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Make us PAY for LW Content!

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> You know this is probably a bad idea. We have been getting it for free for so long that many will just quit. Incoming money wasnt the problem it was the waste of funds on endeavors that just didnt pay off. If they make the same this year with the 25% cut on staff they will probably be on the up. Now that more devs are working on it again they can pump out more content. Whether it be for the gem store or a more faster cadance on ls episodes/raids/fractals.


i guess Anet tried pull of a Mobile MMO than NCsoft saw what happend to Blizzard (Personal I feel "fans" where over reacting) They wanted to protect there shareholder by not doing the same mistake

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > You know this is probably a bad idea. We have been getting it for free for so long that many will just quit. Incoming money wasnt the problem it was the waste of funds on endeavors that just didnt pay off. If they make the same this year with the 25% cut on staff they will probably be on the up. Now that more devs are working on it again they can pump out more content. Whether it be for the gem store or a more faster cadance on ls episodes/raids/fractals.


> i guess Anet tried pull of a Mobile MMO than NCsoft saw what happend to Blizzard (Personal I feel "fans" where over reacting) They wanted to protect there shareholder by not doing the same mistake


Dunno. Blizzard made 2 mistakes with their Diablo mobile game. They presented it at Blizzcon as their main feature. Blizzcon is not where you find a lot of mobile gamers so it was the wrong event for that. It might've been ok if it was announced next to D4 for example as a side topic. Secondly it's actually set between D2 and D3 so that also didn't sit well with people because they play their Diablo on PC or console and suddenly they have to go to an inferior platform to experience the story in between.


I think if ArenaNet would've made a GW2 mobile game which plays in the same setting but is an alternative to GW2 for mobile phones it might work better. On the other hand there is the issue that a lot of people here wouldn't be interested and might be upset to find out that that's the reason they were getting less content in this game.


Just saying that Blizzard did some things that really were a bad way of doing it that added to the problems there.

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > You know this is probably a bad idea. We have been getting it for free for so long that many will just quit. Incoming money wasnt the problem it was the waste of funds on endeavors that just didnt pay off. If they make the same this year with the 25% cut on staff they will probably be on the up. Now that more devs are working on it again they can pump out more content. Whether it be for the gem store or a more faster cadance on ls episodes/raids/fractals.


> i guess Anet tried pull of a Mobile MMO than NCsoft saw what happend to Blizzard (Personal I feel "fans" where over reacting) They wanted to protect there shareholder by not doing the same mistake


Unlikely, given Korean studios have an obsession with creating mobile games. Nexon for example doesn't even have any actual plans for a new PC game, meanwhile 100 mobile games for the next year basically.


The main appeal for mobile games is the lower cost and higher return compared to a PC game, this also means less of a loss when it fails; however, it seems ArenaNet was spending too much on what ever it was to the point it wasn't worth continuing it, especially given it probably would have failed. Other publishers tried releasing mobile games too, and the end result was they too were forced to downsize and restructure even though some of their games were published.


It's just a little too late to hop on the mobile wagon in the West for free money. Most of the West already has access to a mobile device, and growth has slown down due to there being a very limited amount of people without a device. This is why aside for taking popular console/pc games and converting them to mobile, the focus had been on China as there is higher potential there. It's not even just mobile games, if you look at movies over the last few years and PC games, you'll see many changes made just to appease the Chinese government. However, an American based studio wouldn't be able to find much success if they made a mobile game for China, Blizzards game isn't even made by Blizzard for a reason.

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I would say no. You are already buying access when you buy the expansion. Yes, if you do not buy the expansion you still do not have to buy the episode if you buy the expansion later (assuming you logged in while it was the latest thing) but you are unable to play it until you fork over $$ for the expansion.


Also do not forget masteries, which are part of the release. Say some episode is a dud and I decide not to buy it. I would STILL have to buy it in order to have access to later masteries in that line.

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> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> That would kill the game faster than any layoffs could. Of course it is only an educated guess but the vast majority of players won't be willing to pay for those little trickles of content every 3 months. That leaves them with next to nothing to do in game and with no expansion in sight they will just leave it for something else.


It's kind of an odd thing, because if you miss all the episodes, or a few, or one you do have to go back and buy it and people do.

It just seems more like, we don't want to pay for it as an entire community but we know if we miss it, it's our responsibility to pay and deal with then.

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If they added a optional sub with monthly gems and little stuff that doesn't affect free players, I would probably pay it. They could do loyalty tiers like what Rift did or FF14 does. Get mount skins/pets/convenience items/whatever similar to our achievement skins. I think they're too afraid of the backlash from the f2p/b2p community though.


Imagine getting a permanent merchant or something after 6 months, that would entice a LOT of people to sub on top of monthly gems and stuff. I don't think they'll ever do it though they take their no monthly payment image pretty seriously.


I think the idea of charging for LS is a terrible idea, they already do if you don't log in for them.

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If I have to pay, I want the BS flashy kitten crap gone from LS and the difficulty set low enough that absolutely everyone (even very casual players) can complete it solo on every class. If they don't do that latter one, they won't have repeat customers. Why buy the new episode if you couldn't finish the last one? Why buy the new one if the last one was full of garbage you didn't enjoy?


Probably a better idea is offering a "hard mode" of LS episodes for gems. Unlock it and you can replay the stories as often as you want with insane amounts of difficulty and visual noise everywhere :P


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> @"Aerlen.5326" said:

> If I have to pay, I want the BS flashy kitten kitten gone from LS and the difficulty set low enough that absolutely everyone (even very casual players) can complete it solo on every class. If they don't do that latter one, they won't have repeat customers. Why buy the new episode if you couldn't finish the last one? Why buy the new one if the last one was full of garbage you didn't enjoy?


> Probably a better idea is offering a "hard mode" of LS episodes for gems. Unlock it and you can replay the stories as often as you want with insane amounts of difficulty and visual noise everywhere :P



But the fights haven't been hard? Unless you were meant to lose them.

>! second balth encounter

Most fights have now had some added mechanics that make it incredibly easy to do.

If there are people still having trouble, then I don't think it is a problem with the fights and more so a problem with that persons build and gear.

Not saying that people have to have the best gear ever or some meta build, but people need to make sure their skills and spec choices work and make sense and that their gear suits it and that they are actually using exotic level gear, etc.


I can't tell you how many people I encountered coming into HoT with a level boost who started equipping nice looking yellow gear when they were wearing a full set of exotics. Or how many people don't know simple things about the game. So many people don't have a clue about the defiance bar, what it is there for and how you interact with it.


The stories encounters are designed with the mind set that you have the right level of gear and have a build that the specs actually interact within said build and that you know the basic understanding of the game at this level.

I am not a hardcore player, I play pretty casually and I have never had any problems in game with this sort of stuff,

I put it down to inexperience and I recommend running a Minionmancer Reaper on your first run through, the MM is very forgiving because of survivability but also it gives you the space you need to learn the encounter. Even though most stories are on the easier side for me, I still always take my MM through first because I like to have safety windows to learn things.

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If they want money I'll gladly pay for content&feature rich expansion like HoT(features like gliding/masteries, cool meta events/bosses, elite specs, raids/dungeons). I would not pay for a single LS episode. I'm not that interested in yet another open world map and tiny bit of story. I'd maybe be willing to pay if each update came with a raid wing or ~1-2 fractals that are similiar quality as 99/100 with CMs.

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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> Just a STUPID idea from the OP. No Thanks. Go play another game please



Come on dude, there is no need to shut someone down like that.

Just because you or many others disagree with the idea, doesn't necessarily make it stupid.

You should say what you dislike of the idea.

Be constructive, not destructive.

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> @"patton the great.7126" said:

> So if the numbers truly are down


This is an assumption...sorta....

People assume that the current situation at Arenanet is caused by GW2 or the sales model. This is only partly true. There has always been some debate wether or not the revenue system of GW2 would be the most profitable one in the longterm. There is not hard proof, but there are some indication that NCSoft has dissagreed with Arenanet for a long time on this subject. However, Arenanet was allowed to do as they thought best as they where responsable for one of the most profitable games NCSoft had. This changed a few years ago when the mobile games took a flight.

Since then Arenanet was also working on a mobile platform project. This is now cancelled. So Arenanet lost it's position at NCSoft as a top seller, not cause GW2 went down (it did a bit, but nothing worrying), but cause they couldnt keep up on the mobile platform.


Another thing is that Arenanet became fatter and more sluggish while it grew bigger. This is a known danger for many companies experiencing rapid growth. The company needs more rules and procedures to work properly and those rules may interfere with effectiveness and more important creativity. a small example. In a studio with 10 employees, you might have 2 people on the writers team. But the company is small enough for a skilled designer to give narritive idea's that are very creative and welcome. There is room for constant debate between departments and cross breeding is welcomed. When a company is 1000 people wide, it is much harder to have debate between departmens and cross breeding, so contact between departments is streamlined and limited in procedures. There are ways to circumvent this effect, but not all are effective and what works for one company might not work for another.


Let's name an expample. This forum. There has always been some ways of collaborating between players and devs. In the early days devs would just react to topics that where to their heart, but as this forum grew, the mistakes where more costing and it was more streamlined in procedures and formats. So the person responsable got more in charge of these procedures.


Gaile was a very talented community relation manager. She was truly there for the community. she would stand in Lion's arch (GW1) and have fun with the community, but when a good question came, she would AFK and find the answer straight away. When she left in that position, she left a void that never got truly filled. In her second role as community liason, she performed again outstanding, but she needed to make rules and set bounderies. Both the community and the company grew larger and she needed protection for herself to have a firm position between the two parties. In her last role, these rules and bounderies needed to be extended more and more. Do not get me wrong, they where needed! But the open attitude was gone. She was still the warm and fuzy and huggable person as she was in the early days, but she had more distance to the community and likely the devs.


Why am I sharing these observations (and possible speculations from my part)? To raise a point. If the current crisis at arenanet was caused by the revenue model of GW2, that would be tackeled (and it might be allready in progress, as they have postponed/cancelled a next xpac), but the current situation is cause they are reorganising and had mass lay offs. So observing that, it likely has much more to do with the way Arenanet was operating then it had to do with how they make money.

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Wow, this is by far the most selfish suggestion I have seen for a long time on these forums. You do not care about the story yourself, but would like Anet to start charging the people that do through the nose, so Anet has more funds for, "i dunno, let's say a new WvW map"? Or maybe something else you like, like new Food?


I have another suggestion:

New WvW map: 50 dollars if you want to play on it.

New recipe: 2.50 each


Would be ok with that since I don't care much about these.


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I don't mind paying for story content, but it'll have to be a step up from the current offerings (which I wouldn't pay for).


ESO doesn't release new zones as frequently, but when they do there's a lot more story and exploration content available. That's the sort of thing I'd be looking out for in paid DLC.

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> @"Tyncale.1629" said:

> Wow, this is by far the most selfish suggestion I have seen for a long time on these forums. You do not care about the story yourself, but would like Anet to start charging the people that do through the nose, so Anet has more funds for, "i dunno, let's say a new WvW map"? Or maybe something else you like, like new Food?


> I have another suggestion:

> New WvW map: 50 dollars if you want to play on it.

> New recipe: 2.50 each


> Would be ok with that since I don't care much about these.



You meant more funds to start another side projects for mobile *cough*

And people thought they support GW2 by spending money on gems ^^

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They are already monetized, if you don't unlock the content during its free window.


I think monetizing the Living World updates would ultimately result in a decline in player retention, and a far larger financial loss from general Gems purchases made by the players that are lost, than any monetization of said content can make up for. Let's face it, players don't like to feel as if they are gauged for money, it will likely drive them away if they feel new story content updates, that's not an expansion, are put behind a pay wall. You may accept such practices, which is fine, and I get where you are coming from with recent layoffs and wanting to help the game financially, but this is unlikely to be a good way to go about things.


E.g., one of the reasons I have been enjoying GW2 all these years, has been the fact that these updates are free to keep if you unlock them as they are released. It has kept me coming back again and again, even after I've been burned out, taking a break from the game for a few months, each time as I return, sinking some more money into the game as I get hooked once more. Without that free update, I think I'd potentially stop playing altogether should I burn out again, taking any future money I'd spend on Gems with me. What would the pull for GW2 be at that point? I stopped because I felt burnt out. Where's the carrot that reels me in? It certainly won't be Gem Store releases or balance changes. While I do enjoy WvW, _thoroughly_ enjoy playing instruments in the cities — what I enjoy most of all is to play through the story updates as they are released with a friend. It's the latter that makes me come back, it's that little thing that's become a recurring ritual that we do together — since they're free. But I don't know if I'd come back from a hiatus if I had to pay to experience that enjoyment, even if it ultimately leads to me spending money on Gems anyways. I don't think my mind would motivate me enough to pay up and get on with things after a longer period of not playing, whereas when it's being offered for free, that puts no barrier on my re-entry into the world of Tyria.


Let's not forget that the word of mouth "free content updates" as a positive statement for recruiting new players into trying the game, would also go out the window if the content gets monetized. I think that's a good selling point for a lot of people that have yet to experience Guild Wars 2; "You can try out the game as a very open-ended demo-of-sorts, completely free with a F2P account. If you like it, you only need to pay for the game and the expansion(s) you want once, and any future story content updates released is added for free!"

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I feel like in light of the recent news that has re-surfaced about no Ex-packs being planned, and shifting focus to LW from now on that we should for sure be charged at least 12$-15$ per episode. Anet deserves to get paid for their work. I know that the vocal minority won't like this, but those of us who love GW2, would be more then happy to pay for content we want. No matter if it's for WvW or even new PvE releases, I'm sure raiders would be happy to pay for regular releases.


One thing I've noticed is this thread shows an extreme lack of respect for Anet and what they do. Anet take notice, these PvE folks are who you have been showering with content over the years while WvW and sPvP have starved. Through it all, we are still here, but look how fast people would be willing to jump ship if you started getting paid for your hard work. I will grant that I would hope the content would greatly increase with more communication on what's planned, but Anet some free business advice from someone who has a lot of real world business experience, don't be afraid to charge for your work, you will be surprised, the clients may moan and groan, but they will pay, your work deserves compensation! Kick the idea around, i'm sure your boss's will love it. Be aggressive, don't be afraid to ruffle feathers. You are not a charity. You do enough free and honestly good work on the side. Time to get paid for your PvE efforts!

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> @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

> > @"Aerlen.5326" said:

> > If I have to pay, I want the BS flashy kitten kitten gone from LS and the difficulty set low enough that absolutely everyone (even very casual players) can complete it solo on every class. If they don't do that latter one, they won't have repeat customers. Why buy the new episode if you couldn't finish the last one? Why buy the new one if the last one was full of garbage you didn't enjoy?

> >

> > Probably a better idea is offering a "hard mode" of LS episodes for gems. Unlock it and you can replay the stories as often as you want with insane amounts of difficulty and visual noise everywhere :P

> >


> But the fights haven't been hard? Unless you were meant to lose them.



Try having a disability and dealing with 50 million flashing lights, knock back, and red circles you cannot see due to flashing visual noise along with bugs that make the NPCs suddenly stop helping you. Then try stealth missions that rely on reflexes you do not have, tedious things like The Departing's opening Balthazar fight, and garbage like Hearts and Minds which is a Hot Mess to solo if you just can't be perfect and avoid things you can barely see through thick visual filters or get into the air fast enough. It was upsetting enough this stuff was in paid expansions and not fixed, why would I want to pay money for it in LW too? There are sections of the story I will never replay, not even on alt toons, because they were so insufferably awful in mechanics.


Before I get "bUt YoU sHoUlD hAvE kNoWn BeTtEr", the core story has none of this crap. I've replayed the core story about six times now on different classes. This is a LW S2 and up issue. It's not just me either. There are some chapters even mentioning the name of gets a "Oh no, not that one" reaction.



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My 2 cents:


If you want to make players pay for content, make the content exorbitantly exclusive. Not some little cutscene collab in a story instance, but straight up party content subsistence. Want to play a certain race + its story, put up some cash despite the p2w tory. New news, Anet is pushing out 3 elite specs and elite spec specific content (quests, weapon skins, special auras and emotes) for every profession in the next year....requires cash.


While I don't mind paying cash for Living World story updates (I don't often log into the game), it's not going to draw me into the game to *want* to need to buy those individual updates. New professions, new elite specs, new races, new stories specific to those specs/races, would draw me in like a moth to a flame.


Something else that might be a possibility to *KEEP* players is character progression. Not cosmetic progression. Something like expanding PvE or WvW specs like doing certain objectives and completing certain requirements unlocks new trait in a certain spec or alternate weapon skill for a certain weapon. Do enough of this, provide enough variation and make the requirements steep enough and you keep players playing and customers paying.


FYI, I have the "Rhyme with inebriated" quirk via BNHA.

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