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Questions about class/build for soloing PvE for impaired gamer

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Let's get this out of the way, I have nothing against grouping. World events are fun but anything that requires an organized group I only do with friends (hopefully will find a guild once I get in-game). The reason is I have peripheral neuropathy, which basically means I have zero reaction speed with my fingers and it hurts to play anything that requires spamming (looking at you engineer). Now I haven't touched this game since PoF release, I plan to do a lot of Core stuff before moving on to expansion areas since I don't remember anything about the story at all (unless you can go to xpac areas without doing story?). This means I'll mostly be limited to Core specs, at least to start. Since the question does tend to come up, no, sadly a gaming mouse doesn't help me out since my thumb is the worst effected part of my hand.


Anyway, I have done a ton of reading. I obviously don't want to just be told what to play since that will likely end up not being fun to me so I'm going to list as much as I can as far as what I remember from the last time I played as well as what I've read in the last week or so, maybe that can help narrow down my class choices?


First: Ranged weapons seem better suited to me than melee. It's generally safer to play, requires less moving around most of the time, and doesn't have to worry about being blocked and hence knocked on my arse all the time.


Second: I need to avoid having to constantly stretch my fingers, so skills 7-10 need to be used less often. Passives would be best here I think. I know pet necro is a thing, signet ranger used to be a thing (no clue if it still is), and I'm fairly certain every other class also has enough signets/passive powers to pull it off as well, although I don't remember ever hearing about any builds like that outside of necro and ranger.


Third: Being hard to kill is a huge plus. As mentioned, my reaction time is terrible so if I am about to go from full to dead and only have a one second window to hit a heal, I am going to likely die where others may have lived.


Fourth: Although not as important, still something to consider, not having to weapon swap all the time would be nice. It's just one less button to need to hit, and the fewer I need to hit the better.


Obviously I am not going to be doing any high end content any time soon, and will be avoiding PvP outside of maybe zerg fests since I won't be that important as just one person in an army, but I'm trying to make due with what I can, you know? I want to be able to clear as much content as I can on my own, only having to rely on groups as rarely as possible so that I don't slow them down. I don't like wasting peoples time and I know that I am going to be near the bottom of the APM pile, which in 99% of any meta basically means "useless."


After hunting around for about a week for build ideas, I've seen a few that are mentioned a lot for soloing. I figure I'll list them, but don't think you have to recommend one of them specifically, I'm open to any suggestions, I really do need help here. For the record I do know that every class can eventually 100% open world stuff but there's obviously going to be some classes better suited to it, especially with how I need to play.


1: Power or condi(?) scourge (although they seem somewhat button intensive, maybe?). I saw a video about power scourge basically trivializing world content but it's a bit older now so not sure if it still holds true. I haven't actually seen a lot of stuff about condi scourge but I figured I would mention it since I was talking about scourge.


2: power reaper, but it's melee, so...not sure here.


3: power or condi core necro. I've seen a lot of talk about this one and I actually played a power necro way back in the day so I at least know the basics of how they function. Blood/Death/X always seems to be recommended, but I see some saying blood is bad for soloing but it does still add more healing...not sure what the X would be. I guess whatever tree has condi leeching for condi, and...spite? for power?


4: power ranger (and now the song is stuck in my head). Bearbow specifically, can be played as mostly signets from what I understand (but this post was very, very old) and basically just stands there and pews. Pet can rez you 90% of the time, can swap pets and use pet taunt to make sure you can solo anything 1v1 more or less no matter what. May have issues fighting groups of enemies though?


5: Daredevil staff, apparently, is stupidly easy to play and almost unkillable if you do it right. It is melee though, and I never enjoyed playing thief so I'm not sure it's a great option for me even if it's considered the best by many people. Best may not mean most fun for me, sadly.


Like I said, feel free to recommend anything, even if it's not on the list, those are just the ones that I see mentioned most often. I've been gone so long I am more or less a newbie again. Nothing wrong with that though I think.


Anyway, that's all I have. Thank you for your advice in advance, I've missed this game and look forward to popping back in. I even have some year three birthday items waiting for me so that's nice. Sorry if the post is a little long winded, I don't like to just say "tell me what to play" without trying to give as many ideas as possible from my end.

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To get the absolute simplest spec with the least about of skill use, go minon master support/bunker reaper. Yes its melee, but you can go through pretty much anything just using autoattack and shroud. Why reaper and not scourge? Well, 15+ minions says hello, lol. Rise + rune + trait can spawn a hilarious amount of jagged horrors.


Specific to this argument, while scourge offer barriers it would also be alot more buttons since you want to pop F2-F5 pretty much on cooldown. For reaper, attacks within shroud is just a bonus and you only use 1 skill (rise, aside from spawning minions, but they really shouldnt die that often). Shroud is used for more damage absorption than actual damage. You dont really need the range of either necro or scourge in open PvE.


Its not immortal, but if you play with a small group of friends you can pretty much facetank anything while they dump the damage.


Daredevil and ranger both kind of assume damage to be effective in their preferred role, which means less tanky and alot more skill use. Nobody has ever said "lets let the daredevil tank work this bounty while we dps it", I think.

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Maybe you can investigate mice with multiple buttons that you can assign a variety of functions to thumb and finger. There are some nice mmo mice out there. (don't use the macro software that will let you assign multiple actions to one input from you). You can also assign auto attack to skills (albeit only 1 at a time). There are also a variety of assistive keyboards that you can search and read about that may help with limited movement. The downfall is some can be pricey.

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I'm going to put up some very bad and dirty builds so don't mind me and ignore if ya don't like it, note that these kind of build only for playing solo, stories, open world, massive meta event that nobody cares about what you are doing. Auto-get a one way ticket out of any high group contents if you run these builds.


- First ofc a simple advice, remapping your key from 0 - 7 and that's it.


- Thief/Deadeye, yes rather than Daredevil i favor DE because the scrub play P/P and S/P for some cleaves damg, Rune of Vampirism, Marauder gears (if you can afford) or full zerk, simple gamplay, Hit F1 and mark everything before hitting them, you can maintain perma fury, might, regen, vigor and ton of heal as long as you keep F1 mark up and hit something. Link : [gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQRAqa8an8MBFOh9OBGPBUGjFfCzrJUFiCbBgXTAifVeLzlA-jxRBQBRU53DOBApTJY80HAgnAQS2fIgq/AA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQRAqa8an8MBFOh9OBGPBUGjFfCzrJUFiCbBgXTAifVeLzlA-jxRBQBRU53DOBApTJY80HAgnAQS2fIgq/AA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQRAqa8an8MBFOh9OBGPBUGjFfCzrJUFiCbBgXTAifVeLzlA-jxRBQBRU53DOBApTJY80HAgnAQS2fIgq/AA-e")


- Condi Mirage, x2 staff with stamina or energy sigil or both...., just spam dodge and kill something and spam auto-attack and done. If you have any question visit this thread here and thank @"AliamRationem.5172" for created the builds [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/30394/open-world-domination-mirage/p1](http://https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/30394/open-world-domination-mirage/p1 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/30394/open-world-domination-mirage/p1") The lastest build run full signet which is passive as you mentioned. You can solo an army with this...wait necro can do that too so nvm (but atleast you can get infinite dodge :o )


- Ele/ Fresh Air Tempest with scepter/warhorn for ranged or dagger/warhorn for melee AoE. All you have to do is keep distance and keep spamming overload air with 6s cd due to Fresh Air trait. Link : [gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJBIhdyxAU2A20A4fJQHBWaAMhCQA4DWkFuCJS3Jbn9zC-jxRBQBRU5X80DkOlgP4BAAgTAQAV/JJ7PAA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJBIhdyxAU2A20A4fJQHBWaAMhCQA4DWkFuCJS3Jbn9zC-jxRBQBRU5X80DkOlgP4BAAgTAQAV/JJ7PAA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJBIhdyxAU2A20A4fJQHBWaAMhCQA4DWkFuCJS3Jbn9zC-jxRBQBRU5X80DkOlgP4BAAgTAQAV/JJ7PAA-e") If you want a heavy boons version go to metabattle.com and use Auramancer for open world.


- Necro, sorry these guys are like ants in open world so meh, you can find everything on metabattle.com


- Last but not least, PewPew bearbow ranger or soulbeast, again nothing much to say, everything is on metabattle.com

- All of my build is focus on staying alive so if you wonder about the dps they certainly can get the job done but no min-max here, as long as you don't die it's fine.

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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> Maybe you can investigate mice with multiple buttons that you can assign a variety of functions to thumb and finger. There are some nice mmo mice out there. (don't use the macro software that will let you assign multiple actions to one input from you). You can also assign auto attack to skills (albeit only 1 at a time). There are also a variety of assistive keyboards that you can search and read about that may help with limited movement. The downfall is some can be pricey.


OP said that thumb was the worst offender on their hand so a mmo mouse is not an option.

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I's not exactly what you described, it's melee, but have you ever tried greatsword guardian? I use it for most of my key farmers because it is powerful, tough and very easy to use. Unless I am in a really bad fight, I tend to only use the 1-4 powers. 2 is a spinning burst which mows down quite a lot of the enemy, 3 is a leaping attack, 4 is a retaliation area effect (around you, not aimed) that lets the enemies do some of your work for you. One of the downed skills is a heal, which is not as useful as Necro's life-sucking power or Ranger's pet support, but still decent. You can put a scepter as your alternate weapon for when you really need ranged, but that GS...

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Blude.6812" said:

> > Maybe you can investigate mice with multiple buttons that you can assign a variety of functions to thumb and finger. There are some nice mmo mice out there. (don't use the macro software that will let you assign multiple actions to one input from you). You can also assign auto attack to skills (albeit only 1 at a time). There are also a variety of assistive keyboards that you can search and read about that may help with limited movement. The downfall is some can be pricey.


> OP said that thumb was the worst offender on their hand so a mmo mouse is not an option.


There are many assistive input devices that could compensate.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> To get the absolute simplest spec with the least about of skill use, go minon master support/bunker reaper.

These are great for just wandering around with impunity. I strongly recommend this as an option.

You can vary it with Staff, which I do for taking mobs in busy fights.


> @"Blude.6812" said:

> Maybe you can investigate mice with multiple buttons that you can assign a variety of functions to thumb and finger.

Combine this with setting your own keyboard shortcuts in the options panel.


There are lots of people who hate WASD for movement, and use a different 'binding' to get around. (You seem capable of finding the relevant threads on Reddit/forums; let me know if you have trouble.)


There are also some left-hand-only keyboards, such as the Nostromo (I think the modern version is the Razer Tartarus, but lots of people recommend getting a used Nostromo) or Logitech G13.

([This article](https://www.howtogeek.com/336754/pc-gamers-give-left-handed-gamepads-a-try/) covers some of the pros of the idea.)



With any new input device, make sure there's a full return policy. The "best" one for each of us depends on a combination of things, including the size of our hand(s) and how far they comfortably stretch. Musicians are likely to love one brand that non-musicians can't manage.

It also takes 2-6 weeks to get completely cozy with a change, although most people should have a good idea within an hour or less.


To do it "right" also requires spending some time programming, a task not suited to everyone. Based on your originating post, I'm confident that you will manage it just fine, and ask for help if necessary.


One nice bonus (as well as fancier mice and keyboards) is that many of them come with the ability to save multiple bindings for the same game. So you can use one set of binds for playing in open world, another for instanced combat, one for reaper, one for scourge.



Please keep us posted with your progress and what you end up deciding to use.

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Thanks for the ideas and advice. It sounds like I'll be popping into a new Necromancer more or less for sure. I guess for leveling it comes down to Death/Blood/Spite (or Curse if I go condi? ). Later on, swap to...Death/Blood/Reaper? I see Death/Spite/Reaper too but blood seems to have better sustain, although a lot of the talents seem wasted when you're on your own? I've seen soul reaping used too. Or is condi tankier than power for minion setups? I'm generally more comfortable with range over melee but it sounds like power reaper might be the way to go? Power is what...Axe/Focus and GS later on? How do melee classes do things like world events? Like when I had a ranger, I just stood outside the range of 90% of the things so I rarely had to deal with getting killed. I will admit ranger likely taught me some bad habits being able to simply ignore most mechanics.


As far as all the recommendations about keybindings and the like, also thank you. I somehow missed the ability to change bindings, so I'll see about moving them around to make my life easier. Still like the idea of minion necro, but at least I won't have to hurt my fingers to summon things. I will take a look into the specialized keyboards and mice, although I've never had any luck with mice since my thumb is one of the worst offenders I have as far as pain. I'm not entirely sure a special keyboard will help since both my hands have the problem but it can't hurt to try, right? I did see some weird vertical mice that look like they have a "shelf" to rest your thumb on, looks awkward as heck to use but that might be an option as well.

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Hello and welcome. Changing keybinds actualy helps alot. I am left handed (other hand on keyboard) and so standard bindings vere not very suited for me but after changing them I can control the game smoothly.


If the main problem is stretching fingers and not pressing multiple keys at the same time i suggest using shift/ctrl/alt+key so you dont need to move fingers that much.


My main focus in the game are raids and high fractals so keep in mind from what type of player next tips comes.


You dont need to lock yourself out of some content. I am not saying it will be walk in thepark but it is totaly duable. I know a player that is killing challange mode of the hardest boss in the game each quite often and he has only one hand. Most of the stuff can be predicted (so you have time to press your keys) with experiance and smart thinking and from the looks of it you have the second and the first can be delt with.


As of build I suggest ranger and upgrading it to soulbeast with double shortbow whenever you can. That build is very strong, most of the damage come from auto atacks (no key presses), #2 and utility skills once they come off cd (you can bind all to key, shift+key and ctrl+key). It has range damage, is on the easier side of mechanical dificulty but is very competetice in raids.


If doubleclicking is fine then Q,E and C with shift and ctrl makes 9 diferent spells and there are only 10 basic spells with 1 beeing autouse.

Adding F makes it 12 which can cover almost everything.

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> @"sutasafaia.4872" said:

> I will take a look into the specialized keyboards and mice, although I've never had any luck with mice since my thumb is one of the worst offenders I have as far as pain. I'm not entirely sure a special keyboard will help since both my hands have the problem but it can't hurt to try, right? I did see some weird vertical mice that look like they have a "shelf" to rest your thumb on, looks awkward as heck to use but that might be an option as well.


There are some surprising alternative input devices around, although as you might guess, a lot of them make heavy use of the opposable thumb. That rules out my favorite aspect of left-hand keypads: being able to circle strafe in games without using the mouse (that practice is hard on the thumb). However, some of the pads will work well without using the joystick (or its equivalent).


That also rules out a lot of multi-key mice, because nearly all use the thumb, too. There are some track balls that I've avoided because they only have buttons for the finger, none for the thumb; those might work.


And if money is no object, I've seen some expensive options that include foot pedals (originally designed for musicians, but branched out for people with other needs, including artists who wish they had three hands), plus gesture-oriented devices. I don't know if any of those are better for you ... or worse. I think it's worth doing some broader searches just to see what's out there. (Again, you seem quite capable in that regard, so I'll leave you to it; it's been a while since I last looked closely . Don't hesitate to ask if you need some help though.)


One other avenue: there must be reddit and discord communities of people with similar restrictions. Have you tried looking for those? (And if so, what sort of response have you found?)


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Most of the responses I've gotten once people realize my thumb is basically out of the picture do involve foot pedals, and they are something I've looked in to, but money is most definitely an object at the moment. There really aren't any budget options that I've found that anybody was willing to recommend since they tend to be pretty lousy or fragile. For the time being as long as I limit myself to a slow and steady game play I'm more or less fine as long as I stop every hour or so to give my hands a break, which is the main reason for my asking about the best class for me with this thread.


For the time being I'm just slowly working my way through a Blood/Death Axe/Focus (is focus what I should be using?) necro (not high enough level to even have a third trait line yet) and it's working out well enough. Still unsure of what my long term goal should be, since both power and condi have pros and cons for core necro (blood/death/curse or spite), and of course reaper to get rise is the third big option which more or less only works as a power option (I think?).

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> @"sutasafaia.4872" said:

> Most of the responses I've gotten once people realize my thumb is basically out of the picture do involve foot pedals, and they are something I've looked in to, but money is most definitely an object at the moment. There really aren't any budget options that I've found that anybody was willing to recommend since they tend to be pretty lousy or fragile. For the time being as long as I limit myself to a slow and steady game play I'm more or less fine as long as I stop every hour or so to give my hands a break, which is the main reason for my asking about the best class for me with this thread.


> For the time being I'm just slowly working my way through a Blood/Death Axe/Focus (is focus what I should be using?) necro (not high enough level to even have a third trait line yet) and it's working out well enough. Still unsure of what my long term goal should be, since both power and condi have pros and cons for core necro (blood/death/curse or spite), and of course reaper to get rise is the third big option which more or less only works as a power option (I think?).


Eros.6801 mentioned my mesmer (mirage) build. It really doesn't get anymore simplistic and it is quite capable of effortlessly clearing open world/personal story content by doing nothing more than spamming dodge and auto attack.


Here's a video of the original build, designed for my video-game challenged girlfriend who just wanted a build that didn't require years of practice and a PhD in GW2 just to survive walking through the jungle! My goal was to create the most passive playstyle possible while using gear that a new player can afford.



Here's the build link. As you can see, no weapon swap. All passive signet utilities, including your heal skill. Toughness and vitality gear for maximum survivability (and low cost!). Yet, as you can see in the video, it puts out more than adequate damage for open world play as I'm able to roll over group events including a PoF bounty champion without breaking a sweat.




Don't consider this set in stone. You can use different utilities, add a weapon swap, use different gear (anything with condi damage will work!). Again, this is just the absolute most passive playstyle I could come up with using the most inexpensive gear.

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The Mirage looks interesting, I never would have even thought of considering one before honestly, they never even came to mind as a good solo setup. How is leveling though? I've tried Mesmer before and I always found them pretty difficult to play (although that's coming from somebody who normally plays ranger/necro, so...lazy classes). I have enough items to jump them to 45, so two trait lines, but would have to level the old fashioned way from there. Especially since I may not be able to get to Mirage for a while, I've never even done HoT. Is there a way to access HoT areas without starting up the story? How would you say they compare to minion necro setup as far as what content they can accomplish? I know minion necro can apparently solo low fractals (not that I've ever done one).


When PoF first released I sent an old char in there to get the mounts since they make life so much easier but I had absolutely zero idea of what was going on.

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> @"sutasafaia.4872" said:

> The Mirage looks interesting, I never would have even thought of considering one before honestly, they never even came to mind as a good solo setup. How is leveling though? I've tried Mesmer before and I always found them pretty difficult to play (although that's coming from somebody who normally plays ranger/necro, so...lazy classes). I have enough items to jump them to 45, so two trait lines, but would have to level the old fashioned way from there. Especially since I may not be able to get to Mirage for a while, I've never even done HoT. Is there a way to access HoT areas without starting up the story? How would you say they compare to minion necro setup as far as what content they can accomplish? I know minion necro can apparently solo low fractals (not that I've ever done one).


> When PoF first released I sent an old char in there to get the mounts since they make life so much easier but I had absolutely zero idea of what was going on.


It's hard for me to say. I don't face the same challenges you do. But if you can get through it and unlock Mirage, the video provided should give you a pretty good idea of how genuinely easy this build is to play. In the video I deliberately stand in fire, eat damage and stuns, and don't move around much to demonstrate how easy it is. You really can just dodge and auto-attack if you want to and pretty much nothing short of a champion should give you any trouble (and I even threw in a champion just to show that it can handle that as well!).

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"sutasafaia.4872" said:

> > The Mirage looks interesting, I never would have even thought of considering one before honestly, they never even came to mind as a good solo setup. How is leveling though? I've tried Mesmer before and I always found them pretty difficult to play (although that's coming from somebody who normally plays ranger/necro, so...lazy classes). I have enough items to jump them to 45, so two trait lines, but would have to level the old fashioned way from there. Especially since I may not be able to get to Mirage for a while, I've never even done HoT. Is there a way to access HoT areas without starting up the story? How would you say they compare to minion necro setup as far as what content they can accomplish? I know minion necro can apparently solo low fractals (not that I've ever done one).

> >

> > When PoF first released I sent an old char in there to get the mounts since they make life so much easier but I had absolutely zero idea of what was going on.


> It's hard for me to say. I don't face the same challenges you do. But if you can get through it and unlock Mirage, the video provided should give you a pretty good idea of how genuinely easy this build is to play. In the video I deliberately stand in fire, eat damage and stuns, and don't move around much to demonstrate how easy it is. You really can just dodge and auto-attack if you want to and pretty much nothing short of a champion should give you any trouble (and I even threw in a champion just to show that it can handle that as well!).


Alright, thanks, will give it a try tomorrow. How does the build do without mirage? What third tree should i use? I ended up using my 80 boost since leveling a Necro is so easy I don't think I need one for it anyway. All set on Dire gear/jewels/etc too, just need to work on getting mirage up and running.


Also, what is the long term gear plan for this build? Do we keep Dire forever or is there a better set to transition to? It looked like there were some lily's that were better than the cychocola whatever jewels (I forget their name) but they weren't even on the TP.

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The builds I can get by pushing the fewest number of buttons are GS Reaper, Staff Daredevil and in a way, Axe/Axe Core Warrior.


GS Reaper, you can just summon minions and never use utils during combat. Not the best setup, there are cooldowns that do better jobs and minion actives are useful but you can pretty much use 3 buttons when on GS, can swap to axe and click 2 buttons to increase life force, F1 and just use Reaper 4 and 1. Reaper 1 is insane damage.


Staff Daredevil damage is mostly from Staff 2 and autoattack chain. It has a different rhythm, can't tell if it will agree with you but you can get away with basically Dodge / Staff2 / Staff1 in open world and 1-3 utility buttons in group stuff. Spec also has a VERY forgiving rotation.


Axe/Axe core warrior is "any and all buttons in any order" + AA chains and one utility, F1, Axe5 as a heavy hitter. It is more buttons than the other two but one of the most useful core warrior builds in a group is a banner build and that gives you like 90 seconds of "ignore all utilities" window during combat.


I'm aware you said "ranged" but in my experience, outside of a few mechanics, melee is less movement to avoid stuff to be honest.


I also recommend trying the Action Camera. You might find it more agreeable in terms of movement. It essentially makes strafe a combination of mouse and one movement button, requiring fewer button pushes to place yourself.


Obviously, I cannot say if these will work for you but I hope this is useful.



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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> To get the absolute simplest spec with the least about of skill use, go minon master support/bunker reaper. Yes its melee, but you can go through pretty much anything just using autoattack and shroud. Why reaper and not scourge? Well, 15+ minions says hello, lol. Rise + rune + trait can spawn a hilarious amount of jagged horrors.


> Specific to this argument, while scourge offer barriers it would also be alot more buttons since you want to pop F2-F5 pretty much on cooldown. For reaper, attacks within shroud is just a bonus and you only use 1 skill (rise, aside from spawning minions, but they really shouldnt die that often). Shroud is used for more damage absorption than actual damage. You dont really need the range of either necro or scourge in open PvE.


> Its not immortal, but if you play with a small group of friends you can pretty much facetank anything while they dump the damage.


> Daredevil and ranger both kind of assume damage to be effective in their preferred role, which means less tanky and alot more skill use. Nobody has ever said "lets let the daredevil tank work this bounty while we dps it", I think.


Can share how to get 15 minions? Which rune and trait (rise?)?

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> @"DHung.5263" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > To get the absolute simplest spec with the least about of skill use, go minon master support/bunker reaper. Yes its melee, but you can go through pretty much anything just using autoattack and shroud. Why reaper and not scourge? Well, 15+ minions says hello, lol. Rise + rune + trait can spawn a hilarious amount of jagged horrors.

> >

> > Specific to this argument, while scourge offer barriers it would also be alot more buttons since you want to pop F2-F5 pretty much on cooldown. For reaper, attacks within shroud is just a bonus and you only use 1 skill (rise, aside from spawning minions, but they really shouldnt die that often). Shroud is used for more damage absorption than actual damage. You dont really need the range of either necro or scourge in open PvE.

> >

> > Its not immortal, but if you play with a small group of friends you can pretty much facetank anything while they dump the damage.

> >

> > Daredevil and ranger both kind of assume damage to be effective in their preferred role, which means less tanky and alot more skill use. Nobody has ever said "lets let the daredevil tank work this bounty while we dps it", I think.


> Can share how to get 15 minions? Which rune and trait (rise?)?

Death nova (trait) summons a jagged horror on killing an enemy (max 5), rise (skill) spawn up to 6 shambling horrors I believe it is (1 + 5 targets) and lich rune spawns a jagged horror every minute in combat.


You got 5 minions base (since you need rise) so this can add another 12 or something.


I am not a pro necro so might be wrong on something.

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Take a look at the Fragpedal Quad footpedals made by Goodwork Systems. They sell for $90...about the same as a Razer Hex V2. Four pedals, I use them for movement, forward/back and strafe left/right, however they can be programmed to do a LOT more. I think they could really help your gaming.

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Hi, I have the same condition and this thread is very helpful to me too.


I've been thinking about looking for a programmable mouse but I remember from past searches that being a lefty makes that a little more complicated for me. (That and also money issues like you mentioned). I've changed my keybinds recently and I'm getting a little better but I know that there is probably a lot more I could do to improve so I appreciate the ideas here.


All the best to you and know that you are not alone in your struggles.

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Logi Tech makes some reasonably priced easy to use gaming key boards you might check out. I use an older G510 model that has 18 custom bind keys to the left of the normal QWERTY layout. I bind all movement to my mouse (except dodge), then I can move all my skill/utility commands over to the left side and have plenty of keys left over. This unit is back lit, which makes playing in the dark nice as well.


I also have a Logi Tech G13 22 key pad that can put most everything to a left hand without the need to reach. It has a thumb joy stick, but you don't need to use it. Logi Tech doesn't make the G13 anymore, but you can still find them and they do still provide CS support and driver downloads.

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I recommend everyone remap their keyboard. the standard wasd movement is ok, but limits your options. I much prefer esdf, it gives you 2 more keys to the left and brings you a bit closer to the number keys. if ya don't feel like it then try to at least remap your 6-9 keys closer to your left index finger (if youre right handed which im assuming you are).

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> @"sutasafaia.4872" said:

> Let's get this out of the way, I have nothing against grouping. World events are fun but anything that requires an organized group I only do with friends (hopefully will find a guild once I get in-game). The reason is I have peripheral neuropathy, which basically means I have zero reaction speed with my fingers and it hurts to play anything that requires spamming (looking at you engineer). Now I haven't touched this game since PoF release, I plan to do a lot of Core stuff before moving on to expansion areas since I don't remember anything about the story at all (unless you can go to xpac areas without doing story?). This means I'll mostly be limited to Core specs, at least to start. Since the question does tend to come up, no, sadly a gaming mouse doesn't help me out since my thumb is the worst effected part of my hand.


> Anyway, I have done a ton of reading. I obviously don't want to just be told what to play since that will likely end up not being fun to me so I'm going to list as much as I can as far as what I remember from the last time I played as well as what I've read in the last week or so, maybe that can help narrow down my class choices?


> First: Ranged weapons seem better suited to me than melee. It's generally safer to play, requires less moving around most of the time, and doesn't have to worry about being blocked and hence knocked on my kitten all the time.


> Second: I need to avoid having to constantly stretch my fingers, so skills 7-10 need to be used less often. Passives would be best here I think. I know pet necro is a thing, signet ranger used to be a thing (no clue if it still is), and I'm fairly certain every other class also has enough signets/passive powers to pull it off as well, although I don't remember ever hearing about any builds like that outside of necro and ranger.


> Third: Being hard to kill is a huge plus. As mentioned, my reaction time is terrible so if I am about to go from full to dead and only have a one second window to hit a heal, I am going to likely die where others may have lived.


> Fourth: Although not as important, still something to consider, not having to weapon swap all the time would be nice. It's just one less button to need to hit, and the fewer I need to hit the better.


> Obviously I am not going to be doing any high end content any time soon, and will be avoiding PvP outside of maybe zerg fests since I won't be that important as just one person in an army, but I'm trying to make due with what I can, you know? I want to be able to clear as much content as I can on my own, only having to rely on groups as rarely as possible so that I don't slow them down. I don't like wasting peoples time and I know that I am going to be near the bottom of the APM pile, which in 99% of any meta basically means "useless."


> After hunting around for about a week for build ideas, I've seen a few that are mentioned a lot for soloing. I figure I'll list them, but don't think you have to recommend one of them specifically, I'm open to any suggestions, I really do need help here. For the record I do know that every class can eventually 100% open world stuff but there's obviously going to be some classes better suited to it, especially with how I need to play.


> 1: Power or condi(?) scourge (although they seem somewhat button intensive, maybe?). I saw a video about power scourge basically trivializing world content but it's a bit older now so not sure if it still holds true. I haven't actually seen a lot of stuff about condi scourge but I figured I would mention it since I was talking about scourge.


> 2: power reaper, but it's melee, so...not sure here.


> 3: power or condi core necro. I've seen a lot of talk about this one and I actually played a power necro way back in the day so I at least know the basics of how they function. Blood/Death/X always seems to be recommended, but I see some saying blood is bad for soloing but it does still add more healing...not sure what the X would be. I guess whatever tree has condi leeching for condi, and...spite? for power?


> 4: power ranger (and now the song is stuck in my head). Bearbow specifically, can be played as mostly signets from what I understand (but this post was very, very old) and basically just stands there and pews. Pet can rez you 90% of the time, can swap pets and use pet taunt to make sure you can solo anything 1v1 more or less no matter what. May have issues fighting groups of enemies though?


> 5: Daredevil staff, apparently, is stupidly easy to play and almost unkillable if you do it right. It is melee though, and I never enjoyed playing thief so I'm not sure it's a great option for me even if it's considered the best by many people. Best may not mean most fun for me, sadly.


> Like I said, feel free to recommend anything, even if it's not on the list, those are just the ones that I see mentioned most often. I've been gone so long I am more or less a newbie again. Nothing wrong with that though I think.


> Anyway, that's all I have. Thank you for your advice in advance, I've missed this game and look forward to popping back in. I even have some year three birthday items waiting for me so that's nice. Sorry if the post is a little long winded, I don't like to just say "tell me what to play" without trying to give as many ideas as possible from my end.


Hey bro have you looked into this? You use all of these with your feet.








Worth the money so you can play whatever you want. They range 30 to 60.







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