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Hypothetically, if the game is shutting down tomorrow, what would you do?

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Realistically? I probably wouldn't get home until after it was done. But assuming this happened on a day when I wasn't working, and I knew in advance it was happening I'd probably use the time to re-visit a lot of my favourite places in Tyria and maybe make a quick trip around some of the bits I still haven't gotten to see much of, taking as many screenshots as I could along the way.

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Take a million screenshots of my characters, mounts, favorite places, etc. Look for another game and realize there can be no other game because other games do not have Asura in them. Draw comic strips of my characters or write stories about them. Think how much more I will accomplish in RL without this constant distraction.

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Screen shot the heck out of EVERYTHING that I have always loved about this game. Character outfits, weapons, scenery, etc.

I failed to do that with City of Heroes, and will not miss the chance again. I've already done it with all of my characters at the log in screen, including UI and no UI.

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Get depressed at the amount of money i've put into this game/franchise and probably never bother playing another MMO again.. and if I did i'd never pay a dime for it.

Some wounds don't heal..


I've lost games before.. seen beloved IP's come and go (mostly into EA's slaughter house) but loosing Guildwars would hit me harder than anything I've had to watch die off over the last 30ish years that i've been a gamer.

I wouldn't recover from it.. and I'd be extremely paranoid about investing so heavily into online game in future.

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