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New player-Istan nerf?

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Pretty disappointed that istan was nerfed within the first month I started playing. It was nice to make 30-35g an hour to fund ascended crafting, and to give me gold to level my crafting. But just like that, its gone. Map is empty, and from what I have heard from commanders, there is 0 reason to go there instead of RIBA now.


Why the nerf? Is this a push for new players to just buy Gems to sell for gold? In light of the layoffs, all of this isn't giving me a great vision for the future. And as a new player, I think the future of the game kind of relies on new players joining and having a positive experience, and removing the best method for new players to earn gold and mats to build our new accounts seems like a kick below the belt.

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> @"Recon.8754" said:

> Pretty disappointed that istan was nerfed within the first month I started playing. It was nice to make 30-35g an hour to fund ascended crafting, and to give me gold to level my crafting. But just like that, its gone. Map is empty, and from what I have heard from commanders, there is 0 reason to go there instead of RIBA now.


> Why the nerf? Is this a push for new players to just buy Gems to sell for gold? In light of the layoffs, all of this isn't giving me a great vision for the future. And as a new player, I think the future of the game kind of relies on new players joining and having a positive experience, and removing the best method for new players to earn gold and mats to build our new accounts seems like a kick below the belt.


So for you, a positive experience in this game for new players constitutes going strait into a farm map and farming 24/7 the same content to acquire gold?


There is so much wrong with this though process, but to each his own.


Suffice to say: once you reach your farm goal (which for many is full ascended), you will burn out and if you do not find enjoyment in other parts of the game, you will leave.

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Well im super interested in fractals and WvW, but for me to be effective it seems like it would be good to have ascended gear. For me to have ascended gear I need gold. And istan was an efficient way for me to get gold in the 90min a day I can play. Now its gonna take me 3-6-9? months for me to craft ascended before I can play fractals and WvW effectively? Am I playing wrong or something?

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> @"Recon.8754" said:

> Well im super interested in fractals and WvW, but for me to be effective it seems like it would be good to have ascended gear. For me to have ascended gear I need gold. And istan was an efficient way for me to get gold in the 90min a day I can play. Now its gonna take me 3-6-9? months for me to craft ascended before I can play fractals and WvW effectively? Am I playing wrong or something?


So, you think it's appropriate for certain content to give out vastly disproportionate rewards to everything else?


Anyway, get a bag opener alt and go farm SW. Then you can skip the middleman and just get all the mats for ascended directly.

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> @"Recon.8754" said:

> Well im super interested in fractals and WvW, but for me to be effective it seems like it would be good to have ascended gear. For me to have ascended gear I need gold. And istan was an efficient way for me to get gold in the 90min a day I can play. Now its gonna take me 3-6-9? months for me to craft ascended before I can play fractals and WvW effectively? Am I playing wrong or something?


As was said above, you need ascended neither for starting wvw nor fractals. The difference to exotic isn't that big. Experience and knowing both your class and what the enemy is able to do is A LOT more important in this game, in any game mode. Especially in WvW ascended equipment won't make or break your experience, and in fractals by the time you need the infusion slots you'll have more than enough of the stuff to get you along.


Play first, gain that experience, and you will find that ascended comes natural along the way (plus it really isn't that big of a deal once you know what you're doing).

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> Try Silverwastes - RIBA farm, it's probably the best option now. Note that you need a lvl50 character to open bags for max profits.


RIBA is still there, Lake Doric is still there.

I just wish those metas were fun as Istan (imo Pala is the best LW meta) instead of mindless circling.

At the end of the day, we might see Orr squats as well.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > Try Silverwastes - RIBA farm, it's probably the best option now. Note that you need a lvl50 character to open bags for max profits.


> RIBA is still there, Lake Doric is still there.

> I just wish those metas were fun as Istan (imo Pala is the best LW meta) instead of mindless circling.

> At the end of the day, we might see Orr squats as well.


I'm glad some people like Istan. But I got bored with it. I really don't like having to scramble like crazy to collect the rewards. That's why I enable auto-looting, so I don't have to backtrack, press [f], and risk getting into combat on the way to something else.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Not sure how Istan qualifies as being for new players


Consider that the devs find this farm to be too good, enough to have players gain bank for their time. Everyone who used it while it was around got a nice boost. Anyone new coming needing to find a good farm won't.


It's like the key farm being changed to a weekly. Everyone before got tons of keys and exclusive items from black lion chests without having to pay serious cash.


Both farms were serious ways to get value in time invested, enough value that new players will never catch up since they're gone.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > > Try Silverwastes - RIBA farm, it's probably the best option now. Note that you need a lvl50 character to open bags for max profits.

> >

> > RIBA is still there, Lake Doric is still there.

> > I just wish those metas were fun as Istan (imo Pala is the best LW meta) instead of mindless circling.

> > At the end of the day, we might see Orr squats as well.


> I'm glad some people like Istan. But I got bored with it. I really don't like having to scramble like crazy to collect the rewards. That's why I enable auto-looting, so I don't have to backtrack, press [f], and risk getting into combat on the way to something else.


I really did like Istan, When i came out I was spending alot of time there(loot those days was overcrazy) but then I use to get there for one run if I had nothing to do or needed bit more pocket change. Like Pala-GH-Akili-GH, done.

I dunno, it is well made meta with dynamics and places to think, dodge, breakbar.

I don't think any other LW meta has anything beyond go kill trash mobs to spawn the big boss.

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> A shame so many mmo players feel they must rush to the end game. What a waste.


The problem is that you need a lot of gold to buy shiny things in GW2. Best way to make gold is playing LvL 80 content.

In many other games level content is dead content. for example WoW and FF XIV. You want to get to the endgame as quick as possible.

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> @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > A shame so many mmo players feel they must rush to the end game. What a waste.


> The problem is that you need a lot of gold to buy shiny things in GW2. Best way to make gold is playing LvL 80 content.

> In many other games level content is dead content. for example WoW and FF XIV. You want to get to the endgame as quick as possible.


not really true best way to make gold is sell material from t2-t4 items.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> > > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > > A shame so many mmo players feel they must rush to the end game. What a waste.

> >

> > The problem is that you need a lot of gold to buy shiny things in GW2. Best way to make gold is playing LvL 80 content.

> > In many other games level content is dead content. for example WoW and FF XIV. You want to get to the endgame as quick as possible.


> not really true best way to make gold is sell material from t2-t4 items.


with a level 50 toon. but you get the bags where?! .... lvl 80 content. Much more than low level events.

then you can buy T6 bags with magic on LW3/LW4 bags. Where do you get the magic?


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> @"Recon.8754" said:

> Well im super interested in fractals and WvW, but for me to be effective it seems like it would be good to have ascended gear. For me to have ascended gear I need gold. And istan was an efficient way for me to get gold in the 90min a day I can play. Now its gonna take me 3-6-9? months for me to craft ascended before I can play fractals and WvW effectively? Am I playing wrong or something?


Neither of which require ascended or in any way one should spend gold on getting an ascended set without any experience in those game modes. That is a recipe for disaster, especially when it is your first ascended set. Chances that your first so hard farmed will be:

- useless for WvW or you might not even enjoy the game mode

- you will be useless in fractals because you have not gone through a natural progression of understanding your class and how to beat the content. Pressing 1 while doing open world events is sufficient to get past T1-2 in fractals, by the time you hit tier 3 or even 4 it will not suffice. Tier 1-3 do not require ascended armor.



Well you can't play wrong when you derive enjoyment of a game. I assume though that you have come to GW2 from a different MMO where you primary goal is to acquire maximum stat gear before seeing what in the game might interest you. That's not advisable in GW2. Here, getting exotic gear and trying out all the game has to offer is a far better approach.



GW2 has no gear progression. Once you hit ascended gear, that is it. If you haven't found other motivating factors to play the game besides farming gold for ascended gear, you will likely not stick around.


If on the other hand you have found content to your liking and maybe some people or a guild to play with, then ascended gear will follow naturally and you will likely stay a lot longer with the game.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > Try Silverwastes - RIBA farm, it's probably the best option now. Note that you need a lvl50 character to open bags for max profits.


> RIBA is still there, Lake Doric is still there.

> I just wish those metas were fun as Istan (imo Pala is the best LW meta) instead of mindless circling.

> At the end of the day, we might see Orr squats as well.


I agree, Istan is fun. Also, Pala and GH are timed so I can just go AFK between them and rest my eyes (hey, I'm old). A full RIBA is longer and more tedious, not to mention that I used to farm it for 3 years before Istan so I'm sick of it. Gold-wise, Istan was on par with SW before yesterday's brutal nerf so I don't understand this decision but whatever. It was nice to have options.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> New players should get Ascended in a month's time? Yet, old players took months to acquire Ascended. Hmm.

Yep, we old players had it bad. I honestly would not wish it on anyone else. Like i wouldn't want us to go back to old times when people lived in caves, hunted for food and died young.


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