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Balance Update Coming: 2/26/2019

Irenio CalmonHuang.2048

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Thanks for this update Irenio! Looking forward to seeing what you guys have been up to.


I've always found GW2 balancing to be either too slow, or smash smash smash some profession feature out of existence. However, I do find that it does gradually move in the correct direction.


I really appreciate the work the balance team does, and I hope this is another patch that moves the game in the right direction. Good luck with the release next week, I don't think I'll get to play it right away, due to travels for work. I'll read all about it though. =)

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A bit more of clarity to what we can expect would be really.

I really wish GW2 staff start doing dev blogs and posts just showing the direction things are going instead of just dropping a bomb of nerfs and buffs at once without giving us time to understand the context.

It becomes just a lot to read and keep in mind at the same time.

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Hope you guys are doing some ranger stuff, the damage reduction plus regen combo is a bit overtooned makes them feel like the bunker nm ws druid right before POF dropped. And scale back some of the over the top damage in wvw (maybe a slight damage Nerf to sic em in wvw only)


Ranger dagger really needs some love in the PvP department I really hope you guys have something interesting planned.


Druid glyphs also could use some lovein


Maybe in a future update you guys can Nerf the endurance regen of the food too right now it makes small scale fights feel gross.



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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> ‘allo fellow Tyrians,


> Just wanted to give you a heads-up that we’ve been preparing a set of balance changes that are slated to go live next Tuesday.


> We look forward to playing with you and discussing the changes to skills and traits once they’re available next week!


> Sincerely,

> GW2 Systems Team


Wouldn't it be better to discuss the changes _before_ they get implemented? From the past history, discussing them after the patch will mean nothing will get fixed until the next balance patch anyway.

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> @"rbbthole.9074" said:

> > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > We look forward to playing with you and **discussing the changes** to skills and traits once they’re available next week!


> Lmao, as if we should expect some change to discuss. Be real.





another balance patch, another confirmation that power reaper is still gonna be trash and i have to keep playing classes i hate so my teammates don't hate me for low dps. what a great game!

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Pls.. we need a good balance patch this time. PvE is fun - WvW an PvP must be based on skill. Ban the opportunity to facetank all attacks from another player with 3k armor and stil crit. with 3-7k. Especially condis builds. So what we can do? how you can balance on the one hand a tank and condi , and on the other a oneshot meta ?.

1.Mesmer: Mirage is way to strong with an condition build. (has all without an end)

2. Ranger: like i said before - ban builds like this !! you can play a meta boonbeast 10min and you will outsustain 1v1 2v1 - this is disgusting

3. Guard: dont nerf this class on support. Try to make other classes viable on support again. So we dont have only the boring FB+Scourge comb in PvP

4. Ele: i dont know what to say about weaver.. outsustain , dodge .. this class has potential !! the gameplay is smooth but all in all its a boring tank. And you cant play FA cause you get a oneshot very fast.

5. Rev: dont buff the dmg of rev.. its my main class and this class dont need more dmg. You can buff Shield a bit (faster ast of Shield 4 or 5 is an stunbreak) And pls .. try to add stability and resistance on power builds without dwarf legend. Try to nerf the deathstrike dmg and try to change it to have sth more tactical like (target break)

6. Engi: Holosmith does a bit to much dmg!

7. Thief : deadeye is way to strong - perma stealth isnt the way ..

8. Warrior: try to adapt berserker to core and spellbreaker that you are able to run berserker in this meta.

9. Necro: its difficult here.. this class is very strong as long as you have supoort. Maybe some Necro player know what the class needs ( be honest.. we dont need a dmg buff here)

This is only what i think… i cant go in detail here and i know its not perfect to say " this class does to much dmg) well.. but i think you can use this post to write about your class .. whats to strong ? what do you need ? but please.. be honest and not like "i play condi Mirage and i need more conditions" xD


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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:



Please adjust Power Reaper so that it is no longer the subpar version of Scourge, in both DPS, utility, and safety of ranged attacks. Forcing us to only use the latest prestige class to win in PvP isn't good for the game long term ESPECIALLY if it is strictly better in all game modes (even in PvE!, see above).


Power reaper needs significant improvements in sustain skills, leap, and ability to pressure, along with removal of some of its AoE and damage to compensate. The most recent removal of spectral mastery and last gasp really hurt reaper, since it cant use utilities in shroud. It has been forced into burst or die, a quick recipe for oblivion in any skilled PvP where it can be focused, which is very depressing.


It needs to become the Necromancer Duelist Specialization, which the class as a whole completely lacks. Reaper has no role that it does better then scourge (see link above). Please end the necessary forcing of firebrand support for all types of necromancer to survive a basic duel, and give the class, specifically reaper - since it has no role, tools to survive and thrive in a duelist scenario, like all other classes in this game have.


Please make the goal of Anet Balance to let players enjoy the game as designed by offering a plethora of choices for each class, and not feel frustrated by a lack of options besides scourge - or log in my Mirage or Soulbeast.

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It's the moment of truth


will arena net nerf a sub-50% win rate profession (mirage) only due to peer pressure from low elo and bad players and biased propaganda or will arena net nerf actually broken specs that are over-played and dominate due to how overpowered they are?


not gonna lie, i'm very curious myself

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@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" While you are at nerfing mesmer.... Can you please look into a particular mesmer skill for greatsword?


I play a mesmer myself, with greatsword as its the only weapon I like to play on it in pve (and pvp). Now the problem I find is with the skill "Spatial Surge" ([https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spatial_Surge](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spatial_Surge "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spatial_Surge")).


This skill goes against all values of Gw2 being about playing together. It is the only skill (and its auto attack) on any profession that only does damage when you are far away from your target. So you get no boons ever, you get no heals ever, and everyone complains you aren't stacked (or simply not allowed to join).


So what I kinda like is to decrease its damage by lets say 30% (or whatever is needed % wise to balance) and remove the "you need to be on far distance to deal any damage thats on par with the average power dps". Why the damage reduction of the skill? Easy, we get boons from other players to keep up same damage as being max range, and when solo pve.... mobs always want to hug you so it will always be better dps than the closeby dps (worse than the long ranged but thats ok I guess). This may also make mesmer less strong in pvp (as close encounters are generally easier to fight than 1,200 range and the far range will have lower damage than staying close and work together with others on spot. And this change wouldn't make the greatsword mesmer a melee as the distance of attack could be, like rangers in example, the same as is but without the restriction that you always need to be far away to do any damage at all.

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> It's the moment of truth


> will arena net nerf a sub-50% win rate profession (mirage) only due to peer pressure from low elo and bad players and biased propaganda or will arena net nerf actually broken specs that are over-played and dominate due to how overpowered they are?


> not gonna lie, i'm very curious myself


When something is inherently frustrating to play against then it deserves any nerf it can get.

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> why every thing must happen in a single day in a single patch ???????


FFS, the first comment in reply to us actually getting some communication *and* a balance patch and this is the salty shit that someone says to the dev?


**This is why we can't have nice thing!**


@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" Thank you for giving us the heads up and for bringing a balance patch.

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" While you are at nerfing mesmer.... Can you please look into a particular mesmer skill for greatsword?


> I play a mesmer myself, with greatsword as its the only weapon I like to play on it in pve (and pvp). Now the problem I find is with the skill "Spatial Surge" ([https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spatial_Surge](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spatial_Surge "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spatial_Surge")).


> This skill goes against all values of Gw2 being about playing together. It is the only skill (and its auto attack) on any profession that only does damage when you are far away from your target. So you get no boons ever, you get no heals ever, and everyone complains you aren't stacked (or simply not allowed to join).


> So what I kinda like is to decrease its damage by lets say 30% (or whatever is needed % wise to balance) and remove the "you need to be on far distance to deal any damage thats on par with the average power dps". Why the damage reduction of the skill? Easy, we get boons from other players to keep up same damage as being max range, and when solo pve.... mobs always want to hug you so it will always be better dps than the closeby dps (worse than the long ranged but thats ok I guess). This may also make mesmer less strong in pvp (as close encounters are generally easier to fight than 1,200 range and the far range will have lower damage than staying close and work together with others on spot. And this change wouldn't make the greatsword mesmer a melee as the distance of attack could be, like rangers in example, the same as is but without the restriction that you always need to be far away to do any damage at all.


Ranger longbow has the same mechanic on its autoattack.


But I agree that the mechanic of requiring range for additional damage is one that just doesn't fit with the game too well. When they came out with Deadeye and put in the trait "Fire for Effect" that gives might at your target's location as well as your own location, it seemed like a shift to allow ranged players to still have the benefit of boons while not being stacked on melee, but there just isn't enough other similar traits/mechanics to support this. The range limit of boon sharing is really a handicap to group dynamics and until that's changed in some really meaningful way, anything that performs weaker in melee just won't fit into any sort of meta composition.

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