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How To Get Into Bria's Manor


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I think we all know the one I'm talking about. The very interesting Point of Interest in the Iron Marches. I was recently looking for cool unique places and came across the idea of re-visiting Bria's Manor and exploring the inside. Sadly, I can't seem to find a way thorough the doors.


Have any of you been on the inside? I know it is (or was) possible. And I would like to know the specific details on how to get in. Most other forum posts say it's during the event that spawns with Bria, however when I was doing the event, I would occasionally look at the back door and I could not enter it.


My biggest question was, "Is the ability to enter the house been patched? If so why?"


Any insight on how to enter the house would be great! Or at least I can find out what I'm doing wrong.



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I looked about it and I am just finishing to see a video about because you say it.

Amazing! Just amazing!

I didn't know you was/are able to go in.

More you live, more you learn.


Back to the point. No, as you can see, I don't know. If this helps, in that (one and a half years old) video, some viewer posted you can't go in now ( said 11 month ago).


Have fun and good luck.


P.S. If I don't forget, I think I should visited Bria too.

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It took me ~ 5 minutes to figure out a way inside.


_I removed the step-by-step guide, they do not like exploit guides on their own board._


Note: The groundfloor is locked. That is the area around the door and up north inside the building. Step anywhere and you get instantly moved out. That was the fix?


The interior of the house is nicely done, very interesting decoration.


I have not found the ultimate world destroying vigil-laser under the carpet - yet. I assume you have your reasons to keep players out of the building.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> As far as I know it's not possible to get inside because there's an invisible wall across the entrance and no other ways in. I think it used to be possible, if you timed it just right, but it was fixed quite a while ago.


Yet another waste of interesting places to visit. Why would you block cool places off, ANet? :/ Why design the interior at all if people can't enjoy the ambiente?


> @"Leon de Damasco.8105" said:

> I looked about it and I am just finishing to see a video about because you say it.

> Amazing! Just amazing!


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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> If you set your camera collision to the max, you can move around outside and "clip" into the house with your camera FOV to see most of it.


> I've never been into map breaking/void jumping so I don't know if it can be done on that map but that might also get you in.


Void jumping doesn’t work anymore. Now if you log out out of bounds you just stay there. :(


With mounts there’s still a pretty easy way to break out though. I found a few awesome places in Cursed Shore with some great views.


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ANet has a track record of shutting off interesting areas to glitch into although there was never anything gained from going there except enjoyment for those who love to find/enter such places :( There are several areas I could get into long ago but cannot enter anymore because of "fixes" that noone really needed.


The likely reason for adding this "kick the character out" area on the lower floor was maybe a few sissy players who entered the house and had the door close behind them. Instead of just waypointing out, they may have contacted support for being stuck. Just a speculation :)


Even though, spelling out the way to enter in such detail may not be the best idea if you don't want this to be "fixed" too. It was already perfectly possible for people to figure it out on their own with the hints of Alimar.8760 three posts before this.

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