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What are your guesses for the Legendary Greatsword next Episode?


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So the highly anticipated Greatsword will be the last of the Gen 2 Legendaries to be released and it surely has built up some expectations. What do you guys think will the weapon's theme be?


I've seen comments (especially after Rytlock's short story) that we might get a Sohothin + Magdaer double legendary, which we will be able to combine into a "Destiny's Edge", which sounds so over the top that it quickly became one of my favorite ideas as well.


I doubt that we will get another triple legendary GS, but maybe that's exactly why it is the very last weapon that gets released.


Will we get another Fire themed weapon? Balthazar's Greatsword (it has a gemstore skin, but that doesn't have to mean anything since it doesn't have any fancy effects) would come to mind and was rumored around the start of PoF. The "Stellar" theme is kinda done already thanks to our beautiful Gen 1 Greatswords and Astralaria is using the kind of effects I had in mind the first time I imagined the gen 2 Greatsword all those months ago. Could we be in for another Icy weapon? Or even a lightning based one?


Personally I have had everything ready to craft it on day 1 for the last 2 episodes now and I will craft it even if I happen to strongly dislike the design.

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> @"jwaz.1908" said:

> Another fiery greatsword would be so cliche, and we already have so many (volcanus, molten, fused, etc...). I'd rather see something truly unique and one of a kind.


Fully agree! Though I would be interested in what they can do with them if they amped those up to 11.


> @"derd.6413" said:

> the destiny's edge suggestion with sohothin is just stupid.


> but whatever it'll be it'd probably have some thematic ties to next episode (or the season in general)


It's stupid, that's why I like it so much! Though it would probably upset more people than make them think "okay, cool". But taking only the last part: Craft "Destiny's Edge", as a testament to all the work we've put in, despite our failures, we have come a very long way and a legendary could perfectly tie into that. Now I really like that idea.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"jwaz.1908" said:

> > Another fiery greatsword would be so cliche, and we already have so many (volcanus, molten, fused, etc...). I'd rather see something truly unique and one of a kind.


> Fully agree! Though I would be interested in what they can do with them if they amped those up to 11.


> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > the destiny's edge suggestion with sohothin is just stupid.

> >

> > but whatever it'll be it'd probably have some thematic ties to next episode (or the season in general)


> It's stupid, that's why I like it so much! Though it would probably upset more people than make them think "okay, cool". But taking only the last part: Craft "Destiny's Edge", as a testament to all the work we've put in, despite our failures, we have come a very long way and a legendary could perfectly tie into that. Now I really like that idea.


it's the sohotin part that's stupid, idc what they name it

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> @"thehipone.6812" said:

> Considering that we got a very human themed sword and a very charr themed dagger, I hope it is an asura themed greatsword that is super cheesy looking/joke legendary like a golem on a stick or something.


> Wouldn't surprise me to see a Glint-themed weapon though.


A forgotten theme could be cool.



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I know that magdaer was going to get fixed (honestly with it broken I would have thought new legendary dagger, fig. it would lead to logan and thus guardian getting dagger next) but I hope it's niether that or a mix of the two swords.


I also hope it won't be themed to the episode either. I would have liked to have seen an asuran tech greatsword with a beam of light within changing colors and the footfalls being different colored strobe ligths that radiate out in a circle. And when you swing it each swipe (sort of like sunrise/twilight) is displays a different color. But this is a very silly idea.


For something more serious and if it is themed over the episode I hope it'll be a slimmer greatsword. Either way i'll be making this one.

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I could imagine the Greatsword is a Caladbolg 2.0 or has to do with Ventari's Tablet or something.

The Sylvaris are the only playable race who are not involved in the gen 2 legendarys until now.


The claw of the Khan-Ur is an ancient charr artifact,

The shining blade is the symbol of a human elite force,

Nevermore is connected with the raven spirit of the norn

and hope is designed from the asura.

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