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What is your favorite Mount/Mount skin and why? How can they improve?

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My favorite mount is the Griffon, with the Nightfang as favorite skin. It's just such a sleek design and I enjoy that it changes with the time of day.

My next favorite skin is the Summit Wildhorn because it was a hard deviation from chubby bunny skins that were far too cutesy for my liking. Also why I like the Kaurna Jackrabbit, though I wish it had better dye channels.

There are several Jackal skins I like. The Branded Jackal and Liminal Moonhound for the same reason I like the Wildhorn, they seem more sleek. Polished Stone and Twin Sands are probably my most used. Most the Jackal skins are really appealing, though.

Most of the Raptor skins are whatever to me, but I main the Striped Jarin cause it's just really pretty and the colors are pretty vivid with the right dyes.

The Skimmer is my least favorite mount, but I do love the Dajkah Lantern

Most of the Beetle skins are also whatever and there isn't a specific skin I'm especially enamored with. I use the Trailblazer on multiple characters.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I don't really have a favorite skin but for the most part I like to theme my mounts around the character that rides them.


> For example.. the Mad Kings Mounts we got last Haloween were awesome for a Necromancer.. meanwhile the primevil ghostly skins are great for Revenants.

> Simple is often best though and while there are a lot of cool and flashy skins.. I usually go with simple ones and attempt to dye them to match my characters colour scheme.

> Like so.. :)


> ![](https://imgur.com/SkT9cXO.jpg "")


I love all of this, all of the colors you used pair very well with your characters. Thank you for sharing. The griffon was especially my favorite!


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> @"Moon Kitsune.9654" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > I don't really have a favorite skin but for the most part I like to theme my mounts around the character that rides them.

> >

> > For example.. the Mad Kings Mounts we got last Haloween were awesome for a Necromancer.. meanwhile the primevil ghostly skins are great for Revenants.

> > Simple is often best though and while there are a lot of cool and flashy skins.. I usually go with simple ones and attempt to dye them to match my characters colour scheme.

> > Like so.. :)


> > ![](https://imgur.com/SkT9cXO.jpg "")


> I love all of this, all of the colors you used pair very well with your characters. Thank you for sharing. The griffon was especially my favorite!



Thanks ^^

Gotta love that end game fashion wars right? lol

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All jackal skins should have thematically appropriate teleports effects, like how the mesmer jackal does. Also the shrine guardian has really dumb dye channels. It should be upper body/lower body/saddle/particle effects instead of entire body/saddle/saddle/particle effects like it currently is.


My favorite skins are the ones that actually make changes to the base model (like the Koss rabbit, two-horned raptor, whale/shark skimmers, a bunch of the jackals, the crow/eagle/hawk/snow leopard griffin, and that one new beetle with the ridged shell).

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Griffon would be favourite mount, by a long way. I just like flying so that's inevitable. Not really keen on any of the bird skins so far though, so the lion skin gets most use from me.


Favourite skin overall would be the Shrine Guardian. I don't really like the shifting sand elemental thing for the jackal, so it was a very nice surprise to see this one, and the saddle looks very nice with complementary dyes.


(Trust the English language to give complementary and complimentary such vastly different meanings...)

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Favorite mount overall is griffon, and has been from the start... most fun to ride around and stopped me complaining about rangers not getting them for pets :mrgreen:

I sort of waffled around on skins for a while, but when I saw the Northern Feather Wing, I switched most of my characters to that - I'm just happier with the hawk/eagle patterning/face than the others so far.


Favorite individual skin is shrine guardian for the jackal, though. You can't go wrong with foxes, especially when they also echo Okami.


Improvements? I agree with the comments from earlier that I'd like to see more "different model" options - especially where the originals didn't click with me that much - there are only so many times you need another barn owl griffon skin, and I was a little disappointed the springer that kind-of looked like a red panda didn't look *more* like a red panda. But I also

1. would like to be able to name mounts

2. would like /dance to work for mounts

tyvm :grin:

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Best = Springer, but ONLY the Kourna Jackrabbit model (I can't stand the default "chubby bunny" model...).


Second best = Jackal, Mirror Masked (beautiful dodge effect).


Third best = Roller Beetle, but they haven't yet released a skin I prefer over default.


So-so = Skimmer, Stardrift. Used to love this like crazy and still occasionally take time to chill in open world maps on water and land. But now I don't use it as often unless there is water. Warclaw, probably Branded at the moment but I'll wait for something decent that can be bought on its own - the default model is kind of nice anyway. It's ok, gets the job done in wvw but not something I'm overly attached to.


Don't care for = Raptor/Griffon. Raptor default model looks nice but is just dull to play, no reason to use over Jackal or Beetle other than aesthetics. Griffon - you never actually fly but are always "falling with style". Initially I loved it and did all the adventures etc, but now I find it to be unsatisfactory knowing always losing altitude - there's a feeling of discontentment when using it. Also I don't particularly like any of the griffon models so have no attachment to any of them unlike the above mounts.

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The main thing that I want is a different way to distribute them. Stop putting skins for 5 different mounts in one pack. Make it so that each pack is for one mount. A pack of Raptor skins, a pack of Springer skins, you get the picture. I would be way more likely to purchase them if it was done this way. As it is I am not going to buy the current pack and end up with skins that I either don't want or for a mount that I hardly ever use.


If they did this, made each pack for a particular mount, I honestly think that more players would be willing to purchase them.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> Griffon - you never actually fly but are always "falling with style". Initially I loved it and did all the adventures etc, but now I find it to be unsatisfactory knowing always losing altitude - there's a feeling of discontentment when using it.


There is a ceiling you usually run into, which is based on the height you took off from plus a tiny little bit, but you can get back up to it indefinitely by chaining down-flap -> up-flap as fast as the game will let you. Without doing that, yeah, you gradually lose altitude. (Ground effect at full speed might be another exception but requires a river/lake/sea to make use of.)

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> @"Sirius.4510" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > Griffon - you never actually fly but are always "falling with style". Initially I loved it and did all the adventures etc, but now I find it to be unsatisfactory knowing always losing altitude - there's a feeling of discontentment when using it.


> There is a ceiling you usually run into, which is based on the height you took off from plus a tiny little bit, but you can get back up to it indefinitely by chaining down-flap -> up-flap as fast as the game will let you. Without doing that, yeah, you gradually lose altitude. (Ground effect at full speed might be another exception but requires a river/lake/sea to make use of.)


I thought they nerfed the trick to gain height? Even so it's pretty tedious and requires a deep enough area to do it - I don't find it relaxing enough.


But yeah I do like using griffon to get from A to B if the map requires it/is faster/convenience - but I won't use it if there are other ways to get around.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> I thought they nerfed the trick to gain height? Even so it's pretty tedious and requires a deep enough area to do it - I don't find it relaxing enough.


If you mean what I'm thinking of... they did, you can't abort a swoop early anymore (which significantly increases the space you need) - but you can still gain altitude nonetheless.

But you do have to punch a lot more buttons than you would with other mounts if you're trying to stay in the air. Well, maybe except roller beetles, keeping them running at speed is even more work.

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