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Idea for removing the water barrier after swimming too far


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Okay so... many of us are feeling quite weird after reaching the end of the map when swimming and hitting the edge barrier.

My suggestion is to remove that barrier and put some cool animation that just kill us after we see warning on the screen, maybe the water can go darker on the surface so we can see the indication where we are allowed and not allowed to swim. Arenanet can make some cool animations like ... adding piranhas that are biting our butts putting blood condition that you cant cleanse, or sharks eating chunks of us, or some giant creature just swallow us making the screen black until we port to nearest waypoint, adding some mythical creature that is known to be the guardian of the deep and when you see him you know you are screwed . Why not adding them all together so it's not some boring death every time. Imagine all the cool screenshots and players coming together to die just for the fun. If this is too hard to be done at least consider to be done on the new zones while still being build. Would love to hear the thoughts of the gaming community and the developers as well. I think the idea have great potential if the right guys see it and approve it.


Edin: Also I hope if the developers can't or wont do that what is the reason behind their decision. Some personal opinion from some of them will be cool so we can understand in depth how they react to new ideas an how they grade their projects in the game.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I'd rather my character _not_ die if I stray too far exploring the edges of the map.


We are talking about message warning and change of the visual effects. Also we are taking about around 10,20+ meters of swimming the wrong way after the warning. Few times getting killed by this will make you stop doing the same mistake unintentionally. It may be also an opportunity for the team to add further underwater exploration and end it where ever they wish without any problem. My idea is a new barrier but one more pleasant for the eye.

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> Nah, I like the existing barrier. It would be a waste of resources to change that. It hardly ever happens that you come to the barrier.


Interesting idea from the OP, but yeah, I agree that the current setup is sufficient and that it doesn't require this suggested change.

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Personally I prefer the current system. I'd rather just be told I can't go any further than get killed for going too far, especially when you're in the water and it can be hard to gauge your position. I know you said the warning would come up 10-20 meters before you get killed, but that may not always be possible, depending on how far the invisible barrier is from the actual edge of the map.


> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> Imagine all the cool screenshots and players coming together to die just for the fun.


I think you're being overly optimistic here. Elder Scrolls Online does this - if you swim too far you get attacked by slaughterfish (which are basically piranhas) and die. There's even an achievement for getting killed by them. And even when the game was new and no one knew about it the most I ever saw was people in map chat asking what happened. Very occasionally someone would try to avoid them and reach the invisible wall, but even then it never generated much excitement.

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I dont think GW2 has current mechanics, or it would had been more logical to simply add counter currents to keep the player in the map.


Though, I bet if that had been implemented, somebody would try to get a +30 speed infusion just to beat said current and break free out of the map. :P

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> @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> I dont think GW2 has current mechanics, or it would had been more logical to simply add counter currents to keep the player in the map.


> Though, I bet if that had been implemented, somebody would try to get a +30 speed infusion just to beat said current and break free out of the map. :P


Actually there are plenty of wind and current mechanics in the game. Cliffside and the new fractal. I think SAB has it. I believe there is a slower one on the waterwheel in Labyrinthine Cliffs. The sauna room in Thunderhead. There's a JP in Lornars (name escapes me). There's probably more occurrences I've missed.

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I too am not a fan of invisible walls but everytime they are not used people find a new way to break out of a map. "Blah blah blah breaking out of maps is harmless" until people find a way to exploit it. And then the devs ban people for exploiting and then gamers rage and say it was devs fault for allowing it in the first place because bad dev work.


So yeah it's just easier to use invisible walls rather than soft barriers.

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The maps which has this has already demonstrated that it is a crappy idea. Partly because the devs are sometimes a bit too sloppy when defining the borders. One of the cliffs on the way down to the VB flax farm does this even though it is the side of a cliff that you aren't going to walk through.


It is also a complete waste of time since all it amounts to is maybe 2 seconds of amusement and then it turns into an annoyance all the other times afterward.

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> @"Gulbasaur.1865" said:

> I'd like it to be like in Subnautica, where something utterly nightmarish comes out and gets you. Screw piranhas, I want something that'll make me need therapy.


That was my idea from the start of the discussion. To move forward with the underwater content you must implement new mechanics way before that. Learning and getting ideas from other games, trying to copy their mechanics, making them better,making them yours, is vital for a game like GW2. We got Subnautica, a great game in my opinion, with its fresh design and new concept of gameplay. GW2 did the underwater content way before Subnautica was created. I wonder if the underwater content would have been different if Subnautica came before GW2.

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> @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> >"Blah blah blah breaking out of maps is harmless" until people find a way to exploit it.


> Lul, what exploit? Dare I ask, what was exploitative about that one unused JP in Caledon? North Brisban portal? Polymock?


Excuse me? I didn't say that. Please get your quoting right.

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> @"JDub.1530" said:

> > @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> > I dont think GW2 has current mechanics, or it would had been more logical to simply add counter currents to keep the player in the map.

> >

> > Though, I bet if that had been implemented, somebody would try to get a +30 speed infusion just to beat said current and break free out of the map. :P


> Actually there are plenty of wind and current mechanics in the game. Cliffside and the new fractal. I think SAB has it. I believe there is a slower one on the waterwheel in Labyrinthine Cliffs. The sauna room in Thunderhead. There's a JP in Lornars (name escapes me). There's probably more occurrences I've missed.


The pool in the middle of Lily of the Elon has a whirlpool effect.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> The pool in the middle of Lily of the Elon has a whirlpool effect.

I can think of Molten Firestorm in Molten Boss fractal with his cool Lingering Area of Effect where the wind tries to blow you off the ramp if you go near the outer circle with windy area. Currents can be a thing... Also in Twilight Oasis fractal at the end boss when you fight with "Grenth" there's cool area where if you touch it you got feared in a specific direction, this can be implemented at the water edge, something like "Fear of the Deep" effect.



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Wind/stream mechanics exist:

Most recent: Thunderhead keep

1-Sauna room

2-At the south-east, a giant snow slope with several volatile magics. (Intense wind that freeze your foot even your mount.


Vertical one possible: Sandswept, magnetic lab, at the middle, the SAB portal, pushing you upward.


But nah, water limits are good the way they are, eventually if connecting to another map, we should have a portal like lake doric-harathi hinterland.

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