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Stop Complaining About Scrapper, It Isn't OP - Now With Video Proof

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> So here's a new video to make you question if Scrapper is OP or not:


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI80zsNaW0M


That's top pro level... Average gw2 PVP player can't contribute to any matchup with that build...

And u haven't got stun locked

And may be I missed it but haven't noticed u ganking a mirage

And I didn't notice any enemy rangers too

Maybe I should watch it one more time

And a small part of me tells that DE can do the same thing you did to others without breaking a sweat with lot of stealth

Daredevils might pose a bigger threat to this build I think

Idk I thought warriors had a better chance against you but that one couldn't kill you even after vengeance.... this might be out of topic but I Hope you fight more warriors and post videos


Needs careful playstyle should not allow anyone to sneakup behind you


But your point is valid... Scrappers have less chance against an unblockable zerky scholar build(yet u did it without unblockable)... Average players can kill scraps with zerk but only a few willing to touch that amulet


Nice video... Love it... Would be interesting to play in a fast paced style ... Keeps the adrenaline pumping... ;)

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@"mortrialus.3062" lol aint no way I'd easily gank you on that. When good Mirages are in play, I have to bring the Druid.


@"Crystal Paladin.3871" Yeah, after the meta flipped I can afford to bring this guy into about 3 or 4 out of 10 matches, when situations are favorable to do so. Mirages, Other Rangers & Heralds are the things I try to avoid like the plague. There is too much risk in engaging those 3 classes. If a Ranger is DPS based, I can 1v1 it, but if it's a tanky variant like a Boonbeast or a good Druid, the tanky Ranger will win unless he's god awful. Mirages just take way too long to kill due to Mirage Cloak, and I can't hold nodes under them while doing it. Then you have Heralds which just hard counter DPS Soulbeast specs for various reasons. But everything else, you can 1v1 on that build. Pretty much what I'm doing nowadays is rotating between Bunker Druid & Berserker Soulbeast, depending on what's going to be better to play in a given match:

* If opponents look like: FB/Necro/Necro/Scrapper/Weaver, that's a great match to show up to with Berserker Soulbeast counter.

* If opponents look like: Herald/SD Core/Mirage/Holo/Other Ranger, that's a Druid game for sure. The Druid is still the stronger player in most games.


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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:



> You really shouldn't call this any proof at all.


What he says is, we can easily melt down scraps with zerk so it's possible with Marauder's or demolishers too with the right sigils that give guaranteed crit whenever you need them... Doesn't mean u must run zerker to deal any damage... In the video, scraps didn't have a chance at all... To make it a less risk gameplay, it might take a few more seconds to bring down scraps with other amulets but DPS burst is necessary... Sustained lengthy fighting class/builds like eles can't expect to achieve this I think... Maybe Marauder's with air attuned eles might pull this off idk you can try it out and post a video too... This post could be a collection of videos on how to tackle bunky scraps with diff class builds so newbs like me can change and adapt our playstyle when a scrap is on enemy team

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> @"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:

> > @"Megametzler.5729" said:


> >

> > You really shouldn't call this any proof at all.


> What he says is, we can easily melt down scraps with zerk so it's possible with Marauder's or demolishers too with the right sigils that give guaranteed crit whenever you need them... Doesn't mean u must run zerker to deal any damage... In the video, scraps didn't have a chance at all... To make it a less risk gameplay, it might take a few more seconds to bring down scraps with other amulets but DPS burst is necessary... Sustained lengthy fighting class/builds like eles can't expect to achieve this I think... Maybe Marauder's with air attuned eles might pull this off idk you can try it out and post a video too... This post could be a collection of videos on how to tackle bunky scraps with diff class builds so newbs like me can change and adapt our playstyle when a scrap is on enemy team


The point is: Any freecasting zerker (or marauder) build melts anything quickly. Yes, pewpew soulbeast a little quicker than FA ele, power mesmer and DE (maybe), but that has nothing to do with actual combat effectiveness. A rev or a thief focussing on these builds shuts them down. He simply didn't get focussed at all in the video.


Also the scrappers obviously don't know dodges, blocks and hammer evades. Seen that one scrapper run on point, getting two hitted by GS2 and WI? That's ridiculous.


Again, I do not think scrapper is OP. It might be an updated ele which is also easier to play, but it dies to many +1 situations. However, it should not die that quickly in duels against non-duelists, that is just lack of mechanical skill.

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Berserker Soulbeast works like this in terms of 1v1s.

* FBs < Berserker Soulbeast. BSB has way too much pressure for the FB to hold if he has no team mates to counter pressure for him.

* Core Guards < Berserker Soulbeast Before nerf, this was actually a balanced match up.

* Random Weird DHs < Berserker Soulbeast. Just make sure you don't hit with pull, which generally results in instant death for any glass cannon spec.

* Spellbreaker = Berserker Soulbeast Spellbreaker spec line isn't traited so well handle DPS Rangers specifically.

* Core Warrior > Berserker Soulbeast but not by much. The Core Warrior is strong vs glass ranger specs because it can have all 3 of STR/DEF/DISC, where as the Spellbreaker gets pigeonholed into taking either STR/DISC/SB and loses a lot of sustain or STR/DEF/SB and loses a lot of mobility or DEF/DISC/SB and loses a lot of damage. In the case of Glass Rangers vs. Spellbreaker, the abilities tied to Spellbreaker, like Full Counter, aren't so useful when something is popping you with 20k rapid fire from 1500 range, doesn't care about contesting the node vs. you, and has enough mobility to stay away from you when you chase it. Core Warrior is just designed better to chase things, whereas Spellbreakers are more dangerous when they are kiting and playing defensive.

* Random Weird Rifle Berserkers < Berserker Soulbeast. The Rifle Berserker will quickly understand why he should play Soulbeast, and not a Rifle Berserker.

* Power Shiro Heralds >> Berserker Soulbeast. This is the BSB's hardest counter. It's best to avoid Heralds like the plague because not only do they completely neutralize the BSB's job role if they chase it, but the Herald will win the 1v1 9/10x if he's seasoned at all. Everything about Power Shiro counters BSB extremely hard.

* Holo > Berserker Soulbeast, but it's a very very slight advantage. The good Holos out there will play tricky, start LOSing hard, and only push offense when they know they have the CDs to do it safely. It results in a ridiculously long match up that, albeit a very fun match up because either opponent could die instantly, it isn't ultimately worth the BSB's time. The Holo will be the on who controls the node through the course of the 1v1, which is why I grade this as the Holo having slight counter advantage. Otherwise they're equal in combat, mechanically.

* Scrapper < Berserker Soulbeast. Same issue as with FB here. The Scrapper doesn't have enough offensive pressure to scare the BSB so easily from getting on the node with him. So the BSB ends up having plenty of opportunities to go in for 2-shots with Mauls into WIs. No matter how good of a player the Scrapper is, he will eventually go down on one of the passes from the BSB. It goes exactly like this: BSB approaches and opens with rapid fire to burn some CDs on the Scrapper and then it LB 3 stealths, to set up for Maul/WI. The BSB goes in and attempts to land the 2-shot. If it fails, he'll have enough time and quickness buff, to be able to Hilt Bash his way into a couple more Mauls, while GS autoing for insane spam damage. If the follow up cleaving doesn't drop the Scrapper, the BSB just disengages and does it all over again while changing up the telegraphs of his burst timing and CCs, to confuse the Scrapper. The Scrapper does not have the ability to chase & secure kills on something so mobile. Eventually the Scrapper will go down because in this scenario the Ranger is not really penalized for messing up because he can freely reset with no consequence, but the Scrapper will die immediately if he messes up at all.

* DEs and D/P or Staff Daredevils < Berserker Soulbeast. Due to the lack of stability on Thieves, the nature of Sick Em reveal, and Mauls/WIs/Rapid fires literally being able to "1-shot Thieves", the Thieves learn that BSB is not something they want to engage 1v1.

* SD Core Thieves = Berserker Soulbeast. SD is completely different. These have just the right amount of defenses and abilities to be able to bait the BSB's bursts, and survive while doing it, as well as survive while launching offense, while being able to quickly disengage when necessary. This is mainly due to proper use of sword 2 and sword 3. When those are paired with Whirling Blades, it makes an even match up for the BSB. This is imo one of the more balanced and fun matches to play for 1v1s.

* Boonbeasts or Druids that actually know what they're doing > Berserker Soulbeast. The heavy sustain on tankier Ranger builds will ultimately counter the BSB, unless the guy playing the Bunker is just kind of bad. This is mainly due to use of Axe 3 weakness spam, Axe 4 Pulls, and Axe 5 projectile nullification & retal. Then of course you have pets, which are actually dangerous over the course of time when you're running some glass cannon spec.

* DPS Ranger Specs of All Kinds = Berserker Soulbeast. Balanced matches of course, aside from attempted Condi Ranger specs, which are seriously underperforming right now.

* All Necromancers << Berserker Soulbeast. I personally do not believe there exists a harder counter situation in the game, than Berserker Rangers vs. Necromancers.

* Power Chrono = Berserker Soulbeast. It's actually a good balanced match, but it always ends in 10s or less. Both of them have to get ultra aggressive with each other because in this scenario, both of them have extreme range damage and can catch each other when they try to run or play defensively, so they both have incentive to engage close range and end it as quickly as possible. Running is almost never an option, unless nearby terrain is very convenient to do so.

* Chrono Bunker = Berserker Soulbeast. It's really not worth the gamble to stay and try to kill a good Chrono Bunker because the BSB can't hold while doing it. I mean, it can eventually kill the Chrono Bunker but it could happen in 2s or it could happen in 2+ minutes. The Chrono Bunker may also be able to land a tricky stalled usage of bursting to catch the BSB off-guard as well. I rate it as = because even though the Chrono Bunker will hold the node, the BSB "if he's good" has a bit of an advantage mechanically in combat.

* Power Mirage ? Berserker Soulbeast. This match up cannot be gauged in actual skill level or even necessarily in class balance. Either the BSB lands a couple high damage strikes and drops the Mirage quickly, or the Mirage happens to use Mirage Cloak at the right times and everything the BSB does whiffs & misses, resulting in losing. It's a situation where the BSB is frantically trying to sporadically use his bursting in short dosages, as to throw off the telegraphs so he can actually hit the Mirage, and the Mirage is trying to instinctively judge when these random quickness driven 1-shots are going to hit, so he can preserve use of Mirage Cloak just long enough to burst down the BSB. It results in both players simply rolling dice within the parameters of their skill usage. This is because the match up is so similar to Power Chrono, where neither opponent can run from one another, running is a BAD thing because it grants the other player easy high damage ranged pot shots, so they have to engage somewhat close range and end it as quickly as possible, because disengage & dancing around is almost never an option in glass cannon vs. glass cannon.

* Eles.. there are so many Eles builds that I could go over. But to sum it up I'd say Ele is = Berserker Soulbeast, give or take some slight advantages or disadvantages, depending on the particular Eles setup.


All of the above while playing in actual matches, is considering the Ranger player knows how to position himself correctly, what to engage, what not to engage, when where and why. Otherwise, glass cannon Ranger builds get shredded man. They are actually not as easy to play as people seem to believe. They play very similar to Thief, high risk & high reward.




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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:



> You really shouldn't call this any proof at all.


Killing potatos with sic em gimmick = proof something isnt OP.... Only dumb could make such a claim...

p.s damage modifiers on rangers should be nerfed to proper level ;)

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> @"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > p.s damage modifiers on rangers should be nerfed to proper level ;)


> Was expecting someone would say this after watching the video... took their sweet time posting it... :p



Thats never been a secret ... Dont you remember WORLD IMPACT 60k threads ? Considering actual LB range is 1900 ... why anet cba to fix tho ?

>!You can watch how things are on wvw ,for fun (I dont meant to bring WvW into PvP discussion as argument to nerf it, his own video is enough :D )


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> (...)


Why did you write all this? You killed potato scrappers in trash matchups. There is zero proof of anything except unranked is a meme (which I hope it is).


€: Of course it comes down to matchups in real games. Again, the same goes for a lot of those +1 memes, but this is about scrappers. And the scrappers there were terrible.



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So personally, I feel that high power builds such as Ranger, Revenant, etc. have are just fine at this moment because there are super tanky builds out there such as scrapper, necro/FB. There has to be an answer to slow tanky builds such as glassy builds, there has to be an answer to glassy builds such as high mobility builds, there has to be an answer to high mobility builds such as slow tanky builds.


Rock, paper, scissors.


Is it perfect? No, but we took a big step from the last patch and now its just tweaks that need to be made.

Honestly, I'd prefer that we had some real solutions to things such as match manipulation and other game modes before we worked on those tweaks, but I can understand how the players and the development team at anet could feel differently.


Great Job @"Trevor Boyer.6524"

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> So here's a new video to make you question if Scrapper is OP or not:


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI80zsNaW0M


10k lb aa's or bust!

but yeah good stuff.


> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> * DEs and D/P or Staff Daredevils < Berserker Soulbeast. Due to the lack of stability on Thieves, the nature of Sick Em reveal, and Mauls/WIs/Rapid fires literally being able to "1-shot Thieves", the Thieves learn that BSB is not something they want to engage 1v1.

de's with their projectile denial seem like they would give you a hard time.

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I would just like to say these are the same people losing to zerk scrapper rifle with elixir build.


I just watched a bud that is invested in the PvP much more than me and whoo here, no wonder everyone screams broken when you can't even stop a scrapper rifle LMFAO in plat 2-3. And she's been running this build before and after the buff.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> (...)

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > * DEs and D/P or Staff Daredevils < Berserker Soulbeast. Due to the lack of stability on Thieves, the nature of Sick Em reveal, and Mauls/WIs/Rapid fires literally being able to "1-shot Thieves", the Thieves learn that BSB is not something they want to engage 1v1.

> de's with their projectile denial seem like they would give you a hard time.


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unstoppable_Union :wink:


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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > (...)

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > * DEs and D/P or Staff Daredevils < Berserker Soulbeast. Due to the lack of stability on Thieves, the nature of Sick Em reveal, and Mauls/WIs/Rapid fires literally being able to "1-shot Thieves", the Thieves learn that BSB is not something they want to engage 1v1.

> > de's with their projectile denial seem like they would give you a hard time.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unstoppable_Union :wink:



he wasn't running that, besides it only lasts 4 sec.

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > (...)


> Why did you write all this? You killed potato scrappers in trash matchups. There is zero proof of anything except unranked is a meme (which I hope it is).


> €: Of course it comes down to matchups in real games. Again, the same goes for a lot of those +1 memes, but this is about scrappers. And the scrappers there were terrible.




Those were all ranked matches. Anyone featured in those videos would tell you that is true.


When you talk about "matchups in real games", I'm not sure if you mean ATs? Do you mean top tier opponents? Do you mean against counter classes? Well that wouldn't happen because the Berserker Soulbeast is something you swap to and use when there are advantageous reasons to do so. In other words, I play It when I can avoid Heralds & Condi Mirages, not when there are 2 of each of them on the opponent's team. Most matches that I run are ran on a side-noding Druid named Barbie. The Druid is the character that I use in most matches, including the vast majority of more difficult matches. So if you want to see some "real games" I guess you'll have to wait for Barbie's montage. There you will see 1v1s with Gods of PvP and Bestest of the Bestests. <- That isn't what Berserker Soulbeast is for. Berserker Soulbeast is for ganking in opportune situations, hence the video.


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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > (...)

> > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > * DEs and D/P or Staff Daredevils < Berserker Soulbeast. Due to the lack of stability on Thieves, the nature of Sick Em reveal, and Mauls/WIs/Rapid fires literally being able to "1-shot Thieves", the Thieves learn that BSB is not something they want to engage 1v1.

> > > de's with their projectile denial seem like they would give you a hard time.

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unstoppable_Union :wink:

> >


> he wasn't running that, besides it only lasts 4 sec.


Yeah, imagine a scrapper activating one of their reflects. But most zerker SBs I see run this for a good reason.


> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > (...)

> >

> > Why did you write all this? You killed potato scrappers in trash matchups. There is zero proof of anything except unranked is a meme (which I hope it is).

> >

> > €: Of course it comes down to matchups in real games. Again, the same goes for a lot of those +1 memes, but this is about scrappers. And the scrappers there were terrible.

> >

> >


> Those were all ranked matches. Anyone featured in those videos would tell you that is true.


> When you talk about "matchups in real games", I'm not sure if you mean ATs? Do you mean top tier opponents? Do you mean against counter classes? Well that wouldn't happen because the Berserker Soulbeast is something you swap to and use when there are advantageous reasons to do so. In other words, I play It when I can avoid Heralds & Condi Mirages, not when there are 2 of each of them on the opponent's team. Most matches that I run are ran on a side-noding Druid named Barbie. The Druid is the character that I use in most matches, including the vast majority of more difficult matches. So if you want to see some "real games" I guess you'll have to wait for Barbie's montage. There you will see 1v1s with Gods of PvP and Bestest of the Bestests. <- That isn't what Berserker Soulbeast is for. Berserker Soulbeast is for ganking in opportune situations, hence the video.



Yepp, you added that about the matchups the moment before I posted above. That's why I mean "serious matchups". Sometimes I can switch to my full zerker chrono too, when there are no revs or condi mirages around - and hardcounter scrappers too. That happens extremely rarely though, because any thief build is tough for power mesmer too (even worse sind CS nerf). Then, of course, there can be happy situations, freecasting and big numbers.


However, those scrappers were extremely bad. That is why it proves nothing at all. I want to point at that scrapper again who walks into GS2 and then gets killed by WI at 4:40. No dodge, no block, no evade. That is ranked in NA? Phew.


Again, I do not think scrapper is OP. This video simply shows nothing at all.


Another montage with proper enemies would be much more interesting and I am definitely looking forward to it. :smile: Even with drooid!

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > (...)

> > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > * DEs and D/P or Staff Daredevils < Berserker Soulbeast. Due to the lack of stability on Thieves, the nature of Sick Em reveal, and Mauls/WIs/Rapid fires literally being able to "1-shot Thieves", the Thieves learn that BSB is not something they want to engage 1v1.

> > > de's with their projectile denial seem like they would give you a hard time.

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unstoppable_Union :wink:

> >


> he wasn't running that, besides it only lasts 4 sec.


"only" 4 secs?? On 10 sec cd??

This trait is broken.

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