to focus on or if you wanted to be tanky or heal. It even had a bunch of items that add on more abilities. Build swapping can also be done in the middle of combat (with a cooldown) that had an outfit/character design change tied to it if you wanted. When I say piece meal I mean every little thing can be picked and customized to your preference.


Not trying to do any measuring. Its just that GW1 still suffers from class limitations and lack of maximum customization.

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> I think they went wrong at a fundamental level by making race skills just flavor, and locking players into a single profession, thus ensuring they needed to create 8 different jack-of-all-trades professions. They should have made each race a differently-flavored jack-of-all-trades solo-friendly "primary profession", and made the professions a role-focused, group-oriented "secondary profession", that you could eventually learn to swap as in GW1. For structured group content, players could be restricted to profession skills, and professions could play very differently.


They decided to make racial skills pretty much useless because they didn't want that one race would be better than another, and that players feel forced to choose one specific race if they want to play a specific class. It was a good decision. If I want to create an army of Asura nothing should stop me from doing so, but racial skills would.


A dual class system with secondary professions is a nightmare to balance. It was a good decision not to include that "feature". Balancing is already terrible enough.

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> @"Mikali.9651" said:

> Yeah Obtena and Justine could you please stop with this, the point of this thread is not to argue, and also, the point of this thread is not to rub salt into the wound, Obtena. This is one thread about and for Guild Wars 1 players, and do you really need to make all this drama, Obtena? Come on now, let us be already, you are really being abusive now.



That's the forum of Guild Wars. If you want to make a thread exclusively for Guild Wars players, that's where it should have been posted. But this is the Guild Wars **2** forum. So obviously people are going to voice opinions in favor of Guild Wars 2. By posting such a thread you're actively opening a discussion. People are allowed and supposed to voice their opinions. Especially on the "Discussion" sub-forum.

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> @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> > @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > I think they went wrong at a fundamental level by making race skills just flavor, and locking players into a single profession, thus ensuring they needed to create 8 different jack-of-all-trades professions. They should have made each race a differently-flavored jack-of-all-trades solo-friendly "primary profession", and made the professions a role-focused, group-oriented "secondary profession", that you could eventually learn to swap as in GW1. For structured group content, players could be restricted to profession skills, and professions could play very differently.


> They decided to make racial skills pretty much useless because they didn't want that one race would be better than another, and that players feel forced to choose one specific race if they want to play a specific class. It was a good decision. If I want to create an army of Asura nothing should stop me from doing so, but racial skills would.


> A dual class system with secondary professions is a nightmare to balance. It was a good decision not to include that "feature". Balancing is already terrible enough.


You can't create an army of Asura, anyway. You can create an army of short humans, tall humans, hairy humans, or skinny green humans, because race is just another cosmetic feature and racial abilities are gimped to the point of uselessness (and the player is effectively written as a human in later content).


Like I said, the racial abilities should have constituted a "profession" suitable for (and only usable in) story and OW, so playing an Asura means using technology and golems, and playing a Norn means shapeshifting, with some profession abilities mixed in for flavor and specialization. For structured group play, _only_ profession abilities should be allowed, so "best race" would not be a thing -- no cares about "best" in OW/story, only in PvP or dungeons/fractals/raids. But it would mean they don't have to make every profession do everything, because no one would be locked into a profession anyway, which means keeping them conceptually tighter and probably easier to balance.


As it stands people already feel like their characters are excluded from group content due to something they can't change (profession), so I don't know what exactly was gained by nerfing race.

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> It's natural GW1 players expected an open-world, more advanced and more fluid version of GW1 set 250 years after the events in GW1.

> GW2 really didn't capture most of the things which I stated in my previous posts, I am not saying it's a bad game, but it really did not take so many things that we loved from GW1 :/


I watched that when it first came out and I watched it again, but it did not say it is going to be like gw1. They said it is going to have the things you like about gw1. Now yes I understand that each person has their parts that they love the most. And they will think that anet was referring to something they personally think should be in gw2, but realistically that is impossible since anet can't know what each individual person loves about gw1.

I do agree it is a shoddy way of saying it that can be interpreted in many different ways by many different people, but just by watching that clip one can surmise that it was nothing like gw1. Well I guess I should say some, like me, surmise it will be nothing like gw1 in how it is played. But it still does not prove that anet said gw1 was going to be a gw2 cloneish. Even in the clip they said it is like nothing you have ever seen before, so thus they are implying that it can't be like gw1 since we have seen it before.

I will say there are things I loved about gw1 that I wish were in gw2 and vice versa, but I by no means believed that it is possible to make a semi mmo into a full mmo without having some compromises. I still think fondly back on gw1 and yes in some ways like the op I do miss many things about gw1, but honestly I personally don't want to go back to gw1 since it looses a lot of what I love about gw2.

My post was simply to say that without proof one cannot say that anet promised anything, and they didn't. 'What you love about gw1' is subjective and honestly just a marketing tool since just about every game does the same type of wording. That does not give proof that anet promised that gw2 will be like gw1 but in the future. Now I do agree that yes it can be interpreted just as you did. I do see that and I agree that it was a crappy way of saying it to just get the gw1 players to buy and try it out. But in the end I was looking for proof of what anet says and they never say in clear terms that it is going to be like gw1 but based on what that clip says it says it will be nothing like anything you have seen before.

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One of the reasons ANet left gw1 in favor of gw2 was precisely that, GW1 was turning into a nightmare balance wise, now you can only laugh at that, seeing how gw2 balance at the best times was a huge step behind gw1 in its worst time.

Has for gwlegacy forums, again there's a thread made by the devs on ANet forum chat about gw1, kitten ANet bringing the dirty gw1 into gw2 sacred place.


@"Lost Dragons Tail.3760" Care to tell me the similar stuff between gw1 and gw2 apart from lore. Or were the devs talking about the lore on manifesto?

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I put over 27,700 hours into Guildwars about 300 hours of that popping on since Guildwars2 has been out. Was I great at the game not really but had fun made some great builds that worked best for me I played since 2006 had all the campaigns and eye of the north expansion. Then I read an article in PC Gamer about the announcement for Guildwars2 on how it came about. What happened was Anet was going to make a new campaign called utopia based on the Mayan and Aztec civilizations. Someone in the group said lets add jumping then another suggested open world as things progressed they realized the Guildwars engine could not be used for all the new systems. So they had to create Guildwars2 now at the time of that article it was all ideas for Guildwars2 nothing started yet at all. First they had to create eye of the north and the Hall of Monuments so people can have a legacy for all the time they spent in Guildwars to bring to Guildwars2. It took Anet a bit over 5 years to create Eye HoM and Guildwars 2. I played Guildwars for a long time had fun, but it was getting boring to me needed a change but had a lot of respect for how Anet runs their games. Unlike most Guildwars players I am personally glad Guildwars2 is completely different from the first game.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:


> @"Lost Dragons Tail.3760" Care to tell me the similar stuff between gw1 and gw2 apart from lore. Or were the devs talking about the lore on manifesto?


Not sure why you are asking me to point out things I said aren't there. I said in my last post that they were advertised in that clip as different. Maybe you should reread what I typed in my last response. So why are you asking me to show something I never said there was. And as I said the statement 'all the things you loved' is a marketing phrase and says nothing of what will be in gw2. As for the manifesto, give me a link to where it is and then I will personally see what it actually says. As I said I can only go by what I remember and that was a long time ago.

I am not here trying to say what is similar or dissimilar. AGAIN I want PROOF of where they said that things in gw2 will be the same as in gw1.

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@"Lost Dragons Tail.3760" I believe you're not really understanding the point many of us are saying here. I don't mean to sound sharp btw, typing sometimes sounds off I know XD

In any case, what I/we are trying to say is that we miss a lot of aspects from GW1 in GW2.

It was to be expected that GW2 would be a different game. With just a whole open world and jumping and all the new combat it is a new game, but it's still Guild Wars. Set in Guild Wars universe.

We, the fans and players of GW1 expected that GW2 would stick to GW1's roots, in terms of staying true to specific things (which I stated in previous posts in this thread).


Unfortunately GW2 did not capture the atmosphere, seriousness, depth and actual feel of GW1. I am not even talking about mechanics here or how builds and whatnot function, I'm talking about story, lore, areas, entire feel of the game.

It's definitely something that got improved over time in GW2, but when I compare GW1 story, atmosphere and depth to GW2, GW2 falls behind a lot. It has a way too cheery mood, story isn't taken seriously (up until "All or Nothing").


My previous post explains it all in detail in any case. I can honestly just say that I'm really sad that GW2 did not take most of the good things from GW1. I am not saying it SHOULD be SAME as GW1, because what would be the point of making GW2, right?

It's just that overall the atmosphere, skills/builds, aoe effects, story, pvp, guilds/guild halls etc...could've been done a bit better, taking the good aspects from GW1.


Nobody here is saying that GW2 should be a mirror of GW1. We all wanted an open world MMORPG that is set in GW universe, but it strayed way too far from the things that we loved in GW1...my greatest regret is how they didn't capture that serious atmosphere, that 'silence' that GW had, the depth and immersion.


That statement from manifesto also says something:

"We are taking everything you loved about GW and putting it in GW2." - names, history and lore got taken from GW1 and nothing else, unfortunately.

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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> @"Lost Dragons Tail.3760" I believe you're not really understanding the point many of us are saying here. I don't mean to sound sharp btw, typing sometimes sounds off I know XD

> In any case, what I/we are trying to say is that we miss a lot of aspects from GW1 in GW2.

> It was to be expected that GW2 would be a different game. With just a whole open world and jumping and all the new combat it is a new game, but it's still Guild Wars. Set in Guild Wars universe.

> We, the fans and players of GW1 expected that GW2 would stick to GW1's roots, in terms of staying true to specific things (which I stated in previous posts in this thread).


> Unfortunately GW2 did not capture the atmosphere, seriousness, depth and actual feel of GW1. I am not even talking about mechanics here or how builds and whatnot function, I'm talking about story, lore, areas, entire feel of the game.

> It's definitely something that got improved over time in GW2, but when I compare GW1 story, atmosphere and depth to GW2, GW2 falls behind a lot. It has a way too cheery mood, story isn't taken seriously (up until "All or Nothing").


> My previous post explains it all in detail in any case. I can honestly just say that I'm really sad that GW2 did not take most of the good things from GW1. I am not saying it SHOULD be SAME as GW1, because what would be the point of making GW2, right?

> It's just that overall the atmosphere, skills/builds, aoe effects, story, pvp, guilds/guild halls etc...could've been done a bit better, taking the good aspects from GW1.


> Nobody here is saying that GW2 should be a mirror of GW1. We all wanted an open world MMORPG that is set in GW universe, but it strayed way too far from the things that we loved in GW1...my greatest regret is how they didn't capture that serious atmosphere, that 'silence' that GW had, the depth and immersion.


Then yes I misunderstood what was being said. I guess I got lost in the side comments to the point I lost the root discussion. But in my defense I am known in person by many as lost. Granted the name was from my my nick I used for the longest time on the net but it does fit me personally.

And I personally can't remember the atmosphere of gw1 since it has been years since I played it so I will leave the conversation saying "Sorry me bad" As an aside, honestly never pay much attention to the atmosphere of a game so I will have to take your all's word on that. But to an extent I will say from what I do remember of the missions and the general story of gw1, gw2 is kind of all over the place unlike gw1 where I could follow the story smoothly, or at least easier.

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> @"Lost Dragons Tail.3760" said:

> Then yes I misunderstood what was being said. I guess I got lost in the side comments to the point I lost the root discussion. But in my defense I am known in person by many as lost. Granted the name was from my my nick I used for the longest time on the net but it does fit me personally.

> And I personally can't remember the atmosphere of gw1 since it has been years since I played it so I will leave the conversation saying "Sorry me bad" As an aside, honestly never pay much attention to the atmosphere of a game so I will have to take your all's word on that. But to an extent I will say from what I do remember of the missions and the general story of gw1, gw2 is kind of all over the place unlike gw1 where I could follow the story smoothly, or at least easier.


Oy no worries, all good. I believe the thread got a bit mislead with various debates, unfortunately.

To me, atmosphere is a huge deal in a game. Music, art, depth, story...I'm one of those people who just likes to go out on an adventure, explore and enjoy. I love having that feeling of immersion and belonging. It's what I had in GW1's world/areas, in GW2 I feel a bit disconnected from the living world , primarily due to misplaced music, ruined atmosphere due to too many events popping up and too many safe spots literally everywhere.

HoT and PoF zones are a true miracle though and I have to say that GW2 got massively improved in PoF and the newest living story too, art-wise, music-wise and atmosphere-wise.


I truly love the franchise, I love GW2 and I really hope it keeps improving. All of the ideas and concerns that people have provided are something that could make the game even better (in my opinion).


There's truly no need to argue, but to rather take the positive and negative aspects of both games and see what could be added and improved on.

In GW2 I'd just love to see the return of that GW1 atmosphere, depth and serious storytelling, as well as build templates. (Oh and music that changes depending to which zone you TP to, I hate having DR music playing for me in Orr D: )



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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > Every time I hear people talk about how GW1 was stellar for how you can make builds, I think about Champions Online where you actually could pick abilities piece meal from any set. Classes? What's that?

> >

> > You COULD pick any skill from any class... 100% of all skills were selectable on a single character if you took the time to learn them. That was a choice of 1,319 different skills across all classes. You were limited instead by your bar size (only 8 skills selected at a time, only one of them can be elite), and the main and off profession you had at any given time. Your secondary could be changed in any outpost, so you had to plan ahead based on what you were doing, but you could make a setup for anything, with any skills you wanted. (attributes were a different story... each class had a "primary attribute" that was unique to that class... for most classes it was some kind of sustain based attribute for managing energy, but there were exceptions)


> Champions Online had all that and lets you choose how many ranks your abilities had or if you wanted a different special perk for them. You pick your attributes based on what kind of abilities you wanted to focus on or if you wanted to be tanky or heal. It even had a bunch of items that add on more abilities. Build swapping can also be done in the middle of combat (with a cooldown) that had an outfit/character design change tied to it if you wanted. When I say piece meal I mean every little thing can be picked and customized to your preference.


> Not trying to do any measuring. Its just that GW1 still suffers from class limitations and lack of maximum customization.


Champions online was hardly ever that great there was a ton of useless customization's as well, I would use city of heroes as a better argument.

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> @"Ryou.2398" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > I think the problem with this kind of thread is a few things:

> >

> > 1. Lamenting GW1 just to do so has little value to the players of this game. It might come as a surprise, but some of us didn't play GW1. Even if you did, what did you come away with from this thread? Some renewed sense of what you will never experience again? To what purpose does that bring for you?

> > 2. Regardless of the size of the game or what it offered, they all eventually get to a point of 'maintenance' mode; so accept it. The same will happen to GW2 and I suspect that it's closer than we think it is due to the upcoming popularity of mobile gaming.

> > 3. Those of you that stopped playing GW1 did so for a reason, which likely led you here. If you came here because of what GW1 was, and not for what GW2 is or might be in anticipation, then you have only fooled yourself into leaving something you really enjoyed. The remedy for that is not threads like this one.

> >

> > The thing that is particularly weird about this thread is that even after speaking to the OP privately, it seems that there isn't a purpose to this thread other than to provide a eulogy to what GW1 was. Don't live in the past and definitely don't lament what GW2 isn't because of it.


> Why are you always defending the kitten out of gw2? Your always here doing the same thing everytime, its very very odd. Every mmo has clear flaws let people express their opinions, they are being far more objective then you, your opinions no longer holds value when your always blindly defending the flaws and I am talking about from class to general posts here.


That post you quoted isn't a defense of Anet at all so ... ?

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> @"Lost Dragons Tail.3760" said:

> I watched that when it first came out and I watched it again, but it did not say it is going to be like gw1. They said it is going to have the things you like about gw1. Now yes I understand that each person has their parts that they love the most. And they will think that anet was referring to something they personally think should be in gw2, but realistically that is impossible since anet can't know what each individual person loves about gw1.

> I do agree it is a shoddy way of saying it that can be interpreted in many different ways by many different people, but just by watching that clip one can surmise that it was nothing like gw1. Well I guess I should say some, like me, surmise it will be nothing like gw1 in how it is played. But it still does not prove that anet said gw1 was going to be a gw2 cloneish. Even in the clip they said it is like nothing you have ever seen before, so thus they are implying that it can't be like gw1 since we have seen it before.

> I will say there are things I loved about gw1 that I wish were in gw2 and vice versa, but I by no means believed that it is possible to make a semi mmo into a full mmo without having some compromises. I still think fondly back on gw1 and yes in some ways like the op I do miss many things about gw1, but honestly I personally don't want to go back to gw1 since it looses a lot of what I love about gw2.

> My post was simply to say that without proof one cannot say that anet promised anything, and they didn't. 'What you love about gw1' is subjective and honestly just a marketing tool since just about every game does the same type of wording.


I was referring to this in my previous post, it would be a good explanation if it were not for the fact that apart from the lore there's nothing from gw1, so the subjective part and the each person likes different things from gw1 part doesn't cut it.



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I have similar feeling about game as Author. Not once I wonder about it and I think the magic was about **young age** - gaming then was **much more important** than it is now, so was the online community.

Personally I don't have enough time now to truly get into some guilds - I am in 3 different ones but not really feel same connection as it was in guilds and friends from gw1 (from which **I still have few real life friends**).

But it is true that so huge open world with events for so many random people doesn't help to form smaller communities and parties (for example 50 people squads where people will never see each other again.)

This game lack something like hardmode for missions - something close to that was represented by dungeons (but not fractals which are to boring and no story related). Because of that you can't experience lore together with people - when last time did you play story mission with someone else ? In GW1 HM you have to play with others to complete most challenging ones.

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> @"Ryan.7583" said:

> This game lack something like hardmode for missions - something close to that was represented by dungeons (but not fractals which are to boring and no story related). Because of that you can't experience lore together with people - when last time did you play story mission with someone else ? In GW1 HM you have to play with others to complete most challenging ones.

There is nothing preventing any players from experiencing lore together.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Ryan.7583" said:

> > This game lack something like hardmode for missions - something close to that was represented by dungeons (but not fractals which are to boring and no story related). Because of that you can't experience lore together with people - when last time did you play story mission with someone else ? In GW1 HM you have to play with others to complete most challenging ones.

> There is nothing preventing any players from experiencing lore together.



Yes there is not. But their is nothing encouraging them to do it too. And here is problem. If hard mode missions will be to difficult for one player but good for 2 or more it will fill now empty "story journal" slot in LFG .

Reason is simple - most of players don't want to waste time looking for others to play content they can do without anyone's help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Blur.3465" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > I think the problem with this kind of thread is a few things:

> >

> > 1. Lamenting GW1 just to do so has little value to the players of this game. It might come as a surprise, but some of us didn't play GW1. Even if you did, what did you come away with from this thread? Some renewed sense of what you will never experience again? To what purpose does that bring for you?

> > 2. Regardless of the size of the game or what it offered, they all eventually get to a point of 'maintenance' mode; so accept it. The same will happen to GW2 and I suspect that it's closer than we think it is due to the upcoming popularity of mobile gaming.

> > 3. Those of you that stopped playing GW1 did so for a reason, which likely led you here. If you came here because of what GW1 was, and not for what GW2 is or might be in anticipation, then you have only fooled yourself into leaving something you really enjoyed. The remedy for that is not threads like this one.

> >

> > The thing that is particularly weird about this thread is that even after speaking to the OP privately, it seems that there isn't a purpose to this thread other than to provide a eulogy to what GW1 was. Don't live in the past and definitely don't lament what GW2 isn't because of it.


> What people here are trying to say is that they are missing things that didn't get carried over from GW1.

> Without GW1 there wouldn't be GW2.

> GW1 carried over its loyal players to GW2.

> It's natural the GW1 players who spent years and years and dedication and love in that game to come and provide feedback on things they're missing in GW2.

> It's not that people 'hate' or don't like GW2, it's that GW2 really didn't deliver what we were promised. People love GW2 and would love to see it improve and bring some things that we are missing.

> Remember that first GW2 trailer?

> "We're taking everything you loved about GW1 and putting it in GW2!"


> We're providing criticism because we love the game and we love ANet. We want the franchise to keep going and we also want to enjoy the game more. Of course we'll remember what we liked about GW1 and hope we get some of those vibes back in GW2.

> Why are people so negative and unreasonable when talking about these things? Is it really that hard to understand that some of us really miss the feel and atmosphere and community/interaction that GW1 provided? We just want that kind of feel back in GW2, I hardly see that as a 'negative' thing...more like an improvement.


Without GW1 there would be no GW2 is straight up false. GW2 might have existed in everything but name. The ideas behind the IP could/probably would still be there. The name might be different, but that is about it. GW1's mechanics had/have little impact on what GW2 is, which is sort of the point on this thread (though in a more woe-is-me manner). It just happened to be that the people at Anet had this vision for GW2 and put it in. Another company very well might have, and a good deal of us would be playing their game instead.


Maybe you can point out the timestamp where they said "We're taking everything you loved about GW1 and putting it in GW2!"?


Hoping to get "some of those vibes back" is a regressive mindset imo. That is basically dwelling in nostalgia instead of looking at GW2 as a new game using the old IP. I personally don't really 'get' the bent on nostalgia, so this might be a me thing too. It just seems silly to try to find glimmers of your old love in your new relationship, so to speak. Just enjoy the game for what it is, instead of what it isn't.

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