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PS4 version


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I really like MMOs and to me, this is the best MMO out there. I've been an on and off again player for many years now.


The biggest reason for being on and off is because my PC simply isn't that great and constantly crashes for many different reasons.


A great improvement for me would be if GW2 came to PS4. I've seen a few games that started out on PC or have mainly PC focused development, come to PS4. Off the top of my head I can think of Diablo 3, Path of Exile, and FFXIV.


I understand that there's some difficulty when it comes to the technical issues of getting a build running on PS4, but I think if the team was able to get a Macintosh client, they should be able to get a PS4 version with some effort. Also some issues with controls arise, but there are many clever ways to solve this (look at FFXIV) but I've also been able to use some PC programs previously to comfortably play my Warrior and other classes using a PS3 controller.


I hope if you're reading this, that you would support this idea as it could be beneficial for bringing new players as well as giving current players a choice of platform. Thanks,

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@"ShoknAwe.1602" have you tired binding gw2 to a ps4 controll while on pc? I have and just run out of buttons (an thats using a narcon controller).


As much as i would of dearly loved having it on ps4 three years ago so i didnt waste my time with eso. Personally dont think itll work, just because of the amount of key required to play (Warrior, thief is do able but past that, ranger, guardian, necro ele use f3,4,5). The games mentioned work because they have less skill bar options.


Good notion but think its in the "dead horse" pile, as mentioned above due to recent events

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> @"grouchybhaal.4275" said:

> @"ShoknAwe.1602" have you tired binding gw2 to a ps4 controll while on pc? I have and just run out of buttons (an thats using a narcon controller).


> As much as i would of dearly loved having it on ps4 three years ago so i didnt waste my time with eso. Personally dont think itll work, just because of the amount of key required to play (Warrior, thief is do able but past that, ranger, guardian, necro ele use f3,4,5). The games mentioned work because they have less skill bar options.


> Good notion but think its in the "dead horse" pile, as mentioned above due to recent events


Yes, the best method to use is actually to bind Control, Shift and Alt to some of the buttons like the top triggers and bumpers, and then you have multiple combinations of keys like Control + A could be L2 + Triangle. When you use the modifier keys as buttons, there are a ton of combination presses that open up for you. Also FFXIV has the W-Cross option which is similar to the previous method but they also allow you to press up and down to change to a whole new set of combination buttons.


Yes it's probably far too late to hope this is truly be implemented but I always thought I'd try to stir up the pot again.

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Adapting GW2 to a console would surely bring the game to more audiences, but will it cover the costs of bringing the game to those platforms? That remains to be seen because It's not just development costs to consider but also added customer support, and with 7 years past release all of that becomes questionable.


As for the Mac release, the new native 64bit port was most likely done out of necessity, the game released as a Mac supported title in 2012 by using a commercial Wine-based wrapper. Eventually it became unstable and performed poorly. ANet had no choice, either fix the problem with a native port or stop supporting Mac entirely, can you imagine how many people would have they pissed off otherwise?


I see other MMO's have been mentioned, so let's start:


1) FFXIV - Was made with Crystal Tools engine, which was built with cross platform in mind dating back to the PS3.

2) Path of Exile - Got DX11 not too long ago which is probably the reason why it launched on the XBox first, the console's graphics API is also DX11. Might also be the reason why on PS4 is delayed.

3) Diablo 3 - It's Blizzard we're talking about, porting to consoles is probably a drop in the ocean to them.


Let's bring the GW2 engine in comparison - It's using an old engine based on it's predecessor itself, targeted only at PC's and still using DX9. Porting to consoles will still require them to port it to DX11 for the Xbox (something they haven't even bothered to do for their main platform - Windows) and then again to a different graphics API for the PS4. Sorry but I just don't see it happening.





Only the 32bit was piggybacked off Wine, the new 64bit one is native, has one issue though, it's using OpenGL not Metal and OpenGL is being deprecated on Mac.

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> @"ShoknAwe.1602" said:

> but I think if the team was able to get a Macintosh client, they should be able to get a PS4 version with some effort.


most likely because the devs are able to piggyback off [WINE](https://www.winehq.org/ "WINE")

FFXIV is most likely done the other way around, it was built for console then ported to PC, because PC gaming is a very niche market in Japan


porting onto console and vice versa is a totally different undertaking, just look at Batman: Arkham Knight's PC port disaster


with the state of development, do you want Anet to place more workers on the chopping block?

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> @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

> 2) Path of Exile - Got DX11 not too long ago which is probably the reason why it launched on the XBox first, the console's graphics API is also DX11. Might also be the reason why on PS4 is delayed.


It was probably the other way around. The PC client got DX11 as a side effect of them deciding to release on xbox. Although it also aligns with their desire to improve the client's performance as well so it's hard to say one way or the other unless they mentioned it somewhere. Meanwhile we haven't seen anything from ANet about wanting the same.

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> @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

> Only the 32bit was piggybacked off Wine, the new 64bit one is native, has one issue though, it's using OpenGL not Metal and OpenGL is being deprecated on Mac.


interesting... still runs like a snail on my mac mini


not to mention the poor ventilations of apple products, as soon as the game gets to the login screen the fans took off like a jet engine


uninstalled it from my macs just last weekend since i havent updated the client for almost 6 months

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i believe console ports are usually sold to a company that specializes in this. if a port publisher was interested it'd get done, im sure they have this discussion frequently but there are probably some major technical limitations. some games just wont work, guild wars 2 has a lot of inventory management and social functions i could see limiting a port right off the top of my head.

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