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Warclaw should have 1 HP and 1 dodge


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I am very confused. Perhaps someone can explain to me why 'haha now people don't have to fight you if they don't want to' etc is something that is...actually being said? I was under the impression that WvW was a PvP zone.


Further, I don't make a bunker build and then complain that I can't kill anyone, or make a glass cannon build and start whining that I die faster than bunkers. If I played WvW (I don't....been in there maybe a total of 5min - considering getting into it, but can't for the time being) it sounds foolish to make a build that's strongest in group play and then complain when that build is caught out of group fights and killed by the folks who build for something other than group play. I don't really see the soloers building for 1v(x) builds and complaining that they get rekt in group play or get....kicked or w/e would happen. At least, those posts seem to pop up far less than the other type. They just don't go into groups if building for more solo-oriented stuff, and folks who build for group play can die to them. And builds having weaknesses, or PvP happening in a pvp zone, is...bad?



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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"tobin.6754" said:

> > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > Something tells me op plays thief, if you roam on anything but soulbeast/thief/mirage you're very happy about the mount. For the record op, resetting a fight 17 times isn't actually fighting, it's boring the enemy to death

> >

> > I roam on core war, and mount is terrible. Everyone avoid fight until they have more people, then they start getting brave and give chase.

> >

> > This is funny because soulbeast , thief have the best chance of getting someone off the mount.

> Core Warr is broken in WvW roaming so nice that you haven't fun anymore. I hope you quit - like all the thief, mes and soulbeast gankers whining in this thread. We got it! You don't like the way the game develops. And we don't care.


> I hope the mount will stay. And it will stay. ANet does balance this game mode for mass-fights for a reason. And the reason is not to allow over-sustained specs like yours to get rewards not matching your skill level.


> For years the same idiots (calling themself roamers and duellists but were just broken spec abusers) were spawn-camping our server during non-primetime to farm everything they can. They are all gone and that is just great.


Sure buddy, 1/3 of the classes are just completely busted /s


Its funny because thief and soulbeast are the only things I roam on now to chase/run from mounts. Can't play my revenant anymore, he'll just get chased down by 15 zergling KrHomes on their mounts.

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> @"Curennos.9307" said:

> I am very confused. Perhaps someone can explain to me why 'haha now people don't have to fight you if they don't want to' etc is something that is...actually being said? I was under the impression that WvW was a PvP zone.


> Further, I don't make a bunker build and then complain that I can't kill anyone, or make a glass cannon build and start whining that I die faster than bunkers. If I played WvW (I don't....been in there maybe a total of 5min - considering getting into it, but can't for the time being) it sounds foolish to make a build that's strongest in group play and then complain when that build is caught out of group fights and killed by the folks who build for something other than group play. I don't really see the soloers building for 1v(x) builds and complaining that they get rekt in group play or get....kicked or w/e would happen. At least, those posts seem to pop up far less than the other type. They just don't go into groups if building for more solo-oriented stuff, and folks who build for group play can die to them. And builds having weaknesses, or PvP happening in a pvp zone, is...bad?


> Help


The carebears have taken over is what happened. All of what you said is common sense that would get thrown out the window today because 'haha you probably play a thief! I'm glad you can't have fun anymore you ganker!!'.


Like bro maybe before mounts, your build was slow and bad solo for a REASON? Fight 3 Scourges , 2 FBs with a group of 2 Soulbeasts, 3 Thieves to find out the reason why.

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Saw a post that conquest needs mounts now lol hope it was a troll post. Imagine though if it was unlocked in conquest and available in pve. All the pve players would be posting it’s a great addition to conquest because it elevates being engaged on way to the node by cheesey gankers,cuz aperantly all 1v1 initiators are gankers lol

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> @"Curennos.9307" said:

> I am very confused. Perhaps someone can explain to me why 'haha now people don't have to fight you if they don't want to' etc is something that is...actually being said? I was under the impression that WvW was a PvP zone.



because most ppl in wvw are there for zerg action and if they wanted to do small scale pvp they'd go to spvp and getting ganked usually means they'll waste your time. even in the cases where i managed to fight of a ganker (it"s rare but it does happen) i'd still think "stop wasting my time". (i know of ppl that don't fight back against a roamer just because they know they'll get back to the zerg faster) this is on top of the fact that in most cases it' very noticeable that the roamers just had better gear or build and you didn't really stand a chance.


it also doesn't help that most run cheese builds and a couple spawncamp (and i implore you to find me a gaming community where spawncamping isn't controversial)

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> @"Curennos.9307" said:

> I am very confused. Perhaps someone can explain to me why 'haha now people don't have to fight you if they don't want to' etc is something that is...actually being said? I was under the impression that WvW was a PvP zone.


> Further, I don't make a bunker build and then complain that I can't kill anyone, or make a glass cannon build and start whining that I die faster than bunkers. If I played WvW (I don't....been in there maybe a total of 5min - considering getting into it, but can't for the time being) it sounds foolish to make a build that's strongest in group play and then complain when that build is caught out of group fights and killed by the folks who build for something other than group play. I don't really see the soloers building for 1v(x) builds and complaining that they get rekt in group play or get....kicked or w/e would happen. At least, those posts seem to pop up far less than the other type. They just don't go into groups if building for more solo-oriented stuff, and folks who build for group play can die to them. And builds having weaknesses, or PvP happening in a pvp zone, is...bad?


> Help


My guess is that people want a bunker glass cannon build... and warclaw gives them that.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Curennos.9307" said:

> > I am very confused. Perhaps someone can explain to me why 'haha now people don't have to fight you if they don't want to' etc is something that is...actually being said? I was under the impression that WvW was a PvP zone.

> >


> because most ppl in wvw are there for zerg action and if they wanted to do small scale pvp they'd go to spvp and getting ganked usually means they'll waste your time. even in the cases where i managed to fight of a ganker (it"s rare but it does happen) i'd still think "stop wasting my time". (i know of ppl that don't fight back against a roamer just because they know they'll get back to the zerg faster) this is on top of the fact that in most cases it' very noticeable that the roamers just had better gear or build and you didn't really stand a chance.


> it also doesn't help that most run cheese builds and a couple spawncamp (and i implore you to find me a gaming community where spawncamping isn't controversial)


Thats awsome and it’s awsome u enjoy Zerg gameplay and no one can fault u at all,just Zerging is no more relevant than roaming or havoc, their all legitimate preferred playstyles. Different strokes for different folks. Without zergs wvw would be that much more boring just as it will be without a decent roaming and havoc scene, they all add different needed flavours so different minded people can all enjoy it :) although I enjoy roaming far more than zerging I would never want zerging or its playstyle negatively impacted as that would ruin a lot of my fellow players preferred way to play and would negatively impact the game were all playing. Before I get why don’t u conquest I don’t because I enjoy the open map pvp style that wvw provides.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Curennos.9307" said:

> > I am very confused. Perhaps someone can explain to me why 'haha now people don't have to fight you if they don't want to' etc is something that is...actually being said? I was under the impression that WvW was a PvP zone.

> >


> because most ppl in wvw are there for zerg action and if they wanted to do small scale pvp they'd go to spvp and getting ganked usually means they'll waste your time. even in the cases where i managed to fight of a ganker (it"s rare but it does happen) i'd still think "stop wasting my time". (i know of ppl that don't fight back against a roamer just because they know they'll get back to the zerg faster) this is on top of the fact that in most cases it' very noticeable that the roamers just had better gear or build and you didn't really stand a chance.


> it also doesn't help that most run cheese builds and a couple spawncamp (and i implore you to find me a gaming community where spawncamping isn't controversial)


You ever consider my entire point of 'ganking' (as carebears put it) you is so you don't make it back to your zerg on time? But hey I should stop wasting your time. /s Zergling thought process is interesting. Any build that doesnt kill you isnt cheese for the 10th time. Ill show you one where 'spawn camping' isnt controversial though.. Go look at BGs in WoW where if you can camp graveyards you are setup to win. Go look at OW where the crowd goes nuts when one team spawn camps the other. Because its a risky move typically done when a team is confident in their abilities over the other team. You dont want me to feel so confident get better at the game. Also you have multiple ways you can go out of any spawn. Not picking one that isn't covered and complaining about being camped is a bit much.

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warclown should be sturdy and slow :}


And maybe there should be a skill to consume supply for bearby ally for more gate pulls(must be static pulling gates with a aoe animation with 5sec delay to avoid supply trolls), that how i would do it.


Warclown should be used on ofense against keeps, its user could have +10 supply as well.

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When it comes to 1v1 fights, I don't. I just stand there and let them kill me. Why? Because if I wanted to 1v1 somebody I'd play Overwatch, Fortnite, or some other game that is truly designed for PvP. I do not build my characters for 1v1. I build them to play how I like to play. I do not want to spend the time trying to learn the proper rotation of skills and attacks in order to defeat somebody 1v1. I have no interest in trying to prove that I am better than somebody else. I, instead, want to go do my part to either defend or take a Camp, Tower, or Keep (which is what WvW is). So if it makes you feel better to beat an individual, then by all means I will let you beat me with no fighting back. Hope you feel better now.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Curennos.9307" said:

> > > I am very confused. Perhaps someone can explain to me why 'haha now people don't have to fight you if they don't want to' etc is something that is...actually being said? I was under the impression that WvW was a PvP zone.

> > >

> >

> > because most ppl in wvw are there for zerg action and if they wanted to do small scale pvp they'd go to spvp and getting ganked usually means they'll waste your time. even in the cases where i managed to fight of a ganker (it"s rare but it does happen) i'd still think "stop wasting my time". (i know of ppl that don't fight back against a roamer just because they know they'll get back to the zerg faster) this is on top of the fact that in most cases it' very noticeable that the roamers just had better gear or build and you didn't really stand a chance.

> >

> > it also doesn't help that most run cheese builds and a couple spawncamp (and i implore you to find me a gaming community where spawncamping isn't controversial)


> Thats awsome and it’s awsome u enjoy Zerg gameplay and no one can fault u at all,just Zerging is no more relevant than roaming or havoc, their all legitimate preferred playstyles. Different strokes for different folks. Without zergs wvw would be that much more boring just as it will be without a decent roaming and havoc scene, they all add different needed flavours so different minded people can all enjoy it :)


that's great but most ppl that are saying things like "Warclaw should have 1 HP and 1 dodge" and "warclaw killed raoming" are usually the cheese build gankers that are mad that change happened.


the warclaw now allows a zergling to escape a ganker. it doesn't have to be guaranteed escape ( that'd be dumb) but just the opportunity is what makes it so great. yes it needs some changes but now anet can play with the zergling v roamer dynamic to make it fun and engaging for both sides. they could add traps and tricks specifically for mounts that if a zergling didn't properly react to would dismount them. then the mentallity would be "i got dismounted (which could require skill on both sides to decide the outcome and doesn't have to waste much time) so now i must fight them (and waste my time) compared to the old "a roamer hit me (which isn't hard especially if you've got a ranged weapon because tab targeting) so now i must fight him (and waste my time)"

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Think about wvw as a whole though is being forced to fight a enemie that u happen open that’s running a build more attuned to roaming than ur Zerg build not fair or a waste of ur time? It’s a open map pvp style mode. If u were playing a fps with objectives would u think it’s a waste of ur time or an enemies to engage u in a gun fight on the way to the objective? No lol no one does that,they see u and shoot lol. U just happen to be running a build better for zergs and them roaming,just like if I’m roaming and join a Zerg and get destroyed in seconds from scourge bombs I eat it and knowing that’s how she goes lol I will say permastealth one shot backstab should have never existed

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Curennos.9307" said:

> > > > I am very confused. Perhaps someone can explain to me why 'haha now people don't have to fight you if they don't want to' etc is something that is...actually being said? I was under the impression that WvW was a PvP zone.

> > > >

> > >

> > > because most ppl in wvw are there for zerg action and if they wanted to do small scale pvp they'd go to spvp and getting ganked usually means they'll waste your time. even in the cases where i managed to fight of a ganker (it"s rare but it does happen) i'd still think "stop wasting my time". (i know of ppl that don't fight back against a roamer just because they know they'll get back to the zerg faster) this is on top of the fact that in most cases it' very noticeable that the roamers just had better gear or build and you didn't really stand a chance.

> > >

> > > it also doesn't help that most run cheese builds and a couple spawncamp (and i implore you to find me a gaming community where spawncamping isn't controversial)

> >

> > Thats awsome and it’s awsome u enjoy Zerg gameplay and no one can fault u at all,just Zerging is no more relevant than roaming or havoc, their all legitimate preferred playstyles. Different strokes for different folks. Without zergs wvw would be that much more boring just as it will be without a decent roaming and havoc scene, they all add different needed flavours so different minded people can all enjoy it :)


> that's great but most ppl that are saying things like "Warclaw should have 1 HP and 1 dodge" and "warclaw killed raoming" are usually the cheese build gankers that are mad that change happened.


> the warclaw now allows a zergling to escape a ganker. it doesn't have to be guaranteed escape ( that'd be dumb) but just the opportunity is what makes it so great. yes it needs some changes but now anet can play with the zergling v roamer dynamic to make it fun and engaging for both sides. they could add traps and tricks specifically for mounts that if a zergling didn't properly react to would dismount them. then the mentallity would be "i got dismounted (which could require skill on both sides to decide the outcome and doesn't have to waste much time) so now i must fight them (and waste my time) compared to the old "a roamer hit me (which isn't hard especially if you've got a ranged weapon because tab targeting) so now i must fight him (and waste my time)"


you talk like being a zergling and roamer/ganker are mutual exclusive. Many people play both, and if they are a good at one thing, they are probably good at the other. The opposite is also true, maybe those people that are dying to "gankers" need to learn to get better.

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> @"tobin.6754" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > @"Curennos.9307" said:

> > > > > I am very confused. Perhaps someone can explain to me why 'haha now people don't have to fight you if they don't want to' etc is something that is...actually being said? I was under the impression that WvW was a PvP zone.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > because most ppl in wvw are there for zerg action and if they wanted to do small scale pvp they'd go to spvp and getting ganked usually means they'll waste your time. even in the cases where i managed to fight of a ganker (it"s rare but it does happen) i'd still think "stop wasting my time". (i know of ppl that don't fight back against a roamer just because they know they'll get back to the zerg faster) this is on top of the fact that in most cases it' very noticeable that the roamers just had better gear or build and you didn't really stand a chance.

> > > >

> > > > it also doesn't help that most run cheese builds and a couple spawncamp (and i implore you to find me a gaming community where spawncamping isn't controversial)

> > >

> > > Thats awsome and it’s awsome u enjoy Zerg gameplay and no one can fault u at all,just Zerging is no more relevant than roaming or havoc, their all legitimate preferred playstyles. Different strokes for different folks. Without zergs wvw would be that much more boring just as it will be without a decent roaming and havoc scene, they all add different needed flavours so different minded people can all enjoy it :)

> >

> > that's great but most ppl that are saying things like "Warclaw should have 1 HP and 1 dodge" and "warclaw killed raoming" are usually the cheese build gankers that are mad that change happened.

> >

> > the warclaw now allows a zergling to escape a ganker. it doesn't have to be guaranteed escape ( that'd be dumb) but just the opportunity is what makes it so great. yes it needs some changes but now anet can play with the zergling v roamer dynamic to make it fun and engaging for both sides. they could add traps and tricks specifically for mounts that if a zergling didn't properly react to would dismount them. then the mentallity would be "i got dismounted (which could require skill on both sides to decide the outcome and doesn't have to waste much time) so now i must fight them (and waste my time) compared to the old "a roamer hit me (which isn't hard especially if you've got a ranged weapon because tab targeting) so now i must fight him (and waste my time)"


> you talk like being a zergling and roamer/ganker are mutual exclusive. Many people play both, and if they are a good at one thing, they are probably is good at the other. The opposite is also true, maybe those people that are dying to "gankers" need to learn to get better.


no, zerging and small scale fighting are different, different enough that most ppl i've seen tend to like one or the other. (just read a bit back in this thread and look how both sides are mocking eachother) and also that's not the point. the point is that in the old system if a roamer wanted to fight a person who doesn't want to fight said roamer (because that's not the content he's here for and increases the time it takes for him to get back to the content he enjoys) he must fight back anyway with very little opportunities to escape.


i said this in another post but even when i manage to fight off a roamer/ganker i still feel like he wasted my time.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> i said this in another post but even when i manage to fight off a roamer/ganker i still feel like he wasted my time.


Zerging is a waste of time. Just a blobs with no brain, pressing 1, running over group with less number than them. You see what i did there?

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> @"tobin.6754" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > i said this in another post but even when i manage to fight off a roamer/ganker i still feel like he wasted my time.


> Zerging is a waste of time. Just a blobs with no brain pressing 1, running over group with less number than them. You see what i did there?


yes, you've proven my point. (but cut out the more relevant parts) and insulted ppl for what they enjoyed. (don't know why you did that)


i never said roaming is a waste of time (you do you and anjoy yourself) but whenever i'm trying to get back to my zerg and some rando(s) show up forcing me to fight them despite me not being interested in doing so and with very little chance to avoid it is a waste of *my* time.



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> @"derd.6413" said:


> i never said roaming is a waste of time (you do you and anjoy yourself) but whenever i'm trying to get back to my zerg and some rando(s) show up forcing me to fight them despite me not being interested in doing so and with very little chance to avoid it is a waste of *my* time.



Whenever I'm trying to take a camp, and enemy zerg show up forcing me to fight despite me not being interested in doing so and very little chance to avoid it is a waste "my" time.

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> @"tobin.6754" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:


> > i never said roaming is a waste of time (you do you and anjoy yourself) but whenever i'm trying to get back to my zerg and some rando(s) show up forcing me to fight them despite me not being interested in doing so and with very little chance to avoid it is a waste of *my* time.

> >


> Whenever I'm trying to take a camp, and enemy zerg show up forcing me to fight despite me not being interested in doing so and very little chance to avoid it is a waste "my" time.


true, i wonder if anet could make those encounters engaging for roamers but i don't see how. (maybe allow roamers to track a zerg or something idk) but if anet implements such a feature i won't complain that it allows roamers to more easily avoid zergs.


i probably complain about other things but not that

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> When it comes to 1v1 fights, I don't. I just stand there and let them kill me. Why? Because if I wanted to 1v1 somebody I'd play Overwatch, Fortnite, or some other game that is truly designed for PvP. I do not build my characters for 1v1. I build them to play how I like to play. I do not want to spend the time trying to learn the proper rotation of skills and attacks in order to defeat somebody 1v1. I have no interest in trying to prove that I am better than somebody else. I, instead, want to go do my part to either defend or take a Camp, Tower, or Keep (which is what WvW is). So if it makes you feel better to beat an individual, then by all means I will let you beat me with no fighting back. Hope you feel better now.


A bag is a bag is a bag. PPK exists too. Just doing my part.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"tobin.6754" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> >

> > > i never said roaming is a waste of time (you do you and anjoy yourself) but whenever i'm trying to get back to my zerg and some rando(s) show up forcing me to fight them despite me not being interested in doing so and with very little chance to avoid it is a waste of *my* time.

> > >

> >

> > Whenever I'm trying to take a camp, and enemy zerg show up forcing me to fight despite me not being interested in doing so and very little chance to avoid it is a waste "my" time.


> true, i wonder if anet could make those encounters engaging for roamers but i don't see how. (maybe allow roamers to track a zerg or something idk) but if anet implements such a feature i won't complain that it allows roamers to more easily avoid zergs.


> i probably complain about other things but not that


I don't want to avoid you guys though. I just want you guys to stop trying to find excuses and reasons its okay to avoid me as a roamer. If I'm out of position or not paying attention I want you guys to run me over. I deserve to get ran over for mistakes I made to end up where I was. If only we could apply that logic to both sides of the coin.

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> @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"tobin.6754" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > >

> > > > i never said roaming is a waste of time (you do you and anjoy yourself) but whenever i'm trying to get back to my zerg and some rando(s) show up forcing me to fight them despite me not being interested in doing so and with very little chance to avoid it is a waste of *my* time.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Whenever I'm trying to take a camp, and enemy zerg show up forcing me to fight despite me not being interested in doing so and very little chance to avoid it is a waste "my" time.

> >

> > true, i wonder if anet could make those encounters engaging for roamers but i don't see how. (maybe allow roamers to track a zerg or something idk) but if anet implements such a feature i won't complain that it allows roamers to more easily avoid zergs.

> >

> > i probably complain about other things but not that


> I don't want to avoid you guys though. I just want you guys to stop trying to find excuses and reasons its okay to avoid me as a roamer. If I'm out of position or not paying attention I want you guys to run me over. I deserve to get ran over for mistakes I made to end up where I was. If only we could apply that logic to both sides of the coin.


the issue is that for a zergling to get from spawn back into position is sometimes a 10 minute walk.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"tobin.6754" said:

> > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > >

> > > > > i never said roaming is a waste of time (you do you and anjoy yourself) but whenever i'm trying to get back to my zerg and some rando(s) show up forcing me to fight them despite me not being interested in doing so and with very little chance to avoid it is a waste of *my* time.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Whenever I'm trying to take a camp, and enemy zerg show up forcing me to fight despite me not being interested in doing so and very little chance to avoid it is a waste "my" time.

> > >

> > > true, i wonder if anet could make those encounters engaging for roamers but i don't see how. (maybe allow roamers to track a zerg or something idk) but if anet implements such a feature i won't complain that it allows roamers to more easily avoid zergs.

> > >

> > > i probably complain about other things but not that

> >

> > I don't want to avoid you guys though. I just want you guys to stop trying to find excuses and reasons its okay to avoid me as a roamer. If I'm out of position or not paying attention I want you guys to run me over. I deserve to get ran over for mistakes I made to end up where I was. If only we could apply that logic to both sides of the coin.


> the issue is that for a zergling to get from spawn back into position is sometimes a 10 minute walk.


But if their Zerg build is so appropriate, why are they dying to the other Zerg when the rest of their group is still fighting?


Especially if it’s ‘a 10 minute walk’. Lol...



I really hope the hyperbole is real here about the 10 Minutes,,,,

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > @"tobin.6754" said:

> > > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > > i never said roaming is a waste of time (you do you and anjoy yourself) but whenever i'm trying to get back to my zerg and some rando(s) show up forcing me to fight them despite me not being interested in doing so and with very little chance to avoid it is a waste of *my* time.

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Whenever I'm trying to take a camp, and enemy zerg show up forcing me to fight despite me not being interested in doing so and very little chance to avoid it is a waste "my" time.

> > > >

> > > > true, i wonder if anet could make those encounters engaging for roamers but i don't see how. (maybe allow roamers to track a zerg or something idk) but if anet implements such a feature i won't complain that it allows roamers to more easily avoid zergs.

> > > >

> > > > i probably complain about other things but not that

> > >

> > > I don't want to avoid you guys though. I just want you guys to stop trying to find excuses and reasons its okay to avoid me as a roamer. If I'm out of position or not paying attention I want you guys to run me over. I deserve to get ran over for mistakes I made to end up where I was. If only we could apply that logic to both sides of the coin.

> >

> > the issue is that for a zergling to get from spawn back into position is sometimes a 10 minute walk.


> But if their Zerg build is so appropriate, why are they dying to the other Zerg when the rest of their group is still fighting?


> Especially if it’s ‘a 10 minute walk’. Lol...


> I really hope the hyperbole is real here about the 10 Minutes,,,,


ppl are gonna die in a zerg v zerg sometimes they just get unlucky or make a mistake


and yes, 10 minutes is hyperbole but the reality is that it does take a while to get back into position

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