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Why all the hostility?


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> @"Naxos.2503" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > not on the people who just want to play the game the way they want to play it.

> > it is on them tho. afking in spawn is 100% the players fault, and how exactly is afking considered "playing the game" lol. would reducing the time it takes for a player to get kicked from afking help? yes. how much time are we talking about tho? what if someone has to go to the bathroom or do something real quick and they come back only to realize they got kicked for afk and the queue is at 80?


> To be fair, inactive people should get no progress, pip, experience or track, the fact that it does in any capacity baffles me. It's counterproductive.


But that punishes the player that volunteers to stay put somewhere on the map to be a lookout. Or the guy that offers to scout out the enemy locations.

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> @"Graymalkyn.8076" said:

> > @"Naxos.2503" said:

> >

> > To be fair, inactive people should get no progress, pip, experience or track, the fact that it does in any capacity baffles me. It's counterproductive.


> But that punishes the player that volunteers to stay put somewhere on the map to be a lookout. Or the guy that offers to scout out the enemy locations.


that does raise an interesting question. if inactive no longer granted anything, how would minimum participation be measured?


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> @"Naxos.2503" said:

> > @"YouWillHide.9847" said:

> > Its in every single thread that we are the toxic ones, But nobody ever makes a thread about the berserker geared PvE players that barg in with 0 regard for wvw or its rules or metas, demand they get a squadspot on lets say, a base ranger that has little value to the squad and then proceed to whine if you tell them anything otherwise. They tell you that they dont want to spend money gearing a wvw build, even though a proper wvw build is FULL BERSERKER rev. So in that aspect the newcomers coming in have 2 sides also. But magically its always the PvE side that makes the threads


> I'm firmly on the WvW side, and would have made a thread about the situation regardless, as it has been pointed out many times already, the anger is misdirected. The current infrastructure is not equipped to handle any of the new players the Warclaw was meant to bring to WvW, it was a shortsighted decision to go along with it and not address Any of the long standing issues. Neither the PvE should blame the WvW players for being "forced" into a game mode to get Something cool, **nor should WvW should blame PvE players for acting clueless and ignorant of established rules and mechanics**, and for clogging up the poorly managed infrastructure. Toxicity is General. It's been in PvE before the warclaw arrived, in the case of raids, and lately Fractals, and it's been in WvW long before Eternal battleground was put in. It wont be long before it occurs during World Boss Events and other more casual events, as long as there is a repeatable reward that can be farmed super fast by speed junkies. Toxicity is brought upon by a sole selfish desire for time efficiency at the expense of everything else. That is a common trait across all game modes, one that has only increased in the past year.


> Some people actually handle their desire for efficiency much more maturely by bringing everyone up to speed, and encouraging them to stay at that speed. Deriding someone for not being at peak level does not encourage them to get on par, it encourage them to be salty, leave, and complain about the treatment they received. It's Something I wish the Community as a Whole, PvE, PvP and WvW understood. Unfortunately, few players are mature enough to understand, and fewer still are patient enough to care.


No, I'm going to blame someone for not figuring out how things work, especially if they're knowingly ruining the enjoyment of other players for personal gain. This victim complex people seem to have is ridiculous though, there's not some big outrage over pve players, most of us grumble a bit and wait until spawn campers leave WvW in worse shape than it was before and we keep doing what we do. People here are writing paragraphs about an issue that wasn't really an issue while willfully ignoring a real issue. This whole mess is stupid and it's brought on too many stupid threads full of stupid people.

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> @"Graymalkyn.8076" said:

> > @"Naxos.2503" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > > not on the people who just want to play the game the way they want to play it.

> > > it is on them tho. afking in spawn is 100% the players fault, and how exactly is afking considered "playing the game" lol. would reducing the time it takes for a player to get kicked from afking help? yes. how much time are we talking about tho? what if someone has to go to the bathroom or do something real quick and they come back only to realize they got kicked for afk and the queue is at 80?

> >

> > To be fair, inactive people should get no progress, pip, experience or track, the fact that it does in any capacity baffles me. It's counterproductive.


> But that punishes the player that volunteers to stay put somewhere on the map to be a lookout. Or the guy that offers to scout out the enemy locations.


Technically no, inactive means non Moving, in my opinion.


> @"kash.9213" said:

> > @"Naxos.2503" said:

> > > @"YouWillHide.9847" said:

> > > Its in every single thread that we are the toxic ones, But nobody ever makes a thread about the berserker geared PvE players that barg in with 0 regard for wvw or its rules or metas, demand they get a squadspot on lets say, a base ranger that has little value to the squad and then proceed to whine if you tell them anything otherwise. They tell you that they dont want to spend money gearing a wvw build, even though a proper wvw build is FULL BERSERKER rev. So in that aspect the newcomers coming in have 2 sides also. But magically its always the PvE side that makes the threads

> >

> > I'm firmly on the WvW side, and would have made a thread about the situation regardless, as it has been pointed out many times already, the anger is misdirected. The current infrastructure is not equipped to handle any of the new players the Warclaw was meant to bring to WvW, it was a shortsighted decision to go along with it and not address Any of the long standing issues. Neither the PvE should blame the WvW players for being "forced" into a game mode to get Something cool, **nor should WvW should blame PvE players for acting clueless and ignorant of established rules and mechanics**, and for clogging up the poorly managed infrastructure. Toxicity is General. It's been in PvE before the warclaw arrived, in the case of raids, and lately Fractals, and it's been in WvW long before Eternal battleground was put in. It wont be long before it occurs during World Boss Events and other more casual events, as long as there is a repeatable reward that can be farmed super fast by speed junkies. Toxicity is brought upon by a sole selfish desire for time efficiency at the expense of everything else. That is a common trait across all game modes, one that has only increased in the past year.

> >

> > Some people actually handle their desire for efficiency much more maturely by bringing everyone up to speed, and encouraging them to stay at that speed. Deriding someone for not being at peak level does not encourage them to get on par, it encourage them to be salty, leave, and complain about the treatment they received. It's Something I wish the Community as a Whole, PvE, PvP and WvW understood. Unfortunately, few players are mature enough to understand, and fewer still are patient enough to care.


> No, I'm going to blame someone for not figuring out how things work, especially if they're knowingly ruining the enjoyment of other players for personal gain. This victim complex people seem to have is ridiculous though, there's not some big outrage over pve players, most of us grumble a bit and wait until spawn campers leave WvW in worse shape than it was before and we keep doing what we do. People here are writing paragraphs about an issue that wasn't really an issue while willfully ignoring a real issue. This whole mess is stupid and it's brought on too many stupid threads full of stupid people.


The issue was referenced several times. It has not been ignored.

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> @"Graymalkyn.8076" said:

> > @"Naxos.2503" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > > not on the people who just want to play the game the way they want to play it.

> > > it is on them tho. afking in spawn is 100% the players fault, and how exactly is afking considered "playing the game" lol. would reducing the time it takes for a player to get kicked from afking help? yes. how much time are we talking about tho? what if someone has to go to the bathroom or do something real quick and they come back only to realize they got kicked for afk and the queue is at 80?

> >

> > To be fair, inactive people should get no progress, pip, experience or track, the fact that it does in any capacity baffles me. It's counterproductive.


> But that punishes the player that volunteers to stay put somewhere on the map to be a lookout. Or the guy that offers to scout out the enemy locations.


No, not really. There is this thing called "shared participation", which serves exactly that purpose.

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Wvwler are not extreme combat skilled. Don’t know why the forum warriors pretend they are. I read shit like oh I 1v4 pevler and I win. Just lol...


What mostly happened in wvw is people run with tanky gear and follow the commander than looking for fights where they outnumber the enemy. Or they run away if can’t.


Go s pvp if u so combat skilled show me ur legendary title



On a side note most people in wvw are very very nice, and just looking for some keeps and camps they can get. It’s the few guilds who talking themselves into the illusion they are some elite superhero’s . When many fights are just add up to who has more and who has less lag.

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> Wvwler are not **extreme combat skilled**. Don’t know why the forum warriors pretend they are. I read kitten like oh I 1v4 pevler and I win. Just lol...


> What mostly happened in wvw is people run with tanky gear and follow the commander than looking for fights where they outnumber the enemy. Or they run away if can’t.


> Go s pvp if u so combat skilled show me ur legendary title



> On a side note most people in wvw are very very nice, and just looking for some keeps and camps they can get. It’s the few guilds who talking themselves into the illusion they are some elite superhero’s . When many fights are just add up to who has more and who has less lag.


WvW players figured out their game mode like everyone else does, most players in any mode aren't "extreme combat skilled", but most players figure out the base line needed for their mode to not get yelled at too much and how to squeeze in with other players to try to progress a little over time.

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> @"kash.9213" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > Wvwler are not **extreme combat skilled**. Don’t know why the forum warriors pretend they are. I read kitten like oh I 1v4 pevler and I win. Just lol...

> >

> > What mostly happened in wvw is people run with tanky gear and follow the commander than looking for fights where they outnumber the enemy. Or they run away if can’t.

> >

> > Go s pvp if u so combat skilled show me ur legendary title

> >

> >

> > On a side note most people in wvw are very very nice, and just looking for some keeps and camps they can get. It’s the few guilds who talking themselves into the illusion they are some elite superhero’s . When many fights are just add up to who has more and who has less lag.


> WvW players figured out their game mode like everyone else does, most players in any mode aren't "extreme combat skilled", but most players figure out the base line needed for their mode to not get yelled at too much and how to squeeze in with other players to try to progress a little over time.


Ladidadida it’s not a hard way to learn follow the commander and capping mostly undefended keeps. Don’t act like it’s so hard it is not. Plus what’s ur point ? U don’t want more people play wvw? U think new player can’t learn ? This entitlement is amazing here.



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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > Wvwler are not **extreme combat skilled**. Don’t know why the forum warriors pretend they are. I read kitten like oh I 1v4 pevler and I win. Just lol...

> > >

> > > What mostly happened in wvw is people run with tanky gear and follow the commander than looking for fights where they outnumber the enemy. Or they run away if can’t.

> > >

> > > Go s pvp if u so combat skilled show me ur legendary title

> > >

> > >

> > > On a side note most people in wvw are very very nice, and just looking for some keeps and camps they can get. It’s the few guilds who talking themselves into the illusion they are some elite superhero’s . When many fights are just add up to who has more and who has less lag.

> >

> > WvW players figured out their game mode like everyone else does, most players in any mode aren't "extreme combat skilled", but most players figure out the base line needed for their mode to not get yelled at too much and how to squeeze in with other players to try to progress a little over time.


> Ladidadida it’s not a hard way to learn follow the commander and capping mostly undefended keeps. Don’t act like it’s so hard it is not. Plus what’s ur point ? U don’t want more people play wvw? U think new player can’t learn ? This entitlement is amazing here.




If you're not going to bother reading someones posts or even to bother spelling words then what are you trying to accomplish here? I follow yaks more than I follow commanders and I've never seen a new player getting trashed in WvW, but no one likes people sitting at spawn or willfully taking a limited spot on the map if they're not there to actually play.

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> @"kash.9213" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > Wvwler are not **extreme combat skilled**. Don’t know why the forum warriors pretend they are. I read kitten like oh I 1v4 pevler and I win. Just lol...

> > > >

> > > > What mostly happened in wvw is people run with tanky gear and follow the commander than looking for fights where they outnumber the enemy. Or they run away if can’t.

> > > >

> > > > Go s pvp if u so combat skilled show me ur legendary title

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > On a side note most people in wvw are very very nice, and just looking for some keeps and camps they can get. It’s the few guilds who talking themselves into the illusion they are some elite superhero’s . When many fights are just add up to who has more and who has less lag.

> > >

> > > WvW players figured out their game mode like everyone else does, most players in any mode aren't "extreme combat skilled", but most players figure out the base line needed for their mode to not get yelled at too much and how to squeeze in with other players to try to progress a little over time.

> >

> > Ladidadida it’s not a hard way to learn follow the commander and capping mostly undefended keeps. Don’t act like it’s so hard it is not. Plus what’s ur point ? U don’t want more people play wvw? U think new player can’t learn ? This entitlement is amazing here.

> >

> >


> If you're not going to bother reading someones posts or even to bother spelling words then what are you trying to accomplish here? I follow yaks more than I follow commanders and I've never seen a new player getting trashed in WvW, but no one likes people sitting at spawn or willfully taking a limited spot on the map if they're not there to actually play.


And u sure those ppl sitting at spawn are all pvler?

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> @"kash.9213" said:

> > @"Naxos.2503" said:

> > > @"YouWillHide.9847" said:

> > > Its in every single thread that we are the toxic ones, But nobody ever makes a thread about the berserker geared PvE players that barg in with 0 regard for wvw or its rules or metas, demand they get a squadspot on lets say, a base ranger that has little value to the squad and then proceed to whine if you tell them anything otherwise. They tell you that they dont want to spend money gearing a wvw build, even though a proper wvw build is FULL BERSERKER rev. So in that aspect the newcomers coming in have 2 sides also. But magically its always the PvE side that makes the threads

> >

> > I'm firmly on the WvW side, and would have made a thread about the situation regardless, as it has been pointed out many times already, the anger is misdirected. The current infrastructure is not equipped to handle any of the new players the Warclaw was meant to bring to WvW, it was a shortsighted decision to go along with it and not address Any of the long standing issues. Neither the PvE should blame the WvW players for being "forced" into a game mode to get Something cool, **nor should WvW should blame PvE players for acting clueless and ignorant of established rules and mechanics**, and for clogging up the poorly managed infrastructure. Toxicity is General. It's been in PvE before the warclaw arrived, in the case of raids, and lately Fractals, and it's been in WvW long before Eternal battleground was put in. It wont be long before it occurs during World Boss Events and other more casual events, as long as there is a repeatable reward that can be farmed super fast by speed junkies. Toxicity is brought upon by a sole selfish desire for time efficiency at the expense of everything else. That is a common trait across all game modes, one that has only increased in the past year.

> >

> > Some people actually handle their desire for efficiency much more maturely by bringing everyone up to speed, and encouraging them to stay at that speed. Deriding someone for not being at peak level does not encourage them to get on par, it encourage them to be salty, leave, and complain about the treatment they received. It's Something I wish the Community as a Whole, PvE, PvP and WvW understood. Unfortunately, few players are mature enough to understand, and fewer still are patient enough to care.


> No, I'm going to blame someone for not figuring out how things work, especially if they're knowingly ruining the enjoyment of other players for personal gain. This victim complex people seem to have is ridiculous though, there's not some big outrage over pve players, most of us grumble a bit and wait until spawn campers leave WvW in worse shape than it was before and we keep doing what we do. People here are writing paragraphs about an issue that wasn't really an issue while willfully ignoring a real issue. This whole mess is stupid and it's brought on too many stupid threads full of stupid people.


Slow your roll, it's just a computer game. We're all just finger punching plastic squares on our lighting rocks like the next guy. If people are talking about an issue it's probably an issue. I'm just trying to get people to step back and consider "Oh, this isn't really that big of a deal. Lets be helpful and friendly like we usually are."


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> There is no excuse for rudeness or open hostility, but at the same time, what do you think the reaction would be from the Fractal or Raiding community if players could just enter their game mode, play however they want, negatively impact the overall play experience, and there was nothing they could do about it?


> Do you think Raiders would be happy to have 'new blood' coming into their raid, running core ranger with soldier gear, and having zero knowledge of the fight mechanic and no willingness to follow directions?


> And while I agree with you that ANET is partly responsible for this, fault also lies with some of the players. I've seen many a new / PvE player come in and ask questions, advice, etc, while just as many (if not more) are coming in without a care about how they will impact the game mode for everyone else, and when people get salty about it, they come here and post about how toxic WvW players are.


> If I jumped into a Raid having no experience, I would keep my mouth shut, listen to direction, and follow those directions.


> Consideration goes both ways....



Another point to add in the comparison would be, imagine if only a certain amount of people could do raids. And once that number was reached other players could only do a watered down version with limited rewards.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"jakt.9381" said:

> > People need to grow the hell up. Some of us arent here to state our opinions with the worry that some people might be offended by our "toxicity". I am not going to adjust my behavior so that no one gets their feelings hurt over the things I say or do in my post or in game, nor should anyone. Honesty is always the best policy, and I expect everyone to do that. If my opinion hurts your feelings you can ignore it or provide a counter point. No one is forcing anyone to engage in interactions with anyone they dont want to. Why do we even need a thread for this?


> What people say and do affect others and if you don't realize that or care that it does I would suggest reflecting on your self centeredness. There is a difference in honesty and being inconsiderate. People can ignore what you say but the impact of words is a very real thing, in this day and age if you haven't realized that already you probably need to do some researching. "We" don't _need_ a thread like this, I just wanted to express my discontent in a public forum for all its worth (which I realize isn't a lot).


And how am I supposed to know what others will feel offended by? Where do I draw the line? I cant read minds. Dont mistake me for saying that everyone should just walk around acting like jerks all the time, but if someone has a legitimate opinion and it offends you, then imo you are in the wrong, not them. Sticks and stones man.

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> @"jakt.9381" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"jakt.9381" said:

> > > People need to grow the hell up. Some of us arent here to state our opinions with the worry that some people might be offended by our "toxicity". I am not going to adjust my behavior so that no one gets their feelings hurt over the things I say or do in my post or in game, nor should anyone. Honesty is always the best policy, and I expect everyone to do that. If my opinion hurts your feelings you can ignore it or provide a counter point. No one is forcing anyone to engage in interactions with anyone they dont want to. Why do we even need a thread for this?

> >

> > What people say and do affect others and if you don't realize that or care that it does I would suggest reflecting on your self centeredness. There is a difference in honesty and being inconsiderate. People can ignore what you say but the impact of words is a very real thing, in this day and age if you haven't realized that already you probably need to do some researching. "We" don't _need_ a thread like this, I just wanted to express my discontent in a public forum for all its worth (which I realize isn't a lot).


> And how am I supposed to know what others will feel offended by? Where do I draw the line? I cant read minds. Dont mistake me for saying that everyone should just walk around acting like jerks all the time, but if someone has a legitimate opinion and it offends you, then imo you are in the wrong, not them. Sticks and stones man.


It's not hard to know, unless your have weak social skills (which is fine), when something you say is going rub people the wrong way. From experience people seem to very rarely offend others on accident without having at least some small intent of doing so. If you can't tell if what you are going to say is going to be harmful to someone, error on the side of kindness. Would you rather be known as that super sweet dude everyone gets along with or that guy who's kind of an monkey terd some times? It's not always the easiest route but usually the things worth doing in life are not the easiest.


On a side note, if you do have weak social skills thats something you can improve on with hard work. It's not easy, I know from experince, see my statement above though.


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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"jakt.9381" said:

> > People need to grow the hell up. Some of us arent here to state our opinions with the worry that some people might be offended by our "toxicity". I am not going to adjust my behavior so that no one gets their feelings hurt over the things I say or do in my post or in game, nor should anyone. Honesty is always the best policy, and I expect everyone to do that. If my opinion hurts your feelings you can ignore it or provide a counter point. No one is forcing anyone to engage in interactions with anyone they dont want to. Why do we even need a thread for this?


> What people say and do affect others and if you don't realize that or care that it does I would suggest reflecting on your self centeredness. There is a difference in honesty and being inconsiderate. People can ignore what you say but the impact of words is a very real thing, in this day and age if you haven't realized that already you probably need to do some researching. "We" don't _need_ a thread like this, I just wanted to express my discontent in a public forum for all its worth (which I realize isn't a lot).


Oh lord, keep that "in our day and age" BS to yourself. That ideology of yours and your ilk is the very reason why adult people have turned into just big children, with ouchies in their little hearts when someone is meanie to them - or when just not having their way for that matter. While I am usually a proponent of decent behavior in game, in this special case and just to spite you, I urge jakt and others to be as mean as possible. Maybe that will give one or two of your victims the opportunity to turn back into real human beings, as opposed to that postmodernist clown cliché of man you are so fond of (gosh, yeah, I used the old fashioned term man to include all human beings).

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> @"Algreg.3629" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"jakt.9381" said:

> > > People need to grow the hell up. Some of us arent here to state our opinions with the worry that some people might be offended by our "toxicity". I am not going to adjust my behavior so that no one gets their feelings hurt over the things I say or do in my post or in game, nor should anyone. Honesty is always the best policy, and I expect everyone to do that. If my opinion hurts your feelings you can ignore it or provide a counter point. No one is forcing anyone to engage in interactions with anyone they dont want to. Why do we even need a thread for this?

> >

> > What people say and do affect others and if you don't realize that or care that it does I would suggest reflecting on your self centeredness. There is a difference in honesty and being inconsiderate. People can ignore what you say but the impact of words is a very real thing, in this day and age if you haven't realized that already you probably need to do some researching. "We" don't _need_ a thread like this, I just wanted to express my discontent in a public forum for all its worth (which I realize isn't a lot).


> Oh lord, keep that "in our day and age" BS to yourself. That ideology of yours and your ilk is the very reason why adult people have turned into just big children, with ouchies in their little hearts when someone is meanie to them - or when just not having their way for that matter. While I am usually a proponent of decent behavior in game, in this special case and just to spite you, I urge jakt and others to be as mean as possible. Maybe that will give one or two of your victims the opportunity to turn back into real human beings, as opposed to that postmodernist clown cliché of man you are so fond of (gosh, yeah, I used the old fashioned term man to include all human beings).


You can be a competitive, strong, confrontational person without being a bad person. People seem to link the idea of being considerate and kind as some kind of 'weakness' that makes that person lesser. Really it's the other way around, its usually harder to swallow your pride and tolerate people rather than lashing out with the first emotions that comes to mind. Being completely tolerate isn't a good idea either, I guess you kind of have to learn where the balance is between the two.

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > > Wvwler are not **extreme combat skilled**. Don’t know why the forum warriors pretend they are. I read kitten like oh I 1v4 pevler and I win. Just lol...

> > > > >

> > > > > What mostly happened in wvw is people run with tanky gear and follow the commander than looking for fights where they outnumber the enemy. Or they run away if can’t.

> > > > >

> > > > > Go s pvp if u so combat skilled show me ur legendary title

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > On a side note most people in wvw are very very nice, and just looking for some keeps and camps they can get. It’s the few guilds who talking themselves into the illusion they are some elite superhero’s . When many fights are just add up to who has more and who has less lag.

> > > >

> > > > WvW players figured out their game mode like everyone else does, most players in any mode aren't "extreme combat skilled", but most players figure out the base line needed for their mode to not get yelled at too much and how to squeeze in with other players to try to progress a little over time.

> > >

> > > Ladidadida it’s not a hard way to learn follow the commander and capping mostly undefended keeps. Don’t act like it’s so hard it is not. Plus what’s ur point ? U don’t want more people play wvw? U think new player can’t learn ? This entitlement is amazing here.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > If you're not going to bother reading someones posts or even to bother spelling words then what are you trying to accomplish here? I follow yaks more than I follow commanders and I've never seen a new player getting trashed in WvW, but no one likes people sitting at spawn or willfully taking a limited spot on the map if they're not there to actually play.


> And u sure those ppl sitting at spawn are all pvler?


I’ll play your game: Are you sure they’re not?


As a side note, he didn’t say they were.


It helps when you keep an argument to the subject matter.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > > > Wvwler are not **extreme combat skilled**. Don’t know why the forum warriors pretend they are. I read kitten like oh I 1v4 pevler and I win. Just lol...

> > > > > >

> > > > > > What mostly happened in wvw is people run with tanky gear and follow the commander than looking for fights where they outnumber the enemy. Or they run away if can’t.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Go s pvp if u so combat skilled show me ur legendary title

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > On a side note most people in wvw are very very nice, and just looking for some keeps and camps they can get. It’s the few guilds who talking themselves into the illusion they are some elite superhero’s . When many fights are just add up to who has more and who has less lag.

> > > > >

> > > > > WvW players figured out their game mode like everyone else does, most players in any mode aren't "extreme combat skilled", but most players figure out the base line needed for their mode to not get yelled at too much and how to squeeze in with other players to try to progress a little over time.

> > > >

> > > > Ladidadida it’s not a hard way to learn follow the commander and capping mostly undefended keeps. Don’t act like it’s so hard it is not. Plus what’s ur point ? U don’t want more people play wvw? U think new player can’t learn ? This entitlement is amazing here.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > If you're not going to bother reading someones posts or even to bother spelling words then what are you trying to accomplish here? I follow yaks more than I follow commanders and I've never seen a new player getting trashed in WvW, but no one likes people sitting at spawn or willfully taking a limited spot on the map if they're not there to actually play.

> >

> > And u sure those ppl sitting at spawn are all pvler?


> I’ll play your game: Are you sure they’re not?


> As a side note, he didn’t say they were.


> It helps when you keep an argument to the subject matter.


So ppl stand afk in wvw what has this to do with the mount or new player join wvw?


U kinda loose the game

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I’ll also add that by and large a lot of these people, at least that I have noticed being upset or accusing WvW Community of being “toxic” are wayyy to sensitive and in a lot of cases because someone isn’t going to hold your hand doesn’t mean they are being toxic. Most WvW communities are unique with years of inside jokes and layers of sarcasm. My advice is to just roll with the punches. Jump on a tag and in most cases ask about server discords. Forum posts like these are honestly going to fuel actual trolls to do more.

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> @"Star.8401" said:

> I’ll also add that by and large a lot of these people, at least that I have noticed being upset or accusing WvW Community of being “toxic” are wayyy to sensitive and in a lot of cases because someone isn’t going to hold your hand doesn’t mean they are being toxic. Most WvW communities are unique with years of inside jokes and layers of sarcasm. My advice is to just roll with the punches. Jump on a tag and in most cases ask about server discords. Forum posts like these are honestly going to fuel actual trolls to do more.


Your probably right. I can have naive expectations sometimes. There is probably little to no chance I or anyone else could change how those people act.

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> @"Algreg.3629" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"jakt.9381" said:

> > > People need to grow the hell up. Some of us arent here to state our opinions with the worry that some people might be offended by our "toxicity". I am not going to adjust my behavior so that no one gets their feelings hurt over the things I say or do in my post or in game, nor should anyone. Honesty is always the best policy, and I expect everyone to do that. If my opinion hurts your feelings you can ignore it or provide a counter point. No one is forcing anyone to engage in interactions with anyone they dont want to. Why do we even need a thread for this?

> >

> > What people say and do affect others and if you don't realize that or care that it does I would suggest reflecting on your self centeredness. There is a difference in honesty and being inconsiderate. People can ignore what you say but the impact of words is a very real thing, in this day and age if you haven't realized that already you probably need to do some researching. "We" don't _need_ a thread like this, I just wanted to express my discontent in a public forum for all its worth (which I realize isn't a lot).


> Oh lord, keep that "in our day and age" BS to yourself. That ideology of yours and your ilk is the very reason why adult people have turned into just big children, with ouchies in their little hearts when someone is meanie to them - or when just not having their way for that matter. While I am usually a proponent of decent behavior in game, in this special case and just to spite you, I urge jakt and others to be as mean as possible. Maybe that will give one or two of your victims the opportunity to turn back into real human beings, as opposed to that postmodernist clown cliché of man you are so fond of (gosh, yeah, I used the old fashioned term man to include all human beings).


To be honest, the opposite can be said as well. Cultures diverge depending on where you're from, but around where I am, people are very self entitled, prideful to the point of overconfidence, rude and confrontational with Anyone regardless of whether they're related to their issues or not, just to vent. Which to be honest, is kind of what is considered toxic behaviour here. Let's be honest, there are more mean people than nice people in the world today than they used to. Such that it's far rarer, and it's made a bigger deal, when someone acts in a truly selfless way, whereas news of people being nefarious is downright commonplace, and even expected. Just because it happens, doesn't mean it's a normal evolution. I could entrust my money to all the friends I made online. That's the sort of friends I get for practicing what I preach when it comes to being a decent person. Not even being a goody two shoes who offer stuff to whoever ask, just being plain decent. Such as :


Not being needlessly antagonistic over a game. That can be through tone or language

Not using expletives toward persons (things are fair game, frustration is okay, but dont take it out on people, unless they knowingly troll, incompetence is not malice)

Not going out of my way to ruin someone's time. Dont like it when it's done to me, I dont do it to others, I believe education everywhere teaches that, and it's a staple

When asked a question, answering in a non sarcastic manner, no matter how simple the question is, or if I cant be bothered, letting someone else answer. Again, no need to throw flowers, either a curt response or none is better than calling people names because they try to get informed in their own way.


To be honest, people dont need to go far out of their way to be decent and polite to others. How often do you reckon players of the game act like so when it comes to Raid/T4 fractals, Speedrun Dungeons, WvW and PvP ? I dont know, but for my part, it's a rare occasion when I dont see people go out of their way to be mean, for little to no reason. I think that's what OP's mindset was when they posted, and in that regard, I cant agree more. Guild wars 2 can no longer claim to have the nicest Community around, when such vocal elements are the first impressions people see.


> @"Star.8401" said:

> I’ll also add that by and large a lot of these people, at least that I have noticed being upset or accusing WvW Community of being “toxic” are wayyy to sensitive and in a lot of cases because someone isn’t going to hold your hand doesn’t mean they are being toxic. Most WvW communities are unique with years of inside jokes and layers of sarcasm. My advice is to just roll with the punches. Jump on a tag and in most cases ask about server discords. Forum posts like these are honestly going to fuel actual trolls to do more.


I quite agree as well. It goes both way.

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > > > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > > > > Wvwler are not **extreme combat skilled**. Don’t know why the forum warriors pretend they are. I read kitten like oh I 1v4 pevler and I win. Just lol...

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > What mostly happened in wvw is people run with tanky gear and follow the commander than looking for fights where they outnumber the enemy. Or they run away if can’t.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Go s pvp if u so combat skilled show me ur legendary title

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > On a side note most people in wvw are very very nice, and just looking for some keeps and camps they can get. It’s the few guilds who talking themselves into the illusion they are some elite superhero’s . When many fights are just add up to who has more and who has less lag.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > WvW players figured out their game mode like everyone else does, most players in any mode aren't "extreme combat skilled", but most players figure out the base line needed for their mode to not get yelled at too much and how to squeeze in with other players to try to progress a little over time.

> > > > >

> > > > > Ladidadida it’s not a hard way to learn follow the commander and capping mostly undefended keeps. Don’t act like it’s so hard it is not. Plus what’s ur point ? U don’t want more people play wvw? U think new player can’t learn ? This entitlement is amazing here.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > If you're not going to bother reading someones posts or even to bother spelling words then what are you trying to accomplish here? I follow yaks more than I follow commanders and I've never seen a new player getting trashed in WvW, but no one likes people sitting at spawn or willfully taking a limited spot on the map if they're not there to actually play.

> > >

> > > And u sure those ppl sitting at spawn are all pvler?

> >

> > I’ll play your game: Are you sure they’re not?

> >

> > As a side note, he didn’t say they were.

> >

> > It helps when you keep an argument to the subject matter.


> So ppl stand afk in wvw what has this to do with the mount or new player join wvw?


> U kinda loose the game


Well now, I would disagree as your game was changing the argument to something he didn’t say. My retort was based on that alone. Again, stay true to the argument.


Goalposts shouldn’t be moved,

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > > > > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > > > > > Wvwler are not **extreme combat skilled**. Don’t know why the forum warriors pretend they are. I read kitten like oh I 1v4 pevler and I win. Just lol...

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > What mostly happened in wvw is people run with tanky gear and follow the commander than looking for fights where they outnumber the enemy. Or they run away if can’t.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Go s pvp if u so combat skilled show me ur legendary title

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > On a side note most people in wvw are very very nice, and just looking for some keeps and camps they can get. It’s the few guilds who talking themselves into the illusion they are some elite superhero’s . When many fights are just add up to who has more and who has less lag.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > WvW players figured out their game mode like everyone else does, most players in any mode aren't "extreme combat skilled", but most players figure out the base line needed for their mode to not get yelled at too much and how to squeeze in with other players to try to progress a little over time.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Ladidadida it’s not a hard way to learn follow the commander and capping mostly undefended keeps. Don’t act like it’s so hard it is not. Plus what’s ur point ? U don’t want more people play wvw? U think new player can’t learn ? This entitlement is amazing here.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > If you're not going to bother reading someones posts or even to bother spelling words then what are you trying to accomplish here? I follow yaks more than I follow commanders and I've never seen a new player getting trashed in WvW, but no one likes people sitting at spawn or willfully taking a limited spot on the map if they're not there to actually play.

> > > >

> > > > And u sure those ppl sitting at spawn are all pvler?

> > >

> > > I’ll play your game: Are you sure they’re not?

> > >

> > > As a side note, he didn’t say they were.

> > >

> > > It helps when you keep an argument to the subject matter.

> >

> > So ppl stand afk in wvw what has this to do with the mount or new player join wvw?

> >

> > U kinda loose the game


> Well now, I would disagree as your game was changing the argument to something he didn’t say. My retort was based on that alone. Again, stay true to the argument.


> Goalposts shouldn’t be moved,


He cried about ppl sitting at spawn... so who he mean who are those ppl ? This full tread is about wvwler vs pvler so who is afk and what has this to do with anything what happened with the latest patch ?



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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > > > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > > > > > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > > > > > > Wvwler are not **extreme combat skilled**. Don’t know why the forum warriors pretend they are. I read kitten like oh I 1v4 pevler and I win. Just lol...

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > What mostly happened in wvw is people run with tanky gear and follow the commander than looking for fights where they outnumber the enemy. Or they run away if can’t.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Go s pvp if u so combat skilled show me ur legendary title

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > On a side note most people in wvw are very very nice, and just looking for some keeps and camps they can get. It’s the few guilds who talking themselves into the illusion they are some elite superhero’s . When many fights are just add up to who has more and who has less lag.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > WvW players figured out their game mode like everyone else does, most players in any mode aren't "extreme combat skilled", but most players figure out the base line needed for their mode to not get yelled at too much and how to squeeze in with other players to try to progress a little over time.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Ladidadida it’s not a hard way to learn follow the commander and capping mostly undefended keeps. Don’t act like it’s so hard it is not. Plus what’s ur point ? U don’t want more people play wvw? U think new player can’t learn ? This entitlement is amazing here.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If you're not going to bother reading someones posts or even to bother spelling words then what are you trying to accomplish here? I follow yaks more than I follow commanders and I've never seen a new player getting trashed in WvW, but no one likes people sitting at spawn or willfully taking a limited spot on the map if they're not there to actually play.

> > > > >

> > > > > And u sure those ppl sitting at spawn are all pvler?

> > > >

> > > > I’ll play your game: Are you sure they’re not?

> > > >

> > > > As a side note, he didn’t say they were.

> > > >

> > > > It helps when you keep an argument to the subject matter.

> > >

> > > So ppl stand afk in wvw what has this to do with the mount or new player join wvw?

> > >

> > > U kinda loose the game

> >

> > Well now, I would disagree as your game was changing the argument to something he didn’t say. My retort was based on that alone. Again, stay true to the argument.

> >

> > Goalposts shouldn’t be moved,


> He cried about ppl sitting at spawn... so who he mean who are those ppl ? This full tread is about wvwler vs pvler so who is afk and what has this to do with anything what happened with the latest patch ?




To be fair, people used to sit at spawn long before the Warclaw was introduced, like everything said in this thread, the only thing the Warclaw is really doing on this matter is magnifying an existing problem. Fully inactive players should not be rewarded in any capacity.

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