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Blocking players won't hide you

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Even if blocking hid your location, they could still easily see your location. The location information would need to be removed entirely (contacts, guild roster, tooltips) to actually hide it, and even then, if someone is dedicated enough, they're going to find you.

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I still really think the Friends/Follow/Block system needs an overhaul. I’ve mentioned it a few times over the years.

Friending people in game should be a request feature, both parties must agree to add each other as friends (request and accept, as Social Media works).

Follow, should be an opt-in feature.

Block should work as it currently does, but I would welcome it block online status (show offline to blocked accounts), all chat from blocked accounts, and all emotes (which currently isn’t included)

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... I dunno, I've never met anyone so persistent that they would follow me around in an attempt to harass me (for extended periods of time). Probably because I ignore minor slights and move on.


I don't see the need for such a feature, mainly because the problem itself is a resolvable (player-to-player) issue.

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> @"Deleena.3406" said:

> IMO (besides guilds) only mutual friends should be able to see your location.(like in GW1)


That's it. Needs to do nothing with blocking function, which is for chat, needs an overhaul of Contacts list. This is so natural thing to do I'm actually amazed how did they manage to do it wrong in the first place. There could be 2 new settings, one controlling whether your location is visible to everybody except mutual friends, another one controlling whether the fact you're online is visible as well. That's the bare minimum. I would also really like to see the same thing configurable on per contact, or per group of contacts basis (and would like to be able to group my contacts in the first place), but that can wait.


Currently Contacts feature is a mess. It didn't offer any useful features at all, like grouping your contacts. When you add a few dozens of people there, it becomes useless as you can't remember who is who anymore.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> ... I dunno, I've never met anyone so persistent that they would follow me around in an attempt to harass me (for extended periods of time). Probably because I ignore minor slights and move on.


> I don't see the need for such a feature, mainly because the problem itself is a resolvable (player-to-player) issue.


“It’s never happened to me therefore it’s not an issue” puh-lease.

“Probably because I ignore minor slights and move on.” The victim blaming is strong here.


In any scenario that one feels threatened, stalked, harassed or otherwise felt unsafe or uneasy, person to person reasoning does not work. This isn’t “minor slights” we are talking about now, and online harassment is becoming a big problem not just in this game but in general. This is why injunctions and restraining orders exist, person to person reasoning doesn’t work for some people.

Why is it so unreasonable to request better functionality of friend/follow/block system to allow, basically, a full lockdown on who can “follow” you? Any change won’t be detrimental to you, but could foster safer ingame communities for others who do experience these things.

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Only extra thing you need would be to "Show as offline" in contacts, which would prevent the yellow dot on the map to not show ( unless that is only for guild members you're not in party with)


I don't know if they need to go to the extent of Blocking basically removes the person out of your sight forever. Not to mention the amount of resources that it would take just so that the small percentage of people can have a "out of sight out of mind" placebo effect.


Currently, blocking them stops them talking to you period. If they are doing other stuff, you can report them.


That or maybe people you block just turn into a skritt or quaggan on your screen only permanently. :p

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> @"zityz.6089" said:

> Only extra thing you need would be to "Show as offline" in contacts, which would prevent the yellow dot on the map to not show ( unless that is only for guild members you're not in party with)


> I don't know if they need to go to the extent of Blocking basically removes the person out of your sight forever. Not to mention the amount of resources that it would take just so that the small percentage of people can have a "out of sight out of mind" placebo effect.


> Currently, blocking them stops them talking to you period. If they are doing other stuff, you can report them.


> That or maybe people you block just turn into a skritt or quaggan on your screen only permanently. :p


Pllease dont do this I would have to block everyone just to have skritt and quaggans around me.

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> @"zityz.6089" said:

> Only extra thing you need would be to "Show as offline" in contacts, which would prevent the yellow dot on the map to not show ( unless that is only for guild members you're not in party with)


I could be mistaken, but if you stop repping a guild, doesn't that already make your yellow dot on the map go away? I mean, it's already an opt in tracking system, so isn't it working as intended?

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I do agree that blocking should hide your location and online status. But it shouldn't remove their ability to join squads or be on the same maps by accident or anything like that. It's not a restraining order.


I understand being harassed and wanting something that completely removed any chance for a harasser to continue trying to harass. But people also need to keep in mind that anyone can block anyone for any reason.


If I made a bad pun in map chat and got blocked by someone, it shouldn't then stop me from joining a squad they also happen to be in and going to a meta that they also happen to be attending.


Parties I am a little on the fence on, without party leaders being a thing it is hard to know whether you joined a party of 3 people in lfg or if its a party you made and put on lfg. Should someone be stopped from joining a group of 4 people just because 1 of them blocked them even if all they want is to complete the content the group is doing? And those other 3 people would have no idea that this 1 person is stopping their group from being filled. Would my bad pun example be enough reason for me to be locked out of certain lfg listings?

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:


> If I made a bad pun in map chat and got blocked by someone, it shouldn't then stop me from joining a squad they also happen to be in and going to a meta that they also happen to be attending.


> Parties I am a little on the fence on, without party leaders being a thing it is hard to know whether you joined a party of 3 people in lfg or if its a party you made and put on lfg. Should someone be stopped from joining a group of 4 people just because 1 of them blocked them even if all they want is to complete the content the group is doing? And those other 3 people would have no idea that this 1 person is stopping their group from being filled. Would my bad pun example be enough reason for me to be locked out of certain lfg listings?


Yes, it is a good question. I have thought about that a lot. And I'm not sure either. I mean I have a few people I would absolutely not want to share any party with, but it's different for a meta where I don't actively have to play side-by-side with them. I can ignore their presence just fine.


I'm less certain about that in a raid, where you need to work together, communicate and you absolutely cannot mute or ignore them.


But as things stand, I'd already be happy if the blocking function worked like it works in other games, chat and social media. (You know, pretty much everywhere else but here, I mean what's the point? If I block someone, it's pretty self-explanatory that I do not want any sort of contact with that person.)


If they just make the blockee invisible and untrackable, it'll be so much harder for the blocked to find them - and join their group/squad in the first place.





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I really don't understand those who are that much against blocking making the blockee disappear completely from the blocked's list. I mean how would it hinder you? Why does the idea bother you so much? Please, do explain, I wish to understand.



> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Think I haven't dealt with this myself? Hell, I have people who regularly command in open world who troll me like that all the time. As with anybody being annoying, you don't give them any attention and it eventually stops.


And wouldn't it be nicer if the game actually handled that for you, like in most other games?

Even social media and chats (Facebook and Skype and Discord) with all their leaks and such are handling it better.


Anyway, I'm not just talking about trolls. I'm talking about stalkers who are using this as a power-play. Most people use block as a last resort, when they are at the end of their rope, only to realize it doesn't hide them. It really takes a toll. I mean I don't enjoy playing a game where I'm harassed/trolled most of the time. It's really not entertaining for me.


>@melandru.3876 said:

>people nowaday are triggered and insulted by the tiniest thing. overprotective parenting is what i blame


We're not triggered or insulted, quite far from it: we just want to get away. We want to make sure that *that* person can't bother us. We are not trying to shout out to the void that XY is an annoying *beep*, we just want to become invisible to our blocked players. We just want them to leave us the hell alone.


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Just wanted to add this, today a person that our commander blocked 2+ years ago, kept spam joining our group. Various people kicked them from squad, they wanted to stop people from joining our LFG posting. They were LITERALLY kicked 100 times, they have been reported several times over the past 1 - 2 years. They persist. If LFG would not allow someone that the commander block to join this could have been solved easily. Or if LFG was made to hide our posting, this also could have been resolved quickly. Instead we have to deal with this:

![](https://i.imgur.com/mviYNJC.png "")


How does GW2 handle things when a truly toxic player won't stop harassing others? Normally, they would get suspended for 6 months but since this has been going on for over a year with this one individual, I don't know...I no longer know how ArenaNet is handling people like this.

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This has been discussed before. I still don't see any problem with the way it works now. What do you care if someone can read what you post in chat? The block feature means you don't have to read what they have to say when you've decided you don't want to hear it. It works fine.

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I don't mean any disrespect, but when I read "I'd feel safer if blocking system worked properly", all I can say is this: Are you _**really**_ here to chill and play a game to escape the problems of real life? Why do you even **_need_** to block other players? I keep my block list empty, if someone is a worthless person to you, why would you be irked by their words and actions? Leave them unblocked and ignore them, it'll hurt them more if they receive no attention.

And a small tip: You can filter the chat channels as well, be in a party with your friends and create a new chat channel that only shows party (and perhaps guild) channels. No /whispers, no /say, no /map channel, no /emotes will be visible to you. Whoever seeks to annoy you, should only make you laugh at their time wasted on such ill-mannered efforts.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> This has been discussed before. I still don't see any problem with the way it works now. What do you care if someone can read what you post in chat? The block feature means you don't have to read what they have to say when you've decided you don't want to hear it. It works fine.


> @"Naeleen.7601" said:

> I don't mean any disrespect, but when I read "I'd feel safer if blocking system worked properly", all I can say is this: Are you _**really**_ here to chill and play a game to escape the problems of real life? Why do you even **_need_** to block other players? I keep my block list empty, if someone is a worthless person to you, why would you be irked by their words and actions? Leave them unblocked and ignore them, it'll hurt them more if they receive no attention.

> And a small tip: You can filter the chat channels as well, be in a party with your friends and create a new chat channel that only shows party (and perhaps guild) channels. No /whispers, no /say, no /map channel, no /emotes will be visible to you. Whoever seeks to annoy you, should only make you laugh at their time wasted on such ill-mannered efforts.


See my previous post, there are severe limitations. It doesn't matter whether its real life or in game, harassment is wrong and should not be tolerated.

Its true you can't control other people actions in real life but this is a game. Games have rules, harassment is against the rules ArenaNet made. Therefore those rules have penalties. If ArenaNet was okay with harassment those penalties would not exist.

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> @"Alphonse Constant.2394" said:

> As the title says, if you block players for whatever reason, they can:

> * see your online status,

> * see what area you are currently in,

> * join your party if you are advertising in LFG

> * stand next to you and wave at you


> The *only* thing they cannot do is communicate with you.


> I think it's completely reasonable to not wish to share any sort of information with people you have blocked. If you go invisible, it'd limit *your* options, you cannot whisper people, communicate with your guild, start LFG.


> Not to mention this "glitch" is how enemy players can follow commanders in WvW.


Their sorry excuse of a follow list needs a rework. It should be a proper friend list and friend requests and all.

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> @"Naeleen.7601" said:

> I don't mean any disrespect, but when I read "I'd feel safer if blocking system worked properly", all I can say is this: Are you _**really**_ here to chill and play a game to escape the problems of real life? Why do you even **_need_** to block other players?


In an ideal world you wouldnt need to, but we dont leave in one and the friendlist system should work alongside the possible pros and cons of interacting with other ppl to offer the best possible experience.

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> @"reapex.8546" said:

> > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > This has been discussed before. I still don't see any problem with the way it works now. What do you care if someone can read what you post in chat? The block feature means you don't have to read what they have to say when you've decided you don't want to hear it. It works fine.


> > @"Naeleen.7601" said:

> > I don't mean any disrespect, but when I read "I'd feel safer if blocking system worked properly", all I can say is this: Are you _**really**_ here to chill and play a game to escape the problems of real life? Why do you even **_need_** to block other players? I keep my block list empty, if someone is a worthless person to you, why would you be irked by their words and actions? Leave them unblocked and ignore them, it'll hurt them more if they receive no attention.

> > And a small tip: You can filter the chat channels as well, be in a party with your friends and create a new chat channel that only shows party (and perhaps guild) channels. No /whispers, no /say, no /map channel, no /emotes will be visible to you. Whoever seeks to annoy you, should only make you laugh at their time wasted on such ill-mannered efforts.


> See my previous post, there are severe limitations. It doesn't matter whether its real life or in game, harassment is wrong and should not be tolerated.

> Its true you can't control other people actions in real life but this is a game. Games have rules, harassment is against the rules ArenaNet made. Therefore those rules have penalties. If ArenaNet was okay with harassment those penalties would not exist.


You you can, if someone is stalking you and or harrasing you you can always turn to the police and the stalker will risk facing severe punishment if they keep it up.


In gw2 nothing is done to such ppl.

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> @"Deleena.3406" said:

> IMO (besides guilds) only mutual friends should be able to see your location.(like in GW1)


IMO the follower system should just be swapped for a proper friendlist. Ppl should be notified if they recueved a friend request and have the ability to accept or deny it.

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> @"Naeleen.7601" said:

> all I can say is this: Are you _**really**_ here to chill and play a game to escape the problems of real life? Why do you even **_need_** to block other players?


Absolutely. I do want to have a great time in the game, this is why I block the people who make rape jokes, racial jokes, demean others and so on. And I block those who harass me. What you are apparently blissfully unaware of, is that harassers can be really mean and persistent. And support won't block and kick them from the game. I haven't reported too many, mind, but those I have reported are still playing the game. Those that my good friend has reported have not been banned either, as they never disappeared.


The abusive ex Lottie.5370 has mentioned above kept stalking them and emoting at them, thanks to the block list giving out all of their details.

Just a couple of days ago a person I was hiding from found me on the map and followed me around. (But at least he was a harmless one.)


> And a small tip: You can filter the chat channels as well, be in a party with your friends and create a new chat channel that only shows party (and perhaps guild) channels. No /whispers, no /say, no /map channel, no /emotes will be visible to you. Whoever seeks to annoy you, should only make you laugh at their time wasted on such ill-mannered efforts.


That's monumentally unhelpful. I mean my chat is already set up to be the most useful, like cutting out the emotes. But whispers are essential, since that is how my *friends* contact me. Anybody who persistently whispers and aims to annoy me goes on my block list. (That includes gold sellers/spammers.)


That has nothing to do with my original message, that blocking should hide your location and online status. I would be cool with even "just" that, but hiding your LFG in parties from your blocked list would also be awesome.


Anyway, hiding your status from people you have blocked should be a no-brainer. If you've gone to the trouble of blocking them, there's a 100% chance that you do not want them to know anything about you.



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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"reapex.8546" said:

> > See my previous post, there are severe limitations. It doesn't matter whether its real life or in game, harassment is wrong and should not be tolerated.

> > Its true you can't control other people actions in real life but this is a game. Games have rules, harassment is against the rules ArenaNet made. Therefore those rules have penalties. If ArenaNet was okay with harassment those penalties would not exist.


> You you can, if someone is stalking you and or harrasing you you can always turn to the police and the stalker will risk facing severe punishment if they keep it up.


> In gw2 nothing is done to such ppl.


Yeah, I actually had a long conversation with a GM and their supervisor GM about reporting harassment and what to expect from that.


They could give _no_ rule as to what constitutes as harassment, to when they would penalize a person for that, or how many penalties would happen before a forever ban.


Essentially, there are NO rules for harassment, no rules for a penalty or a ban, either.


(As for the police... let's not get started. They cannot do a thing about stalkers until they physically hurt you.)



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