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Would you buy mount skins if?

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If the mount skins were packaged different or priced differently would you be more likely to purchase them? I think Anet is missing out on the chance to sell more skins. Maybe I am wrong, who knows, I am hoping this Poll will show if I am right or wrong. Please give the reason for your choice in comments. Basically answer the following question.

I would buy more mount skins if .........................................

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I'm somewhere between thinking the prices are fine and thinking I'd buy more if the select licences were cheaper - because I only buy those on sale.


Here's what I've bought so far:

* Branded mount pack - 1,600 gems

* 15x Istani Isles licences - 1,800 gems for 5 (360 gems each)

* 4x Select licences - discounted to 720 gems each

* Armadillo skin - 2k gems


The armadillo was very much an exception - armadillos and pangolins are some of my favourite animals and I'd actually suggested almost exactly that skin when the roller beetle was released so I felt like I had to buy it, but also I used gold (and a friend was kind enough to donate a lot of that gold) so the price wasn't as much of an issue for me. (Also it's the only beetle skin I have, so I do get a fair bit of use from it.)


In general I'd say I'm not willing to pay more than about 800 gems for a mount skin, and that would have to be one I really like. And of course I'd prefer to pay less if I can.


(Also I know the Istani Isles licences are technically RNG, but since I bought all 15 I see it as buying a pack of 15 mount skins rather than buying RNG boxes, and since I like and use almost all of them it was worth it, and I used gold for most of them too. Although if the select licence hadn't been available I'd have refused to buy them on principal.)

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I would buy more mount skins if I had the option to pick and choose my skins without any randomness, alongside a bundle for multiple skins for a better price. E.g., 600 Gems for 1 skin, 2000 Gems for bundle. I am somewhat fine with "premium" skins being 2000 Gems, though I would like to see the price dropped to maybe 1600?

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I have bought multiple bundles:


Branded, Wintersday, Spooky and Exo-Suit

Forged Warhound Jackal, Shrine Guardian Jackal

Dreadnought Raptor (first BLC I opened when it came out)

Lion Griffon

Umbral Demon Skimmer

The first 2k Springer skin when it game out, don't remember the name

Shrine Gecko Springer (third BLC I opened)

And around 20 of the single licenses over time.


Sure, I would like to spend less on these skins, but I think they are resonably priced usually. Most of the packs I bought because I enjoyed more than 2 of the skins and I really enjoyed the variety to go along my multiple characters + looks for them or because they have really good dye channels (exo suit for example is awesome, because you can make it look like actual armor, which is the sole reason why I love the Dreadnought Raptor so much). I highly prefer the singular skins coming from Black Lion Chests rather than an instant shop purchase, though I admit I might be biased given how extremely lucky I am with these chests or through the unlocks.


It definitely helps that the packs sell at 1600 when they first come out, or even when the seasonal ones are returning they are usually discounted for a few days (pretty sure they are?) I probably wouldn't buy them at full price unless I liked them all.

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I would spend a lot more, and frequently, if it was actually Microtransactions.


For 1-5€, I would probably just buy any skin I like. For 10-20€+ for a skin, I either feel terrible for caving and buying the thing, or feel bad about not having it when it would be really nice for one of my characters, lowering my enjoyment of that character from what it was before.


Either way, the current pricing model is lowering my enjoyment of the game with the release of every skin I like at this point, if I buy it or not.

Because of that, I nowdays usually just try to forget Gemstore stuff exist and not buy anything anymore, unless I have vast amount of Gold piled up to convert to gems.

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How I'd do it is something like this:

* Random mounts stay at 400 gems.

* Specific skins in a random pack or same mount pack (i.e. the Warclaw one) would drop to 800 gems per skin.

* Theme/holiday bundles would stay at their 1600 discount price.

* Premium ones would stay at 2000 gems.


My reasoning for the 800 bracket is because 1200 is a decent amount for one skin and can put people off it. 800 is in the same range as gliders, skins, outfits, and character slots, plus someone is more likely to get 1600 gems for two mount skins they like in a set rather than 1200 for one. And a bundle with barely changed skins for the same mount at the cost of a premium mount kinda sucks and far fewer people will buy the whole set for the 1 skin they like than will buy the skin they want for 800.


Also stick mount skins in the Wardrobe Unlock from BLC's.

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I would buy more skins if ArenaNet sold packs with the same theme for all mounts, and it were a good pack. I got the Awakened mount skins, since it applied to all the mounts we had at the time and I like how it looks, but it really annoys me that the Rollerbeetle and the Warclaw don't get to follow the same theme as the other five mounts.

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I think the price is fine but I'm not going to buy it primarily because I'm not interested in mount skins.


I usually buy outfits and skins and while I have bought mount skins in the past, once I have enough variety, I stop seeking out more variety and only get the things that really catches me personally. I'm looking for new races to play (be it purely cosmetic, some sort of super upgraded tonic, an alt-race companion to interact with or the whole shibang with options, armors, personal story, voice actor and all) and I'd be hard pressed to buy more cosmetics without that feature.

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I buy skins if they are come as theme, example exo-suit, awakened. Because I like all my mounts to go with same themes and usually theme sets are cheaper. Like Branded Mounts Pack you paid 1600 gem (On sale) so it cost 320 gem each which is reasonable price.

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I"ve bought several mount skins select and package. On the package i got lucky to get the one i was looking for. I don't think the price is that bad. im waiting for the Grand Lion Mount skin to come back around so i can snatch that. I have no issues with the select prices as these are after all non game affecting addons that i rather like.

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The problem is that the poll ignores what we already know from ANet: the price points are determined by a subset of buyers, not by considering the majority.


Basically, ANet found that there is a substantial minority of players who are willing to spend _more_ on cosmetics than they did (prior to MountFits), if only there were enough of the right sort of skins in the gem shop. Mounts gave ANet that opportunity: collectible sets, individualized skins, and bundles... all of which appeal to those willing to drop 10s of 1000s of gems, not just 100s.


Of course lots of people would spend more on MountFits if they were cheaper, but that won't mean that ANet gets to sell more _gems_ for the same investment of resources

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No answer there for me..


My answer is this.

I think the price is fine for the random licences and I'm completely fine with buying a few of them each month until I get the mounts I want.


However I am completely against the pricing for the 2000 gem deluxe mounts which are absurdly priced almost as much as an expansion pack... and the same price as multi pack mounts which offer several skins in once pack.

I consider those skins to be very exploitative and I personally refuse to buy them because of that.

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I've only bought 3 skins and all select licence (stardrift, mirror masked and kourna jackrabbit). Don't think I'd ever waste gems on random license because the probability is too high I get something I don't care for.


I only want one favourite skin per mount - maybe if a second is made that I really like then I'd get it but so far that hasn't been the case. If a skin is made that I love, I don't care what price it is - I'll still aim to buy it.


Having said that I do feel the select licenses could have been slightly lower - eg 800 or 1000 gems in line with other cosmetic items such as outfits, and so on, but that wouldn't make me buy any more than I have anyway - because am motivated by the desire to have a particular fashion over relatively small differences in price (eg if mount skins were something stupid like 5000 gems then of course I wouldn't bother at all because gold conversion is impractical for casual play).

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I don't mind the prices individually or as bundles, but as of yet I haven't brought any as there aren't really any I actually like that much. The only one I actually like is from the original set which doesn't have mount select licenses available, therefore I won't ever get it as I'm not going to waste my money or gold gambling for it.

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"The price for the Mount Select License, the one where you pick the skin that you want, were lower."

Yup, definitely don't worth 1200, envisage selling them at 600-800 and I will think about buying them, but still consider it a high price, in packs like branded/ exo suit, 1 mount= 400 gems...


Skins I have:

-Shrine guardian (2000) for 1

-Exo suit pack (2000) for 5

-No beetle skin/warclaw currently, because can't select the one I like for kitty, and I love nothing for beetle.

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I mean. I've bought like, most of the skins. I'm missing some (two skin packs and two 2000g solo skins) mostly because they weren't my aesthetic and therefore I didn't spend. But the prices themselves are not an issue to me; an mmo without a monthly subscription gotta do what it gotta do. Of course it'd be sweet if the prices were lower, but they're not, and I still buy, so.

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As mentioned before, this poll and its results are irrelevant to Anet's gem store policies. They have been pretty transparent in their decision to cater to a smaller group of big spenders (whales) instead of the majority when it comes to cosmetics. And they are not the only one, this is a common practice all over the gaming industry these days because it results in maximum profit. Games today are accessible to more people than ever before but truly enjoyed to their full extent by a few.


I'm just speculating but if they do make a change I doubt it will be towards making skins more affordable, if anything it will be the opposite. The cash store prices have been trending upwards for quite some time now and there is no reason to believe this will suddenly stop.

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