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Remove mount stomp


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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > It's like warbanner on auto attack. Just remove it.

> >

> > An example of how dumb mount stomp is: duo roaming with a friend, we get a downed and my friend goes down, I'm going to stealth him so that I can res hi---- AAAAAAAAAND PLAYER 4 ENTERS THE ARENA AND MOUNT STOMPS HIM OHHHHHHHHHHH! SICK PLAY!!!!!!

> >

> > Yeah... remove the stomp from mount. Just make it do damage and dismount.


> Wait, so if _player 4_ enters the arena it means that before that there were _3 players_ , you were _duo roaming with a friend_ then it means you were doing 2v1, almost lost it and yet you come to forum Q_Qing about mount state? Omegalul.

> Imo no, if you want to delete mount stomp you can also delete mount, idc. Skill 1 is balanced, if there should be sth to be fixed/added then it is a dismount (both players) on skill 1 if you hit enemy that is mounted. Also some kind of trap that dismount players would be appreciated


You're being dishonest. He obviously meant that he's with his friend going 2v3, then a 4th guy from enemy team shows up with mount stomp.


Edit: if you scale this up to 3v4, and a different scenario then it's even worse.

3v4, 1 guy from both team is down. They all start to res. 5th player from the 4 man team shows up. Now it's 3v5. The new guy mount stomps the first team.. now instead of 2v4 if there was no downed state at all, it is 2v5 cus the 2nd team downed got insta ressed from the mount stomp..

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > TL;DR

> > Don't change our mount!

> Yeah, dont change... our... mount... that everyone say no one wanted... but now is *our*... mount... wat?




I was cautious about the mount, but they implemented it well. I'm not too proud to say that I was pleasantly surprised. Are you?

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The stomp mechanic isn't the best game design for small fights, as it only helps the side that already outnumbers their opponents.


Pretty minor issue compared to not being able to dismount opponents at all though. There really really needs to be either a dismount skill or a very weak CC breakbar.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > No. This mount stomp is liked a milder and fun version of no down state, which many here has been asking for ever since ANet started it in an event. Enough fun and useful skills on the mount have been removed already. Please ANet.


> Oh, if some people have their way Mount will be Nerfed into oblivion and basically non-useful. At that point I will wonder why they even bothered putting it in in the first place. Finally get something that shakes up WvW after begging for something, ANYTHING, to change the stagnation and now they want it back to the way it was.


I already feel mount is useless xD, mount not being used for what Anet stated in 1st place ahahahhahahaha....

But yeah.. mount stoomp is a lame design... i guess it their way to show they dont care about improving the OLD rez/rally system... XD

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> This is exactly why mount stomp needs to stay; downed state is a plague that shouldn't even exist in WvW. One of the best uses for it is to insta-killing downed gankers lingering around sentries calling themselves roamers.


can we redesign every single downstate related skill then? bith traits and skills.

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  • 2 months later...

> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> hell NO, either have no down state or mount stomp


> tired of seeing a bunch of downed enemies suddenly all coming back up just because they killed one of our guys during zerg fights


Zerg fights don't matter and should be completely ignored by the developers.


Warclaw insta kill completely ruins roaming and should not exist.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> I'm not overly fond of mount stomps because it's repeatable and there's no real way of stopping people from doing it. Maybe if people got a no mount for x seconds on dismount debuff similar to how revealed works for stealth?


There’s a cool down between dismounting and remounting. I think it’s like 3 seconds. I didn’t time the cool down on the #1 skill so it could share the same one for mounting.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > I'm not overly fond of mount stomps because it's repeatable and there's no real way of stopping people from doing it. Maybe if people got a no mount for x seconds on dismount debuff similar to how revealed works for stealth?


> There’s a cool down between dismounting and remounting. I think it’s like 3 seconds. I didn’t time the cool down on the #1 skill so it could share the same one for mounting.


Read the timestamp. That update came out 3 weeks after my post.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > hell NO, either have no down state or mount stomp

> >

> > tired of seeing a bunch of downed enemies suddenly all coming back up just because they killed one of our guys during zerg fights


> Zerg fights don't matter and should be completely ignored by the developers.


> Warclaw insta kill completely ruins roaming and should not exist.


OMG, reviving a two month old topic hoping to kill the Warclaw all over again? The hate is real D:

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > hell NO, either have no down state or mount stomp

> >

> > tired of seeing a bunch of downed enemies suddenly all coming back up just because they killed one of our guys during zerg fights


> Zerg fights don't matter and should be completely ignored by the developers.


> Warclaw insta kill completely ruins roaming and should not exist.


Warclaw is a jelly, can pretty much unmount them with 2 hits, and they get stunned from unmounting

with mobility skills you can easily chase up to a warclaw, especially if they are in unfriendly territory


i guess you are salty because you can no longer spawn camp? that's the whole point, get rid off such toxicity

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > No. This mount stomp is liked a milder and fun version of no down state, which many here has been asking for ever since ANet started it in an event. Enough fun and useful skills on the mount have been removed already. Please ANet.


> Oh, if some people have their way Mount will be Nerfed into oblivion and basically non-useful. At that point I will wonder why they even bothered putting it in in the first place. Finally get something that shakes up WvW after begging for something, ANYTHING, to change the stagnation and now they want it back to the way it was.


I mean sure

Bring IT on


No mounts sound good to me

But Will only upset those who bought gems for skins...'nerf into oblivion' would make the mount only cosmetic, thus people who bought the Skins


I dont see the problem

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> Mount stomps are silly. It's like you die and some clown is on his mount in the blob ready to mount stomp you. It's kind of like more power creep and people getting deleted faster. When will Anet do something about this? They probably think it's awesome.


i hope anet adds downed state mounts for balance purposes.

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> @"shiri.4257" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > Mount stomps are silly. It's like you die and some clown is on his mount in the blob ready to mount stomp you. It's kind of like more power creep and people getting deleted faster. When will Anet do something about this? They probably think it's awesome.


> i hope anet adds downed state mounts for balance purposes.


You monster. Dont even joke like that! Lol


Anyways, mounts need to be stripped. It should only be a speed increase and at that swiftness level.

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