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"Extremely awesome" WvW Announcement Next Week

Ni In.6578

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> @"timetopat.7921" said:

> If they did a mount they could just make it like 1 mount that does something wvw related and the rest are not allowed. I mean if the rabbit is allowed in enemy territory than the whole system goes down. But they might make a new wvw mount just for us, and for hte low low price of 2000 gems he will have a cool skin!


The biggest problem is the mobility that even 1 mount without any skills would give. U won't take any camp, no tower, no keep, cuz zerg of springer will chase the shit out of u

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> This is why they have the whole policy of not revealing anything until it's ready. Because if they make an announcement about a forthcoming change and something happens to delay, or even cancel it, you wind up with people being upset like they are here.


Come on. If they had said we are working on X and got in some trouble so it gets delayed by Y most people would actually be thankful for a bit of information. I dont know a single example in the industrie of an open and transparent communication about development that damaged the product.


Instead we get built up hype, tickets for the show and when the curtain is pulled there is some semi bored dude clicking on a mouse and telling us they have nothing yet. And he didnt seem to care very much. It honestly "extremely amazes" me how nobody in the PR sees the potential of something like this to backfire.


I bet it was some minor event or something and the stream guy just screwed up by using bs marketing speech nonchalant. It snowballed, they paniced and used the classic "we cant make an announcement because of... uuuhhmmmm... this snow you see over there" defence.



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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"timetopat.7921" said:

> > If they did a mount they could just make it like 1 mount that does something wvw related and the rest are not allowed. I mean if the rabbit is allowed in enemy territory than the whole system goes down. But they might make a new wvw mount just for us, and for hte low low price of 2000 gems he will have a cool skin!


> The biggest problem is the mobility that even 1 mount without any skills would give. U won't take any camp, no tower, no keep, cuz zerg of springer will chase the kitten out of u

I assume you meant jump the kitten out of you.


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No one has posted the wod yet?



Here are some of the **talking points** or highlights (for as long as I could bother watching)


**1. The announcement is delayed for 1 week due to snowy weather**

_Ray posted some images to which the northern-european parts of the audience chuckled good because it looked like every other day to them. They did speak at length about how the announcement is a big deal involving multiple teams though so that would suggest some weight to the announcement._ Ben also spoke in a way that suggested a series of related changes rather than just one "big" thing though that may just be my interpretation of it. However, that could be read as the announcement not (just-) being mounts. Either way, if they want to make a big fanfare out of it then another week is fair enough.


**2. They expertly dodged questions and concerns about mounts in WvW throughout the entire stream**

All "please, no mounts", "if you can't confirm what the announcement is, at least confirm what it isn't" and "can you at least say that it is NOT mounts?" type of comments in the chat were ignored with somewhat uneasy expressions. That does not make mounts any less likely, in diplomatic terms.


**3. Ben spoke about WvW rules for the GH Arena**

_It is something they are working on and that they want to keep working on._ The only real question is whether the best route is the GH Arena or larger TDM-style custom PvP arenas. It is certainly a welcome small-to-medium project that can breathe life into the WvW maps indirectly. It's a promising side project.


**4. Ray spoke about the Alliance system and that it is still ways off**

_His tone and demeanour felt less hopeful and it was mentioned in a way that, to me, made it seem further away than whatever undisclosed timeframe they had envisioned before. Ben also spoke about the other systems tied to the Alliance system or that may build upon the Alliance system (scoring, nightcapping, population balance etc.). He mentioned that they are aware of the need for such additional changes, that they have some ideas for it but that they are not worked on directly before Alliances_. That, unsurprisingly, suggests that the team is still severely underdimensioned and lack resources as well as whatever "other things" Ray mentioned in the last Alliance system update are not tied to population balance, which clouds my hopes a bit. Instead Ben assured us that they are "in it for the long haul" with WvW, which quite frankly does not seem very reassuring when you combine the idea of a long haul with a seemingly severly underdimensioned team for an undervalued mode and questionable asset management from up top.


**5. Ben spoke about WvW maps**

_He mentioned how maps are extremely design intensive and as such are not likely for WvW and at least are not on the table for WvW as of now. He did say that he has a playbook of sorts with ideas for WvW maps._ Again, this only goes to suggest that the company at large underdimensions the team, low-prioritize- and undervalue WvW (or the competetive team's focus areas as a whole). Clearly, they are capable of crapping out new maps every LS and even though there are some merits to Ben's comments about WvW maps needing careful and balanced design (as EotM and DBL has gone to show) it is not like that is unique only for WvW maps. Instead it suggests that the team still has alot to learn about map design for PvP environments and that the team lack not only assets with competence in that field but also assets for such endeavours overall. Maps need no wheel-reinvention that require ideas of such a span even though he is correct in saying that balance and a careful approach is important.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> Wait, why are they posting the wvw updates (using the word 'update' very loosely here) on twitter and _not_ the official forum's wvw subsection?

> That's certainly an interesting policy.


> Unrelated, up here in Canada snow days aren't a thing. Maybe I'll convince Trudeau to send some extra plows down to help out with the roads between Anet's place of employment and their houses.


> ~ Kovu


Are you serious, I live near NF Ontario and the kids have had snow days literally like 5 times in the last month lol.

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> @"SnowPumpkin.1809" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > Wait, why are they posting the wvw updates (using the word 'update' very loosely here) on twitter and _not_ the official forum's wvw subsection?

> > That's certainly an interesting policy.

> >

> > Unrelated, up here in Canada snow days aren't a thing. Maybe I'll convince Trudeau to send some extra plows down to help out with the roads between Anet's place of employment and their houses.

> >

> > ~ Kovu


> Are you serious, I live near NF Ontario and the kids have had snow days literally like 5 times in the last month lol.


Yeah last storm was pretty big up here also. After the snowplows, the side snow near roads are over 5feet high at a lot of areas...

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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> **1. The announcement is delayed for 1 week due to snowy weather**

> _Ray posted some images to which the northern-european parts of the audience chuckled good because it looked like every other day to them.


While I get it, this makes sense. The local area is very hilly (carved by glaciers, no less) and the area does not have the deicer or plows to handle anything but the major freeways... Which means many people were stuck at home.


With that said, as someone who lives and breaths tech, it is unusual for a technology-centric company to forgo all work due to snow days. As long as you have power and Internet at home, which a good portion of King County and the City of Bellevue (ANet), did not have. Primarily the residential suburbs like Duvall/Carnation.

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As much as I can understand unsafe driving conditions etc keeping people from work or any other commitments,it’s seems unusually that a announcement is sent out announcing that the announcement has been delayed. An announcement can be posted from any cell or pc device. Maybe they want to announce as well as upload footage of the changes as a demonstration of whatever big changes their making to wvw and do not want to do the announcements without those uploads? Or they were adding mounts and read all the don’t add mounts feedback and panicked lol

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> @"Ni In.6578" said:

> I'm making the assumption that they saw the feedback and didn't want to announce something the WvW was going to hate while on stream. Imagine the fireworks for that one... would have been great.


Yes WvWers have the strange habbit of wanting more, complaining when they get it and then complaining when they get nothing. The tears are real in this thread and in the WvW forum in general.

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Glad they didnt use their official forums to announce it, and only used a media that very little people actually watch, 2019 and communication is still poor.


Even tonight people in WvW still asking when the announcement will take place, so anyone who doesnt watch twitch and or read reddit, may not actually know its been delayed, they probably just feel Anet is ignoring them again, this needs to stop, if they want these forums to be the official forums, Anet needs to start using them to keep us updated, they seem to have no problem posting on other media.

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Clearly this announcement is about the new objective based World vs world map!


The map will feature 3 areas - one for each team.


At zone in, there will be a small safe zone that will feature some vendors, as well as a new Merchant. This merchant will allow you to donate gold towards your world's resources!

For every 1 gold you donate, your world gains 1 supply!


Past the safe area you come into your home camp. The camp contains several guards and a flag with your world's color.

This flag can be captured and taken by an enemy force, but you can also capture the enemy's flag as well!

For every flag capture, any world vs world players with the minimum rank 3 participation will earn a pip!

(_Note that capturing or defending the flag does not earn participation._)


While this seems simplistic, in reality there is another compelling aspect to the game.

You see, in order to protect your flag, the leaders of your world have decided to build a big wall!


Once players have donated a collective 100 gold to the merchant, a Pack dolyak carrying 100 supply will spawn at base and head toward the wall build spot. Players will have to protect the dolyak from the enemy players that will try to destroy the dolyak and it's supplies. Players that successfully escort the dolyak will earn participation. Enemy players that kill the dolyak will earn participation as well!

(_Note: the dolyak will have high health, but isn't effected by player buffs, and will not regenerate health._)


The wall requires 5 billion supply to build, but once you have it built, you win!

The first world to have their wall built will rank 1st in the world vs world match up and will move up to the next tier!

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > You know, they don't have to implement every mount with every ability and upgrade. They could develope one with a very different ability more balanced for wvw.


> Don't expect them to think logically when they are in pitchfork mode.


> I for one am looking forward to the drops in population when mounts come and all these folks leave like they say they will.


> Wait... didn't everyone say that about gliding too?


so instead of focusing on the core root cause of the problem in the game-balance which affect the larger drops in population in the game, Anet instead chooses to focus on wvw structuring--fixing the symptoms instead ??


Seriously, what madness is this? and some of you siding with it?


![](http://qcfi.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/rca-qcfi-surat-chapter-may3.jpg "")


![](https://northmantrader.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/foundation.png "")



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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > You know, they don't have to implement every mount with every ability and upgrade. They could develope one with a very different ability more balanced for wvw.

> >

> > Don't expect them to think logically when they are in pitchfork mode.

> >

> > I for one am looking forward to the drops in population when mounts come and all these folks leave like they say they will.

> >

> > Wait... didn't everyone say that about gliding too?


> so instead of focusing on the core root cause of the problem in the game-balance which affect the larger drops in population in the game, Anet instead chooses to focus on wvw structuring--fixing the symptoms instead ??


> Seriously, what madness is this? and some of you siding with it?


> ![](http://qcfi.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/rca-qcfi-surat-chapter-may3.jpg "")


> ![](https://northmantrader.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/foundation.png "")




For as many people that claim imbalance in WvW currently, I am a little confused as maybe those people should be utilizing these builds, ya know, make it meta like it is already. If they touch any balance it should be to unnerf Winds of Disenchantment/Lava Font/Chono Stuff.

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> @"juno.1840" said:

> My money is on mounts. It just makes sense. Everyone saying they'll quit the game is straight up lying. If you haven't quit by now, mounts certainly wont push you over the edge.


> Whatever it is, I hope the community doesn't slaughter ANet in the forums. It's one thing to complain that devs don't care about WvW. It's another to beat them down when they actually do something.


Keep telling yourself that. My activity is logging in about once every few months. I log in, get cheesed a few times, shake my head, play the cheese, get bored after about an hour or two, and log out. My guild similarly quit in entirety in this manner where every once in a while we might run reset on a BL - largely uncontested - mostly just to play a game all together. As I've said basically since HoT: The forum PvP is more interesting than the in-game PvP thanks to how horrendous the balance/game-state is.


Mounts will definitely be the straw that totally breaks the camel's back for me, considering I haven't played the story since Bitterfrost Frontier, and even that was solely because of the reward tracks for ascended aquabreathers/re-rollable ascended accessories from Bloodstone Fen before they were implemented as WvW/sPvP rewards. I unlock elite specs etc. through WvW rewards. I say this outright: I absolutely do not care what happens in this game's story or open world.


I thus don't have a mount unlocked, and to be honest, don't care enough to bother.


If ANet's "big news" for WvW is to add mounts into the format, it just absolutely confirms they really are just downright detached from its playerbase.



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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> After seven pages of anticipation and speculation, today is already beyond 'next week'. Where is the announcement? >.>


It's still next week (supposidly), but, even if "next week" comes and it gets pushed back again, it's still next week.


"Next week" should replace "soon" I think, we're in a new year afterall, we should update our lingo.

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