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> @"blackheartgary.8605" said:

> @"Vayne.8563" i was doing that tonight. I'm always finding myself helping other players(one of the many reasons i stay broke) and i love to do it. it helps me give back to a community i call home



Onya (as we say downunder). I've seen quite a few people doing this. Always makes me feel good about this game and its community.

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> @"Darlgon.9273" said:

> > @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> > **We'll show how to get your first mount** and play through Living World Season 4, pointing out helpful features and updates along the way. Members of our partner program will be joining too, leading players through various open world events.

> >

> > If you want to join in but can't remember your password, we can help you with that! Go to https://help.guildwars2.com and click "Trouble Logging In?", and our CS team can help.


> So.. Are you giving everyone a raptor without PoF? Lifting the requirement to have PoF in order to do "Bug in the System" and get the beetle, (which isnt really the first mount)? Are you giving away PoF to everyone who logs in, so they can all do LWS4? I feel my money spent on GW2: Path of Fire decreasing in value.


That's some next level reading-between-the-lines. Can I get that microscope you're using?


Perhaps it could be worded better. Where is it implied explicitly, or implicitly, that the Raptor PoF requirement is being lift/removed? Seems like a gross over-reaction.


Good on ANet for promoting their game, and leading the way for new and returning players to get reaquainted with the game.

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I'm a fairly recently returning player (bought at launch, left some time in 2015). Getting people back is one thing, keeping them is another.


I came back when the HoT & PoF packs were on sale in January and found the game extremely frustrating (not difficult or challenging, just frustrating). The HoT mastery system is a nonsenical grind - you try to do something, use something, go somewhere to be told "you can't do this fun thing until you grind out this stupidly long XP bar for entirely arbitrary reasons". PoF was the total opposite, loved it completed it and all the masteries while enjoying myself.


I'm in HoT maps now, not because I want to be but because they're specific to the mastery points I still need to grind (not earn, grind) just to be able to complete stuff. HoT is, was and remains a chore.


I hope more people like me come back but it's not enough just to livestream, you have to deliver on something to keep us here because the reasons we left are pretty much still writ large in the design ethos.

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> @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> When you take a break from a game, one of the things that makes it difficult to start back up again is the feeling that you've missed too much to ever catch up. We want to offer to help former Guild Wars 2 players who might feel that way, so starting next Monday we're going spend five weeks getting those members of our community re-acquainted with Tyria. We'll show how to get your first mount and play through Living World Season 4, pointing out helpful features and updates along the way. Members of our partner program will be joining too, leading players through various open world events.


> If you want to join in but can't remember your password, we can help you with that! Go to https://help.guildwars2.com and click "Trouble Logging In?", and our CS team can help.


I totally don't expect a response to this... but there has been something I have been wondering about recently and if you are doing stuff like this now then this might be the best time to broach the subject in any capacity.


Has anyone over there ever considered the idea of re-launching GW2, the Play for Free announcement was sort of that, way back when it was announced but what I am getting at rather than focus on just what is the newest thing or what's coming a focus on what is already there could really help reignite interest if done properly. Sadly. I guess the concept has a bit of a stigma on it (as it is not generally done by games that are "well off").


In short, why just looking at old players who lapsed or lost interest, wouldn't it be better if you targeted a much wider audience? (Not a marketing professional, so I couldn't even begin to guess what would be needed to pull this off, but I am guessing the reach of these streams you have planned deson't really on their own reach outside of people who already have the game on their radar as it is).


It is such a shame that first impressions are so lasting, because GW2 is very different game today than it was in 2012 (for the better, mostly, I am happy to say).

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Sounds like a decent initiative to bring people back into the game. As it happens I've been looking for an excuse to introduce a few friends who have never played to the game, so this could be a good opportunity for them to start - I'll wait to see what the schedule looks like.


I would've actually loved to contribute to the wider in-game events too, particularly as I've hosted successful events for this exact purpose in the past (http://duke-w.tumblr.com/post/136409414419/all-five-races-a-roam-across-the-world-four). Let me know if it's still something that's open though and I'll see what I can do.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"theSacred.1942" said:

> > I think you forgot to add new content to the game so people would have a reason to get back...


> SAB will bring some people back, but overall, this is odd to do without a promotion. Maybe it's just around that time when people naturally come back, considering WoW is also doing a "welcome back" thing this weekend with a free trial of their latest expansion. It would make a lot more sense if GW2 was also doing a trial for PoF and/or brought back the free unlock period for each week they do one the episodes.


Yes it will for sure. I know this event is targeting casuals (like whole game ATM) but... Yeah, it targets casuals while many veteran players also left, and SAB even if it's really great event without world 3 or anything new will not bring too many of them back. Problem here is in lack of content, or rather its release speed. Bring back veterans would require new expansion, not keeping new content hostage to living world episodes and improving content release speed overall. For example new expansion would bring them back and 4 fractals, 2 or 3 raid wings, 2 PvP maps, and at least 4 living world episodes a year keep people engaged, or at least give them reason to log in more frequently, not once 3/4 months for living world to do all staff in one week and eventually forgetting about game.


As for promotion topic, most people who left game probably stopped following streamers related to GW2 and there is no content bring back veteran players (especially ones who left after PoF release). I'm sorry if my 1st post made someone angry but I simply don't see a reason for such event.

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There are good reasons to come back and play GW2: Character Progression by Masterys like Gliding or Mounts, new Stories and Achievements, massive Content. BUT, there are also things, which is no good advertisement: Dungeons are dusty and untouched, Events like Ogre Wars bugged since THE VERY START OF THE GAME, questionable decisions like Mounts in WvW or "balancing" professions.


A good thing is, to talk with the community. So, I support the idea of this topic. But, it's just one step on a long road. I understand, that you can not please everyone. Weighing up what is the right and wrong decision only works with more and the right communication. Collecting ideas from the developers and the community, talking about opportunities, chances and risks and bring these ideas to life. That's how I imagine love for both: players and developers. Because nothing is for a creator more demotivating as when people dont like your stuff. Same thing for the player: You feel misunderstood, when things you dont want so see and you are talking about them over and over again become real someday anyway.

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> @"Darlgon.9273" said:

> > @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> > **We'll show how to get your first mount** and play through Living World Season 4, pointing out helpful features and updates along the way. Members of our partner program will be joining too, leading players through various open world events.

> >

> > If you want to join in but can't remember your password, we can help you with that! Go to https://help.guildwars2.com and click "Trouble Logging In?", and our CS team can help.


> So.. Are you giving everyone a raptor without PoF? Lifting the requirement to have PoF in order to do "Bug in the System" and get the beetle, (which isnt really the first mount)? Are you giving away PoF to everyone who logs in, so they can all do LWS4? I feel my money spent on GW2: Path of Fire decreasing in value.


Are you really that pessimistic? Maybe you don't like to read between the lines, but I do...and none of the things you suggested sounds like anything they're doing. I'd say it would be in conjunction with another sale on PoF and LWS4(heck, a lot of people just log in and unlock the story without playing through them). Or you've purchased PoF but never played the content, sort of like when someone buys 4 or 5 games at the same time and some just get pushed off to the side.

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I think this is a nice idea, it's always hard getting back into the game after a long break, at least for me. Lots of players could use some guidence and a helping hand.


But I would have to agree on some of the points others made in this post. You should focus a bit more on fixing existing problems and bugs for the content below lvl 80. Because once people get hooked when leveling up, they likely stay for the expansion/LW content.

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> @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> When you take a break from a game, one of the things that makes it difficult to start back up again is the feeling that you've missed too much to ever catch up. We want to offer to help former Guild Wars 2 players who might feel that way, so starting next Monday we're going spend five weeks getting those members of our community re-acquainted with Tyria. We'll show how to get your first mount and play through Living World Season 4, pointing out helpful features and updates along the way. Members of our partner program will be joining too, leading players through various open world events.


> If you want to join in but can't remember your password, we can help you with that! Go to https://help.guildwars2.com and click "Trouble Logging In?", and our CS team can help.


Perhaps, there will be different/new information on Monday, but I was disappointed to see no streams scheduled by the ArenaNet Team regarding this feature coming next week. Merely, the usual WvW stream. (Unfortunately, I've never heard of the English-speaking streamers that are featured.)



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> @"Darlgon.9273" said:

> > @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> > **We'll show how to get your first mount** [...]

> So.. Are you giving everyone a raptor without PoF?


What gave you such a crazy idea? :s Nowhere did she say that. Oh boy...


> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> so you assume ppl return and plan on watching streams?

> believe me, no one returning to a game likes to be depending on streams to get a hint on what to do, if it isn't in-game it's just a waste of time and resources.


That's quite ungrateful since you don't know yet what's to come. She said there would be guides, too, not just streams - and since GW2 does not feature any in-game tutorials, that's actually a great idea. Otherwise, people will have to refer to GW2 Wiki as usual and do their own research. Perhaps this is ANet's way of making up for the lack of proper tutorials, so wait and see before you judge.

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> if i have to watch a guide to play a game, then it isnt a game for me anymore, no thanx

> not gonna bother with LW anymore, not worth the time and effort IMO


Worth the time and effort? It’s not like Anet is asking you to remodel their kitchen. How hard is it to log in every 3 months to pick up the free content and just go do the main story?


The story this past season has been great, especially when played continuously from episode to episode.

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> @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> When you take a break from a game, one of the things that makes it difficult to start back up again is the feeling that you've missed too much to ever catch up. We want to offer to help former Guild Wars 2 players who might feel that way, so starting next Monday we're going spend five weeks getting those members of our community re-acquainted with Tyria.** We'll show how to get your first mount and play through Living World Season 4, **pointing out helpful features and updates along the way. Members of our partner program will be joining too, leading players through various open world events.


> If you want to join in but can't remember your password, we can help you with that! Go to https://help.guildwars2.com and click "Trouble Logging In?", and our CS team can help.


If this is the purpose of your initiative, then I don't know if you need to use the help of the partners. Because everyone knows that you can get a mount if you **buy** PoF and to be able to play through LS4 you also need to **buy** the episodes (because, being players with a long break from the game I think is very probable they missed the free priod of every LS episode).


@"Rubi Bayer.8493" On the other hand, I admire you for your work. You will spend time and efforts in order to help GW2 with every little bit you can. Respect!


Please transmit the same request to the developers, project managers, designers - to do everything they can for GW2.

- Some real content maybe? Something you can play more than once and then forget about it?

- Some rewards? NO, I don't mean "rewards" as the actual Istan compared to the Istan pre "improvements".

- Tons of bugs and glitches awaits their attention. Some of them already lost any hope =) (Lake Doric? A certain centaur?).

- Please send a word to the WvW team (or member of the team) - the Warclaw stirred a real hornet nest. You have now another problem to deal with on top of the balances, coverage, matchup parameters. And of course, rewards. Maybe you can raise the number of the members for WvW team to 2?


If you are the only one doing something for the game, despite you dedication and efforts you cannot change to many things. You need the help of the others from ANet.


Good luck.


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If you really want people to be fine coming back, do something about the communication of Living World.


Most people who leave and return complain about how LWS were free, or that they can't easily buy it.


You don't have to change the costs, but you can make it easier for people to see what they have and are missing, as well as autonomously sell the full season as an appendix to the expansions.

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A few suggestions on my own.

1: Make discounted prizes for the living world episodes and bundle them with the appropiate expansions. (so bundle Season 2 and 3 with HoT and Season 4, so far, with PoF - note, I know season 2 is not linked to HoT, but for this offer it would be the appropiate place)

2: Make an additional discount for expansions bundled with LW-seasons for the players who are not F2P for the original game.

3: make a personalised offer to fill in the gap. So with a single purchase you buy all xpacs and living world seasons you miss for a discounted prize personlised for your situation.

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I like the idea that A-net are at least trying to get people interested or at least back. Although I think they shouldn't start at Living world and do a rookie guide to level up at each Race area then what to do once lvl80 because so many people seem to lose their way.

When Nc did this for Aion, we got boxes for a new character which we could open at lvl60(?) which contained an armour set, weapons and manastones to socket said armour. Although i'm not sure how people here would feel about new characters getting an armour box, lol. At least it seems a more personal touch here.




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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> if i have to watch a guide to play a game, then it isnt a game for me anymore, no thanx

> not gonna bother with LW anymore, not worth the time and effort IMO


Wow... ArenaNet is finally refocusing on GW2 and working on getting people who have not played in a while back into the game, and all they are getting from folks like you is rude comments and negativity. Are you deliberately trying to sabotage their efforts in advance?


Do you even get the point here? Those guides and videos are not directed at players like you but at new players and people who were gone and now, upon returning, feel "out of the loop." So what's your problem with that? I would be glad if other MMOs offered such assistance, because when you take a long break or jump into the game years after its release, you often feel lost.


Why don't you just wait and see what this is all about before you maul their attempts prematurely?

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