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[Suggestion] Add a system to control toxicity in pvp

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After some comments on gw2 subreddit, I think a little of a problem of toxicity in pvp game mode.

Many player like me try to fight every day with toxicity and no-sense rage of players.

The only things good players can do now is block all possible talk with ally and enemy ( block player, hide team and map chat, etc) but I think isn't enough.

We need a system on game go further than this.


I'm only amateur game designer but I try to suggest here a list of possible things can be useful:

* A system to improve good player.

Players give a vote for all enemy and ally at end of match. The players obtain a certain points gain a buff ( good player tag, direct reward, reward buff, etc).


* A oppressive system, opposite to first:

Players give a vote for all enemy and ally at end of match. The players obtain a certain points gain a buff ( shame target, prevent to talk, no reward, no queue, etc).

This debuff can be useful to moderator to understand the context of reported text message with actual method and do ban if necessary.


* A public message when a ban or other punishment is applied.


I think all of this things can be implemented and heve a good impact on behavior of player.

What do you thing about it? Any other idea for control toxicity?




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9A8VJBh_Yc](http:// "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9A8VJBh_Yc")


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Honestly the best thing to do is ignore them. These types only get what they want when people see what they are typing. The best punishment to them is to make them invisible. If people seriously would stop responding to these trolls, then all they have are each other and they have no influence on the rest of us. Block them completely unless you like to fight in chat, then if thats the case you are part of the problem.


Oh and to further what i said. Any system that is put in to report ban or silence trolls is a double edge blade, the trolls can turn it around on you and get you reported , silenced , banned. So the best option is block them and let them fight among themselves, and not get attention from the rest of us.



Think of it this way. The fact you are seeing them means you are contributing to the problem, ignore them and the world becomes a more harmonious place .

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> @"GewRoo.4172" said:

> toxicity in pvp is a myth btw



I think that depends on your level of tolerance. I only play unranked, and even there I often encounter players who do nothing but berate everyone, players who deliberately lose or go afk, etc. It's far more prevalent than in other games I've played. But if you don't consider it 'toxic' then I guess it's not.

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No, to all of those. The problem with any kind of "negative" tag is that there are quite a lot of people which will go out of their ways to get it and wear proudly, as rare cosmetic. You may actually make things even worse. And with any "vote on somebody get prosecuted" approach you are relying on opinion of majority, which is quite easily turns into opinion of vocal minority when needed (as can be seen right now IRL, when it's used to enforce unprecedented level of censorship, "to protect liberal rigths and freedoms" btw). Anything that prevents you from playing a game is bad, unless you really, really destructive offender, like bug user, cheater or spread calls for violence stemming from IRL politics. And it's better for Anet's moderators to deal with those, not some group of players following their own agendas.


At best, they just need to be blocked from chat systems in **WvW only** if there are too much reports for their bad behavior.


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Salty people will be salty. It's just something that comes with a compeditive game mode - but it's important to note that salty people seem to be the minority.


If anything, I wish muting everyone by default wasn't a thing. It's frustrating when you call "close" at the start of the game, only for three other people to run towards it. When you say to fight on point, only for people to silently die in the middle of the map. When you say "don't follow me" to someone who follows you like a lost puppy as you cap empty nodes (and will follow you if you leave before capping).


This sort of thing doesn't happen with teams who can manage some pre game banter.

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So I was writing up a completely different post and came up with an idea. Maybe a bad idea, but whatever I'll share.


While some people do revel in attention, most don't really want to end up with a horrible wide-spread reputation for being a raging lunatic. Mostly, they just want to rant at a few people and deflect on them. This near-anonymity enables inappropriate "toxic" behavior. Blocking them helps the other players ignore the issue, but it in no way addresses that behavior. Reporting....does not seem to do much at all.


A rating system does not work because it is subjective and open to abuse. But if *everyone* could see what was actually said in a match...that's objective and fair. Maybe viewable match transcripts? (or streams, but that's a lot of data to store) Your conduct then becomes your reputation.


Of course, this is technically "naming and shaming" but done objectively and without comment. You have said what you have said, and here it is.

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I already can see it great player carries team help team to win and get down voted by enemy team nice or nubs like me who doesn’t know how to rotate judging the player who rotate perfect


Or even better player plays non meta class downvoted


In real competitive sport is so much more trash talk I wonder if ppl ever joint this in real life

No thanks


Ps that should be posted in pvp

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lol, lets give ratings to each other like on ebay???


"mr.x was very pleasant to deal with, understands his class and his limits"


"Ms.y was a total twat, constantly flaming in mapchat blaming teammates besides being afk at spawn for more then half of the game, i advise everyone to block her and give a negative rating"

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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> lol, lets give ratings to each other like on ebay???


> "mr.x was very pleasant to deal with, understands his class and his limits"


> "Ms.y was a total kitten, constantly flaming in mapchat blaming teammates besides being afk at spawn for more then half of the game, i advise everyone to block her and give a negative rating"


Yeah not a fan of ratings, in China they are doing this and if this catches on worldwide kiss humanity goodbye. It really will be like Black Mirror.


[https://bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-12-01/china-s-radical-plan-to-judge-each-citizen-s-behavior-quicktake](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-12-01/china-s-radical-plan-to-judge-each-citizen-s-behavior-quicktake "https://bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-12-01/china-s-radical-plan-to-judge-each-citizen-s-behavior-quicktake")


People are not items to be rated, when we start to think that way we devalue human life.

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