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Make us PAY for LW Content!

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Paying outright for LS is probably a bad idea. Being narratively chained, not buying one episode makes it easier to justify not buying the next, and so on, and eventually the cost of catching up gets high enough to give up and quit.


If they continued making it available for free until the next episode, but after that locked it for everyone, that might be more tenable -- it would still feel like a step back, but less so, and it would at least give them a reason to create content with staying power.

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I would be down for a small gem cost for each episode, IF they had much more improved writing and maps (no cringe filled dialogue that makes me turn my sound off and no two event maps like Thunderhead, like they're currently doing). However, if they do implement a sub fee for LW, it would just make it look like they're desperate and struggling financially even more than it does already and make it look like GW2's going to shut down soon after. Pretty sure it would just make a lot of players quit GW2 altogether.

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U already paid for the ls when u bought the x pact advertised or not it’s all in the financial plan.


The ls exist to keep u playing so that u buy gems with real money or u stay and be a worker for Anet so that the people who buy gems don’t feel the game is empty.


By let people pay ls u will exclude players lower population means lower popularity in the eyes of the player who would buy gems and no one buy gems if has no one around who sees it

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Here's part of the quote:


> ...GW2 isn’t setup to support an enjoyable experience of browsing through a large catalog of style items, so players tend not to do that. What our data shows is that higher-priced flashy individual items can work, and lower-average-price-per-item bundles can work, but lower-priced individual items generally don’t generate meaningful revenue to support the game. And the whole point of these items is to support the game.


One mistake is in that idea I feel no matter how the cost is to create certain item it will be in anets hand so long the game life. Yes maybe it doesn’t pay of initial but over time it pays and will keep paying the bills.


In a way those items are like art works and their price is often decided by rarity and emotional context

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> @"Belenwyn.8674" said:

> Mike Z stated last September that they will content normally seen in an Expansion anlong with season 5. I would expect that we see Elite specs, new mastery paths and other stuff available for gems.



Hmmmm but why not just sell an x pact than ? My guess why perhaps no x pac is bcs an space devides the community in those who own it and who not which means a kinda population drop. And less ppl less fun.


If they give specialization it will be for free for sure

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That would kill the game faster than any layoffs could. Of course it is only an educated guess but the vast majority of players won't be willing to pay for those little trickles of content every 3 months. That leaves them with next to nothing to do in game and with no expansion in sight they will just leave it for something else.

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"Belenwyn.8674" said:

> > Mike Z stated last September that they will content normally seen in an Expansion anlong with season 5. I would expect that we see Elite specs, new mastery paths and other stuff available for gems.

> >


> Hmmmm but why not just sell an x pact than ? My guess why perhaps no x pac is bcs an space devides the community in those who own it and who not which means a kinda population drop. And less ppl less fun.


> If they give specialization it will be for free for sure


Masteries and specialisations are huge moneymakers. A complete expansion will take a lot of time. Obviously Nobody worked on it. LW season already provides maps and stories. They even planned to raise Tag release cadence to two months. This would mean a steady influx of free content.


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> @"Belenwyn.8674" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > @"Belenwyn.8674" said:

> > > Mike Z stated last September that they will content normally seen in an Expansion anlong with season 5. I would expect that we see Elite specs, new mastery paths and other stuff available for gems.

> > >

> >

> > Hmmmm but why not just sell an x pact than ? My guess why perhaps no x pac is bcs an space devides the community in those who own it and who not which means a kinda population drop. And less ppl less fun.

> >

> > If they give specialization it will be for free for sure


> Masteries and specialisations are huge moneymakers. A complete expansion will take a lot of time. Obviously Nobody worked on it. LW season already provides maps and stories. They even planned to raise Tag release cadence to two months. This would mean a steady influx of free content.



Perhaps sell single skills than....mmmmhhh but must admit I don’t feel happy with that idea even so single skills could make a lot money but some may call it pay to win if a certain skill is just so good it’s a must have...


Anet should stick with cosmetics only for gemshop maybe sell the ability to color spell effects


For example a yellow colored Mesmer spell instead of purple.

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Paying for content has been something i've long for asked, thing is, current lw in therms of stuff to do, pace and replayability isnt worth the money.


Id be glad to pay 10euros even if its content and replaybility worth of saod 7.5-10 euros.


Same goes for raids and fractals, id pay money if it meant more fractals and raids per year.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Aboslutely not.

> >

> > Any kind of mandatory fee for new content will kill this game and Anet knows this.

> > The vast majority of this community came to guildwars because they were sold on the no subfee model and they will walk away should that ever change.


> This is all that needs to be said on the matter.


> You cannot change from free/b2p to sub and it not have a significant effect on the game's population. It will incite bad word of mouth and people will just see sub and baulk regardless of what it offers. It is not a good idea to add in any kind of sub 7 years on.


> I agree LS needs better packaging with expansions though


The op didnt speak of a sub fee tho (at least thats not what i read). He spoke of b2p content.


Which btw is already a thing for anyone who isnt keeping up with the game. Anet sold the idea of you not being left behind when u come back and that was sold based on gear and lvl which will apply regardless the monetisation.


It never applied to content updates such as expansions and lw.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Except, no one said that. It was '...eat bread'. Just one of many twisted quotes throughout history. :wink:

> I don't think ArenaNet's troubles are financial, so no need to change their content delivery monetization plans.


I didn't know that. Checking [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let_them_eat_cake "wiki")...

"Let them eat cake" is the traditional translation of the French phrase "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche", supposedly spoken by "a great princess" upon learning that the peasants had no bread. Since brioche was a luxury bread enriched with butter and eggs, the quotation would reflect the princess's disregard for the peasants, or her poor understanding of their situation.


While the phrase is commonly attributed to Queen Marie Antoinette, there is no record of her having said it.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Except, no one said that. It was '...eat bread'. Just one of many twisted quotes throughout history. :wink:

> I don't think ArenaNet's troubles are financial, so no need to change their content delivery monetization plans.


Well duh, I doubt anyone actually said that...I don't think they spoke much English in France at that time...

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> @"locoporesa.2864" said:

> game is already famous, it could be even more with.... STEAM!!! =)

> yeah i know, not happening, ncsoft is trash and have nothing on valve platform except Guild Wars 1 with 0 advertising, achievements and stuff that steam players desire, they literally killed lineage 2 debut on steam and brand new "zaken" server years ago, the review bombing they got for so much p2w was too much for ncsoft, so what they did next? remove the game from steam, genius... The problem is that people don't realise that's how ncsoft makes his money, mostly with p2w titles and mobile !"#!$@ games. Also they let die Wildstar on steam, the game was shutted down 2 months ago.


> Anyway if the game/anet reaches some borderline shutdown scenario might as well try with steam no matter the 30% cut they get, i'd get gems with my steam wallet no doubt and people already praise gw2 when someone at "steam general discussions/community" forum ask for a good mmorpg.


Been discussed many times and it has been dismissed and it will never happen.


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You know this is probably a bad idea. We have been getting it for free for so long that many will just quit. Incoming money wasnt the problem it was the waste of funds on endeavors that just didnt pay off. If they make the same this year with the 25% cut on staff they will probably be on the up. Now that more devs are working on it again they can pump out more content. Whether it be for the gem store or a more faster cadance on ls episodes/raids/fractals.

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