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(suggestion) race crossbreed.

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Well sounds fishy right?


I thought some people want new races but some including me thinks that having a new race like quaggans would be slot of work for instance new intro story, new voices, new gear looks and more.

But then I thought why not have crossbreed races like human/char, Char/Asura, Human/Asura... Think like a character looking more like an Asura but with fur and horns and a tail for example. I thought that even that way there can be crossbreed classes with Human/Tengu or Asura/Quaggan.

By having crossbreed classes they could use the existing voices, body models, and main race storyline.... Many.


Just a thought.

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It's already been said that, in lore, crossbreeds aren't possible.


[source](http://archive.fo/9r1NG#selection-189.0-197.714 "



Somethings about Lore

One thing that really comes up after speaking to Jeff and David for the past few days. This issue is when some people are crying retcon when Anet introduces new information. Often what Jeff told me is that Anet will not specify something or even delve into an idea because they wish to keep it open for the future. They often are vague purposelsy so they are free to create stories and not find themselves set in a rigid structure which would end up in retcons and contradictions.

Overall I found the new Norn information so far to be awesome. It really helps a roleplayer to know that in GW2 that hybrids are not going to happen. Many hybrid stories are used as cliche trope to prop up a character on the merit of being a “half-breed” rather than simply being a unique individual. Characters do not need to be “special” to be awesome, every individual member of a species is unique and the one reason GW2 is the way it is because we are here to tell the stories of people in Tyria, not the singular epic of the lone half-norn. (Note ifyou want to Rp a Half-norn that is fine, just be aware that people in general will not recognize the idea since it is considered not part of the GW2 Universe).

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> @"EdgarMTanaka.7291" said:

> > @"Sir Alymer.3406" said:

> > It's already been said that, in lore, crossbreeds aren't possible.


> I do remember it being said, was looking for it and didn't find it so I winged it. I took a shot ? Anyway, maby they wanna make a little alteration in the Lore ?


Well asura experiments can do unexpected things.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Cross breeds aren't a thing in gw2.

> Humans and Norn can't even need despite being the exact same race with some minor size difference


Lore-wise they are *not* the same race - they are even from different *worlds*. Humans are literally aliens in Tyria - they were brought here from another place in the Mists, basically a different planet/dimension.

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Let's say ANet threw away the lore reasons why cross-breeding doesn't exist and allowed norn-human or human-norn. Let's say they took the OP's idea and just re-used the norn (or human) voices, story, and base armor. What would be the point of such an addition to the game? It wouldn't satisfy the interests of those who want to play a new race, because it misses all the fundamental excitement of a new breed. It would still require a ton of prep work on ANet's part, as well as additional future maintenance (just not as much as a new breed).

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > Cross breeds aren't a thing in gw2.

> > Humans and Norn can't even need despite being the exact same race with some minor size difference


> Lore-wise they are *not* the same race - they are even from different *worlds*. Humans are literally aliens in Tyria - they were brought here from another place in the Mists, basically a different planet/dimension.


Like in real life humans are an invasive species lol

Someone with way more experience in GW than me thinks the next story will be oceanic. I am hoping for some amphibious race. I do love Quaggans i think they are so cute, but i doubt they will be a playable race.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Let's say ANet threw away the lore reasons why cross-breeding doesn't exist and allowed norn-human or human-norn. Let's say they took the OP's idea and just re-used the norn (or human) voices, story, and base armor. What would be the point of such an addition to the game? It wouldn't satisfy the interests of those who want to play a new race, because it misses all the fundamental excitement of a new breed. It would still require a ton of prep work on ANet's part, as well as additional future maintenance (just not as much as a new breed).


What would be the point though? Human/norn is basically intermediate humans. I think another beast race but amphibious in nature would be cool. Some people want real elves, but we have the plant people and they are elfin enough imo. Why add a cross race when you can add a whole new looking race. Cross races are still the same basic thing we already have, i find that boring. So i agree i dont think crossbreeds should be it.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > Cross breeds aren't a thing in gw2.

> > Humans and Norn can't even need despite being the exact same race with some minor size difference


> Lore-wise they are *not* the same race - they are even from different *worlds*. Humans are literally aliens in Tyria - they were brought here from another place in the Mists, basically a different planet/dimension.


I know, and that infuriates me.

If they're nor a human subrace, why do they look exact.

There are giants in Nordic folklore, why didn't they look more like that.

Or if the kodan design was at their basis.


It just annoys me to no end that they just made humans bigger and then proceeded they got no connection even through ancient history

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > Cross breeds aren't a thing in gw2.

> > > Humans and Norn can't even need despite being the exact same race with some minor size difference

> >

> > Lore-wise they are *not* the same race - they are even from different *worlds*. Humans are literally aliens in Tyria - they were brought here from another place in the Mists, basically a different planet/dimension.


> I know, and that infuriates me.

> If they're nor a human subrace, why do they look exact.

> There are giants in Nordic folklore, why didn't they look more like that.

> Or if the kodan design was at their basis.


> It just annoys me to no end that they just made humans bigger and then proceeded they got no connection even through ancient history


I chalk it down to Convergent Evolution


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> @"EdgarMTanaka.7291" said:

> > @"Sir Alymer.3406" said:

> > It's already been said that, in lore, crossbreeds aren't possible.


> I do remember it being said, was looking for it and didn't find it so I winged it. I took a shot ? Anyway, maby they wanna make a little alteration in the Lore ?


A: "I want X"

B: "But X can't happen according to the rules of the world"

A: "But I want X really bad"

C: "X is not on the table"

A: "Hmm.....still. Giv X plox!!!!! X when!?!?!?!?!?!?"


These threads are so tiring....

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> There are giants in Nordic folklore, why didn't they look more like that.

> Or if the kodan design was at their basis.


> It just annoys me to no end that they just made humans bigger and then proceeded they got no connection even through ancient history


Because they're not giants. The Jotun are giants (hence, the name). The Norn are werewolves; werebears, specifically. Many Norn and some Kodan believe the two races have a common ancestry, but - to put it bluntly - neither cares about it enough to investigate. Where they came from isn't as important to them as where they are and where they're going.


As to why they're "just big Humans": In the original Guild Wars engine, it was easier, cheaper, and quicker to create (and tell a story with) a race of Norsemen that were "big Humans" (models already designed to be more expressive and dynamic for cutscenes) than to model and animate a new humanoid creature. The Norn would mostly be in Bear form (a big, furry Warden), outside of story-time, so it wasn't that big a deal. It's the same reason the Dwarves and Asura were/are "just small Humans" (except for the famous "Asura snarl" which isn't in GW2 either, for some reason), and why the Charr characters look so stiff and awkward in scenes. Instead, they (wisely) focused their resources on giving us more interesting varieties of enemy to fight: 8-9 different types of Destroyers (not including the Great Destroyer), at least 5 different flavors of Dinosaurs, two new ape-like creatures, several different types of golem/machine enemies, etc, etc... nearly all of which required entirely **new** and **unique** models and animations. (Compare it to "conventional" MMO development: palate-swapping existing enemies and maybe slapping on a new ability). AND, all of this needed to develop and ship in less than a year. It's actually quite impressive how much they squeezed into and out of the Eye of the North expansion.


That being said, some effort was put in GW2 to address the similarity. In early GW2 development, the Norn had much more ursine (humorously armadillo-like) proportions. People complained that they were too unnatural or silly-looking, and not enough like the GW1 Norn. (...which is still true, because the beast-form transformation is their primary characteristic, and racial Elite skills don't feel "primary" enough. But that's a whole other topic...) Naturally, the more ridiculous proportions were shifted to look more natural and balanced, in turn making them more Humanlike in appearance.

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What about https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Prenuptial_Disagreement_(male)?

"It is Norn custom that only equals may marry. I didn't think it possible, but through all your feats and heroics you've proven yourself worthy of my hand, despite your lowly human nature. Come, let us plan our wedding night. Hold my hand, dearest. My cold, leathery, imposing hand. Yes, the mountain winds take their toll on dry skin. I could use some lotion. Be a peach and rub some into my skin. And while you are at it, grab that cheese grater and get to work on my bunions. My feet are killing me...."


If you married her. . .uh. . .wouldn't you end up making a half norn?


In the female version, the NPC says:

"It is Norn custom that marriage can only happen between those of equal reputation. All your hard work has paid off! Now we can be wed, raise a dozen half-Norn children, and live in the mountains. I have a strong cottage in the hills. Actually, it isn't much of a cottage...more of a cave. But it is a good cave! A good cave in dire need of cleaning. You're not afraid of spiders, are you? Dire spiders?"


I mean. . .was this just something that he decided "lets give it a go! See what happens! Pretty sure it'll work!"

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> @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> What about https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Prenuptial_Disagreement_(male)?

> "It is Norn custom that only equals may marry. I didn't think it possible, but through all your feats and heroics you've proven yourself worthy of my hand, despite your lowly human nature. Come, let us plan our wedding night. Hold my hand, dearest. My cold, leathery, imposing hand. Yes, the mountain winds take their toll on dry skin. I could use some lotion. Be a peach and rub some into my skin. And while you are at it, grab that cheese grater and get to work on my bunions. My feet are killing me...."


> If you married her. . .uh. . .wouldn't you end up making a half norn?


> In the female version, the NPC says:

> "It is Norn custom that marriage can only happen between those of equal reputation. All your hard work has paid off! Now we can be wed, raise a dozen half-Norn children, and live in the mountains. I have a strong cottage in the hills. Actually, it isn't much of a cottage...more of a cave. But it is a good cave! A good cave in dire need of cleaning. You're not afraid of spiders, are you? Dire spiders?"


> I mean. . .was this just something that he decided "lets give it a go! See what happens! Pretty sure it'll work!"


A similar but different game :)

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> @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> What about https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Prenuptial_Disagreement_(male)?

> "It is Norn custom that only equals may marry. I didn't think it possible, but through all your feats and heroics you've proven yourself worthy of my hand, despite your lowly human nature. Come, let us plan our wedding night. Hold my hand, dearest. My cold, leathery, imposing hand. Yes, the mountain winds take their toll on dry skin. I could use some lotion. Be a peach and rub some into my skin. And while you are at it, grab that cheese grater and get to work on my bunions. My feet are killing me...."


> If you married her. . .uh. . .wouldn't you end up making a half norn?


> In the female version, the NPC says:

> "It is Norn custom that marriage can only happen between those of equal reputation. All your hard work has paid off! Now we can be wed, raise a dozen half-Norn children, and live in the mountains. I have a strong cottage in the hills. Actually, it isn't much of a cottage...more of a cave. But it is a good cave! A good cave in dire need of cleaning. You're not afraid of spiders, are you? Dire spiders?"


> I mean. . .was this just something that he decided "lets give it a go! See what happens! Pretty sure it'll work!"


A marriage doesn’t mean there will be children and the Norns might be unaware that half Norn children were not possible.


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