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Upcoming Warclaw bug fixes/changes

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> @"Slanderman.9532" said:

> imo best way to handle dismount is make battlemaul dismount enemy mounted players, idea behind this is you can "juke" dodges by dodging yourself rather than using battlemaul. It also makes ganking little bit easier but not too much as players have 3dodges and move slower in enemy territory.


A LOT slower in enemy maps. It's no quicker than 25% speed signet.



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A lance charged attack , than cant be used in short range ?


While the ''charge'' animation is active , both must play a Rock/Scisoor/Paper minigame

(with a Sword/Shield/xxx micro icons floating around the mounts)

In a ''draw'' the defender get dismmounted and get stealth and superspeed (if out of combat , travel to the waypoint)

If the the defender looses , = dismount and stun .

If the defender wins , then:

a) the opponent get stunned , or

b) get stealth , or

b) the defender can activate a Battle Roar that dismount the defender , and the opponents cannot get stealth and any boons he gets for 10 sec will be corrupted .

Or simply the defender could keep dodging till his endurance bar runs out .



Edit:Or a huge Battle Axe that could be carried by the player while on their feet , for an Aoe Dissmount

(with more slowly charge -easy to see animation and )


Edit3:Or toxic darts , that comfuses/make agrier/rabbies the animal when it get near civilasation/man-made-buildings (allies or enemies ) .

(So your mount will keep its supersped , in the allies control terretory , but restrict the area you can move to , or cant rush as soon as posible to your friendly zerg)


Edit4: Or infection dart , that forces your mount to turn back and fight back an enemy's mount till some1 is dead .

(you cant stirr it back , but you can chooses some attacks-defensive moves in order to help it)

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:


> I don't understand?? How are they able to kill you when you both reset?

> Surely you are able to wp out when they try to reset, of if not then run the other way and force them classes to burn more stuff up to re-close the gap.

> When even I tried to do that reset "trick" the other guy has either wp out or also reset and back to full health


Because some classes can just keep forcing a fight and reset it until they win, as other classes lack the in-combat mobility to do the same.

And waypointing in such a situation means that even if you forced the enemy to reset the fight, you're still giving up in doing what you were meant to do. So what's the point, it's still a loss even if you haven't died. Sure, one could run away (depending on the situation) but if the cooldowns are relatively low, that burn-up you talk of is essentially moot (and won't stop them from using other skills to escape the fight later on).

For some classes, the only way to win such a fight is to not fight to start with - and that's what the mount helped to do, as you couldn't just get close and force a fight.


So, again, why can some classes be free to choose to force,escape and avoid fights at their leisure, but others - as these mount nerfs show us - shouldn't even be able to avoid them? Either it is bad for the game mode or it isn't. Since there is no issue in changing the design of the mount, i assume they'll do the same to those other classes. For the good of the mode. After all, if they don't want to fight and die in a fight, they can just get back to PvE.


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> @"Ahratan.1098" said:

> I don’t like the sound of the dismount trap or skill. The mount finally gave us a way to avoid pesky, cancer-spec gankers (perma stealthers and one shotters), and this change would undo it. Ofc gankers will just lay traps all over an area and wait for victims to troll - probably great fun for them, but super tedious for others.


> One bug that actually needs fixing is stealth not being instantly removed when mounting.


Gonna agree there. Mount finally give more mobility for players like me who get always trolled/ killed in 2 secs at a spawn by perma stealth thief or mesmers. Adding those traps would make the warclaw obsolet. I don't see how a bad idea like this can come to mind. Stop ruining fun, stop favorising trollers and scourge blobs. ENOUGH, let us move freely around with our kitty. NO more traps with have enough annoying traps. It's frustating and not fun, will not make anyone happy. (Apart trolls.).-_- only bad decisions those days: double nerf istan..... mount in wvw..... now make that mount useless..... add unidentified gear anywhere so it worth anything anymore.... let's remove sigil drops that way it's even harder.....


Mwelp... going to wait for lws5, but if it continue like that, I leave. Too sad I regret the wonderful days back in 2013-14.


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> @"Manuhell.2759" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> >

> > If you come to WvW to avoid fights, that's a reason why you are only a PvE player and it's just better stick to it instead.

> >

> > To be honest ganks are even more frequent now, you are in combat and people chase you forever with the mount speed and kill you.

> >

> > WvW is a war zone map, if you like the safety, stick to PvE mobs, it's safe there and you can avoid them easily.

> >


> We already had classes able to do so, or even to escape in the middle of the fight and come back after they recovered (and keep doing that until they killed the opponent). So, are they getting a nerf in their mobility as well? Or escaping and avoiding fights is fine in that case?

> Cause the only thing that changed with the mount is that everyone else can avoid fights as well (albeit not necessarily escape from them). And now it's being severely neutered.

> But either this is in issue, or it is not. If it's an issue, then fix it for everyone. Instead of just nerfing the mounts.


Who is talking of reset?

Every stupid mount player just escapes from fight and don't even engage one, it's not about resetting a fight, but don't take it in the first place.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:


> Who is talking of reset?

> Every stupid mount player just escapes from fight and don't even engage one, it's not about resetting a fight, but don't take it in the first place.


Again, it's nothing new. Some classes could already do that even before, or even escape during the fight and then do whatever they wanted (avoiding the fight included).

So it's fine if some classes can do it, but not if everyone else can as well? People just aren't answering this question.

The people that are complaining about it sure weren't complaining before the mount was introduced, else we would have got many threads about it. So what changed, apart from anyone else being able to do something that was deemed perfectly fine before? It was fine as long as it was a privilege limited to some classes? It was fine because some classes could just force other classes to fight when they wanted to, avoid them when it wasn't convenient, and escape the fight if it wasn't going well?

And now that mounts make some of that fair for the other classes as well it's suddenly bad for the mode?

Oh, how awfully convenient.

If it's bad, it was bad even before the mounts were introduced and it will be bad even after the mounts will be nerfed. So what about having some nerfs- pardon, they're called fixes - about those issues too?

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> @"Kayobi.5608" said:

> I took a semi-quick look through the thread just now. Along with my occasional looks through the forum and our subreddit, there's a question that hasn't been asked, or answered, that I'm itching to see a Dev response on. And I just can't find one.


> Has anyone passed around the idea of making Warclaw a Raptor side-grade in Open World content?

> I play a fair bit of WvW myself. I have since launch. The work towards Warclaw wasn't too bad, and it changed how WvW works in a few ways that some may like and some dislike, but that's not really in the scope of this thread. Nonetheless, it's good to see it's still being tweaked.

> But Open World? I haven't seen anything on it. There, the mount is dreadfully slow, its movement ability is basically a dud and is barely able to cross a gap the player can. It also has no benefits from the WvW Warclaw Trait line, gaining neither extra speed nor its reduced movement ability stamina consumption. Its Dismount skill seems to be average from everything I can tell.


> I understand it wasn't really built with Open World in mind. That was said from the start, so no surprises there. It would still be _nice_ if it had the same movement skill distance as a Raptor, and increased that distance when Raptor Mastery 3 is learned, just to keep it from being able to get around those "gates" that it's needed to circumvent. Increased movement speed would also be nice, but one thing at a time.

> Now seemed like a good time to ask about it, and I want to see what people think. Personally, it seems like a harmless change, and now that the bulk of PvE players have gotten it, it's very unlikely to cause a spike in Queues. So I can't see much reason to keep its Open World state as it is other than "just because."


It's not a pve mount - be grateful it's even available there.

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> @"Manuhell.2759" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:


> > I don't understand?? How are they able to kill you when you both reset?

> > Surely you are able to wp out when they try to reset, of if not then run the other way and force them classes to burn more stuff up to re-close the gap.

> > When even I tried to do that reset "trick" the other guy has either wp out or also reset and back to full health


> Because some classes can just keep forcing a fight and reset it until they win, as other classes lack the in-combat mobility to do the same.

> And waypointing in such a situation means that even if you forced the enemy to reset the fight, you're still giving up in doing what you were meant to do. So what's the point, it's still a loss even if you haven't died. Sure, one could run away (depending on the situation) but if the cooldowns are relatively low, that burn-up you talk of is essentially moot (and won't stop them from using other skills to escape the fight later on).

> For some classes, the only way to win such a fight is to not fight to start with - and that's what the mount helped to do, as you couldn't just get close and force a fight.


> So, again, why can some classes be free to choose to force,escape and avoid fights at their leisure, but others - as these mount nerfs show us - shouldn't even be able to avoid them? Either it is bad for the game mode or it isn't. Since there is no issue in changing the design of the mount, i assume they'll do the same to those other classes. For the good of the mode. After all, if they don't want to fight and die in a fight, they can just get back to PvE.



I main, or played theif most of my the class's on my acc though i have played all apart from rev so call me biast.


Never have I been killed by a thief of mesmer who resets over and over again, may be a few times if they played Condi but that was ages ago.


I still can not understand why people want to chase classes that they have no chance in catching up with, you strike when they come to you, and both thief/mesmer will drop fast IF you do manage to land a strong burst with in the window when thry port to you. don't play the way they want you to.

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> @"Manuhell.2759" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:


> > Who is talking of reset?

> > Every stupid mount player just escapes from fight and don't even engage one, it's not about resetting a fight, but don't take it in the first place.


> Again, it's nothing new. Some classes could already do that even before, or even escape during the fight and then do whatever they wanted (avoiding the fight included).

> So it's fine if some classes can do it, but not if everyone else can as well? People just aren't answering this question.

> The people that are complaining about it sure weren't complaining before the mount was introduced, else we would have got many threads about it. So what changed, apart from anyone else being able to do something that was deemed perfectly fine before? It was fine as long as it was a privilege limited to some classes? It was fine because some classes could just force other classes to fight when they wanted to, avoid them when it wasn't convenient, and escape the fight if it wasn't going well?

> And now that mounts make some of that fair for the other classes as well it's suddenly bad for the mode?

> Oh, how awfully convenient.

> If it's bad, it was bad even before the mounts were introduced and it will be bad even after the mounts will be nerfed. So what about having some nerfs- pardon, they're called fixes - about those issues too?


I’ll answer the question cuz it’s easy to understand and answer. Classes that can disengage are balanced to do so are glassy mobile classes that for some reason don’t have the damage of medium or slower classes but for good reason don’t have the sustain of the other classes,soulbeast being an exception. Why should classes being balanced with great sustain,more hp,more dps etc be able to disengage as easily as classes that are meant to disengage and are balanced(poorly at that especially with mounts added to wvw)by having low sustain,hp and in a lot of cases dps?

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"Manuhell.2759" said:

> > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> >

> > > I don't understand?? How are they able to kill you when you both reset?

> > > Surely you are able to wp out when they try to reset, of if not then run the other way and force them classes to burn more stuff up to re-close the gap.

> > > When even I tried to do that reset "trick" the other guy has either wp out or also reset and back to full health

> >

> > Because some classes can just keep forcing a fight and reset it until they win, as other classes lack the in-combat mobility to do the same.

> > And waypointing in such a situation means that even if you forced the enemy to reset the fight, you're still giving up in doing what you were meant to do. So what's the point, it's still a loss even if you haven't died. Sure, one could run away (depending on the situation) but if the cooldowns are relatively low, that burn-up you talk of is essentially moot (and won't stop them from using other skills to escape the fight later on).

> > For some classes, the only way to win such a fight is to not fight to start with - and that's what the mount helped to do, as you couldn't just get close and force a fight.

> >

> > So, again, why can some classes be free to choose to force,escape and avoid fights at their leisure, but others - as these mount nerfs show us - shouldn't even be able to avoid them? Either it is bad for the game mode or it isn't. Since there is no issue in changing the design of the mount, i assume they'll do the same to those other classes. For the good of the mode. After all, if they don't want to fight and die in a fight, they can just get back to PvE.

> >


> Never have I been killed by a thief of mesmer who resets over and over again, may be a few times if they played Condi but that was ages ago.


Yeah, that's because it really doesn't happen.


You have to realize that the people who make these claims aren't actually talking about resetting and reengaging in short timeframe, as much as they whine and complain about that being the case. They are simply unable to deal with being kited, or with mobile players who utilize their in-combat forward or backward ports. In their minds they see this as "resetting" even though no player ever leaves combat. I get salty whispers all the time when I play S/D (how dare I dance in and out with Infiltrator's Strike! I should just not use that skill at all, right!?) or DE Rifle and use Death's Retreat to port back to 1200 range.


Someone just last night called my DE "cheesy" because I kited their melee DH. The fact that my profession *doesn't have the kit to stay in melee range toe-to-toe* eludes them. Short range/low-mobility players for some reason just don't understand that they are short-range/low-mobility because they're *much more powerful than their mobile opponents when in short-range.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> I main, or played theif most of my the class's on my acc though i have played all apart from rev so call me biast.


> Never have I been killed by a thief of mesmer who resets over and over again, may be a few times if they played Condi but that was ages ago.


> I still can not understand why people want to chase classes that they have no chance in catching up with, you strike when they come to you, and both thief/mesmer will drop fast IF you do manage to land a strong burst with in the window when thry port to you. don't play the way they want you to.


People chase because they want to end the fight and go on with whatever they wanted to do. Instead of having to fight again the same enemy after some tens of seconds.

Besides, even the other classes can drop fast after a strong burst...but they still can't disengage when things go wrong. They'll just end up dying even if not one-shotted. Unlike those other classes.


> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:


> I’ll answer the question cuz it’s easy to understand and answer. Classes that can disengage are balanced to do so are glassy mobile classes that for some reason don’t have the damage of medium or slower classes but for good reason don’t have the sustain of the other classes,soulbeast being an exception. Why should classes being balanced with great sustain,more hp,more dps etc be able to disengage as easily as classes that are meant to disengage and are balanced(poorly at that especially with mounts added to wvw)by having low sustain,hp and in a lot of cases dps?


Maybe it could have been so when they were initially designed, 7 years ago. Nowaday (and a ton of patches and reworks later) they aren't lacking damage at all (deadeyes even happen to be the best damage spec for small targets) or other defensive measures either (given to make up for the lesser sustain and hp). But that has nothing to do with fleeing from fights. People want to fight, they're opposed to the mount due to that. Why having means to disengage and escape fights in WvW? Avoiding fights is not good for the mode, last i heard?


Maybe those mesmers and thieves should just speak frankly about the issue. It's not about "the good of the mode", "being WvW and not PvE" and what else. It's just that they want to be the only ones being able to force fights at their leisure and then flee without giving a win when things go wrong, and don't like a mount that makes people able to avoid fighting them (because people already know that's useless to start with, since most often it's a draw at best). Even if it is fun only for them and an huge annoyance for everyone else. That's all.




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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Cronos.6532" said:

> > Could you also add a net throw Trick (AoE targetted throw like Target Painter) that prevents a large number of players from mounting up without putting them in combat?


> Yes, this is something we've thought about. The main thing I don't like about it is the user experience of trying to use inventory items. Especially during conflict.


thats an issue for all the tricks and probably a reason why we have so few.

is there hope for longer terms, that we get 'utility inventory slots', in wich only consumables like food, blueprinds, traps, tricks etc. can be placed and assigned to a keybind? with 2 base for food+utility additional such slots could be a nice addition to the gem shop :3

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"Cronos.6532" said:

> > > Could you also add a net throw Trick (AoE targetted throw like Target Painter) that prevents a large number of players from mounting up without putting them in combat?

> >

> > Yes, this is something we've thought about. The main thing I don't like about it is the user experience of trying to use inventory items. Especially during conflict.


> thats an issue for all the tricks and probably a reason why we have so few.

> is there hope for longer terms, that we get 'utility inventory slots', in wich only consumables like food, blueprinds, traps, tricks etc. can be placed and assigned to a keybind? with 2 base for food+utility additional such slots could be a nice addition to the gem shop :3


Or, we get rid of them all and instead add skills to all classes that mimic these abilities, or as riders to existing skills, rather than make more inventory clutter.

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > @"Cronos.6532" said:

> > > > Could you also add a net throw Trick (AoE targetted throw like Target Painter) that prevents a large number of players from mounting up without putting them in combat?

> > >

> > > Yes, this is something we've thought about. The main thing I don't like about it is the user experience of trying to use inventory items. Especially during conflict.

> >

> > thats an issue for all the tricks and probably a reason why we have so few.

> > is there hope for longer terms, that we get 'utility inventory slots', in wich only consumables like food, blueprinds, traps, tricks etc. can be placed and assigned to a keybind? with 2 base for food+utility additional such slots could be a nice addition to the gem shop :3


> Or, we get rid of them all and instead add skills to all classes that mimic these abilities, or as riders to existing skills, rather than make more inventory clutter.


you narrow the use of such slots way too much on tricks, sure for tricks one could do that. but there is plenty consumables and it would be nice to have a better access to them.

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> @"Manuhell.2759" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > I main, or played theif most of my the class's on my acc though i have played all apart from rev so call me biast.

> >

> > Never have I been killed by a thief of mesmer who resets over and over again, may be a few times if they played Condi but that was ages ago.

> >

> > I still can not understand why people want to chase classes that they have no chance in catching up with, you strike when they come to you, and both thief/mesmer will drop fast IF you do manage to land a strong burst with in the window when thry port to you. don't play the way they want you to.


> People chase because they want to end the fight and go on with whatever they wanted to do. Instead of having to fight again the same enemy after some tens of seconds.

> Besides, even the other classes can drop fast after a strong burst...but they still can't disengage when things go wrong. They'll just end up dying even if not one-shotted. Unlike those other classes.


ok, well them "other classes" dont need to port away because they can tank/sustain the dmg or burst, the only real class that cant is probably warrior because if you avoid his burst's then there no t3 adreline healing there for no sustain out side stances they are easy to bait.


also you;'re doing it wrong if you get greedy and chase thieves/mesmers.

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> @"C Cspace Cowboy.5903" said:

> Ya'll need to remove the ability to be stealthed on mount. It may not be a problem in pve, but in wvw its absolutely broken. When a 50 man zerg can stealth out of render distance and then just bomb on people who had no idea.


I forgot about that! Compeltely agree with that.

I'd go with mounting giving between 5 and 10s revealed, and being mounted making players immune to stealth.


Maybe also making the engage skill have an internal cooldown per target, so a single player can't be hit by a mount engage more than once every 1-3 seconds or so. It could be something like an invisible effect that lats 1-3s that makes the engage skill ignore a player that has been already it.


> @"reddie.5861" said:

> what the ?? why would u want all this stuff in wvw?

> just remove whole mount all problems solved :D


That is not going to happen no matter how many upvotes in reddit and likes in the forum people get when they say it. So let's be productive and focus on improving it. And by improving it I don't mean "making it useless" or "remove it". I mean addressing the flaws we know it has, figuring the problems we didn't know it has, and coming up for improvements for it that would make it more fun and fair.


Fixing something that isn't broken and reinventing the wheel are not only possible, but often beneficial, if done right. Stagnation and retrogradism are never beneficial.



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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:




> Fixing something that isn't broken and reinventing the wheel are not only possible, but often beneficial, if done right. Stagnation and retrogradism are never beneficial.



If you don't fix something not broken and you don't reinvent the wheel you will have stagnation with ZERO costs. By fixing something valid and reinventing the wheel you waste efforts, time and resources. With other words you are in a worst situation than before = retrogradism. And as per your statement the retrogradism is not good.


For all the persons trying to find a purpose the WarCat has for the game: It has no purpose for WvW. No purpose for GW2. It was invented only with the idea of creating the **illusion of work** and to monetize a game mode relatively untouched by this. This is the reason of so many bugs/glitches/abuses/controversies. I bet no ANet dev ever seriously tested the mount in a WvW environment. Because with so many bugs and unbalance it brought it is hard to believe it was tested.


The best thing ANet can do now is to make the usage of mounts in WvW a heavy handicap, in order to make the WvW'rs to use it only if they want to lose the game. In this way the purpose is reached: The mount is in game, the WvW is as before (having the mount but not using it), the PvE'rs are happy - they have the mount and they can buy the skins.


After this ANet should focus to the **real** problems of the WvW - all the problems raised by the WvW community in the last years: The class balance / the matchup method / the coverage / **the rewards** etc. After solving this problems, ANet can try to find a **valid and non controversial** way to bring again the mount in WvW - by redesigning the actual maps / or by designing new maps, where the mounts to be useful.


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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Tyyphoon.5301" said:

> > Wow, Warclaw hasnt even been out for 1 month yet and its already getting nerfed to the ground due to fairweather and troll QQs. Lol. Might as well just rollback pre-WvW mount era and refund all our mount-related purchases. RIP.

> >

> > I was hoping we would get mounted combat in the future...but wow, this just killed it before it even had a chance to begin.

> >

> > What a way to squander resources that could have gone towards WvW alliances features.


> Refer to the post above yours.


> The only thing that will end up changing is that youre not guaranteed safe passage in a warzone anymore when travelling to your zerg, which is the way it has been since release.



> Theres literally like 50 maps you can go too if you don't enjoy open world pvp.


Who cares about safe passage? Lol. I would opt for a true "open world PvP", not some instanced version of it like we do in GW2. Unfortunately, GW2 has the best combat system on the market to date (even after 6+ years!), so alas! here we are. I guess you selectively forgot to read my comment "Might as well just rollback pre-WvW mount era [...]". Thanks for your concern though. I shall go back to spawn camping mounted players like yourself that want to get back to their zerg. Ciao!

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> @"Hadi.6025" said:

> Any way.. Also Can mounts "prevent capture-point contribution" too ? This would stop players from sitting on a 10k health mount while capturing a camp or something like a KEEP. Please consider this and read every detailed comment on this post.


Not sure I see a distinction between a player on a mount capping/defending and a player in a golem. The price difference between the supply cost of the golem and golem/mount health differences seem inline. Both following the same mechanic also seems inline. I don't think I have seen any fights end any differently from this while attacking or defending these last weeks, not sure what you might have encountered though.


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> @"Lonami.2987" said:


> Integrate anti-mount measures in some siege weapon instead.


I agree with this. The Warclaw is nice, but there needs to be some means to deny it or to beat it.


Anti-war-claw siege weapon. Hmm. Maybe like a panzerfaust or a bazooka. Takes 1 supply to fire it. Does 5k damage. Can be re-aimed as quickly as a cannon, and works essentially the same way. But it takes supply to fire it. Alternate ammunition might create an area of goo that reduces speed of warclaws to 1/10, prevents their abilities, and prevents the users from dismounting (they're stuck in tar, after all, and STUCK to their mounts) (that should probably take more supply, like 5 per shot).


Just a thought. Perhaps a bad one.

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> @"Tyyphoon.5301" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Tyyphoon.5301" said:

> > > Wow, Warclaw hasnt even been out for 1 month yet and its already getting nerfed to the ground due to fairweather and troll QQs. Lol. Might as well just rollback pre-WvW mount era and refund all our mount-related purchases. RIP.

> > >

> > > I was hoping we would get mounted combat in the future...but wow, this just killed it before it even had a chance to begin.

> > >

> > > What a way to squander resources that could have gone towards WvW alliances features.

> >

> > Refer to the post above yours.

> >

> > The only thing that will end up changing is that youre not guaranteed safe passage in a warzone anymore when travelling to your zerg, which is the way it has been since release.

> >

> >

> > Theres literally like 50 maps you can go too if you don't enjoy open world pvp.


> Who cares about safe passage? Lol. I would opt for a true "open world PvP", not some instanced version of it like we do in GW2. Unfortunately, GW2 has the best combat system on the market to date (even after 6+ years!), so alas! here we are. I guess you selectively forgot to read my comment "Might as well just rollback pre-WvW mount era [...]". Thanks for your concern though. I shall go back to spawn camping mounted players like yourself that want to get back to their zerg. Ciao!


No I read all of your tears and this one too. Point still stands.


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:


What happens to people who do not have mounts? If there is going to be a method for mount->mount dismounts, shouldn't there also be methods for people who do not have access to mounts to dismount them? And speaking of no access to mounts, I see no mention of mount rental [please consider glider rentals too - just give a temporary one with cost like an hourly rental or an ugly default skin like default model character has].


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