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Invulnerable Enemies locking you in combat needs to stop.


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OK I've held my tounge on this for well over a year now but I can't anymore.


These enemies that attack the player, locking them into combat and then remain invulnerable for several seconds afterwards.. are by far the most insufferable thing about this game.


I honestly don't care for the reason they were added or what function they are supposed to serve but I am absolutely sick and tired of dealing with them, i'm sick and tired of them screwing up races and interrupting the flow of events while they randomly take a moment of invulnerability mid combat causing me to waste a the bulk of my damage skills or quickness buff etc..


If you're not going to remove these enemies invulnerability then at least give us the ability to remount in combat or something because i'm getting really tired of these enemies screwing me over and causing me to get angry enough to log out and not play again for the rest of the day.

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In general enemies only go invulnerable if they have no way of getting to you. This is by design to prevent abuse.


Either get enough distance or don't prevent enemy pathing (say by standing on a very elevated spot).


Unless you are referring to a specific enemy, in which case it might well have to do with a mechanic. Those are far and few.

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Yeah, I've noticed this a lot more in PoF and I believe that it is due (in part?) to the much larger aggro radius of the enemies. It doesn't take much to get their attention if you are at the edge of their radius and if you back off, they then exceed their anchor point and return to it, going invulnerable as they do so.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:


> Once they actually reset their position , not be invulnerable anymore, possibly healing them to a bit or to full, but at least have no invulnerability for 10 seconds afterwards.

I haven't seen them retain invulnerability once they reset to their anchored position. That's something new to me. But then, once I recognize that they are returning to "home", I usually just disengage and move on.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Yeah, I've noticed this a lot more in PoF and I believe that it is due (in part?) to the much larger aggro radius of the enemies. It doesn't take much to get their attention if you are at the edge of their radius and if you back off, they then exceed their anchor point and return to it, going invulnerable as they do so.


Definitely in part. Sometimes, even when PoF mobs are right where logic suggests they belong, they do the invulnerable thing, walk a few paces, then turn around and attack at the same spot where they just became invulnerable. By "where logic suggests they belong," I mean where they've been stationed, or at an event they spawned for. One place where I've seen this is the Awakened Collector mobs that spawn during




While this behavior resembles the go-invulnerable-then-leash behavior when mobs are pulled too far from their leash point, leashing when already very close to that point seems like a bug.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > Yeah, I've noticed this a lot more in PoF and I believe that it is due (in part?) to the much larger aggro radius of the enemies. It doesn't take much to get their attention if you are at the edge of their radius and if you back off, they then exceed their anchor point and return to it, going invulnerable as they do so.


> Definitely in part. Sometimes, even when PoF mobs are right where logic suggests they belong, they do the invulnerable thing, walk a few paces, then turn around and attack at the same spot where they just became invulnerable. By "where logic suggests they belong," I mean where they've been stationed, or at an event they spawned for. One place where I've seen this is the Awakened Collector mobs that spawn during


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stop_the_Awakened_collectors_from_harassing_the_exiles


> While this behavior resembles the go-invulnerable-then-leash behavior when mobs are pulled too far from their leash point, leashing when already very close to that point seems like a bug.


They do that even while standing on top of their spawn point. I am not sure why people insist on burying their head in the sand on that particular bug.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > Yeah, I've noticed this a lot more in PoF and I believe that it is due (in part?) to the much larger aggro radius of the enemies. It doesn't take much to get their attention if you are at the edge of their radius and if you back off, they then exceed their anchor point and return to it, going invulnerable as they do so.

> >

> > Definitely in part. Sometimes, even when PoF mobs are right where logic suggests they belong, they do the invulnerable thing, walk a few paces, then turn around and attack at the same spot where they just became invulnerable. By "where logic suggests they belong," I mean where they've been stationed, or at an event they spawned for. One place where I've seen this is the Awakened Collector mobs that spawn during

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stop_the_Awakened_collectors_from_harassing_the_exiles

> >

> > While this behavior resembles the go-invulnerable-then-leash behavior when mobs are pulled too far from their leash point, leashing when already very close to that point seems like a bug.


> They do that even while standing on top of their spawn point. I am not sure why people insist on burying their head in the sand on that particular bug.


This happens alot in PoF, like in GH - Istan, mobs spawns, takes damage and gets invulnerable for some reason.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > Yeah, I've noticed this a lot more in PoF and I believe that it is due (in part?) to the much larger aggro radius of the enemies. It doesn't take much to get their attention if you are at the edge of their radius and if you back off, they then exceed their anchor point and return to it, going invulnerable as they do so.

> > >

> > > Definitely in part. Sometimes, even when PoF mobs are right where logic suggests they belong, they do the invulnerable thing, walk a few paces, then turn around and attack at the same spot where they just became invulnerable. By "where logic suggests they belong," I mean where they've been stationed, or at an event they spawned for. One place where I've seen this is the Awakened Collector mobs that spawn during

> > >

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stop_the_Awakened_collectors_from_harassing_the_exiles

> > >

> > > While this behavior resembles the go-invulnerable-then-leash behavior when mobs are pulled too far from their leash point, leashing when already very close to that point seems like a bug.

> >

> > They do that even while standing on top of their spawn point. I am not sure why people insist on burying their head in the sand on that particular bug.


> This happens alot in PoF, like in GH - Istan, mobs spawns, takes damage and gets invulnerable for some reason.


They also do that in core because of the awaken invasions. So it seems like PoF mobs uses a different AI that only differs from the core/HoT AI by being buggier.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> If they go invulnerable they really should remove conditions on both, and put both out of combat immediately.


I agree, that's part of my problem.

There are moments when an enemy can trap you in a terrain pit that you need to mount up in order to escape but you can't because that enemy has trapped you in combat.

You also cannot kill the enemy because it's turned invulnerable and have to run around trying to break that combat or if you can run away in the opposite direction until your far enough to break combat.

There are also moments where you'll defeat an enemy but still be stuck in combat anyway which also happens to me often enough to become annoying.


I think the best solution to this problem in all honesty is to allow players to mount up in combat but put restrictions when doing so.. say for example a 20 second cooldown on the mount's attack ability to avoid people mount spamming their skill 1.. and also mounting you up with half the mounts health or something.

This would easily allow us to use our mounts as an emergency escape tactic in PvE and prevent the open world enemies from screwing up the various mount races accross Tyria.. It's hardly any different from people running away from a fight to heal which we can already do anyway in group content.. it'll just be a faster and more convinient method of doing so while giving us some kind of defense against annoying troll mobs that will lock you in combat and run away invulnerable, keeping you in combat for an extended period of time forcing you to either wait and kill or run away potentially being stuck in a slow run for a significant period of time. (My record is around 22 seconds running away from being locked in combat thanks to a bug.)


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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > Yeah, I've noticed this a lot more in PoF and I believe that it is due (in part?) to the much larger aggro radius of the enemies. It doesn't take much to get their attention if you are at the edge of their radius and if you back off, they then exceed their anchor point and return to it, going invulnerable as they do so.

> >

> > Definitely in part. Sometimes, even when PoF mobs are right where logic suggests they belong, they do the invulnerable thing, walk a few paces, then turn around and attack at the same spot where they just became invulnerable. By "where logic suggests they belong," I mean where they've been stationed, or at an event they spawned for. One place where I've seen this is the Awakened Collector mobs that spawn during

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stop_the_Awakened_collectors_from_harassing_the_exiles

> >

> > While this behavior resembles the go-invulnerable-then-leash behavior when mobs are pulled too far from their leash point, leashing when already very close to that point seems like a bug.


> They do that even while standing on top of their spawn point. I am not sure why people insist on burying their head in the sand on that particular bug.


Yes that happened to me today during the skimmer race in Elon Riverlands.

I was using a beetle and ended up falling into one of the various deeper water segments but before I did I got shot by an Awakened archer who went invulnerable straight away despite barely moving from his default location.

He trapped me in combat preventing re-mounting to my Skimmer forcing me to swim out of the pit and around while being still trapped in combat, I shot at him to kill him as fast as I could so I could remount and complete the race but he was still invulnerable.. so I ran away trying to break combat to mount and he chased me thanks to his stupidly big aggro range.. after shooting me again!! I turned around to murder him.. at this point I was really annoyed.. and the second I hit him.. he turned invulernable again and ran away!..

It was at that point I quit the game as it had already screwed up my race and I was far to angry to keep playing XD


Unfortunately stuff like this happens to me in Gw2 far too often to continue ignoring, there's clearly a problem with either the leashing system or the aggro range on the mobs.. It's easily the most annoying thing in the game for me.

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  • 1 year later...

They should really remove most of the restriction of 'you are in combat, so you can't do that'. What is the problem with using a waypoint if I'm in combat? Sadly, some times, it is just faster to let the enemy kill me, at which point I can use a WP. That seems stupid.

The other big annoyance is not being able to switch gathering tools if in combat. I can understand armor & weapons in combat, because odd things related to cooldowns, special effects, etc, could happen. But what possible harm/advantage could I get swapping my mining pick while in combat?

Mount is a valid one. Just put a 5 second cooldown on the attack/damage skill whenever you mount up.


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That you can't switch mining tools whikw in combat is actually due to a bug. It was discovered in the first months of gw2 that if would equip a mining tool mid combat it would only produce ruined materials. Anet locked switching tools as a result. Nothing dramatic.

But for the discussion the problem that you stay in combat even after killing all mobs is something I have witnessed far to often.

People have suggested that you should be able to mount up once while in combat to break these situations. But thinking back on the mining tools I wonder what this could possibly break.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:


> > Once they actually reset their position , not be invulnerable anymore, possibly healing them to a bit or to full, but at least have no invulnerability for 10 seconds afterwards.

> I haven't seen them retain invulnerability once they reset to their anchored position.

It happens. It's actually a very old bug, been there since the very beginning of the game - at some point especially mobs in Orr were known for that. Sometimes after the mob gets leashed back to original position it doesn't reset aggro and stays in the fight for a very long while, regardless of distance. This both keeps the mob in invulnerable status until it actually hits someone (can be someone else), and keeps the player in combat. It can take up to several minutes (and i mean more like 5-10 than 1-2) for that state to wear off.

You can try to clear it off by exiting to character select screen and logging back, as that seems to reset the aggro. Sometimes attacking and killing some other mob works as well, but that is not a 100% sure solution.



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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> In general enemies only go invulnerable if they have no way of getting to you. This is by design to prevent abuse.


> Either get enough distance or don't prevent enemy pathing (say by standing on a very elevated spot).


> Unless you are referring to a specific enemy, in which case it might well have to do with a mechanic. Those are far and few.


How is it abuse to snipe an enemy from the top of a rock/cliff/structure and they can't get to you? That's kind of what snipers do. I understand if they allowed sniping, they would also have to allow NPCs to seek shelter or get behind an object so you can't hit them. But that makes more sense than invuln or instant healing.

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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > In general enemies only go invulnerable if they have no way of getting to you. This is by design to prevent abuse.

> >

> > Either get enough distance or don't prevent enemy pathing (say by standing on a very elevated spot).

> >

> > Unless you are referring to a specific enemy, in which case it might well have to do with a mechanic. Those are far and few.


> How is it abuse to snipe an enemy from the top of a rock/cliff/structure and they can't get to you? That's kind of what snipers do. I understand if they allowed sniping, they would also have to allow NPCs to seek shelter or get behind an object so you can't hit them. But that makes more sense than invuln or instant healing.


It's a matter of balance and exploitation abuse. The alternative is to give every single enemy ranged attacks, which would mess with their pathing or make them never engage in melee.


You can just as well snipe enemies from max range and not exploit the limitations of the monster AI.

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I can't see sniping enemies as much of an exploit. There are already various builds that players use for largely automated farming of mobs. Being able to snipe enemies would probably be a slower process than the allowed mob farming. If a player wants to sit on top of something and snipe enemies, sure, let them do so.


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They should just make the mobs turn green (friendly) when the game sees the need for them to become invulnerable, making them lose aggro and you leaving combat instantly. They already do this in some events and story missions, after all. This would make it obvious what's going on and hold off players from wasting their damage rotations on them.


Sure, would also be a bit confusing, but not more than it already is now.

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