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Super Adventure Festival Returns Next Week

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hi everyone,


We’d like to start sharing some of the posts we make to our social media channels and the blog here on the Guild Wars 2 forums. The format and pace may vary due to differences between how those other sites and our forums work, but we’d like to know what you think about what we post.


Today, we’re announcing that Super Adventure Festival returns next week, from March 28 through April 16!


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Yay! I love SAB and I've been looking forward to it coming back. Maybe this year I'll finally get further through Tribulation mode than 1-1. :D


(Also thank you for taking the time to cross post this! Normally that would be very helpful for me. Somewhat ironically this time I saw the announcement on Facebook first then came to the forum, but normally it's about 50/50 whether I see announcements on social media whereas I'll almost certainly see it on the forum.)

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I'm so excited for it as always even if I've done everything already including tribulation mode. My favorite seasonal event now that it's made permanent. The video is so cute by the way. I love how our event mascot choya prepares for the adventure.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> We’d like to start sharing some of the posts we make to our social media channels and the blog here on the Guild Wars 2 forums.


This is great news! I always found it odd how most game companies require you to use 3rd party sites to keep up on the news. Hopefully you'll continue this trend! :)

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> The trailer is out! 6 more days!!! And is that the SAB version of [Gourdon](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gourdon_the_Racing_Choya "Gourdon") in the trailer or a new kind of SAB mob?


Thx! here: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/super-adventure-festival-returns-next-week/ gw2 website

Firstly, I thought the trailer was made by a fan / was a machinima. Great trailer, seriously gg Anet, I like the fact we are following the character running through several environments.... :) :+1: With my favourite music from sab rytlock critter rampage <3 (dusk version)


WAIT A MINUTE.... does that SAB choya wear a "deal with it" glasses at the end? YEAHH

(PLEEAASSEEE release deal with it glasses on gemstore! :DDDD)


It's just a tonic I think. But for new player yeah, it keeps the mystery.

Again see that trailer and watch the TV to figure out what SAB looks like:

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> We’d like to start sharing some of the posts we make to our social media channels and the blog here on the Guild Wars 2 forums.



I've been advocating for this for, well, since GW1 days.


PS if you can get the gem shop people to post their changes to a forum thread... big win. Right now, that data is maintained by [a volunteer](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/profile/Astral%20Projections.7320).

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