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What do you find to be the hardest thing to achieve in GW2?


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From the first day i wanted to make a destroyer themed character.

But the lack of good skins is making it a challenge.

Right now I'm wearing full Hellfire, with the flame citadel chestplate. And the primordus weapon set.


I'm also still missing a proper back piece.

Anet made the destroyer wings green, and i have not yet forgiven them for that transgression

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> From the first day i wanted to make a destroyer themed character.

> But the lack of good skins is making it a challenge.

> Right now I'm wearing full Hellfire, with the flame citadel chestplate. And the primordus weapon set.


> I'm also still missing a proper back piece.

> Anet made the destroyer wings green, and i have not yet forgiven them for that transgression


I can sympathize with this. I'd love a destroer kind of character - in fact I have made a charr resembling each of the dragon corruptions, and some of them are rather hard to come off with.

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> @"Muusic.2967" said:

> Aetherblade diving point for the diving achievement. They have never fixed the terrain bug so it's a blind jump with a lean, twist and wiggle with your eyes closed.


The Not So Secret dive?

After I died repeatedly on the way down, a friendly Norn took pity on me, helped me position myself exactly (facing _away from_ the dive point instead of into the dive), then said "Now dodge backwards and don't touch a thing on the way down."

[YouTube link showing the point you need to stand and dodge from](

"YouTube link showing the point you need to stand and dodge from").
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> @"rotheche.2964" said:

> > @"Muusic.2967" said:

> > Aetherblade diving point for the diving achievement. They have never fixed the terrain bug so it's a blind jump with a lean, twist and wiggle with your eyes closed.


> The Not So Secret dive?

> After I died repeatedly on the way down, a friendly Norn took pity on me, helped me position myself exactly (facing _away from_ the dive point instead of into the dive), then said "Now dodge backwards and don't touch a thing on the way down."

> [YouTube link showing the point you need to stand and dodge from](

"YouTube link showing the point you need to stand and dodge from").


I wish I had known that when I died like 7 times doing that dive.

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Getting my temperamental computer to run GW2 at slightly *above* the blazing speed of a snail glued to a glacier.

Success = minimal. Large meta events are murder, even at the lowest possible settings. (I recently saw a video of someone doing the Dragon's Stand meta on high settings... *I am so jealous*, it looks gorgeous.)



In general, what's difficult for me is doing things outside my comfort zone. My friend had to drag me kicking and screaming into PVP (then she started laughing hysterically when I found I enjoyed it). I'm hesitantly curious about things like WvW or even raids, but I'm also wary of the time and effort that need to be put into them - not to mention the interaction with people. I'm a *very* shy, reserved, reclusive person in real life, and that translates to in-game behaviour, as well. Being more outgoing in this incredibly friendly, welcoming game is surprisingly hard for me... buuuut I'm getting better at it, thanks in no small part to this wonderful community. :)


~~yes, I am American, but I spell behaviour with an -our. I don't know why.~~

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Everything that I really care to achieve in game requires gold.

Want a home instance node from the Living Story? Fork over 50g for each one.

Want a black lion weapon skin? Fork over gold (or pay absurd amounts of real cash to get tickets)

Want to craft a legendary weapon? Fork over more gold (icy runestones at the minimum, more if you are a casual player who wants to get the weapon before GW17 comes out)

The Time Sink to Gold Required ratio is way out of balance.


About the only thing I want in game that doesn't require gold, is to unlock the WvW and Raid related longbow skins. All I need for the Raid ones is...oh yeah, more gold for a new armor/weapon set, exotic food and utilities, etc. For the Mistforged Hero weapons though, it is simply unattainable. My mind is just not wired for PvP type environments. Have played since 2012, and the only result from trying to "dedicate" time to WvW has been the desire for extreme self harm, and whee go me, I'm rank 137. Unless they've added more longbow skins since I last looked, I need 700skirmish claim tickets for the two skins I want. I have just over 230. Meanwhile, half the "scrubs" I talk to are rank 5000 or so and swimming in them.



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> @"Meestercat.2748" said:

> > @"Squirrel.6318" said:

> > Griffon mount, i've given up long ago


> It’s honestly not that bad. I put it off for aaaages but once I started I had it done over a weekend of pretty casual play.


> As for the OPs question: for me it’s finding a class to stick with long enough to get properly proficient with. I tend to flit between my characters so they’re all reasonably geared, but none are top notch.


I have the exact same problem and it's starting to bug me. I can't even put my finger on what exactly is the issue. Sometimes it's weeks, sometimes days, sometimes it's out of the blue that I feel the urge to switch to a different class and end up not playing the former for quite some time. This is the first game I've played, where I couldn't answer the question: what's your main?

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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> I'm currently finishing up solo upgrading my personal guild to have every single improvement. Only one I have left is the last aetherium rate for the mine. Most people would find it useless/crazy but it was a challenge I set for myself when HoT launched. Just wish I would have thought about how slow making ley line tools is a looong time ago!


That's just one of the silly time gates put out there.. though Wintersday and Labby cliffs definitely helped a lot with those pesky tools

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Squirrel.6318" said:

> > Griffon mount, i've given up long ago

> Why? (If you don't mind answering.)


I don't see any particular reason they should indulge you with a response when the consensus on this forum is that people who can't grind out the gold and get the required achievements in a couple hours are somehow "doing it wrong" or need to "get gud".

The majority of the time that I've seen someone bring up this issue in the past year the responses have all been veiled shades of condescension and people touting that it was "easy" for them, while offering solutions involve no personal investment.


"I can't find people for (name of group event required for token)" is met with a hail of "use LFG" and a plethora of anecdotes on how "it was easy for me". Sure, there might be one person saying "pm in game, and I'll help you", but it probably gets lost in the sea of responses that regardless of form and verbiage serve only to make the person complaining/wanting help feel small, inadequate, and of no value.

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I attained a goal about a year ago to play through a character on all of the storyline missions (including the alternate ones when a choice comes up). This required 30 characters and some bookkeeping, but it was well worth it. I discovered a whole raft of connections between the races that I never would have noticed had I not done this. For example, the Floating Grizwhirl that appears in the tier one Human story was entered into the Asuran Snaff Prize as the Inquest's submission.


I also formerly had a goal to get the whole radiant armor set (the one that comes when you hit 39,000 achievement points). But, I've recently learned that this will be impossible for me to attain, so I've given up on it.


My goals for the future are threefold. This list is not prioritized:


First, outfit all 27 of my mains with all-ascended gear, with optimized stats where possible. I'm about half done.


Second, is to have one character of each professions/race combination. I need to buy another 18 character slots to be able to pull that off. But, I'm unemployed right now, so this one is on hold. On the positive side, it has allowed me to proceed further on the ascended gear goals.


My last goal is to outfit all main characters with a full compliment of 9 20-slot bags, plus at least one 32-slot bag for each character. An ancillary part of this goal is to have at least one of each type of bag on each character (normal, craftsman, oiled, etc.) Exceptions are:


* Olmakhan bags (not very useful)

* Pact Equipment bags (soulbound at all levels 20 and above)

* All "safe" bags count as the just safe; I do not not separate them into cloth, leather and boxes.

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