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Why should I pay for the story, when I already have bought both expansions?

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> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> Even if you are taking a break from the game, which sounds like you did, how hard is it to log in for 5 seconds.....seconds....to have access to the current LWS episode for free? My suggestion to the OP is if you don't want to pay anything at all then at least keep an eye on the game and when new episodes release so you don't have to pay anything to play them.


> As far as the older episodes from before you owned any of the expansions buy them as bundles. It's cheaper that way.....everyone has had to do it. If you like the game why wouldn't you want to support it?


Well when I take a break from a game for an extended time, logging into that game is the last thing I want to do. But the worst of it is for new players. They buy the game with expansions and then find out they have to spend even more for stuff that normally you'd expect to be part of the expansions. Honestly, I think ArenaNet should sell the expansions as part of a package deal together. It's just weird to have to pay for part of the story and zones outside of the expansions.

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In all honesty I really wish they would include the previous years living world as one of the bonus features for each expansion.


If you buy the basic Path of Fire game then that's all you get but if you buy the bonus edition or ultimate and don't have access to living world season 3 which sets it up then I feel that season 3 should be part of that bundle deal.


I do like the living world concept and the way Anet keep adding free new content to the game (which has gotten super good over the last few years) but I do find it pretty daunting from the perspective of a new player coming into the game late when they realize how much money they are going to have to invest in the game to catch up with everyone else.. because they need to buy 2 whole expansions and then 2-3 years worth of living world.

I can definitely see why some people may decide to walk away from the game upon realizing that and feel like they're being punished for not being long term players like many of us are.

I know Anet needs to make money on this game and considering how many people I see running around Tyria with premium mount skins, licence skins, outfits and other gem store items I am pretty convinced they're making a ton of it outside of charging for living world.


For me I'm content paying a higher price on expansions.. PoF was significantly under priced imo.. and i've often used PoF's price point as a reference to criticize the 2000 gem mount skins which are around the same price range in cash..

Even now that just feels ridiculous to me.. what were they thinking?

I always buy the ultimate editions of the expansions anyway as I believe them to be the best price point for what you get and I want to support the devs as much as I can when they do drop these big expansions, sure there are fair criticisms of the expansions and the amount of content they bring to the game but I am a firm believer in expansions being the best method of adding new content to any game as well bringing in money for the company.


The free living world updates are great for those of us who are active when the come around.. but they are very unfriendly to newer players or less active players who end up having to buy them just to get all the story content they missed out on.

As someone who's also a big advocate for living world 1 to be reimplemented in some way I can definitely relate with why missing chunks of story content between content you've paid for is a big turn off for a lot of people.. specially when that missing content contains important events and build up for the content you do own.


Without adding spoilers here.. just think of what it would be like for a player to beat PoF.. and then skip straight to Episode 1 of Season 5 living world because they missed a year of Guildwars 2 because they had to go away to study or work.. go on duty in the army or some kind event like that where playing Gw2 just wasn't possible for them.

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> @"kasoki.5180" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > punish late adapter with les content is a bad idea Anet will maybe understand this one day

> >

> > Agree, I would personal love for them to adopt a subscription model or charge for content releases to fund development.



> Hundred times this.


> Even though its very reasonable to pay for story seasons since development teams need to be funded somehow, the issue is that its very unwelcoming to new players who hear that this is story oriented MMO but then find themselves in a situation where they need to essentially buy two expansions + 3 seasons of game.


> For comparison sake if I wanted to experience story of WoW i just need to buy latest expansion that also comes with 30 days of game time. So... esentially story content is actually cheaper in WoW.


> I honestly feel that this game would definitely work better with some form of subscription model. Anet would have more money for development, veteran players would get content more often while new/returning players would not feel like they have to pay extra for something they feel should be included already.



Yeah, Like several have said, moving to subscription would be several paid accounts gone here. One of the reasons we stick with GW2 is BECAUSE it isn't subscription based. If you want a subscription game, there are plenty out there for you to play, but please don't think that that model is a good fit for every game.


on a different note, there isn't a compelling reason to buy LS2 unless you are desperate for every bit of story lore. OP could benefit from picking the ones from Season 3 & 4 that include features they are interested in and skip the rest.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> They could even strip all rewards and money from those story missions if you're accessing them for free, for example, but still, completely hiding it behind huge paywall, preventing many new players to catch up to the story is totally insane, whatever are their reasons.


it is not insane, it just is not to your liking. And if 40ish USD are a considerable amount of money for you, then you are just not a very interesting customer for a US company. Unfortunate, but it is what it is.

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Thats exactly the model you describe. Core game is free, F2P here is basically a long trial/demo. You pay for expacs(actual game) and DLCs(living story) unless you log in during their "prime time"(in which case you get it for free.)

Would've been the fairest business model if some utterly shameful things like bank/inv/charr slots weren't in the gem shop.

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ANet probably could offer a better described bundle.


When buying hot, there should be a "hot+" option which explains it includes the additional "DLC" content that bridges the story between the main game and hot (which is optional as it can be acquired in game with gems).


Similarly, when buying pof there could be a "pof+" option which includes the additional "DLC" content that bridges the story between hot and pof (requires hot to purchase).


This would make it clear to new players what they are getting "story wise" and avoid them getting into the mindset of being ripped off, scammed or whatever.

Now, whether the + versions offer the LS chapters at full price or a discount, that's up to ANet to determine.


Notice that there's no need to include LS4 in these bundles until a new expansion is released, since the idea is to offer players story content without gaps. Or course, ANet could offer the "guild wars 2 complete bundle" which grants everything up to the current available content.

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> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> Even if you are taking a break from the game, which sounds like you did, how hard is it to log in for 5 seconds.....seconds....to have access to the current LWS episode for free? My suggestion to the OP is if you don't want to pay anything at all then at least keep an eye on the game and when new episodes release so you don't have to pay anything to play them.


> As far as the older episodes from before you owned any of the expansions buy them as bundles. It's cheaper that way.....everyone has had to do it. If you like the game why wouldn't you want to support it?


to be fair sometimes its impossible to log in even 1 second depending what happen in ur life

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" , I'm living in that lucky part of the world, where 50$ is 1/3 - 1/4 of monthly salary for a lot of people :) I can assure you, very few people living in such regions will buy story chapters for that money, when they even consider 10-15$ for a game on Steam at 66% discount "a lot". Anet won't finance anything with those people's money, they will just lock them from the story, that's all.


> The said Eve Online offers special regional prices on their ingame goodies in such regions, which 2 times lower than for the rest of the world, at least, thus making it affordable - as an example. To pay 50$ (a money for which you can buy 2 AAA games at Steam, as Steam also offers regional discounts around there) **for a story** is something that will sound ridiculous for 90% of people around there. Thus Anet won't ever see their money. Yet, if they would be selling the older chapters at huge discounts, allowing people to get all older seasons for, say, 10$ - most of them would buy it, in the end.


If the monthly salary is 150 -200 euro, how the kitten are you even able to make a comment here?


Pc + Internet costs etc.


Im actually curious.



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Because core owners didn't get a refund when core went ftp or bundled in with Hot or PoF.


This is the flip side of that, we were there so we got our monies worth from the content and we get LSs for free if we log on, newer people weren't there so they got core essentially for free, but have to pay for any LS's they missed.

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50+ responses, for Christ sake, I'm not gonna read all those salty comments, sorry guys :) I've learnt what I need in initial conversation anyway.


> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> If the monthly salary is 150 -200 euro, how the kitten are you even able to make a comment here?

> Pc + Internet costs etc.

> Im actually curious.


I wasn't talking about myself, personally. But indeed, quite a lot of people, especially those living outside the capital, survive on 150-250$ a month. Even less than that, sometimes. An official median monthly salary in our a bit richer neighbor (Russian Federation) is around 350$ - what effectively means that half of the working population there earn **less than that**.


How do you survive like that (I hope I won't get prosecuted for offtopic now :) ):


1. Many people still own personal houses and flats around here - a legacy of USSR times, when it was disbanded, so-called privatization was conducted and everybody got opportunity to acquire the flat they were living in for very little money. So, if you own one, you don't need to pay rent or mortgage, only for utilities (and the state partially covers those, they still hang to that old good socialism act from time of Soviets) Those are one of the most valuable treasure around here, people often betray their relatives and kill each other over that scarce bits of private property, as they rarely can hope to buy, or even rent a decent habitat in their lifetime. Sometimes you can get a place to live from some company you are working for (usually it's a factory, and it's a habitat of very low quality, usually). Other than that, you have little options. Like, work day and night to rent a more or less decent space. You can't even hope for mortgage, it comes with ridiculously high loan rates, and you need to first cover 1/3 of price of the habitat you wish to purchase with your own savings. It's quite normal over here when 2-3 generations of relatives live together in a single flat. Like, 5-9 people share 2-3 rooms of it, just because they don't have money to even rent their separate places.

2. People cooperate, as mentioned above. Over here, you often want to marry someone because it's a bit more efficient and cheaper to live together and share household and food-related expenses. The more people - the cheaper it becomes, overall.

3. People cut their expense to the most vital things. Obviously, no trips abroad, ever. Many of such people may never leave borders of their country. They buy only the most simple, nutritious food, and cook it themselves (you actually can have a decent meals at around 100$/month, if you are extra-savvy and cook yourself) - they never visit cafe or restaurant (mb except really big celebrations), almost never order pizza etc; they buy the cheapest clothes and only absolute minimum of household appliances you just can't do without.

4. Yes, they often have PCs and smartphones, and internet connection, as those are included in an absolute survival minimum these days (almost all the time it will be the cheapest devices you can find, some china-phone, and a PC they bought as separate parts and assembled themselves, or it's done by the selling company; often it's a used one, sometimes it's a gift from a "wealthier" relative who bought themselves a new one; obviously, they don't buy brand new PCs from DELL or Alienware :) ). Often they take loans to buy PCs and smpartphones, and then re-pay them over 1-3 years. Also, you can get internet connection for around 10$ around here (adsl or ethernet, even fibre last mile), something in range of 5-20Mbps, it's from a state-owned ISP, so it's rather cheap.

5. Now, you can see that those people live a rather miserable life. They can't afford most of hobbies you take for granted, or let off some steam by going out having fun on weekends. PC+internet become one of their major source of entertainment. Of course, in most cases they don't pay for digital goods :) 95% of home PCs around here use pirated software. When you want to watch movies, you get it from torrents (same goes for games), nobody will even think about buying it somewhere, unless that person is quite old and/or not very tech-savvy to utilize a torrent-client. If you'll tell somebody they could buy a movie on amazon, they will think you're kidding them. As you can guess, 80% of video games they play are pirated as well, or free, or free-to-play. Exception is made only for games which offer a great multi-player experience which you can't get access to without buying them. But as was mentioned before, prices on games around here at huge stores like Steam are cut in 2, at least, and on sales it can be additional -50-85%, so many wait for it going on sale if they really must buy something.


And once again, I'm not in that dire situation myself. But I personally know people who are - that's despite I'm living in a capital which has 2 times better living condition than other regions of the country. And ofc it's not even the worst country like that, it's much worse in India, or Bangladesh, or Brasil - yet people there also have PCs and play MMORPG games; if anybody else, they are the ones who would like to get far away form their grim reality, even if it's for a few hours per day.


I just tried to explain that mentality of the people out there, which is formed under such miserable living conditions they endure, will **never** allow them to buy some set of story chapters for whopping 40$ from Anet. Just not gonna happen, not a chance :) Even if they will have them in their pocket, they won't spend it on overpriced digital goodies.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

>But the worst of it is for new players. They buy the game with expansions and then find out they have to spend even more for stuff that >normally you'd expect to be part of the expansions.


What do you mean?

Was living world in the description box of the expansions page? I dont recall seeing it there, but apparantly since you expected LS to be part of the expansions, it must’ve been advertised somewhere.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> 50+ responses, for Christ sake, I'm not gonna read all those salty comments, sorry guys :) I've learnt what I need in initial conversation anyway.


I'm from ex-USSSR, tho I live outside for long now. I understand all you say.

But here is what I tell to friends and guildies, that are new to GW2.

The LW is in the Black Lion Shop, I bet Anet put it there deliberately so people can get them with in-game gold, they could lock it on cahs/cc only.

It might seem a bit high for new players but it's doable. Focus on your gearing, start doing things in game and you will have the gold for all LWs in no time.

And for the love of six, try to login every 3 mounts if you get busy in RL or something.



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It took me one year of playing mostly open world content before I started considering buying old LSW.

You get huge amount of content with vanilla + hot + pof. Definitely worth the money. If you are interested in ONLY single player story you shouldnt look at mmos.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> 3. People cut their expense to the most vital things. Obviously, no trips abroad, ever. Many of such people may never leave borders of their country. They buy only the most simple, nutritious food, and cook it themselves (you actually can have a decent meals at around 100$/month, if you are extra-savvy and cook yourself) - they never visit cafe or restaurant (mb except really big celebrations), almost never order pizza etc; they buy the cheapest clothes and only absolute minimum of household appliances you just can't do without.


They can practice similar pragmatism and frugality when playing the game and earn enough gold to exchange for gems (at favorable rates) to obtain the Living World bundles when they're discounted on the gem store. It's far from an impossible grind. There are plentiful guides on the best ways to make gold. Games like GW2 that make almost all content available via in-game earnings are a blessing.


I do agree with those who said that some sort of expansion+prior season bundle should be offered so newcomers are more aware of how the story is allocated and have an opportunity to gain access to the contiguous story at a discounted bundle rate.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> 50+ responses, for Christ sake, I'm not gonna read all those salty comments, sorry guys :) I've learnt what I need in initial conversation anyway.


> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > If the monthly salary is 150 -200 euro, how the kitten are you even able to make a comment here?

> > Pc + Internet costs etc.

> > Im actually curious.


> I wasn't talking about myself, personally. But indeed, quite a lot of people, especially those living outside the capital, survive on 150-250$ a month. Even less than that, sometimes. An official median monthly salary in our a bit richer neighbor (Russian Federation) is around 350$ - what effectively means that half of the working population there earn **less than that**.


> How do you survive like that (I hope I won't get prosecuted for offtopic now :) ):


> 1. Many people still own personal houses and flats around here - a legacy of USSR times, when it was disbanded, so-called privatization was conducted and everybody got opportunity to acquire the flat they were living in for very little money. So, if you own one, you don't need to pay rent or mortgage, only for utilities (and the state partially covers those, they still hang to that old good socialism act from time of Soviets) Those are one of the most valuable treasure around here, people often betray their relatives and kill each other over that scarce bits of private property, as they rarely can hope to buy, or even rent a decent habitat in their lifetime. Sometimes you can get a place to live from some company you are working for (usually it's a factory, and it's a habitat of very low quality, usually). Other than that, you have little options. Like, work day and night to rent a more or less decent space. You can't even hope for mortgage, it comes with ridiculously high loan rates, and you need to first cover 1/3 of price of the habitat you wish to purchase with your own savings. It's quite normal over here when 2-3 generations of relatives live together in a single flat. Like, 5-9 people share 2-3 rooms of it, just because they don't have money to even rent their separate places.

> 2. People cooperate, as mentioned above. Over here, you often want to marry someone because it's a bit more efficient and cheaper to live together and share household and food-related expenses. The more people - the cheaper it becomes, overall.

> 3. People cut their expense to the most vital things. Obviously, no trips abroad, ever. Many of such people may never leave borders of their country. They buy only the most simple, nutritious food, and cook it themselves (you actually can have a decent meals at around 100$/month, if you are extra-savvy and cook yourself) - they never visit cafe or restaurant (mb except really big celebrations), almost never order pizza etc; they buy the cheapest clothes and only absolute minimum of household appliances you just can't do without.

> 4. Yes, they often have PCs and smartphones, and internet connection, as those are included in an absolute survival minimum these days (almost all the time it will be the cheapest devices you can find, some china-phone, and a PC they bought as separate parts and assembled themselves, or it's done by the selling company; often it's a used one, sometimes it's a gift from a "wealthier" relative who bought themselves a new one; obviously, they don't buy brand new PCs from DELL or Alienware :) ). Often they take loans to buy PCs and smpartphones, and then re-pay them over 1-3 years. Also, you can get internet connection for around 10$ around here (adsl or ethernet, even fibre last mile), something in range of 5-20Mbps, it's from a state-owned ISP, so it's rather cheap.

> 5. Now, you can see that those people live a rather miserable life. They can't afford most of hobbies you take for granted, or let off some steam by going out having fun on weekends. PC+internet become one of their major source of entertainment. Of course, in most cases they don't pay for digital goods :) 95% of home PCs around here use pirated software. When you want to watch movies, you get it from torrents (same goes for games), nobody will even think about buying it somewhere, unless that person is quite old and/or not very tech-savvy to utilize a torrent-client. If you'll tell somebody they could buy a movie on amazon, they will think you're kidding them. As you can guess, 80% of video games they play are pirated as well, or free, or free-to-play. Exception is made only for games which offer a great multi-player experience which you can't get access to without buying them. But as was mentioned before, prices on games around here at huge stores like Steam are cut in 2, at least, and on sales it can be additional -50-85%, so many wait for it going on sale if they really must buy something.


> And once again, I'm not in that dire situation myself. But I personally know people who are - that's despite I'm living in a capital which has 2 times better living condition than other regions of the country. And ofc it's not even the worst country like that, it's much worse in India, or Bangladesh, or Brasil - yet people there also have PCs and play MMORPG games; if anybody else, they are the ones who would like to get far away form their grim reality, even if it's for a few hours per day.


> I just tried to explain that mentality of the people out there, which is formed under such miserable living conditions they endure, will **never** allow them to buy some set of story chapters for whopping 40$ from Anet. Just not gonna happen, not a chance :) Even if they will have them in their pocket, they won't spend it on overpriced digital goodies.


everyone understood that already. The point is still: So?

And again, "salty" and not telling you what you want to hear are two different things.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> >But the worst of it is for new players. They buy the game with expansions and then find out they have to spend even more for stuff that >normally you'd expect to be part of the expansions.


> What do you mean?

> Was living world in the description box of the expansions page? I dont recall seeing it there, but apparantly since you expected LS to be part of the expansions, it must’ve been advertised somewhere.


You need to take your GW2 blinders off and look around. It's normal for MMOs to have content updates and they're either paid as part of expansions, part of sub payment or as separate DLC. GW2 does it halfway. It charges some customers and some customers not. The difference? You were there are the right time and if you took a break or were not a customer back then because you didn't know about the game then that's the criteria for being charged after the fact. It's not something I've seen other games do in this respect. When people start playing another game or are used to certain things then you have expectations that are based on how things are generally done. Also it's common to make older content available for less or free as time progresses. Like they did with the core game for example here.


It wasn't advertised but it also isn't explained clearly when you buy the game that there are still zones and stories that are part of larger main story line in the end that you have to pay for separately. That's just a nasty little surprise that comes afterwards. Now for people who take breaks I can sort of justify it in the sense that you know that this is how the game works, but especially for new players, it's not made clear and it's something that people generally don't expect to have to pay for since no one else does it this way. So to put the burden of knowing this on unsuspecting customers is the wrong way around. A lot of people aren't aware of LS and how this works when they buy this game.


I mean I played the game for a few months when it came out and dropped it cause I got bored. I had heard something about LS that was coming but had no idea how it worked and all that. When I came back later and got HoT suddenly there were these chargeable parts of the story and the world. That makes them dlc's by the way. But some people have to pay for them and others not. That's the weird thing. And it's old content so it really should be added to the expansions as a package deal. It's also stupid because you play through HoT or PoF and then find out there are these older stories that you have to buy and play out of sync. No, I think ArenaNet can do a lot better on this topic. I don't mind paying for actual content but I do think that LS content should either be paid or free. Not sometimes yes, sometimes no.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > >But the worst of it is for new players. They buy the game with expansions and then find out they have to spend even more for stuff that >normally you'd expect to be part of the expansions.

> >

> > What do you mean?

> > Was living world in the description box of the expansions page? I dont recall seeing it there, but apparantly since you expected LS to be part of the expansions, it must’ve been advertised somewhere.


> You need to take your GW2 blinders off and look around. It's normal for MMOs to have content updates and they're either paid as part of expansions, part of sub payment or as separate DLC. GW2 does it halfway. It charges some customers and some customers not. The difference? You were there are the right time and if you took a break or were not a customer back then because you didn't know about the game then that's the criteria for being charged after the fact. It's not something I've seen other games do in this respect. When people start playing another game or are used to certain things then you have expectations that are based on how things are generally done. Also it's common to make older content available for less or free as time progresses. Like they did with the core game for example here.



Well to be completely fair though, how many of those MMOs you are comparing GW2 too have way more restrictive limitations which require either a subscription or money purchases for unlocks or are far more pay to win or allow gold to gem conversion (aka in-game gold to deluxe currency). People keep forgetting how much GW2 is offering to allow players to spend 0 money on it.


Sure, Arenanet could change the business model, but then there would be other annoyances wouldn't there?


EDIT: and please no pick and chose from different MMOs system. Most are designed to work specifically within their framework in mind. All to often people love to go:"Well SWTOR does this, and ESO does this, and WoW does this...". GW2 model works in the way it does because all the factors are interlinked, same as all other MMO business models (at least of those which are successful).

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > >But the worst of it is for new players. They buy the game with expansions and then find out they have to spend even more for stuff that >normally you'd expect to be part of the expansions.

> >

> > What do you mean?

> > Was living world in the description box of the expansions page? I dont recall seeing it there, but apparantly since you expected LS to be part of the expansions, it must’ve been advertised somewhere.


> You need to take your GW2 blinders off and look around. It's normal for MMOs to have content updates and they're either paid as part of expansions, part of sub payment or as separate DLC. GW2 does it halfway. It charges some customers and some customers not. The difference? You were there are the right time and if you took a break or were not a customer back then because you didn't know about the game then that's the criteria for being charged after the fact.


The real difference?

If you're an active player or not.

Active players are keeping the game alive by playing and using the gemstore.

Players who aren't playing, aren't helping keeping the game alive.

Youre not being charged for being inactive.

Youre being rewarded for being active.


That's a misconception i see thrown around a lot


And even if you're taking a break, if you can't take 2 minutes out of your life every 2-3 months to log in, you're not passing the bar of having put in the minimal effort you be called a 'gw2 player'

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > >But the worst of it is for new players. They buy the game with expansions and then find out they have to spend even more for stuff that >normally you'd expect to be part of the expansions.

> > >

> > > What do you mean?

> > > Was living world in the description box of the expansions page? I dont recall seeing it there, but apparantly since you expected LS to be part of the expansions, it must’ve been advertised somewhere.

> >

> > You need to take your GW2 blinders off and look around. It's normal for MMOs to have content updates and they're either paid as part of expansions, part of sub payment or as separate DLC. GW2 does it halfway. It charges some customers and some customers not. The difference? You were there are the right time and if you took a break or were not a customer back then because you didn't know about the game then that's the criteria for being charged after the fact. It's not something I've seen other games do in this respect. When people start playing another game or are used to certain things then you have expectations that are based on how things are generally done. Also it's common to make older content available for less or free as time progresses. Like they did with the core game for example here.

> >


> Well to be completely fair though, how many of those MMOs you are comparing GW2 too have way more restrictive limitations which require either a subscription or money purchases for unlocks or are far more pay to win or allow gold to gem conversion (aka in-game gold to deluxe currency). People keep forgetting how much GW2 is offering to allow players to spend 0 money on it.


> Sure, Arenanet could change the business model, but then there would be other annoyances wouldn't there?


> EDIT: and please no pick and chose from different MMOs system. Most are designed to work specifically within their framework in mind. All to often people love to go:"Well SWTOR does this, and ESO does this, and WoW does this...". GW2 model works in the way it does because all the factors are interlinked, same as all other MMO business models (at least of those which are successful).


I'm not making game to game comparisons. I am just saying that some things are considered normal and that's what people are used to. This is unusual in the market afaic and because of that I think it's fair to explain this clearly to people. Also because it's actual story and zones in the game this needs to be communicated more clearly in the shop.


And I'm just talking about adjusting the business model, not changing it. No need to go full binary on that. I hate it when people get so black and white when there is so much room in between two extremes. It's not this or something completely different.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > >But the worst of it is for new players. They buy the game with expansions and then find out they have to spend even more for stuff that >normally you'd expect to be part of the expansions.

> > >

> > > What do you mean?

> > > Was living world in the description box of the expansions page? I dont recall seeing it there, but apparantly since you expected LS to be part of the expansions, it must’ve been advertised somewhere.

> >

> > You need to take your GW2 blinders off and look around. It's normal for MMOs to have content updates and they're either paid as part of expansions, part of sub payment or as separate DLC. GW2 does it halfway. It charges some customers and some customers not. The difference? You were there are the right time and if you took a break or were not a customer back then because you didn't know about the game then that's the criteria for being charged after the fact.


> The real difference?

> If you're an active player or not.

> Active players are keeping the game alive by playing and using the gemstore.

> Players who aren't playing, aren't helping keeping the game alive.

> Youre not being charged for being inactive.

> Youre being rewarded for being active.


> That's a misconception i see thrown around a lot


> And even if you're taking a break, if you can't take 2 minutes out of your life every 2-3 months to log in, you're not passing the bar of having put in the minimal effort you be called a 'gw2 player'


How active of a player are you when, as people suggest, you just log in once and get it for free and log out again? It's a strange requirement to get something for free really. It's just strange. And just because you see it as a reward for being active doesn't mean you're right. Normally when something comes out it has a price and then later the price goes down or it becomes free. This is the only game that has an element that does this backwards. People should be informed of this when they buy the game, because when people buy HoT and/or PoF it's a normal expectation that you get all the zones and story that comes with it. That's not the case here so people should be informed and should be offered packages that do include all of that. Bu ArenaNet just quietly lets it be in the background so that when you've bought the expansions you're confronted with this after you already committed money to the game and therefore are more likely to spend again. If that wasn't they case, then why not offer the LS chapters as part of the deluxe version or some package deal you can buy? No, this is just a weird thing they do and that's why these threads pop up every so often because it's not normal and they should do better in this.


Just my view of course but I do not agree with you at all.

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