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Warclaw feedback!


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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Sviel.7493" said:

> > After day 2, I'm feeling less optimistic.

> >

> > I play as scout/havoc and never bought PoF so I've been on foot the whole time. To date, I've focused my build around mobility to facilitate tracking enemies, slipping away to check on objectives when necessary and being able to dart about doing whatever needs doing. Going in, I expected that my niche would be severely trampled upon, but I figured I could adjust.

> >

> > However, as more cats show up, it's become clear that there is no escaping them. Even in territory I own. Even if I drop out of sight, they can mark me with the press of a button. In addition, every enemy is much, much faster which means I have a smaller window to work in even while I have to be extra careful not to get chased down by a roaming group. Just like with Elite Specs, I'd have to make _another_ purchase to continue _sort of_ enjoying the game. I still have no clue what direction Anet is moving in (besides random bait content for spikes of people who'll never come back), so I can't justify opening my wallet to sort of regain the status quo.

> >

> > On top of that, though this isn't directly related to Warclaw, the method for obtaining it has made the gamemode virtually unplayable--and I don't mean the queues. Whereas before there would be large enemy zergs that you could sort of deal with, now they have a full blob of pugs. Meanwhile, your pugs are also chiefly interested in getting Warclaw and often don't understand why WvW players don't K-Train for maximum reward efficiency. It doesn't help that, to date, **there is still no tutorial NPC on DBL.** This would have been a good time to make some effort toward actually introducing people to WvW instead of dropping them in unawares and causing a rough time for both PvE and WvW focused players.

> >

> > **High player volume + Low player investment = A bad time all around**

> >

> > The speediest way to get the Warclaw has very little overlap with actual WvW gameplay. Defending anything is just slowing you down. Fighting other players as well, for the most part.


> Just throwing out some ideas here, because these seem like valid concerns.


> - Change the warclaw unlock achievement to remove objectives that cannot be obtained outside of EotM

> - Players below bronze rank cannot make progress toward warclaw unlock outside of EotM

> - The warclaw may be unlocked by players who don't own PoF, but is only available for these players inside WvW/EotM and skills 2-6 are unavailable to unlock


> My thinking is that this would put some players back into EotM while keeping players who only want to unlock the warclaw from getting in the way of WvW objectives. It would also level the playing field a bit for players without PoF, while still providing incentives for those players to purchase PoF in order to upgrade the warclaw.


I disagree. There should be no meaningful barrier to getting this mount. Let's be honest, there is no skill required to get this mount and having it is not some indication of prestige or achievement, anymore than having a glider. It's a tool that, as it becomes widespread, gives a significant advantage to those who have it vs. those who don't.


If there is a real need for e-peening amongst high ranked / veteran WvW'ers, by all means introduce mount skins that require a rank of 1000+ to purchase, similar to 2 different styles of WvW Legendary Armor.


Honestly, this mount shouldn't have been any more difficult to acquire than the raptor, which only requires you to complete the 1st mission in PoF and complete the heart vendor.


ANET should have designed it so all you needed to do was cap the camp/tower/keep, kill the guard, then pay the vendor 8g to buy it.


As for requiring PoF, look, the company needs to make money, and if a player isn't willing to spend the $30 to buy the expansion, why should they have access to new content? If they aren't willing to spend $30 on the expansion, in all likelihood they aren't spending money on the gemstore either, and why then would should ANET care about a non-customer?

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Erring on the positive side for the Warkitty.


Personal POV - remove:


1. Gate pull - TBH it's garbage.

2. Damage on mount skill 1. In fact remove skill 1 entirely. Mounts in WvW should not deal damage.

3. Remove downed damage. See #2 above for reasoning.


Keep the speed, HP and the dodges as is.



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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"Sviel.7493" said:

> > > After day 2, I'm feeling less optimistic.

> > >

> > > I play as scout/havoc and never bought PoF so I've been on foot the whole time. To date, I've focused my build around mobility to facilitate tracking enemies, slipping away to check on objectives when necessary and being able to dart about doing whatever needs doing. Going in, I expected that my niche would be severely trampled upon, but I figured I could adjust.

> > >

> > > However, as more cats show up, it's become clear that there is no escaping them. Even in territory I own. Even if I drop out of sight, they can mark me with the press of a button. In addition, every enemy is much, much faster which means I have a smaller window to work in even while I have to be extra careful not to get chased down by a roaming group. Just like with Elite Specs, I'd have to make _another_ purchase to continue _sort of_ enjoying the game. I still have no clue what direction Anet is moving in (besides random bait content for spikes of people who'll never come back), so I can't justify opening my wallet to sort of regain the status quo.

> > >

> > > On top of that, though this isn't directly related to Warclaw, the method for obtaining it has made the gamemode virtually unplayable--and I don't mean the queues. Whereas before there would be large enemy zergs that you could sort of deal with, now they have a full blob of pugs. Meanwhile, your pugs are also chiefly interested in getting Warclaw and often don't understand why WvW players don't K-Train for maximum reward efficiency. It doesn't help that, to date, **there is still no tutorial NPC on DBL.** This would have been a good time to make some effort toward actually introducing people to WvW instead of dropping them in unawares and causing a rough time for both PvE and WvW focused players.

> > >

> > > **High player volume + Low player investment = A bad time all around**

> > >

> > > The speediest way to get the Warclaw has very little overlap with actual WvW gameplay. Defending anything is just slowing you down. Fighting other players as well, for the most part.

> >

> > Just throwing out some ideas here, because these seem like valid concerns.

> >

> > - Change the warclaw unlock achievement to remove objectives that cannot be obtained outside of EotM

> > - Players below bronze rank cannot make progress toward warclaw unlock outside of EotM

> > - The warclaw may be unlocked by players who don't own PoF, but is only available for these players inside WvW/EotM and skills 2-6 are unavailable to unlock

> >

> > My thinking is that this would put some players back into EotM while keeping players who only want to unlock the warclaw from getting in the way of WvW objectives. It would also level the playing field a bit for players without PoF, while still providing incentives for those players to purchase PoF in order to upgrade the warclaw.


> As for requiring PoF, look, the company needs to make money, and if a player isn't willing to spend the $30 to buy the expansion, why should they have access to new content? If they aren't willing to spend $30 on the expansion, in all likelihood they aren't spending money on the gemstore either, and why then would should ANET care about a non-customer?


Why should ANet care about "non-customers"?


Games that offer Free-to-Play care about these "non-customers" for two reasons: First, they increase the general population for the game, which adds value for paying customers. Second, the more time a F2P player spends in a game, the more likely they become to spend money on it.


The business model is predicated on the idea that if you make the game inviting, but at the same time restrict things just enough, you can turn "non-customers" into customers. The problem with the warclaw is that it potentially makes the WvW game mode uninviting in a way that mounts in PvE do not. In PvE, mounts are a massive QoL upgrade, but they don't make the game mode unrewarding or uninviting to players without mounts. In WvW, mounts create a situation where participating in group content essentially requires having the mount.


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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > > @"Zaoda.1653" said:

> > > • While I don't exactly like the -1 supply required with every tug, I get that, without this, it would render rams kinda useless, so I get that.

> >

> > Considering their extremely slow speed and being limited to 3 per gate, I think the -1 supply per pull is overkill in the terms of limiting siege capabilities. There is absolutely no reason to even pull a gate with a Warclaw, as 3 Warclaws with 20 supply each won't even take a T0 gate below half HP.

> >

> >


> I'm thinking that they either need to 1) Increase the damage to around 5K to gates per pull or 2) remove the supply cost if keeping that damage.


> > @"Dagger.2035" said:

> > The only change I would recommend is to normalize the speed so there isn’t a territory bonus. I’m worried that the speed bonus could favor the more populated server when you are outnumbered and trying take back your objectives. I also don’t see any reason to give defenders an advantage when roaming.


> I agree with that. Instead the base HP should be lowered to 5K, and that mastery should move it up to 10K.



And now that I seen a bit more in play, some folks have suggested the engage skill should dismount others instead of stomp. I agree. The mount should not negate the need for safestomp tactics.

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Here my feedback:



With the recent nerf you won't be as fast before but I also find it too much of a nerf. I can only guess why they did it properly because you can push faster in open field with it and also a lot of the older players will have a hard time to adjust to the new speed.


On the other hand if the zerg reacts in time the attackers will die because they have very likely no boons and support if they use mounts. This was always so the zerg which reacts faster wins otherwise said the zerg who knows what to do with out needing of a command from a commander . Also there are option to adapt to this by having scouts and trying not to stay so much in open field.


I know we have a lot of older people in the game and also the other points I will mention has also to do with speed so I have kinda mixed feelings about this. it just so the leap now with the last update becomes absolute useless to the point the animation is silly.



A major problem with comes with the mount is supply shortage on onside it use up supplies with it skill 3 on the other hand we had already in the past the problem that supply champs getting constantly flipped because hardly anyone guarding them with the new mount the flipping getting even faster. This maybe has an exception for server who its population is extremely big. A cheap solution would be increasing the HP of the boss of the supply champ (like 50%) . I don't believe this is this would be enough adding another register for tactics would be nice where you can add the radar/ballon thing.



Golems can easily be spotted on the way to the enemies this also was a dragging problem in the past which increased with the mounts. Solution is simple increase walking speed of the golems to normal.


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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> I think the mount and certain aspect of it's "perks" should only be allowed for players under a certain rank to get them acquainted to the game mode/maps. After passing the threshold of that rank, all crutches should be removed and the mount only retain speedy aspect of travel and nothing else. This way, newer players get to be part of the game mode and be able to reach commanders and groups safely, and long time players get speedy travel. I would prefer all combat related skills be removed.


Bcs that will motivate ppl to keep playing

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > I think the mount and certain aspect of it's "perks" should only be allowed for players under a certain rank to get them acquainted to the game mode/maps. After passing the threshold of that rank, all crutches should be removed and the mount only retain speedy aspect of travel and nothing else. This way, newer players get to be part of the game mode and be able to reach commanders and groups safely, and long time players get speedy travel. I would prefer all combat related skills be removed.


> Bcs that will motivate ppl to keep playing



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This is Anet's style. They make the game unplayable for you slowly, and force you to buy their product with frustration. When HoT came out, I loved the elite specs. Tempest, druid, reaper, dh, dd, all were very interesting for me. I really loved them. With PoF elites I do not have the same opinion. I neither liked the elite specs, nor the new maps (I have seen al via friends). As a customer who uses gemstore, and has HoT deluxe, why am I being punished for not buying what i do not want? Is there a limit for a person should spend to be counted as a customer? If I throw 30 bucks more into the game, would my opinions be heard more? After all this support, Anet prevents me to be competitive in only game mode I am really interested. I do not think that this is fair. It might be in their power, but this does not make it right.

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Only thing i dislike about them is the speed; i ran herald before the update to get perma swiftness cus im a noob who tends to fall behind easily, but since patch i was lucky that so far all the stuff i did when getting reward track up, seige was placed and that allowed time for non-mounted players to catch up, but many times i don't get that opportunity.... new to WvW may also not know they need to immediately start mount reward track to even have a chance of keeping up with zergs now- and zergs are where people start. I had hoped they'd be capped at perma-swiftness speed with small boosts from movement ability, because that means nubs won't be compelled like I to chose a class that can run fast but this is kinda counter intuitive on that level.


Overall- I like most other things about it, i'm still a noob with low rank so I haven't been able to unlock any of its abilities yet but it hasn't has a marked impact in the fights i've been in.

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New patch, new opinion.

After reducing the leap by felt 30% I have to say, you have pulled the claws of the war claw with it. Feels sluggish and doesn't allow you to break through into zerg fights anymore. I wish this would just be an stop-gap solution to give more time to fix the many expolits. But I'm afraid that too many players will be pleased with it, because it retains the existing strategies.

Still, the war claw still feels very good in the WvW for me.

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I didn't feel like playing and didn't have much time to play ever since patch + the queues at the start, and the little time I played, all I can say is this mount actually promotes running away, and it also promotes short fights (not talking about zergs).


and sometimes with certain classes and builds, if you wanna fight/catch someone you will have to use some unnecessary cool downs.


as I said in other thread, now we are starting to talk about balance "mount balance", they can't balance anything and then mount just add more things that they need to balance aka the mount or things that are related to it.


since some people asks about events in wvw, now I ask for a NO mount event week already lol, or even better, just put one of the maps where we can't use mount in, thank you very much.

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for me it really killed wvw, unfortunately

i've always seen wvw having a combination of pvp and pve with a strong emphasis on guilds , but now its pushed so much towards the pve side - just going for objectives avoiding fights at all cost


ofc it's still trial period but i think once hype drops wvw is left an even lower base than before


zerg and blob fights were already going downhill, but at least you could go solo and roam around the map fighting whoever you come across, this is not possible anymore as mounts as uncatchable and zerg+ fights are left with mounts....

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> @"Silver.2076" said:

> New patch, new opinion.

> After reducing the leap by felt 30% I have to say, you have pulled the claws of the war claw with it. Feels sluggish and doesn't allow you to break through into zerg fights anymore. I wish this would just be an stop-gap solution to give more time to fix the many expolits. But I'm afraid that too many players will be pleased with it, because it retains the existing strategies.

> Still, the war claw still feels very good in the WvW for me.


I feel the same way. The longer leap was so much more fun, I hope it's only a temporary fix until they've addressed the break-in issues...

Of course it was very easy to escape with before and the burst speed was pretty high with 3 dodges but I rather they reduce the number of dodges to 2 (with mastery) instead of making it feel worse.


A few more suggestions I approve:


1. Maul dismounts enemies hit.

2. You're revealed while mounted. There's enough ganking from stealth in the game already.

3. Reduce the health a bit for the sake of solo roaming.

4. Soft-CC (cripple, chill, immobilize) slows the warclaw by ~33% and also reduces the leap's length. (Doesn't stack.)


But overall the Warclaw is a good addition to the game mode! It's something fresh and fun and makes movement across the big maps far more enjoyable.

I just wish they put in some more work to optimize it further, and revert the leap nerf eventually!

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> @"Koen.1327" said:

> for me it really killed wvw, unfortunately

> i've always seen wvw having a combination of pvp and pve with a strong emphasis on guilds , but now its pushed so much towards the pve side - just going for objectives avoiding fights at all cost


> ofc it's still trial period but i think once hype drops wvw is left an even lower base than before


> zerg and blob fights were already going downhill, but at least you could go solo and roam around the map fighting whoever you come across, this is not possible anymore as mounts as uncatchable and zerg+ fights are left with mounts....


workign as intended, the less fights there are, less complain on balance, less complain on how dumbs classes are designed, less lag, every one ktrains every one wins, this is the kind of skill and players gw2 is designed for.

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Well after playing a lot more with the Warclaw, and with WvW getting a bit closer to normal, with servers defending objectives vs. constant PPT, and with the various changes the mount has received since last Tuesday, I'll say I'm happy overall with it.


WvW would have been just fine without a mount, but the introduction of the current iteration of Warclaw is hardly game breaking, and really has a very small impact on large group fights, that being allowing for dead players to return to tag faster / run supply. Movement is still mostly on foot to get boons/empower up, and while I did see long tails, they weren't much longer than what you normally see in a pug raid.


I'm sure they will tweak some more, but for now I have no heartburn about the Warclaw in WvW.

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> @"Dagger.2035" said:

> The only change I would recommend is to normalize the speed so there isn’t a territory bonus. I’m worried that the speed bonus could favor the more populated server when you are outnumbered and trying take back your objectives. I also don’t see any reason to give defenders an advantage when roaming.


Would have to disagree here. I see your point about potentially favoring the larger side but that added benefit to the defender to me that's a good thing. It's more of a reason to defend. Between the added mount speed and the ability to glide we have reasons to pick and choose our fights. There is more value in holding some objectives versus just letting them fall and we can take them back later since it may connect us to the deeper fights further inland.

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So far impression of the Warclaw is favorable from a roamer and havoc perspective. Will have to see how that evolves as more and more people get the mount but can already see a number of new options while running havoc. Ran into a number of zergs while out and about and the mount did allow more disengages when you took a bad corner and found a zerg coming down on your havoc. Still more to test and try, and do have concerns with people coming along later to get their mount, but right now everyone is still adapting and acquiring so basing things on last week wouldn't be the best idea.

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first sry for my bad englich i try my best :)


my opion is the warclaw real fun but i have 2 idears what maybe will balnce it a littel bit more becors the 10khp is a realy big schiled so mybe but the live from a war claw at 1k and give player a buff that they get only x% dmg from towerguards and dowend player (like 10%) so thy cant be use for a barrier to engage a player zerk....


and 2.


make the warclaw maybe a littel bit faster but immun for any boons


so i think they wil fit better in the wvw wolrd as supporter for travling and gate opener


it is my idear to balnce it better but at least really great work i love the warclaw :) and plz buff it a lot for pve i like to us it ther mor maybe as fast as a raptor :) (but only in pve)

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Now that the warclaw's been out for some time, I think it could use a breakbar that dismounts the rider when broken, and the battle maul attack should also dismount one enemy it hits in addition to its current effects. My previous opinion of the gate pull attack remains unchanged. It still shouldn't use up supply.

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> could use a breakbar that dismounts the rider when broken

Not disagreeing but hoping for a better alternative than burning a cd (cc at that before the fight).

> and the battle maul attack should also dismount one enemy it hits in addition to its current effects.

The problem with this is it first require players to owned a mount, out-run the chase(with more leap and speed otherwise its a cat and mouse gimmick both running at the same speed),and pounce, hoping it would hit because this will dismount you regardless.

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