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Are you a Roamer and do you look down on a Zergling?

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i dunno man ....I usually roam solo or small man but im also a member of a zerg guild. I have been roaming and zerging as a power shiro rev and i have to say hammer rev is almost an AFK class. i get tons of bags and loot. Sure you have to position well and anticipate where the blob is moving etc to land your big hits but if my mind had a processor usage meter it goes on max speed mode when im roaming and have to fight a condi mirage or soulbeast etc vs its in nice cool calm mode in a zerg.


TLDR: when im tired and lazy and dont want to have to think too hard i join my zerg. When i want to challenge myself i roam.

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Goes both ways. Players that play in organized or unorganized zergs look down on roamers as simply gankers that use fotm cheese builds for ez 1v1 kills. Roamers look down on zerglings as mindless lemmings with no skills at all.


But then you have players that play ranked PvP laughing at both camps. sPvP players think they're better than anybody else, and they are probably right in controlled instanced PvP settings.


For me personally I don't look down on anybody, as I play a bit of all 3 playstyles.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> There are no roamers in this game. Roaming died years ago. Please don't call 5 man havoc squads roamers. They gank one enemy as a group. Individually they all are bad. There's noone out there looking for good even Steven fights.

> Stop fooling yourself. There is NO roaming in this game. Filthy backcappers do exist.


Someone got triggered.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > There are no roamers in this game. Roaming died years ago. Please don't call 5 man havoc squads roamers. They gank one enemy as a group. Individually they all are bad. There's noone out there looking for good even Steven fights.

> > Stop fooling yourself. There is NO roaming in this game. Filthy backcappers do exist.


> Someone got triggered.


Because for the most part it's true. But, to take that analogy a step further, (pre mounts of course) sometimes if you didn't encounter the 5 man havoc "fight" squad from 1 team, you would almost certainly encounter it from the other team once you did find a 1v1 from the first enemy team and SOMETIMES these fight squads would down you and let your "dueling" opponent spike you and walk away.

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > There are no roamers in this game. Roaming died years ago. Please don't call 5 man havoc squads roamers. They gank one enemy as a group. Individually they all are bad. There's noone out there looking for good even Steven fights.

> > > Stop fooling yourself. There is NO roaming in this game. Filthy backcappers do exist.

> >

> > Someone got triggered.


> Because for the most part it's true. But, to take that analogy a step further, (pre mounts of course) sometimes if you didn't encounter the 5 man havoc "fight" squad from 1 team, you would almost certainly encounter it from the other team once you did find a 1v1 from the first enemy team and SOMETIMES these fight squads would down you and let your "dueling" opponent spike you and walk away.


Havoc aren’t gank squads. But w/e.


Love the misinformation here. ?

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If you're referring to the eA guild that recently moved to AR or its link, yeah Sakura is a good driver and he will dominate SEA time quite frequently. Also agreed that zerg play is an entirely different skill set from roaming, and builds that work well in one generally are subpar at best in the other.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > There are no roamers in this game. Roaming died years ago. Please don't call 5 man havoc squads roamers. They gank one enemy as a group. Individually they all are bad. There's noone out there looking for good even Steven fights.

> > Stop fooling yourself. There is NO roaming in this game. Filthy backcappers do exist.


> Someone got triggered.


Facts look like triggers? Just dishing out raw dead kitten on the platter for you. Dress it up to your liking.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > There are no roamers in this game. Roaming died years ago. Please don't call 5 man havoc squads roamers. They gank one enemy as a group. Individually they all are bad. There's noone out there looking for good even Steven fights.

> > > > Stop fooling yourself. There is NO roaming in this game. Filthy backcappers do exist.

> > >

> > > Someone got triggered.

> >

> > Because for the most part it's true. But, to take that analogy a step further, (pre mounts of course) sometimes if you didn't encounter the 5 man havoc "fight" squad from 1 team, you would almost certainly encounter it from the other team once you did find a 1v1 from the first enemy team and SOMETIMES these fight squads would down you and let your "dueling" opponent spike you and walk away.


> Havoc aren’t gank squads. But w/e.


> Love the misinformation here. ?


Maybe you want to believe those that describe themselves as havocs aren't capable of actually being gank squads, but in a world where 15+ man groups have described themselves as roamers, do you really want to say I'm misinformed?

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Im a hyrbid roamer... I zerg if the zerg is fighting another zerg but skim the outsides downing people trying to refresh, flip camps and sentries alone and team up with other strays to form small man gank squads..


As a player who constantly throws himself into zergs alone or gank squads, I look down on all players afraid of death. Those who run from any engagement.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Im a hyrbid roamer... I zerg if the zerg is fighting another zerg but skim the outsides downing people trying to refresh, flip camps and sentries alone and team up with other strays to form small man gank squads..


> As a player who constantly throws himself into zergs alone or gank squads, I look down on all players afraid of death. Those who run from any engagement.


This is pretty much what I do. Sometimes I don't feel like engaging due to wanting to maximize my exp from boosts. Wish they would implement smaller roaming side maps.

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Some people consider zergling is easy, that's because commanders do all the things. In my opinion, you can never really understand wvw unless you try to do a commanders by yourself. Of course, this is a difficult thing to do because there are sth that you cannot really learn by yourself.

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > > There are no roamers in this game. Roaming died years ago. Please don't call 5 man havoc squads roamers. They gank one enemy as a group. Individually they all are bad. There's noone out there looking for good even Steven fights.

> > > > > Stop fooling yourself. There is NO roaming in this game. Filthy backcappers do exist.

> > > >

> > > > Someone got triggered.

> > >

> > > Because for the most part it's true. But, to take that analogy a step further, (pre mounts of course) sometimes if you didn't encounter the 5 man havoc "fight" squad from 1 team, you would almost certainly encounter it from the other team once you did find a 1v1 from the first enemy team and SOMETIMES these fight squads would down you and let your "dueling" opponent spike you and walk away.

> >

> > Havoc aren’t gank squads. But w/e.

> >

> > Love the misinformation here. ?


> Maybe you want to believe those that describe themselves as havocs aren't capable of actually being gank squads, but in a world where 15+ man groups have described themselves as roamers, do you really want to say I'm misinformed?


15+ isn’t havoc either. That’s a guild group for GvGs.


Cmon. Step up your game.


I would call that misinformed.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Im a hyrbid roamer... I zerg if the zerg is fighting another zerg but skim the outsides downing people trying to refresh, flip camps and sentries alone and team up with other strays to form small man gank squads..


> As a player who constantly throws himself into zergs alone or gank squads, I look down on all players afraid of death. Those who run from any engagement.


^^ This.


I love people who complain about getting dropped running back to the Zerg. It’s as if their own team doesn’t want them. Group up, wait for three to four. You’ll get there easier and be able to protect each other.


People think the Warclaw is going to change this.... Builds are gonna go even more full stupid (either Condi or Power) because they get an additional 11000k health...


(Welcome back BTW.)


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One thing i love about playing power shiro rev in wvw is that it takes me about 15 seconds to switch my build from roaming to zerging so if i have to run from spawn to catch up with the zerg i just play as a "roamer" until i get there. No one will ever see me solo on hammer.


Obviously with mounts now it doesnt really matter anymore. Everyone is safe

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> @"Optimator.3589" said:

> If you're referring to the eA guild that recently moved to AR or its link, yeah Sakura is a good driver and he will dominate SEA time quite frequently. Also agreed that zerg play is an entirely different skill set from roaming, and builds that work well in one generally are subpar at best in the other.


Yes! I was referring to EA!

They are so strong that even BG's SEA prime blobs led by AHMA and HOB are having a hard time against them.

To me AHMA is like the gods of SEA prime.

For EA to be able to hold their own against them is so amazing!


While OCX has been less of a challenge for AR as we have LATE with us which is pretty much the gods of OCX prime.

Even BG's blob that is twice as big as us during OCX gets farmed by LATE,

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:


> As a player who constantly throws himself into zergs alone or gank squads, I look down on all players afraid of death. Those who run from any engagement.


> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Im a hyrbid roamer... I zerg if the zerg is fighting another zerg but skim the outsides downing people trying to refresh, flip camps and sentries alone and team up with other strays to form small man gank squads..


> As a player who constantly throws himself into zergs alone or gank squads, I look down on all players afraid of death. Those who run from any engagement.


You would think that those players are less afraid of a pushing and dying now that there's mounts which get them back into the fight in less than a minute, but nope. Still seeing the cringy wall huggers and backpedalers.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"Optimator.3589" said:

> > If you're referring to the eA guild that recently moved to AR or its link, yeah Sakura is a good driver and he will dominate SEA time quite frequently. Also agreed that zerg play is an entirely different skill set from roaming, and builds that work well in one generally are subpar at best in the other.


> Yes! I was referring to EA!

> They are so strong that even BG's SEA prime blobs led by AHMA and HOB are having a hard time against them.

> To me AHMA is like the gods of SEA prime.

> For EA to be able to hold their own against them is so amazing!


> While OCX has been less of a challenge for AR as we have LATE with us which is pretty much the gods of OCX prime.

> Even BG's blob that is twice as big as us during OCX gets farmed by LATE,


Stick around for two weeks.

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As some have said for themselves...I look down based on actions, not build/skill (except condi mirages......everyone either hates them, or plays them lol...I was also told to hate scrapper, however thats because these people dont want me to main it again due to the gyro changes lol).


Toxicity/BM is what I look down upon.

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i am a ranger in wvw an i follow the zergs but never far behind me is a zerg that kills me! i am also hardly ever been in manay squads because how ranger are treated! i enjoy wvw as a ranger an never have tried being a necro scourage, ele weaver, or deadeye an spellbreaker! i never have done much with the builds an always learning as i follow so i guess u can call me a zerg roamer follower! that my focus just to enjoy follow the zergs an having fun

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> I have been mostly a Roamer for the past 5 years and always felt superior against Zerglings as they usually aren't able to put up much fight when they are away from the blob.

> Be it their builds or the skills they showed, they felt inferior in every way.

> They were like skill-less walking bags.

> Even top GvG guild members when caught alone, go down easily.

> During my later years of roaming, knowing that they can't put up much fight, I stopped engaging them because there was no challenge.


> I thought that given my skills as a roamer, running on tag in a blob was going to be easy.

> If those skill-less Zerglings/GvG guys could do it, then so could I.

> So recently I did a job change to being a Zergling main and realized that being a Zergling is not as easy as I thought!

> It takes skill to survive and do well in a blob!

> Those old-time Zerglings did it better than me.

> Their movements, timing, rotations etc. etc. were way better than mine.

> There was this EA guild driver who particularly impressed me with his stutter-step kiting movements where he literally walks past the enemy blob's charging spearhead within touching distance. The composure, timing and movement he showed was OMGOSH good.

> And I applaud them for their skills.


> Just like I've had 5 years of roaming experience, Zerglings also had 5-6 years of Zergling experience!

> Zerglings are not skill-less.

> They are just skilled in other areas!

> So don't look down on Zerglings anymore!


> P.S. Sorry if I'm actually the only Roamer who looked down on Zerglings.


If a human “looks down on” another human for how they play an online VIDEO GAME, they need to re-evaluate their life and find some personal meaning.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> When you're in 1v3+, 2v8+, 3v15 and so on and the outnumbered wins you can't really use the zerg build excuse I think.

> So yes, people that zerg are usually worse than roamers.


Zerg fights were super fun when guilds were all around. When I was newb it was exciting joining a guild and doing raids. Guess no one wants to do that anymore. Probably because it's all PvE people just leeching rewards and going back to their maze maps.


Meh still fun when your fav pugmander is on, or the rare occasion that a good WvW guild is tagged up.

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