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What features would you like to see in the next expansion?


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We all know that sooner or later we will get a new expansion. What new features would you like to see in it?


Personally I might have an unpopular opinion but I would like to see some sort of player housing. Yes I understand that there are guild halls but only a Guild Master have fun decorating them.


That's why I would like to see some sort of player housing for everyone.


What about you? What would you like to see?

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Content, mostly and foremost content.


Secondly, challenge.

I want to be **threatened** by the enemy.

Heart of thorns put up a decent challenge.

But your average bandit was more of a threat than Balthazar was. God of Drama.


Thirdly, meta events. Not small meta events, big ones. A reason to keep coming back for to maps.

What HoT did right was they got 4 meta events and designed the maps around them.

What PoF did wrong was nothing at all.

You go through a map to do a story, or some collections. And once done there is no reason to ever revisit the maps.


Fourthly, enticing masteries.

A mastery should change the way you play the game.

Of course, there should always be some simple masteries to unlock vendors.


Fifthly, overhaul underwater combat. It has so much potential.

Traits: disconnect land and underwater traits. Give us 3 on land lines like we have now. And 2 underwater lines, with 3 or 4 options.

Give the revenant a **core** legend that's exclusive for underwater.

And remove all utility skills and create a set of 8-10 specific for underwater utility skills. (Excluding the signets which can just transfer over)


And lastly, include the previous expansions.

Don't make gliding and mounts necessary for the meta events or story, but design the instances as such that they *can* be utilized.


Oh.. and for the love of the six.. **OVERHAUL THE SERVER SYSTEM**

To require LFG to leave dead maps or join events is a huge pain.

GW1 had a nice system where people could line up on instances.

Since WvW got a nice queue system, utilize that.

Let's us see if instances are, people enter a queue to join rather than mash the 'join button' 350 times.


> @"Klakax.2596" said:

> Personally I might have an unpopular opinion but I would like to see some sort of player housing. Yes I understand that there are guild halls but only a Guild Master have fun decorating them.


*I'm not intrinsically against player housing. But i want content to have purpose. Since everything requires lots of work to implement anet has to maintain priorities. But i think the guild hall decorating system would work well.

Allow players to organize their nodes and NPCs, and many other things*


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Years ago I never cared about housing, but probably because I am so used into this Fashion Wars making a perfect look for my character, is the reason I think housing would be a nice addition, but not if it means it is the main feature. I kinda like it in BDO, was something else to do. As the game is basically just do-your-own kind of a game, I would like more sandbox features. Better use of crafting, adding things like boats, more exploration maps.

More group content is the top feature I am missing at the moment, and with that I mean just going through maps needing to be in a party...but how HoT was received with a bit harder content, I doubt we will ever get anything harder and feel any danger in this game. I never experienced any danger or worry in this game, I miss that feeling in this game.


Alliance battles for PvP, ladder pvp arenas that aren't the capture the point but more in a style of Guild Wars 1...team vs. team annihilation (defeat all the players of the opposite team), annihilation with an obelisk flag stand (added feature of obelisk dealing damage to the opposite team that isn't in it's control), annihilation with priest (NPC which periodically resurrects dead members of a team, and needs to be killed), and classic kill count deathmatch (team with the most kills wins).

I think these PvP modes can be added into GW2 without ANY problems. Even more so that now we have a better healer and support specializations.

GvG is also a feature I want to see, as well as real guild halls which are more in a style of GW1, smaller maps than what we have now, all with their unique twist of design and mechanics which change how GvG is played on those maps, for more strategizing options and not just blob vs. blob fight like in WvW.


Tengu as a playable race. I would really enjoy playing as one.


Make these features and make them right and I will play this game too much for my well being :)

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About the housing.


I think Guild Hall works well in that sence but I remember when I watched a Guild Chat episode before HoT was released where Ruby showed us a little of the Guild Hall and she went to a little room and said 'this will be my house'. Since then I hoped that they would implement that guild leaders or people with permission to give a member a little (or big) slot to decorate with their own stuff. Also I hoped that decorations would be easier to aquire and not require huge amount of grinding or gold to get.


My idea (suggestion) might be hard to implement and even work for big guilds but I know from experience from other MMO's that housing in your own private instance or a little neighbor instance usually gets pretty empty and fills very little joy.


At the moment in GW2 even Guild Halls are pretty empty, not a lot of incentives to make players go there and also devs want players to use the big cities instead of small private instances.

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New content, systems and whatnot are great, and I look forward to more of whatever ANet has to offer.


But if I could choose anything, it'd be something boring - but necessary! The engine really needs some love, particularly performance in high player population concentrations (zerg events/metas) and while the game looks awesome for its age thanks to excellent art direction it could do with being brought up to date.

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Jumping puzzles. customization update (Boat, housing, more race themed gh decorations, build templates, more tonics, endless environmental weapon you can equip)

Underwater extension, ability to use skimmer underwater (diving instead of gaining 2cm of altitude when pressing space). No more repeatable heart, more hidden easter eggs and lores within maps, rewards. 2 world bosses in a map like mount maelstrom. Largos, underwater karkas, kraits and quaggans. Only a few asuran labs studying local flora/fauna like jinx isle in malchor's leap, because they're everywhere. (Only a very small part of the map, the rest stay natural, beautiful with coral reefs, really appreciated underwater ravines in thunderhead peak, good job on that ANET). Talkative npcs, and giant corrupted quaggans, (Finally i think that Sbubbles looks like a quaggan.) Less focus on those horrible elitist raids and more on fractals/pvE content. OR at lest EASY RAID that even me can do without using metas like Snowman's lair pretty plz, I'm not enjoying raiding right now.

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I'd like the Guild Hall team of devs to come back and ask us about improvements and changes we'd like to see for our halls, like members messageboards and picture boards, and swimming pool, spa, sauna and picnic areas

I heard they moved to other teams after HoT came out. The game doesn't have a guild hall team anymore


Oh, maybe we could also have a underwater guild hall with lots of fish swimming by?


Or a Sylvari tree hall like the Grove?


And could we be in more than 5 guilds? Please?

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* Home instance upgrades that add expanded areas in which we can decorate using decorations like those from guild halls. Home decorations would be overall cheaper, and would not use nested recipes and finishing kits.

* This could be done by splitting decoration recipes in two: The 'base' or 'decor' that does not use finishing kits or other decorations, and the 'guild' decoration that combines the base decor item, other decorations, and finishing kits.

* The base decor items would be stored in the player's inventory after crafting them, and they would be usable in a home instance mini-fabricator after purchasing one home instance expansion upgrade, while guild blueprints would be sent to the guild's storage for fabricator processing when crafted as usual.

* Home instance expansions would appear in all 5 home instances once purchased, and while the expanded area may appear in different locations in each home instance, the decorations placed in them would be appear in the same relative positions, so placing a sofa in the corner of an 'underground cave' in Divinity's Reach would make that sofa appear in the same corner in the version of the undeground cave in all other 4 home instances.

* Examples of possible expansions:

* A floating platform. Much cheaper, but also smaller. It could be purchasable multiple times adding platforms as they are purchased, to make a larger one ▥.

* A house with a square floor plan. Walls, floors, windows and stairs change with the theme of the area, but the map collision is exactly the same across all home instances. It could have 1 floor initially, but it would be possible to buy another 3 upgrades after buying this one, adding +2 floors and a basement.

* An underground cave. This one could be small initially, but purchasing it more times would expand the cave to be as large as the smallest home instance (Rata Sum's).

* [submarines](


* Opening all PvE guild missions to all players as events, then changing guild missions to require doing particular events instead having to make missions specifically for guilds:

* The only exceptions would be missions that can be easily trolled by random interlopers, which would still be recurring missions open to the public, but also keep an instanced option.

* Bounties:

* Core bounties would be changed to work like Season 4 bounties, with a single bounty board per map and fixed spawn spots instead roaming enemies. HoT would gain a bounty board per map too.

* Guild bounties would be changed from completing specific counties to completing champion or legendary bounties in different maps.

* Challenges:

* These would be changed to include participation in many meta events. For example, completing a hardcore world boss could be added as a Hard mission.

* Races:

* All races would be changed to work like the new beetle races: Both an adventure and a recurring event, including older races and guild races.

* Many adventures would be added as possible guild missions, including hot adventures.

* Missions in expansion areas would be added by purchasing guild upgrades that add additional mission slots for missions in those areas.


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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> * Home instance upgrades that add expanded areas in which we can decorate using decorations like those from guild halls. Home decorations would be overall cheaper, and would not use nested recipes and finishing kits.

> * This could be done by splitting decoration recipes in two: The 'base' or 'decor' that does not use finishing kits or other decorations, and the 'guild' decoration that combines the base decor item, other decorations, and finishing kits.

> * The base decor items would be stored in the player's inventory after crafting them, and they would be usable in a home instance mini-fabricator after purchasing one home instance expansion upgrade, while guild blueprints would be sent to the guild's storage for fabricator processing when crafted as usual.

> * Home instance expansions would appear in all 5 home instances once purchased, and while the expanded area may appear in different locations in each home instance, the decorations placed in them would be appear in the same relative positions, so placing a sofa in the corner of an 'underground cave' in Divinity's Reach would make that sofa appear in the same corner in the version of the undeground cave in all other 4 home instances.

> * Examples of possible expansions:

> * A floating platform. Much cheaper, but also smaller. It could be purchasable multiple times adding platforms as they are purchased, to make a larger one ▥.

> * A house with a square floor plan. Walls, floors, windows and stairs change with the theme of the area, but the map collision is exactly the same across all home instances. It could have 1 floor initially, but it would be possible to buy another 3 upgrades after buying this one, adding +2 floors and a basement.

> * An underground cave. This one could be small initially, but purchasing it more times would expand the cave to be as large as the smallest home instance (Rata Sum's).

> * [submarines](


> * Opening all PvE guild missions to all players as events, then changing guild missions to require doing particular events instead having to make missions specifically for guilds:

> * The only exceptions would be missions that can be easily trolled by random interlopers, which would still be recurring missions open to the public, but also keep an instanced option.

> * Bounties:

> * Core bounties would be changed to work like Season 4 bounties, with a single bounty board per map and fixed spawn spots instead roaming enemies. HoT would gain a bounty board per map too.

> * Guild bounties would be changed from completing specific counties to completing champion or legendary bounties in different maps.

> * Challenges:

> * These would be changed to include participation in many meta events. For example, completing a hardcore world boss could be added as a Hard mission.

> * Races:

> * All races would be changed to work like the new beetle races: Both an adventure and a recurring event, including older races and guild races.

> * Many adventures would be added as possible guild missions, including hot adventures.

> * Missions in expansion areas would be added by purchasing guild upgrades that add additional mission slots for missions in those areas.



Wow that's a really good post and some cool ideas!

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Yup, housing can definitely be a thing, recently a ton of assets have been added in maps/gh decos: Garden plots in jahai village quest, fishing for the second time after Sandswept Isles, now in Thunderhead peak, also in that same map for the first time dredge house! Seriously, we can have housing now, all houses are already if you take in account core maps + extensions! IMAGINE, all houses turned into decorations, with 10 small empty instances allowing you to decorate! Everything is already here, proof:





But can't be main focus of an expac.

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Here is what I would like in the next expansion:

* Player housing (or expanded home instance) would be great :)

* Story: Add interactivity, branching dialogue, and choices

* Open world: A couple new large HoT-style metas

* Combat: Several new elite skills for ele

* New cultural armor

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For the orders to make a comeback. I still owe Tybalt, Sieran and Forgal and the fact that I've completely ignored them (seriously Almorra doesn't even acknowledge my guardian at all on the newer maps even though she joined the Vigil!) wears on me. Honestly, it'd be a great way to get back on our feet after the last episode and remember why we are doing this in the first place and reflect on the fact that even after all this, we still have someone who has to save our butts when the chips are down.

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It really depends on whether the next expansion is land or sea based, since I have multiple expansions worth of selling points for both, including but not limited to -




• for the first sea expansion, revamping UW combat and having underwater mounts


• Largos as playable race


• upgradable ships and pirate warfafr in a POTC themed xpac




• player housing


• fishing (depending on how much it’s developed it could be its own selling point).


• new races such as tengu, dwarves, and kodan


• new weapon types




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There must be a guild trollin and rollin the housing.

Anyway i'd like to see a fraction, a bit like the kurzick/luxon thing. So you work for things for your fraction and fight your enemy. I think this game needs more pvp and i'm not talking about different pvp maps. Or at least have pvp maps with lots of players in like AB's. Big scale PvP fights.

New massive world bosses. With great loot, please.

Shame no one would want 'open world' PvP out of WVW, but this game needs some excitement, something to keep you on your toes.

A mount you can level up, like the gear and weapons now, but you say start with a donkey, turns into a horse well you get the idea.

Build templates as stated or a notepad ingame.

Being able to change GH with a fee only and not having to fight again or introduce other ways to get a Hall.

more when I can think.


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There will not be a new expansion. We will get a new game : Guild Wars 3.

We will destroy TYRIA in LW 5. But goods/elder dragons/someone............. (insert here the story).....will make Tyria great again.

So Anet will sell us the same designs third time in a row.

For Anet its simpler to do a new game, instead of fixing this GW2.......

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I'd like a promise of having meaningful content everywhere, instead of just having a bunch of maps that i'll just play and forget about, like most of Season 4 and PoF maps.

A good balance between maps designed for exploration and maps designed around a meta event would be a good compromise, one that PoF failed to deliver. And "we were planning it for the Living World" is a terrible excuse, when people who buy PoF today will have to pay extra to enjoy that content. I mean as far as excuses go, that's probably the worse.


I'd like to see masteries that i want to use, i mean, as cool as mounts are, most of the masteries are crap, and just give us stuff that should be part of the core mount experience. PoF masteries were just lazy.


A good balance between challenge and exploration. One thing HoT did right was provide challenge, but at the same time, it made exploring the maps a terrible experience. So maybe some balance would be cool. Maybe put the challenging mobs on meta maps, and give us a smoother experience in other ones (maybe add a few world boss metas on the explorable maps to make it more replayable).


Like @"Ayakaru.6583" said, the game could use a overhaul of the multiserver experience. A list of shards for each server with population (a graph maybe) and maybe a display of Squad tags. So you can, for example hop in on Silverwastes and check if there's raids there, and if they're doing the meta or chest trains.


Finally, i'd love for the game to stop focusing on gimmicks like mounts, gliders and disposable maps, and focus on renewable, replayable content. I mean mounts and gliders are nice, and all, and they can sell skins for those (and overprice those skins in case of the mounts, yep still salty, especially now that i won't ever have a matching set of mounts with beetles being excluded from all packs), but i'm not playing the game to run around in a mount, those are tools, and should never be the single focus of an expansion.

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> @"Cobra.6509" said:

> There will not be a new expansion. We will get a new game : Guild Wars 3.

> We will destroy TYRIA in LW 5. But goods/elder dragons/someone............. (insert here the story).....will make Tyria great again.

> So Anet will sell us the same designs third time in a row.

> For Anet its simpler to do a new game, instead of fixing this GW2.......


Don't you think it's too early for Guild Wars 3?

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