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Easy Gemstore 'wins' for Anet


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> @"Fade.5904" said:

> Also School uniform from 2013




Why was this canned? I have a Koneko Cosplay that could have been perfect with this skin.. uuuuu ~


We do need more cosmetics, i really dont care if we are swamped with them, the more mix and match choices we have the better. then everyone can look the way they want in the game.

(NO MORE OUTFITS) - That garbage I'll never buy. Cant customise it, wont buy it.

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I agree, I wouldn't put the endless items directly out there. I am a key gambler, and yes if you put those for direct sales you would be removing some of the main reasons people do buy keys for.


That said when I first saw your title my mind went to more shared inventory slots. If you doubled the current number I bet people would still buy more of them.

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> @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > @"draconicrose.6213" said:

> > Or just stop having the majority of the cosmetic gem store items off rotation if they're not seasonal. That would help a lot, I think.


> It would be consumer friendly but it would make them less money. Artificial scarcity is a sales tactic to make more money, not less.


which simply doesn't work no matter how much Anet tries to push it, keeping stuff in the shop allows for just as much money as the artificial scarcity, if not more since new players are more likely to buy stuff they like.

if it isn't available it's not sold, if it's only available for a limited amount of time it will simply not sell as good as expected.

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> @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> > look at tera online... they have all sexy stuff i want ... for both females and males


> and it looks awful. No immersion whats so ever. Maiden costumes for Elins ... kitten.


as if GW2 has any immersion in it :lol :lol :lol

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> @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > @"draconicrose.6213" said:

> > Or just stop having the majority of the cosmetic gem store items off rotation if they're not seasonal. That would help a lot, I think.


> It would be consumer friendly but it would make them less money. Artificial scarcity is a sales tactic to make more money, not less.

Maybe if the rotation was faster it would have the effect of actually making more money but I'm willing to bet that currently they're missing out from not having items rotating in more often.


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> @"Fade.5904" said:> Currently there are only one or two new things a month you're able to buy on the gem store which kind of makes it difficult to support the game.> Why not add in some nice QOL items and assets that already exist to boost gem store sales?> Off the top of my head things like:> Endless Hairkit> Endless Merchant/Bank> Endless Upgrade Extractor> Endless BL Salvage Kit> Yes some of these are super rare items that are already in BL chests but they make life so much more convenient and surely giving everyone access to them isn't a bad thing if it improves sales.I would rather have Anet keep those Endless Contracts inside BL chest as it is now, what you are suggesting only generates short term revenue, once all the players have it people wont buy it... people won't even bother to buy BL keys if there's a guaranteed way to obtain the item (well, already, if you have enough gold you can buy it off TP anyway)if you are buying opening BL chest only going for those contracts, then you need to refresh your mindset, the Endless Contracts are more of a sweetener to BL chest openings

the underlining issue is not Anet is unable to sell gems, the issue is the accessibility of gems are too easy with the current gold to gem conversion rate with how much liquid gold there is floating aroundthe cost of gold required to acquire gem should be more than doubled

This is my account's gold in the wallet after crafting a legendary, i was down just 85g, and how quickly i was able to replenish my wallet![](https://i.imgur.com/v1KAMyp.png "")and I dont even play much, all I do every day is just following this exact pattern, start from 6PM AESTlogon → Teq → AB (taxi into loot map) → daily node gather → Palawadan (no GH) → VB (kill Matri and leave) → daily node gather continue → TD → daily 3 PvP tasks → daily WvW → Karka Queen → (daily WvW extended session when there's long daily like capture a keep or gain 2 ranks) → logoff

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> and I dont even play much, all I do every day is just following this exact pattern, start from 6PM AEST

> logon → Teq → AB (taxi into loot map) → Palawadan (no GH) → VB (kill Matri and leave) → TD → daily 3 PvP tasks → (fit in daily WvW if was super quick ones) → Karka Queen → daily 3-4 WvW tasks → logoff





I'm gonna be square with you, that's a lot of playing on a daily basis for most people. Earning 1400 gold without TP shenanigans in 2 months is well beyond the scope of most average players.


In fact, you're only earning that much precisely because other's aren't doing that. All the value of that loot would crater if everyone else was doing that as well.

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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > and I dont even play much, all I do every day is just following this exact pattern, start from 6PM AEST

> > logon → Teq → AB (taxi into loot map) → Palawadan (no GH) → VB (kill Matri and leave) → TD → daily 3 PvP tasks → (fit in daily WvW if was super quick ones) → Karka Queen → daily 3-4 WvW tasks → logoff

> >

> >

> >


> I'm gonna be square with you, that's a lot of playing on a daily basis for most people. Earning 1400 gold without TP shenanigans in 2 months is well beyond the scope of most average players.


> In fact, you're only earning that much precisely because other's aren't doing that. All the value of that loot would crater if everyone else was doing that as well.


really? :open_mouth: guess a lot of my guildies are no lifers :lol: they do like double the amount of meta contents than me


I try to get them done within that 3.5 hours so i can move onto studying for work related certifications


i can drop the things after TD since they don't contribute much to the loots, which will shorten my in-game time down to 1hr 45min

* doing the daily PvP to make the backpack, almost finished the year of ascension part 3

* KQ is a short 5min event, you can show up around the spawn timer ticks off

* WvW just for the reward track


anyway, my point was you dont have to farm very hard like 8+ hours a day to have thousands of gold

you just need to pick the most profitable open world event metas, plan them to be fit within a short time frame

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > and I dont even play much, all I do every day is just following this exact pattern, start from 6PM AEST

> > > logon → Teq → AB (taxi into loot map) → Palawadan (no GH) → VB (kill Matri and leave) → TD → daily 3 PvP tasks → (fit in daily WvW if was super quick ones) → Karka Queen → daily 3-4 WvW tasks → logoff

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I'm gonna be square with you, that's a lot of playing on a daily basis for most people. Earning 1400 gold without TP shenanigans in 2 months is well beyond the scope of most average players.

> >

> > In fact, you're only earning that much precisely because other's aren't doing that. All the value of that loot would crater if everyone else was doing that as well.


> really? :open_mouth: guess a lot of my guildies are no lifers :lol: they do like double the amount of meta contents than me


I think the issue is simply 2 hours a day is "a lot of playing" to some, as 1,400 in 2 months is doable even if someone only played 2 hours a day without constant trading. Even just doing Fractal Dailies, less than 1 hour a day, will get you more than 1,400 gold in 2 months; 1,200 if you're unlucky.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> > > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> > > look at tera online... they have all sexy stuff i want ... for both females and males

> >

> > and it looks awful. No immersion whats so ever. Maiden costumes for Elins ... kitten.


> as if GW2 has any immersion in it :lol :lol :lol


please log in in Tera goto the main city and look the mounts, skins and other stuff.

Unicorns, Nascars as Mount, Underwear Skins, Maiden Skins and so on.

No GW2 is not even close to that.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> and I dont even play much, all I do every day is just following this exact pattern, start from 6PM AEST

> logon → Teq → AB (taxi into loot map) → daily node gather → Palawadan (no GH) → VB (kill Matri and leave) → daily node gather continue → TD → daily 3 PvP tasks → daily WvW → Karka Queen → (daily WvW extended session when there's long daily like capture a keep or gain 2 ranks) → logoff


sounds like work. how long did this route take?

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There is more easit way to find way,

1 make special in gem shop - tool that make one hole in armor part

2 make special in gem shop - item that can be inserted in this armor part, this item give some singe specific boon, and have dissapaer for exsampe after 1 hour, or one day, or week and works only on www.

1 + 2 = profit

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Dyeable weapon sets

Unique body tattoo options

An armor set every now and then instead of an outfit

More toys, like a toy tank for costume brawl, and moving around in cities



Jet back glider

Rocked boots glider

Hover board mount skins


Better glasses



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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > @"videoboy.4162" said:

> > I've always wondered why they don't sell Ranger Pet skins. I think a lot of people would be interested in that.


> I actually made a thread about that, pet skins are something i would buy.


Might be due to unforeseen advantages/disadvantages in competitive play where players wouldn't be able to easily identify certain pets?

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> It's a mistake to think that the current layoffs have much to do with ANet's income or that anything done today is going to reverse it. NCSOFT missed shareholder expectations, and like nearly every corporation, they're shredding costs as quickly as possible. If this was about ANet alone, NCSOFT would have quietly given them 6-month targets for cost savings or income generating and we probably would have been none the wiser.


This. Not only the layoffs, but the nature of some of the layoffs (consolidation of support functions) is similar to the cuts made by Activision -- which just had a record year for revenue and profit. It would be a huge ask for a company that didn't meet expectations _not_ to do something similar in the current gaming industry climate.


> @"phreeak.1023" said:

> ... get rid of this gold/gem exchange.


The way the exchange works, the rate (both ways) changes based on how many gems and how much gold get put into it. Given the relative stability of the exchange (peaks when something desired comes out or during sales, returning to equilibrium at other times), it would be a mistake to believe that some people are not buying gems to get gold. Eliminating the exchange altogether would deprive ANet of that revenue. If they only eliminated the gold-->gems side, gems-->gold would be a gold faucet, rather than the gold sink it currently is due to the 15% reduction. This could have undesirable consequences in the form of much worse inflation. Also, I rather doubt that a lot of players who only "buy" gems with gold would open their wallets if that was the only option.

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> @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> > > > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> > > > look at tera online... they have all sexy stuff i want ... for both females and males

> > >

> > > and it looks awful. No immersion whats so ever. Maiden costumes for Elins ... kitten.

> >

> > as if GW2 has any immersion in it :lol :lol :lol


> please log in in Tera goto the main city and look the mounts, skins and other stuff.

> Unicorns, Nascars as Mount, Underwear Skins, Maiden Skins and so on.

> No GW2 is not even close to that.


and now log into GW2.

rabbit kangaroos, floating bikes behind a dun beetle, cats with clothing, galaxies within swords and so on.

yes, tera is at least at some point immersive, GW2 totally not.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> It's a mistake to think that the current layoffs have much to do with ANet's income or that anything done today is going to reverse it. NCSOFT missed shareholder expectations, and like nearly every corporation, they're shredding costs as quickly as possible. If this was about ANet alone, NCSOFT would have quietly given them 6-month targets for cost savings or income generating and we probably would have been none the wiser.

Considering that Ncsoft referred to operational costs being too high in the west to be sustainable, I would think it normal to conclude that ArenaNet's revenue does have something to do with the layoffs. I agree it's not just about ArenaNet but the truth is that their staffing has risen a lot more than their revenue which has indeed gone down considerably in Q4. At some point they have to be able to explain the high staffing at ArenaNet without increased revenue and currently that simply wasn't explainable... but that does have to do with ArenaNet's revenue and the point that they were on different projects rather than just on what makes them money currently.


On the point of people's suggestions to try to improve ArenaNet's income as a way to reverse what happened I do agree with you. It would require a lot of people to increase gem store spending suddenly and consistently and most of the people don't come to these forums anyway, so it's really a futile exercise if you ask me.


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I doubt that any amount of gemstore purchase will help at this point. NCsoft is making 3/4 of their income in Korea, meaning that EU/NA stuff is, at the end of the day, only of marginal interest to them. You might not like it, but no amount of money you throw at the gemstore will keep this game alive on its own.

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Mobile game is hot right now for profit. But it will saturate the market eventually. Also, mobile game tends to be shallow in content, and gamers will get bored quickly. I suggest to Anet to develop a GW2 mobile app that allow players to do mini-game and other simplier stuffs on the go. It is time for classic MMORPG to tap in the mobile world and reap more customers.

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> @"LostInDarkness.5460" said:

> > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> > we want sexy swimsuits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> > we want paymoney for this ....

> A++++

> I leave GW2 every summer to play Star Treck online where you CAN get sexy swimsuits!


> We need to have a swim event for South Sun cove!




If they do this they need to allow swimwear to be worn everywhere! STO only lets you use it in Risa.

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I was going to explain the origins of my thinking on the topic, but it's not really relevant to my main point:


I'm not against people offering ideas. I just don't think the ideas ought to be based on our outsider theories of what happened. We can't know; we can only speculate. We have to 'assume' that ArenaNet management knows how to move forward after losing 1/3 of their staff and canceling long-term projects.


So offer suggestions for things that people would spend gems on, because those are perennial useful. Buy gems as you would, because that always helps ANet (and you). I recommend not worrying about the 'why', because we'll probably never find out what really happened (or if we do, it will be too late to matter). Even if we did know, we still wouldn't have that much insight into which changes we propose really are going to help or be feasible or have strong cost:benefit in the short or long run.


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> @"Yamazuki.6073" said:> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:> > > @"Substance E.4852" said:> > > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:> > > > and I dont even play much, all I do every day is just following this exact pattern, start from 6PM AEST> > > > logon → Teq → AB (taxi into loot map) → Palawadan (no GH) → VB (kill Matri and leave) → TD → daily 3 PvP tasks → (fit in daily WvW if was super quick ones) → Karka Queen → daily 3-4 WvW tasks → logoff> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > I'm gonna be square with you, that's a lot of playing on a daily basis for most people. Earning 1400 gold without TP shenanigans in 2 months is well beyond the scope of most average players. > > > > > > In fact, you're only earning that much precisely because other's aren't doing that. All the value of that loot would crater if everyone else was doing that as well. > > > > really? :open_mouth: guess a lot of my guildies are no lifers :lol: they do like double the amount of meta contents than me> > I think the issue is simply 2 hours a day is "a lot of playing" to someYeah, I can see that, should check out the WvW section of the forum, there are so many post "yeah, it's easy, just play 8 hours a day", which i do not agreeto me personally, casual 2-3 hours, under 2 hours is very casual, 3-5 is semi casual, 6 hours+ is get into the hardcore territory8 hours+ then you should review your life's priorities, the International Labour Standards on Working time is 40 hours per weeki would say 75%+ of my income came from the initial 1 hour 45 minyou just need to work out what most profitable contents can you squeeze into your play time.

> @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:> > and I dont even play much, all I do every day is just following this exact pattern, start from 6PM AEST> > logon → Teq → AB (taxi into loot map) → daily node gather → Palawadan (no GH) → VB (kill Matri and leave) → daily node gather continue → TD → daily 3 PvP tasks → daily WvW → Karka Queen → (daily WvW extended session when there's long daily like capture a keep or gain 2 ranks) → logoff> > > sounds like work. how long did this route take?about 3.5-4 hours, but if you just stop at TD it will be just 1 hour 45 minBasically, work out what's the best use of your time that's availableHere's the break down using server time, i get home from work 15min before Teq starts* **7:00-7:15AM** Tequatl* **7:15-7:45AM** Taxi into finished AB to loot chest (takes no longer than 5min) and free time, gather home instance and a few node farms* **7:45-8:05AM** Palawadan* **8:08-8:12AM** VB Matriarch, be there early as bosses spawns at 8:09AM, so could be well dead if getting there at 8:10AM* **8:12-8:22AM** free time, gather node farms or go to TD early and just afk* **8:22-8:45AM** be in TD early to get a spot in a populated mapfollowing are optional, dont generate a lot of income* **8:45-10:30AM** free time, 3 ranked PvP matches because I'm working on getting Ascension and possibly PvP legendary armor, takes about 45-60min, left over time do WvW dailies* **10:30-10:35AM** Karka Queen, quick easy (3 min) kill for loot

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