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Please monitor map chat its out of control.


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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> >@"Gaile Gray.6029" said as far back as 2015:

> >I strongly recommend that everyone use the in-game report system to help make the game a better place to be. We take reports seriously and we appreciate the assistance of our community members!


> Maybe read this thread, in which Gaile Gray made several posts (including the above quote) and told us to absolutely use the report function. Even the simple usage of the f-word is enough to warrant a report. The staff will check what was actually said and sort it out. -> [link to statement in thread about vulgar language](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Belliegerence-and-Vulgar-Language/page/2#post4929220 "link to statement in thread about vulgar language")


I find funny that specific quote of Gaile... Principally the part of _"We take reports seriously"_...


Sure, you can get suspended for innapropriate language (I have a friend who got 3 months suspension for being way too salty on PvP chat) but you can use hacks and exploits in PvP and WvW for months and nothing happens.

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I'm pretty depressed with society these days honestly. Instead of taking responsibility for our own thoughts, feelings and experiences, we consider it normal and appropriate to run to an authority figure to deal with things that we really could simply and quickly deal with ourselves.


I don't understand why other people's normal, none violent, none harrassment behaviour should be policed by a big brother figure, when it's perfectly normal in the world.


I'm an adult. I understand that some people's normal word usage isn't the same as mine and that I have the tools to never see it if I don't want to. Regardless of what Big Brother says, I consider it very immature to be relying on someone else to censor my world into a cotton wool environment. Some people really need to watch a documentary on Mousetopia :/




I'd rather people deal with what we can ourselves and leave moderation to actual behaviour that is damage such as stalking, threats of violence, racism, bullying. Treating swearing on the same level as such things is just breathtaking to me.




Doesn't really answer my question though. I know we CAN report for swearing. But why do it? Why not just block/use filter? Would you rather the moderators be trawling through petty reports or be able to faster get to serious ones?




In before, 'but swearing is just as serious as racism and harrassment!'




Reposted without the comment that I assume upset the moderator... who didn't bother to let me know exactly which part of the above is 'offensive'



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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> Doesn't really answer my question though.

Could it be that you just don't like the answer people have given?


> I know we CAN report for swearing. But why do it? Why not just block/use filter? Would you rather the moderators be trawling through petty reports or be able to faster get to serious ones?

The filter doesn't hide it all and block only hides the poster after it's too late.

(I personally don't report cussing, but then again, it doesn't bother me. I'm more worried about the more subtle forms of intimidation that some people apply, that sometimes avoids any swear words.)


> In before, 'but swearing is just as serious as racism and harrassment!'

By analogy, that means I shouldn't report broken windows or graffitti or petty theft because those aren't as serious as murder. Of course, I don't really think that's what you meant. It's a way of demonstrating that your rephrasing of someone else's view of the world is colored by your own preference.


The point is that there are all sorts of levels of things worth keeping out of chat, some are more serious and some aren't. There are relatively few serious violations and less controversy about which those are. There are more of the minor sort and the line is blurrier there. That isn't coincidental; that's human nature.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The point is that there are all sorts of levels of things worth keeping out of chat, some are more serious and some aren't. There are relatively few serious violations and less controversy about which those are. There are more of the minor sort and the line is blurrier there. That isn't coincidental; that's human nature.


It's a weird sort of classism and racism. There are words said commonly in my home area of england that the americans on this forum would probably report as offensive. Words that I grew up hearing mothers say to their babies, in cutesy voices. If someone isn't being racist, abusive, harrassing, or attempting to give offense, but is simply using the commonly accepted vernacular they would use in their area I think we need to use some common sense. There's a difference between shocking and offensive.



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Call me cynical, but this sounds a lot like "People are saying things I don't like. Won't someone come along and police everyone so I don't have to do anything myself?"


It's the same thing with RPers using emotes and then people complaining to high heaven for some other chat channel to segregate those that don't use emotes like you want them to. At some point, you gotta accept that the reason chat channels exists is so people can *communicate*, even if it's about subjects you don't want to hear. What's the point of having a mouth if someone else is just going to puppet it for me?

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Report individuals as it happens. Or if you feel it's especially vile, then submit a support ticket with (a) screenshots of the relevant chat and (b) a brief, neutral explanation of why you feel it's inappropriate (since it won't go without saying). ANet's usually pretty good about taking care of it.

> >

> > However, keep in mind just because you (or I) feel something is inappropriate doesn't mean that ANet will agree. ANet tends to allow for some wiggle room, so we might draw the line different from how they choose to.


> Right i get it, but i think some of this stuff crosses the line.


Crosses your line maybe. The problem is that there isn't such a thing as "the line". The line is different for each person and sometimes the differences are small and sometimes they're a lot bigger. It might be shocking but I think that if people truly said what they felt, you'd find out that a lot fewer people actually share your values than you might want to believe.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> Crosses your line maybe. _The problem is that there isn't such a thing as "the line"._ The line is different for each person and sometimes the differences are small and sometimes they're a lot bigger. It might be shocking but I think that if people truly said what they felt, you'd find out that a lot fewer people actually share your values than you might want to believe.


No, there is _no problem_, because the line of the person you are replying to is not the line that is relevant for any action ArenaNet is taking. Reporting people who cross **your own line** is exactly what ArenaNet is asking for, and the right thing to do, and it will not cause the ones being reported any harm as long as ArenaNet does not agree that **their** line was crossed too. This prevents players to be burdened to be the judge of what exactly ArenaNet thinks crosses their line. If ArenaNet would receive so many "false" reports for chat violations that do not actually cross their line, they probably would have spoken up within the last 6 years and told us "hey, we get a ton of reports about x every day and it really causes a lot of unneeded work, please don't report x anymore". They didn't. Reports seem to be just fine.


Many people in this thread appear to think they should be able to say anything that does not cross their own line, and shove the responsibility of not being offended or annoyed by them to all other players. Well, they are wrong because ArenaNet disagrees with them and all players have agreed to play by ArenaNet's rules. Players who actually help ArenaNet with their goal of keeping chat appropriate and **not crossing their line** were labled as "not adult enough to care for themselves". Frankly, attacking and belitteling people who help keeping up the goals ArenaNet has is the childish thing here.


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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > Crosses your line maybe. _The problem is that there isn't such a thing as "the line"._ The line is different for each person and sometimes the differences are small and sometimes they're a lot bigger. It might be shocking but I think that if people truly said what they felt, you'd find out that a lot fewer people actually share your values than you might want to believe.


> No, there is _no problem_, because the line of the person you are replying to is not the line that is relevant for any action ArenaNet is taking. Reporting people who cross **your own line** is exactly what ArenaNet is asking for, and the right thing to do, and it will not cause the ones being reported any harm as long as ArenaNet does not agree that **their** line was crossed too. This prevents players to be burdened to be the judge of what exactly ArenaNet thinks crosses their line. If ArenaNet would receive so many "false" reports for chat violations that do not actually cross their line, they probably would have spoken up within the last 6 years and told us "hey, we get a ton of reports about x every day and it really causes a lot of unneeded work, please don't report x anymore". They didn't. Reports seem to be just fine.


> Many people in this thread appear to think they should be able to say anything that does not cross their own line, and shove the responsibility of not being offended or annoyed by them to all other players. Well, they are wrong because ArenaNet disagrees with them and all players have agreed to play by ArenaNet's rules. Players who actually help ArenaNet with their goal of keeping chat appropriate and **not crossing their line** were labled as "not adult enough to care for themselves". Frankly, attacking and belitteling people who help keeping up the goals ArenaNet has is the childish thing here.


I think your assessment is incorrect. Not everything that is reported on gets actioned. There is no clear line set by ArenaNet because these things have to be judged on an individual basis because it's simply not that easy to decide what crosses this abstract line that's not actually a line. That's why it IS problematic to speak of "the line" because it doesn't actually exist.

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Your understanding of what I wrote seems incorrect. I never claimed that everything that is reported gets actioned, I actually wrote the exact opposite.


>it will not cause the ones being reported any harm as long as ArenaNet does not agree that their line was crossed too


So when someone reports something that crosses _his_ line, nothing happens as long as it does not cross ArenaNet's line too. Thats is the same thing you write.

So there is no problem when someone reports something that crosses **his** line, just because it is his line and not "the official line". You claimed it is a problem though. _Edit: Maybe your choice of words in "the problem is" was a bit off, and you did not actually mean that there is an actual problem. It seems we both generally have the same opinion on the whole thing._

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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> Your understanding of what I wrote seems incorrect. I never claimed that everything that is reported gets actioned, I actually wrote the exact opposite.


> >it will not cause the ones being reported any harm as long as ArenaNet does not agree that their line was crossed too


> So when someone reports something that crosses _his_ line, nothing happens as long as it does not cross ArenaNet's line too. Thats is the same thing you write.

> So there is no problem when someone reports something that crosses **his** line, just because it is his line and not "the official line". You claimed it is a problem though.


Ahh then you misunderstood me in a different way, possibly because I didn't specify that. When I say it's a problem, I mean it's a problem for the OP's reasoning, not for how the reporting system works.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> I dont know if its the influx of wow players but map chat in LA esp has become down right vile. Its like trade chat in wow now, full of political trolls, racists, vulgarity, i can post screenshots if you want. There has been a huge upswing over the last month or so in this kind of stuff. I think you need to start monitoring it, as a player i cant spam report all these people, and its ridiculous to try. Its ruining the wonderful community feel of GW2, and turning it into a wow troll platform. One other thing, these players think because they ruined wow like this and got away with it, that they can get away with it here also.


It's the internet; you can't hand-hold everyone who doesn't like open internet chat. People are allowed to talk about things other than ingame priorities and it's very much okay.

Just use your language filter and block function; that's what they are there for.


Also: _How do you know these are WoW players_?






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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > The point is that there are all sorts of levels of things worth keeping out of chat, some are more serious and some aren't. There are relatively few serious violations and less controversy about which those are. There are more of the minor sort and the line is blurrier there. That isn't coincidental; that's human nature.


> It's a weird sort of classism and racism. There are words said commonly in my home area of england that the americans on this forum would probably report as offensive. Words that I grew up hearing mothers say to their babies, in cutesy voices. If someone isn't being racist, abusive, harrassing, or attempting to give offense, but is simply using the commonly accepted vernacular they would use in their area I think we need to use some common sense. There's a difference between shocking and offensive.




Yes local variations on an otherwise shared language can introduce some gray to the situation, but this is not ANet coming into your home and asking you to change the way you speak. This is you going onto someone else's property where they have established house rules for what is acceptable. Common sense, in this case, involves recognising that the owners of the property get to set the rules, just as you do in your home, and that those who refuse to keep the promise they made to follow those rules may face consequences.

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If someone is map chatting things you don't like, simply block them & move on (If its a direct attack against you personally then of course report them to ANET, then block & finally move on). The game is there to enjoy & have fun, not to get into any kind of arguments or bickering. Peace to all. =)

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

I crafted a reply to your earlier response because I think there have been some misunderstandings about my point of view and about ANet's.

But rather than go back & forth (as we have a history of doing)...


With the assumption that ANet has a vested interest in maintaining civility in /map and the forums, at a standard that is probably stricter than your own, what policy would you want them to enact? What sort of enforcement standard?


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> I crafted a reply to your earlier response because I think there have been some misunderstandings about my point of view and about ANet's.

> But rather than go back & forth (as we have a history of doing)...


> With the assumption that ANet has a vested interest in maintaining civility in /map and the forums, at a standard that is probably stricter than your own, what policy would you want them to enact? What sort of enforcement standard?



My post was in context of the OP. Outside of direct violations of the ToS, it's easier to police yourself and your groups rather than everyone else. If someone's being offensive, they will likely be reported, preferably by the individuals that are being offended, but it's far less of a headache to just disable /map or leave LA. There doesn't need to be any change in enforcement standards on Anet's part unless someone wants to make the case there is an oversight in their standards.

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> @"Chasind.3128" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > I dont know if its the influx of wow players but map chat in LA esp has become down right vile. Its like trade chat in wow now, full of political trolls, racists, vulgarity, i can post screenshots if you want. There has been a huge upswing over the last month or so in this kind of stuff. I think you need to start monitoring it, as a player i cant spam report all these people, and its ridiculous to try. Its ruining the wonderful community feel of GW2, and turning it into a wow troll platform. One other thing, these players think because they ruined wow like this and got away with it, that they can get away with it here also.


> It's the internet; you can't hand-hold everyone who doesn't like open internet chat. People are allowed to talk about things other than ingame priorities and it's very much okay.

> Just use your language filter and block function; that's what they are there for.


> Also: _How do you know these are WoW players_?







Because i played wow for a long time, and you get to know the lingo. They reference things said in wow in their chat. Look fbombs dont bother me, nor does foul language. What bothers me are racists/sexist/homophobic remarks linked political trolling and throw in some sexual acts for good measure and then get the whole thing rolling with aggressive talk. You can yell in chat all day about the bloiting ducking kitten raptors being a bunch of blits and i would just laugh with you. But stirring up the pot to hit on the most sensitive topics and to belittle others is not something that should be allowed. Cuss away idc as long as you are not throwing it at other players in an aggressive way.

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I report when I see offensive things in map chat. If it gets too upsetting or unsettling, I have a chat option I can switch to that stops me from seeing map chat completely. Ultimately, have a plan in place to get away from that stuff (like logging off and taking break; creating a custom chat as I did; blocking; ECT)--because yes, some of the vile things that get said are upsetting. However, also realize that this sort of toxicity will always exist in every game to some degree. Reporting helps manage it, but can't make it go completely away.

The best thing you can do is take the time to report and remove yourself from the situation--and then let it slide off. The more energy you put into being upset, the more power those vile messages have over you.

I feel like forum posts like this one just fuel the fire. Too often, forum posts about these topics just go around and around as people state the same opinions, make snide remarks, and get upset all over again. I could be totally wrong, but I feel like--if you need to express your frustration--a private message to Arenanet might be more helpful than a public forum post to your cause.

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