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Tempest still trash level


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I think I have answered all the tryhard in this thread......I doubt you'll ever be able to use your "godly" tempest outside pve setting...these kind of "feedbacks" are what entice the anet dev to leave the ele in dumbster where it is now...but what do I know?....the pve lords surely are never wrong

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> I think I have answered all the tryhard in this thread......I doubt you'll ever be able to use your "godly" tempest outside pve setting...these kind of "feedbacks" are what entice the anet dev to leave the ele in dumbster where it is now...but what do I know?....the pve lords surely are never wrong


Keep being delusional, you got the proof that tempest is much stronger healer and has much higher cleanses than fb. The only good part of fb right now is providing aegis, stability and bunch of other cover boons, almost every other support is miles ahead in other utility. And btw, every class relies on "gimmick core traits", not just tempest.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > I think I have answered all the tryhard in this thread......I doubt you'll ever be able to use your "godly" tempest outside pve setting...these kind of "feedbacks" are what entice the anet dev to leave the ele in dumbster where it is now...but what do I know?....the pve lords surely are never wrong


> Keep being delusional, you got the proof that tempest is much stronger healer and has much higher cleanses than fb. The only good part of fb right now is providing aegis, stability and bunch of other cover boons, almost every other support is miles ahead in other utility. And btw, every class relies on "gimmick core traits", not just tempest.


This is the last time I bother answering back...**L2R** , tempest is worthless outside your wvw minstrel crap and that's the whole point of my thread and if you can't digest or understand that..not my problem, you can keep ranting about your heal staff minstrel build...a single build in a single mode is not representation of a whole design , not worth money...I'll see you at the next MAT finals with your healing staff tempest

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > I think I have answered all the tryhard in this thread......I doubt you'll ever be able to use your "godly" tempest outside pve setting...these kind of "feedbacks" are what entice the anet dev to leave the ele in dumbster where it is now...but what do I know?....the pve lords surely are never wrong

> >

> > Keep being delusional, you got the proof that tempest is much stronger healer and has much higher cleanses than fb. The only good part of fb right now is providing aegis, stability and bunch of other cover boons, almost every other support is miles ahead in other utility. And btw, every class relies on "gimmick core traits", not just tempest.


> This is the last time I bother answering back...**L2R** , tempest is worthless outside your wvw minstrel kitten and that's the whole point of my thread and if you can't digest or understand that..not my problem, you can keep ranting about your heal staff minstrel build...a single build in a single mode is not representation of a whole design , not worth money...I'll see you at the next MAT finals with your healing staff tempest


Who uses staff?

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> @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > I think I have answered all the tryhard in this thread......I doubt you'll ever be able to use your "godly" tempest outside pve setting...these kind of "feedbacks" are what entice the anet dev to leave the ele in dumbster where it is now...but what do I know?....the pve lords surely are never wrong

> > >

> > > Keep being delusional, you got the proof that tempest is much stronger healer and has much higher cleanses than fb. The only good part of fb right now is providing aegis, stability and bunch of other cover boons, almost every other support is miles ahead in other utility. And btw, every class relies on "gimmick core traits", not just tempest.

> >

> > This is the last time I bother answering back...**L2R** , tempest is worthless outside your wvw minstrel kitten and that's the whole point of my thread and if you can't digest or understand that..not my problem, you can keep ranting about your heal staff minstrel build...a single build in a single mode is not representation of a whole design , not worth money...I'll see you at the next MAT finals with your healing staff tempest


> Who uses staff?


I don't understand why you keep insisting on this argument trying to go around the subject....


So whatever this minstrel tempest build works in wvw when grouped with a bunch of firebrand and others offering support...and that's it, the toolkit is limited in scope, offers no real flexibility and so far you have brought forward nothing to prove otherwise


So in the end you lot like to play "leet" while cowering behind a mountain of firebrand, scrapper and more...fine I get it, personally I hate the idea and for me tempest is a trash design..we can leave it at that instead than going back and forward with trollish banter

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> So whatever this minstrel tempest build works in wvw when grouped with a bunch of firebrand and others offering support...and that's it, the toolkit is limited in scope, offers no real flexibility and so far you have brought forward nothing to prove otherwise


> So in the end you lot like to play "leet" while cowering behind a mountain of firebrand, scrapper and more...fine I get it, personally I hate the idea and for me tempest is a trash design..we can leave it at that instead than going back and forward with trollish banter


So it's your issue, not the issue with class/elite spec. No reason to call it trash when it's obviously performing very well. Not every elite spec should fill every niche in every game mode, it's like complaining that reaper is bad at supporting or that scrapper does no damage.

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > > You do realize that Firebrand is garbage at ACTUAL healing people.

> > >

> > > If you think the numbers Firebrand can push out are high..... then you never played a proper healing build.

> > >

> > > Tempest outhealed Firebrand before the patch by a huge margin.

> > >

> > > L2P issue.

> >

> > Not just L2P issue, L2build issue too.

> >

> > Just because Tempest cannot cleanse more than FB (and again this is TC's opinion) that makes her trash in WvW? Good point : D

> >

> > I have been playing nothing but healing tempest in WvW for more than four years and always running with squad. And by the end of most run, most time players whispered me thankful words for my heals. And this is even before the 10 player buff update.

> >

> > Probably TC is referring to PvP and thinking WvW is same as PvP? Or TC tried out Tempest support in WvW and got owned by Scrouges and Condi Mems hence the rage.

> >

> > Definitely L2BP issue.


> ..... learn to read and play pls.....the tempest you run in wvw is a gimmick which relies on core traits for most of the job , the spec itself brings almost nothing to the table , the trait line itself doesn't make ele useful anywhere outside the gimmick PvE group setting with busted tanky stats......**how many eles can you fit in a tempest box ? - all of them it seems**


What does this even mean? Core traits *ARE* a spec. How can something rely on traits but then the traits that make up the spec bring nothing if the traits in question accomplish a job?


Can you define your terms? What do you mean by "core traits" in regard to doing a job or being a gimmick?


And what do you define as a "spec"? And how does a "spec" differ from the traits, runes and weapon/sigils that make up said spec?



> A PvE gimmick cannot be compared to Firebrand which can be run with harrier stats for roaming - minstrel for support and other variants like condi firebrand , it can be run in PvP with great success.....that's what I call balance design...not the healing rain staff monkey build...a try hard spec as I mentioned in the OP which you didn't read


I'd also like to state that an e-spec doesn't have to be competitive (competitive defined as competing for top performance in a given role across all professions and specs) in every game mode. Especially considering PvP situations where part of what makes it "player" versus "player" is artificially creating the scenario that gives you and advantage, not just pressing builds together.


It's actually very dumb to try to appeal to that kind of balance because it will never happen. Tempest is just not competitive for ranked PvP and there's nothing wrong with that.

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> @"Arheundel.6451"


Fine you don't care about wvw. But in pvp you can't that easily call something trash. Like I said tempest IS NOT COMPETITIVE and that means:

1. That you won't see tempest in ATm finals cause FB babysits necros better, end of discussion.

2. You won't be able to go for rank 1 in ranked cause tempest lacks carry potential: it won't kill anything (well living vegetables yes), it won't contest/bunker nodes while being outnumbered ect.


Yet whatever I say or You say people will get to Platinum with tempest. Why? CAUSE RANKED IS TRASH! That is reality. If in every match in plat there where plat players - yes tempest would be horrible to play. But no, even if you are freaking legend you will get bronze players in your match! Cause pvp population is terrible, people that never heard word ,,map rotation, map awareness" are being carried by clone spam and stealth on dodge to higher ranks! So if we got player that is experience - not only as elementalist but pvp player generally - he will get to higher ranks by being simply good and doing what he supposed to do.


And if you afraid that some dev will come on forums, read posts and will think that he did good job and that will be all for tempest then you wrong. I DARE somebody to prove me wrong but last patch was FIRST BALANCE PATCH THAT DIRECTLY BUFFS TEMPEST SINCE HOT RELEASE. For F**** sake Anet even let tempest extinct at some point of PoF pvp. Literally to this point devs IGNORED EVERY PEACE OF FEEDBACK ABOUT TEMPEST. LITERALLY EVERYTHING. Come one, even when tempest was meta it caused serious issues for ele's back then like how we can carry matches when cleric amulet was removed! And it was ignored!


The only real reason right now that tempest is buffed is probably because devs HAVE NO CLUE WHAT TO DO WITH WEAVER...and weaver is freaking mess.


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Not only weaver, not only tempest; core is also a freaking mess.

Very low synergy intra and inter specs and attunements. All spec too focused on swap and attunements. You need to spec all atunements separatly but you lose a big part of your traits when you swap; and that's the point : you don't have the choice, you need to swap attunements, because of long CD, long cast, weak dmg, very very weak AA, because sustain comes from firstly swap (arcane/water) and weapons and not from utility skills . Imagine you have a warrior with "mace spec; axe spec; GS spec; swap weapons spec" and very few traits aout utility skills; that is exactly how elem is design since the first day. But it doesn"t work anymore, since every others classes have seen total change and powercreep.

Utility skills are worthless : very poor sustain, very low linkage with traits (one lesser cantrip in fire, one in earth, but the "buff" trait in water ... sure, why not) (the only good one is may be the trait for signets, but hey it is in the earth lane ! lol !), few and low effects on allies. They even nerfed Arcane Power to elem and worst to allies because "+75 ferocity" is certainly too OP.

Elem/weaver is both too selfish (or useless, compared to others) and dependent to allies.

ANET : rearrange specs. We don't necessarily need buff, but we absolutely don't need specs and traits on the attunements and elements like"+150 power IN FIRE ATTUNEMENT" or "ferocity IN AIR ATTUNEMENT", we need for example a spec about auras and support, a spec with cantrips and dmg, etc.

In a way, I understand the point to buff attunements, to juggle between attunements and change "role", be "hybrid", but skills are already affected by different factors, and need fire spec to only be viable in fire attunement ... no, it doesn't work anymore.


Tempest. 10 allies ? And some seconds of regen and fury for skills with 25-30sec CD ? I should be ... grateful ?

Tempest/core, if it want to be useful in all game mode, needs to share resistance, quickness, alacrity. Tempest needs to share some unique buff (like FB with PI, Unbroken Lines, like war, like druid/soulbeast, like renegade, like even thief and mesmer with stealth) like a lesser Harmonious conduit, like the freshair/electric discharge, or even +150 Healing power to allies, why not; because auras are just trash; or they need to serisously buff auras.

Except magnetic aura, they are all useless; they need you to be hit (Wait, elem is not the glassiest class of the game already?) and effect are lame; 1sec chill or burning, 1 stack of might, for 1sec ICD ... how is it supposed to help elem or allies ? Even schoking aura, I'm sorry but 2sec ICD knowing that we lost the one in air spec, we need to finish air overload, we need water spec to share it ...


Weaver : I just don't care anymore. I've quittied to play it since Scrapper, I've just lost 130 points in pvp because of classes that are better weaver than weaver; better a side nodes, better at 1v2, better at support, better at dps ...

Poor barriers, no mechanic on barrier, poor range poor target tracking, no counter no block, skills that lock you, still long CD, long cast. Still need water/arcane, still need to rollface all attunements all skills to survive or do damage, still need amulet with healing power vitality/toughness, like ... since 2012.

They can nerf riptide, shearing edge or superior elements, again, it's okai. May be once there will be zero elem in plat they will start to ask questions.

I've also seen more and more "no ele" in raid and fractals ... because they instant die now with new fractals instabilities, and despite the "golem benchmark" every classes can do same or better with half the efforts, and because they bring nothing to the group outside of burst.

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I myself play staff heal tempest as my absolute main (and earn hate from enemies and my own team xD, i don´t blame them though) in tpvp and I´m doing quite ok with it. I played healing FB either and have to say that healingwise, both professions are perfectly viable, the tempest has a great benefit in healing allies without the need for them to stay directly near or in front of you. I can cast a condi cleansing healing rain to my entire group while staying somewhere else completely.

Firebrand, however, is definitely better when it comes to self-sustain, definitely better in mitigating damage and definitely better in preventing severe wombocombos through a reliable group cc breaker. therefore I will agree with you that support wise, the firebrand is simply better because he has more support options.




on this match, i healed a solid million with my staff support tempest, here is the quite unorthodox build i use.




the way i mitigate damage on my team is by using ccs.

-->rebound while ensuring an aoe shock aura

-->unsteady ground to interrupt churging, jumping skills or simply hinder enemy from running

-->Static field, undodgable stun, even able to interrupt revenant sword 3 or thief's daggerstorm

-->Earth shield skill3 solid aoe daze

-->Earth shield skill4 solid aoe pull

-->Staff air 3, simple push

these are quite some nice options to ensure solid ccs, the barrier from earth shield and the oh shit invul from skill5 are quite nice to survive burst if slight predicted.

I agree on you that all these l2p comments you had to suffer are utter bullcrap. When it comes to shine in wvw or pvp, skill is always a nice companion, no matter what you play. A support firebrand isn´t really less challenging in my opinion since boon reversal is way more punishing for a support FB as for a support tempest. but the FB has way better ways to escape stunlock.

So i´d rather like to agree with you that the FB is the better supporter since he is way more versatile in his ways to support. Supporting isn´t just raw healing and condiremoval, and in all the other categories, especially the boons, the FB simply outshines tempest. The effort you have to pull off to be nearly comparable to a FB are so high that it makes simply not rewarding enough.

While i dig the tempest's design since it is my main class and i just simply love it^.^ , i cannot deny that it is burdened with flaws compared to other classes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Dennis.8036" said:

> @"Arheundel.6451"

> I myself play staff heal tempest as my absolute main (and earn hate from enemies and my own team xD, i don´t blame them though) in tpvp and I´m doing quite ok with it. I played healing FB either and have to say that healingwise, both professions are perfectly viable, the tempest has a great benefit in healing allies without the need for them to stay directly near or in front of you. I can cast a condi cleansing healing rain to my entire group while staying somewhere else completely.

> Firebrand, however, is definitely better when it comes to self-sustain, definitely better in mitigating damage and definitely better in preventing severe wombocombos through a reliable group cc breaker. therefore I will agree with you that support wise, the firebrand is simply better because he has more support options.


> https://www.bilder-upload.eu/bild-18ef1d-1552689622.jpg.html


> on this match, i healed a solid million with my staff support tempest, here is the quite unorthodox build i use.


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQFAWn0XCFOgNYCGRAcYiFVAroJGByAud1waalIAsAKAA-j5wHQBD8BAAgLAg8KDAA


> the way i mitigate damage on my team is by using ccs.

> -->rebound while ensuring an aoe shock aura

> -->unsteady ground to interrupt churging, jumping skills or simply hinder enemy from running

> -->Static field, undodgable stun, even able to interrupt revenant sword 3 or thief's daggerstorm

> -->Earth shield skill3 solid aoe daze

> -->Earth shield skill4 solid aoe pull

> -->Staff air 3, simple push

> these are quite some nice options to ensure solid ccs, the barrier from earth shield and the oh kitten invul from skill5 are quite nice to survive burst if slight predicted.

> I agree on you that all these l2p comments you had to suffer are utter bullcrap. When it comes to shine in wvw or pvp, skill is always a nice companion, no matter what you play. A support firebrand isn´t really less challenging in my opinion since boon reversal is way more punishing for a support FB as for a support tempest. but the FB has way better ways to escape stunlock.

> So i´d rather like to agree with you that the FB is the better supporter since he is way more versatile in his ways to support. Supporting isn´t just raw healing and condiremoval, and in all the other categories, especially the boons, the FB simply outshines tempest. The effort you have to pull off to be nearly comparable to a FB are so high that it makes simply not rewarding enough.

> While i dig the tempest's design since it is my main class and i just simply love it^.^ , i cannot deny that it is burdened with flaws compared to other classes.


Do not concern yourself with all the L2P comments ..they all come from very entitled players who can't see the forest for the trees, the last time I felt threatened from an ele was back in 2015 for couple of months after the condition revamp patch , when you faced 2-3 fire/water/arcana cele d/d ele per match or pure condi burn eles in wvw...ofc they got quickly hit with hundreds nerfs since then.


To sum up my feelings shared with similar posts like yours : **ele is underwhelming as class**, people think it's fun because of all the particles explosion..or they think they're good when running a healbot tank with 1k healing trying to outsustain the world ..or when they manage to achieve something when backed by 10+ people.


In the end effort=reward is not there for ele

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If you don't like the risk/reward or effort/reward profile of the class, I have to wonder why you play it. If you don't think Tempest is good outside some specific way of playing it, that's not a problem either ... ALL classes have things they are and are not good at doing. They aren't designed to be good at anything you decide to do with them.


There are lots of contrasting posts that indicate the problem isn't with the Tempest here. It's simply how you use it. Choose your class wisely based on your playstyle and taste.




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It is still trash but when you are a tempest with a rev, mirage, Dh and scourge and picking on random roamers. They feel strong. It's like playing as 5 spell breakers and jumping 1 or 2 guys across the borderland. Or playing a scepter weaver using, fire, earth and weaver to focus on people with lack of condi removal. There is a tempest burning scepter variant out there too.


Basically you are just relying on a team to cover you and your doing just hope to grab the attention of weaker players to fight you.

I was fight a burn scepter weaver and tempest. Being a power weaver I could tank both of them wit only 400 healing and keep bursting them down till 50% hp and they run away. It continued for 20-30 mins through the borderline they stall till mirage and rev came and jumped me.


This is just old troll/trash build vs build. They fail when fighting equal numbers with equal skill and who have communication like discord or ts or vent.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> If you don't like the risk/reward or effort/reward profile of the class, I have to wonder why you play it. If you don't think Tempest is good outside some specific way of playing it, that's not a problem either ... ALL classes have things they are and are not good at doing. They aren't designed to be good at anything you decide to do with them.


> There are lots of contrasting posts that indicate the problem isn't with the Tempest here. It's simply how you use it. Choose your class wisely based on your playstyle and taste.





I have a 2nd main (ranger) and I am extremely happy with it, **I reached levels of satisfaction** with it similar to my old GW1 main : an elementalist.


I played elementalist in GW1 for 6+ years, reached almost the highest point in PvP recognition , maxed most pvp titles and had multiple, deadly builds but most of all ....**people would actually running in fear from my DPS specced Air ele** once they would recognize my tradermark purple obsidian armor + chaos gloves, I reached that level of expertise with the class , no class could hope to stand up to my build ( e/d air burst )......those were fun times and also a long time ago.


Apologies if my emotional trip in the memory lane bored you but I have wanted to answer your question why I play ele ...well...I have deep emotional and time investments in this class, sticked with it through fire and blood since launch, endured all the mocking during 2014 and their anti ele meta....I endured the tempest BS forced meta, even acknowledged and thrived on it ( before the usual nerf destroying train ) but with PoF I reached my breaking point.


I had enough of all the BS throwed this way, tired of all the bias from these devs and most of all **tired of all the deluded white knights** who throw a party to celebrate what they call a "good balance patch"


Like :


-Anet dev 1 : let's give ele this support based elite with a mechanic that place a heavy CD nerf on their base class mechanic for no apparent reason and for no great benefit and ofc let's make sure we don't forget to add the usual high cast time - easily interruptable skill animation..lol we can't have an ele class being actually able to complete an action in a timely manner like all other class with their insta - 1/2 casting time actions


-Anet dev 2 : And ofc it must be melee...that's the reason we made this squishy melee centered class, we have to make sure to add 2s cast time/melee range to lowest armor and HP class


-Anet dev 1 : Yup


But hey wait...the ele community actually managed to make something out of tempest , they made it viable after investing everything they had in healing/tankiness so...


-Anet dev 1 : hmmm Tempest didn't exactly proved to be the eye candy cancer with no real purpose and utility that we hoped


-Anet dev 2 : yeah...kk so we nerf the base healing , we nerf the damage of their overloads , we nerf some weapon skills like focus earth 5, remove the unblockable from warhorn air 4 and fire 4-5...also reduce their base healing on the core class and to finish them off we remove all useful amulets like celestial, settler, soldier and cleric, that should do the trick


-Anet dev 1 : good thinking


So after the fall of tempest , the ele community started to complain...aka whining in the community and devs's eyes, crying and crying so much for years that eventually the devs had to give up.


-Anet dev 1 : Urgh..I had enough of all these buff threads


-Anet dev 2 : Well all other professions have been buffed to heaven and beyond...let's just throw them a bone, it will be pointless anyway...so..we give them a stack of regenerations, some protection and might on their shouts.


-Ele GW2 community : OMFG TY anet we love you..now tempest is good again




That would sum all it up for me and I hope it did for you ( by the way I invested 9k hours in the ele, reached top 50 + legendary titles back in the days before the PoF Launch after which I stopped pvp with ele and finally gold rank in wvw)...but let me leave you with a video just for laughs :



hey it's still relevant in a way or another


P.S yeah I am expecting the usual trolls and mockering....that was this forum only good for other than ranting

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Hey, if you have deep emotional ties to the class, then it's performance shouldn't be a problem for you. I think there is still problems with how you think about what the class should do and those aren't going away because it's not how Anet designs the game.


It's also pretty dishonest to accuse everyone of trolling your thread ... it's just sensational to start out saying Tempest is trash level to begin with. You set yourself up for a fight; what more could you expect?

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> @"kodesh.2851" said:

> Ele is fine. Core, tempest and weaver all work well when specced well and played well. Stop trying to play pve spec (water/arcane) in pvp and you'll feel more impactful. Fire is king, pair with arcane for core FA, or air with tempest/weaver.


ele is not fine in pvp that's why we have thousands of posts that say otherwise and relatively low levels of ele in pvp, and why there are very little meta builds or many eles competing at higher levels. It goes on and on. Someone bursting down a few new players with a gimmicky burst build with no sustain does not make a good build. Furthermore, ever wonder why Fa players are prone to macroing, and why macroing in a game is so damaging?

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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > @"kodesh.2851" said:

> > Ele is fine. Core, tempest and weaver all work well when specced well and played well. Stop trying to play pve spec (water/arcane) in pvp and you'll feel more impactful. Fire is king, pair with arcane for core FA, or air with tempest/weaver.


> ele is not fine in pvp that's why we have thousands of posts that say otherwise and relatively low levels of ele in pvp, and why there are very little meta builds or many eles competing at higher levels. It goes on and on. Someone bursting down a few new players with a gimmicky burst build with no sustain does not make a good build. Furthermore, ever wonder why Fa players are prone to macroing, and why macroing in a game is so damaging?


Macroing FA? It's like the easiest rotation but okay, don't doubt ppl do it. All the builds I mentioned have good sustain even core, they can all hang with "meta" builds, not just for popping ze newbs. There's many more meme builds on other profs better for that. I'm all for ele buffs, just pointing out there's LOTS of synergy and viable builds people don't even consider because it's not a water/arcane support build. Fire gives easy 25 might, decent clears. Lighting rod is amazing (esp with tornado). Speed runes make you a kiting king, very slippery. Works with anything from marauder, to avatar to paladin to swashbuckler. Maybe I'll post the builds to metabattle and give eres more choices, let the players rate em. I play everything though, and I'm not a particularly good ele and it feels strong to me.

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> @"kodesh.2851" said:

> > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > @"kodesh.2851" said:

> > > Ele is fine. Core, tempest and weaver all work well when specced well and played well. Stop trying to play pve spec (water/arcane) in pvp and you'll feel more impactful. Fire is king, pair with arcane for core FA, or air with tempest/weaver.

> >

> > ele is not fine in pvp that's why we have thousands of posts that say otherwise and relatively low levels of ele in pvp, and why there are very little meta builds or many eles competing at higher levels. It goes on and on. Someone bursting down a few new players with a gimmicky burst build with no sustain does not make a good build. Furthermore, ever wonder why Fa players are prone to macroing, and why macroing in a game is so damaging?


> Macroing FA? It's like the easiest rotation but okay, don't doubt ppl do it. All the builds I mentioned have good sustain even core, they can all hang with "meta" builds, not just for popping ze newbs. There's many more meme builds on other profs better for that. I'm all for ele buffs, just pointing out there's LOTS of synergy and viable builds people don't even consider because it's not a water/arcane support build. Fire gives easy 25 might, decent clears. Lighting rod is amazing (esp with tornado). Speed runes make you a kiting king, very slippery. Works with anything from marauder, to avatar to paladin to swashbuckler. Maybe I'll post the builds to metabattle and give eres more choices, let the players rate em. I play everything though, and I'm not a particularly good ele and it feels strong to me.


I can compare current eles to a kid playing with a toy sword ....pretending he's playing with a lightsaber

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Ugh. It depends what the group is made of. If you have another support with stability + protection you can focus on healing as an ele. If you do not, or are having to help apply these buffs, you will need to be swapping in and out of earth continuously. This provides you with less healing, but offers ur group protection and stability and if you have ascended armor with full concentration buffs you will only lose 1 second of downtime inbetween swaps. This also means that u lose 4 seconds on healing time. 4 seconds can mean a dead teammate. This means u will need another support. This means that u are actually taking AWAY from the group rather than helping it.

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Core ele needs better boons on auras and better self only boons. This would carry over to making tempest a much stronger class. So the ideal is to give super speed on aura detonation from air line giving stab on auras from earth line on these lines to fix tempest.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> Core ele needs better boons on auras and better self only boons. This would carry over to making tempest a much stronger class. So the ideal is to give super speed on aura detonation from air line giving stab on auras from earth line on these lines to fix tempest.


The real problem is the extreme clunkiness of the class, the attack animations are stupidly slow..so much that may work only against below average players, the class has been always plagued by this ridicolous balance decisions......loads of fluff but nothing concrete, loads of flashy animations that are easy to avoid and do little if they manage to hit **and this has forced the class into a bunker role since launch**


The class didn't have a single decent DPS build for PvP since forever..always healbot BS...tired of it after 7 years

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