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Reaper melee, Mobility and Gap closers


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staff 5 fears for 2s when traited which u can follow up with axe 2 or/and focus 5


Staff 4 can crit for 4k and remove up to 15 condis, 3 condition transfer/target


And staff is unblockable + annulment sigil makes it good defense weapon


imo gs is garbage at least in pvp but even in wvw i dont use it because its not worth

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > > @"felincyriac.5981" said:

> > > > You need your nanny FB or you die basically. I'm fine with a spec that is more team-fight orientated (and hence require support), but the same applies to core and scourge.

> > >

> > > Problem 1: Hardly anyone ever plays FB in regular queues.

> > > Problem 2: Reaper is still kitten even with a FB compared to other options.

> >

> > I've seen really good reapers destroying everyone, you just need some more skill than its other spec, scourge


> But these people would destroy their opponents on any class, because they are way smarter than their opponents.

> You don't need more skill than playing another spec, you need more skill than your opponent.


> Assuming we are talking about 1v1s.



I don't see the problem here? A class shouldn't be the reason you win fights it should be because you're smarter than your opponent. Classes just allow diversity and playstyles fit for the user.

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> @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > > > @"felincyriac.5981" said:

> > > > > You need your nanny FB or you die basically. I'm fine with a spec that is more team-fight orientated (and hence require support), but the same applies to core and scourge.

> > > >

> > > > Problem 1: Hardly anyone ever plays FB in regular queues.

> > > > Problem 2: Reaper is still kitten even with a FB compared to other options.

> > >

> > > I've seen really good reapers destroying everyone, you just need some more skill than its other spec, scourge

> >

> > But these people would destroy their opponents on any class, because they are way smarter than their opponents.

> > You don't need more skill than playing another spec, you need more skill than your opponent.

> >

> > Assuming we are talking about 1v1s.

> >


> I don't see the problem here? A class shouldn't be the reason you win fights it should be because you're smarter than your opponent. Classes just allow diversity and playstyles fit for the user.


The problem is, that exactly is the case in every online game.

There's always a class that will give you huge advantages. It's pretty easy to kill people on scrapper for example even if you never played scrapper.

(1v1s in wvw)


Reducing the gap between those classes but keeping the class' individuality is the biggest challenge for Devs.


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While reaper certainly isn’t top tier, it also isn’t that lackluster. Ironically, reaper’s issue is the existence of scourge. Given that they both have the exact same purpose (team fight dps), one of them will almost always be inferior to the other one, thus be obsolete. Reaper is easier to play but that doesn’t make it the better build.

If the game had more build diversity overall and additionally, those build also had different weaknesses, then it would be possible for reaper and scourge to have a purpose (as one is condition focused and the other one is power focused) but we haven’t had that in years and the design direction seems to be entirely different.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > > > > @"felincyriac.5981" said:

> > > > > > You need your nanny FB or you die basically. I'm fine with a spec that is more team-fight orientated (and hence require support), but the same applies to core and scourge.

> > > > >

> > > > > Problem 1: Hardly anyone ever plays FB in regular queues.

> > > > > Problem 2: Reaper is still kitten even with a FB compared to other options.

> > > >

> > > > I've seen really good reapers destroying everyone, you just need some more skill than its other spec, scourge

> > >

> > > But these people would destroy their opponents on any class, because they are way smarter than their opponents.

> > > You don't need more skill than playing another spec, you need more skill than your opponent.

> > >

> > > Assuming we are talking about 1v1s.

> > >

> >

> > I don't see the problem here? A class shouldn't be the reason you win fights it should be because you're smarter than your opponent. Classes just allow diversity and playstyles fit for the user.


> The problem is, that exactly is the case in every online game.

> There's always a class that will give you huge advantages. It's pretty easy to kill people on scrapper for example even if you never played scrapper.

> (1v1s in wvw)


> Reducing the gap between those classes but keeping the class' individuality is the biggest challenge for Devs.



That's because Scrapper is broken. Just saying you can do really good with Reaper if you're a smart player. That's how it is supposed to work. It's like this for classes like Thief, Revenant, Weaver(somewhat) aswel

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> Reaper has so much dmg, that giving him more mobility will make him way to op. It's fine as it is now


Reaper has dmg, but this dmg is mostly limited to huge visual tells,

While being immobile

Being week to cc.


Also every decent played other class can do more or at least the same burst that reaper can while not having so many downsides

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> Reaper has so much dmg, that giving him more mobility will make him way to op. It's fine as it is now


Reaper does not do "So much dmg". It is pretty much on the same level as all other professions, except other professions also have hard defensives and mobility which reaper doesn't- this makes reaper sub standard when compared to other professions

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> @"James.1065" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > Reaper has so much dmg, that giving him more mobility will make him way to op. It's fine as it is now


> Reaper does not do "So much dmg". It is pretty much on the same level as all other professions, except other professions also have hard defensives and mobility which reaper doesn't- this makes reaper sub standard when compared to other professions


> @"James.1065" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > Reaper has so much dmg, that giving him more mobility will make him way to op. It's fine as it is now


> Reaper does not do "So much dmg". It is pretty much on the same level as all other professions, except other professions also have hard defensives and mobility which reaper doesn't- this makes reaper sub standard when compared to other professions


5-10k autos and shroud 4 with quickness, and 25 might. If u call it "not that much of a dmg" , than welp. It's reaper - stun and burst

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"James.1065" said:

> > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > Reaper has so much dmg, that giving him more mobility will make him way to op. It's fine as it is now

> >

> > Reaper does not do "So much dmg". It is pretty much on the same level as all other professions, except other professions also have hard defensives and mobility which reaper doesn't- this makes reaper sub standard when compared to other professions


> > @"James.1065" said:

> > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > Reaper has so much dmg, that giving him more mobility will make him way to op. It's fine as it is now

> >

> > Reaper does not do "So much dmg". It is pretty much on the same level as all other professions, except other professions also have hard defensives and mobility which reaper doesn't- this makes reaper sub standard when compared to other professions


> 5-10k autos and shroud 4 with quickness, and 25 might. If u call it "not that much of a dmg" , than welp. It's reaper - stun and burst


You'll have to screen shot or record those 10k auto attacks cause I never EVER managed that in my 2 years of maining a Reaper

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> @"James.1065" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > @"James.1065" said:

> > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > Reaper has so much dmg, that giving him more mobility will make him way to op. It's fine as it is now

> > >

> > > Reaper does not do "So much dmg". It is pretty much on the same level as all other professions, except other professions also have hard defensives and mobility which reaper doesn't- this makes reaper sub standard when compared to other professions

> >

> > > @"James.1065" said:

> > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > Reaper has so much dmg, that giving him more mobility will make him way to op. It's fine as it is now

> > >

> > > Reaper does not do "So much dmg". It is pretty much on the same level as all other professions, except other professions also have hard defensives and mobility which reaper doesn't- this makes reaper sub standard when compared to other professions

> >

> > 5-10k autos and shroud 4 with quickness, and 25 might. If u call it "not that much of a dmg" , than welp. It's reaper - stun and burst


> You'll have to screen shot or record those 10k auto attacks cause I never EVER managed that in my 2 years of maining a Reaper


Yeah pretty unlikely that's almost raidnumbers with perfect buffs and rebuffs


(Well you "only" need 25might, and 25vulnerabikity on your target, but seriously, which opponent is so bad to let that happen?)

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"James.1065" said:

> > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > Reaper has so much dmg, that giving him more mobility will make him way to op. It's fine as it is now

> >

> > Reaper does not do "So much dmg". It is pretty much on the same level as all other professions, except other professions also have hard defensives and mobility which reaper doesn't- this makes reaper sub standard when compared to other professions


> > @"James.1065" said:

> > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > Reaper has so much dmg, that giving him more mobility will make him way to op. It's fine as it is now

> >

> > Reaper does not do "So much dmg". It is pretty much on the same level as all other professions, except other professions also have hard defensives and mobility which reaper doesn't- this makes reaper sub standard when compared to other professions


> 5-10k autos and shroud 4 with quickness, and 25 might. If u call it "not that much of a dmg" , than welp. It's reaper - stun and burst




Not the best quality video, but reaper can hit for 5-8k autos and big 20k spin to win bursts....without spite


With spite? It’s even more. And this is just SPvp...in WVW the numbers we even bigger


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Reaper isn't about getting to the enemy, but about keeping the enemy from getting away.

As I see it what the reaper could use is stuff like:

* "Nothing Can Save You!" getting 6-8s Revealed.

* Make Grasping Darkness more reliable by making it work as a cleave, not as projectiles. It gets obstructed too often. Extra range would also help.

* Maybe Spectral Grasp could use a little tweak to. For example, making its projectiles home in on enemies, or make it tether enemies it hits for 4-8s or so, pulling them back again to the Reaper if they try to run away. It would also apply revealed for the duration of the tether as all tethers do.


* Reaper could also use access to a 'Ward' type of effect that can't be crossed and interrupts those evading through it without stability. For example:

* "Chilled to the Bone!" could also create a ring of ice around the reaper when used.

* A selectable Reaper trait could convert all Fear applied by reaper into Taunt, and have all traits and upgrades that affect Fear affect Taunt too, or just reverse the direction feared enemies run, making Spectral Ring a more effective ward to keep enemies from running away.

* Since giving them resistance would be too much, create a new boon that would protect against movement impairment. It could be introduced along a rework to the Resistance boons to split all of Resistance's immunities into 3 separate boons.

* Freedom. This boon would work like Resistance for impairment effects: Crippled, Chilled, Immobilize, Blind, Slow and Weakness.

* Resistance would be change to works only on DPS conditions and Vulnerability.

* Fear and Taunt will only be prevent by Stability now.

* After the change, many skills that currently give resistance would be tweaked to give different combinations of different durations of resistance, freedom or stability instead. This would also be useful for future balance and other professions, some defensive skills that would be too powerful with Resistance but are missing a little 'oomph' could get Freedom or Resistance separately instead.

* Relentless Pursuit will then give 3s of Freedom every time the Reaper gets any effect that hinders movement in any way, keeping them from being easily slowed while still having counters for that, and without preventing condition DPS.


Other than that, it's in a pretty decent place for now. It's other specs the ones that need to go down a peg, not Reaper the one in need of buffs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

GS needs a dodge somewhere the Grasping Darkness is supposed to be the gap closer, but after the rework it is even worse cause it is somehow slower then before also it is still bugged https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Grasping_Darkness i hope they fix it so its able to pull people that are perched pew pewing on a safe spot.

All the cc "soft"( ha soft who thinks 50% spammable movement slow is soft should check a doctor) and hard cc completely shut reaper down. You can see how much Anet overvalues the shroud since the best speck for necro does not have it and if you go and read the laundry list one skill does you will see, i counted 6 effects on one, normally you get 3 +1 from trait .

"Second life bar" is not anywhere close to active defenses i wish it had something to deal with condition cc and hard cc and a "ou shit" button like the rest of the professions.

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