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Things I want that will never happen

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-Build Templates

-Cats in my guild hall

-Build Templates!

-Actual Player Housing - that you can decorate like guild halls

-Build Templates!!!

-Underwater Rework

-BUILD. TEMPLATES. It's pretty much in place with the 3 pre-made pvp builds, why can't you let us save our own? T_T

-A fun new fractal

-To save the Princess from Lord Vanquish

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> @"MikeG.6389" said:

> -Decorations in the home instance. Also the ability to place and move the nodes you unlock there.


10000 times yes. I haven't visited my own home instance for years, we just tunnel all our resources into one guildie and raid their's every day. It doesn't feel personal or homey and I want a reason to spend time there. XD



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Things I want and will likely never happen? A slider or scale or *some* way to limit the amount of flashing effects and visual noise. At this point, that's *all* I want. D: This game is beautiful, but half the time I can't even see it past the gigantic explosions of light filling up half the screen.


To the OP: Random dungeon grouping sounds fun. There's a feature in SWTOR (to name one example; not sure if other games have this) that lets you queue for a random flashpoint (dungeon) and you'll be paired with an equally random group of people. You can also queue for specific flashpoints and/or queue as a group. The result.......well, let's just say there are roughly one thousand pages on the "weird people you meet in groupfinder" thread in the SWTOR forums for a reason. :innocent: (That's not to say it's all terrible; it isn't, by far.) Anyway, if that's what you were suggesting, I think it'd be a neat feature.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> I am not totally against it. Aion did it for certain instances, although you could also make a group. At least it would give players a chance to maybe do a dungeon or fractal or hell even a raid (lol) that they may of not been able to do or would prefer to join without as the above poster says as ' demanding nothing anything special'

> I think it would be good to get experience so you don't upset the elitist pugs and the people in the groups would go in knowing they may/maynot fail.



My experience in SWTOR (and also from watching comments on the subject in their forums(1)) suggests strongly that the elitism would be just as strong in random GroupFinder groups as it is in LFG "vets only" groups. I'm not saying that a random GroupFinder type of thing isn't a bad idea (I think it's a pretty reasonable idea, in fact), but merely that you shouldn't expect it to be even remotely free of elitists.


(1) Look for "SteveTheCynic". The similarity of names is not a coincidence.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > I am not totally against it. Aion did it for certain instances, although you could also make a group. At least it would give players a chance to maybe do a dungeon or fractal or hell even a raid (lol) that they may of not been able to do or would prefer to join without as the above poster says as ' demanding nothing anything special'

> > I think it would be good to get experience so you don't upset the elitist pugs and the people in the groups would go in knowing they may/maynot fail.

> >


> My experience in SWTOR (and also from watching comments on the subject in their forums(1)) suggests strongly that the elitism would be just as strong in random GroupFinder groups as it is in LFG "vets only" groups. I'm not saying that a random GroupFinder type of thing isn't a bad idea (I think it's a pretty reasonable idea, in fact), but merely that you shouldn't expect it to be even remotely free of elitists.


> (1) Look for "SteveTheCynic". The similarity of names is not a coincidence.


yes in my experience in Aion, there was certainly some bad pennies (putting it mildly) you wouldn't escape that no matter what you did, however I think it would at least help others maybe do content they wouldn't off , for whatever reason.


oh a lounge for people with the GWAMM title. Somewhere posh that would make others go back to GW or start to play.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> > @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > Disable mesmer portals around jumping puzzles. A pet peeve, but hey, you get 10 APs for hitting F on a pink hole. Get out.


> And very helpful to the ones like me that suffer from motion sickness.


Anything I say here could be misconstrued as insensitive. My point still stands. It's a pet peeve of mine because it cheapens the value of the achievement points you get for doing the jumping puzzles. Also, what I proposed will never happen. Not because of people like you, but because it would enrage the lazy players or those who hate jps for whatever reason.


Just stay on the map a bit when the daily jp is Scavenger's Chasm in Malchor's Leap. You wouldn't believe the amount of whining simply because you can't be ported to the end chests to get the progress.

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> @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > > Disable mesmer portals around jumping puzzles. A pet peeve, but hey, you get 10 APs for hitting F on a pink hole. Get out.

> >

> > And very helpful to the ones like me that suffer from motion sickness.


> Anything I say here could be misconstrued as insensitive. My point still stands. It's a pet peeve of mine because it cheapens the value of the achievement points you get for doing the jumping puzzles. Also, what I proposed will never happen. Not because of people like you, but because it would enrage the lazy players or those who hate jps for whatever reason.


> Just stay on the map a bit when the daily jp is Scavenger's Chasm in Malchor's Leap. You wouldn't believe the amount of whining simply because you can't be ported to the end chests to get the progress.


Not wanting to be disrespectful then using phases such as 'people like me' Geez thanks alot.

I'm pretty certain if enough players complain you'll get your wish. A nerf, so to speak. They like nerfs.


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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > @"Ameepa.6793" said:

> > -Player housing

> > -Fishing

> > -Outfits changed into real armor skin sets


> You think you do, i played mmos that had fishing. What a waste of time, most boring thing ever, just watch paint dry you get the same effect.


I tried that in ESO. Boy, is it mind-numbingly non-intuitive! But they tied achievements to it. I feel like I lost years of my life. Not again, please!

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> > @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > > @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > > > Disable mesmer portals around jumping puzzles. A pet peeve, but hey, you get 10 APs for hitting F on a pink hole. Get out.

> > >

> > > And very helpful to the ones like me that suffer from motion sickness.

> >

> > Anything I say here could be misconstrued as insensitive. My point still stands. It's a pet peeve of mine because it cheapens the value of the achievement points you get for doing the jumping puzzles. Also, what I proposed will never happen. Not because of people like you, but because it would enrage the lazy players or those who hate jps for whatever reason.

> >

> > Just stay on the map a bit when the daily jp is Scavenger's Chasm in Malchor's Leap. You wouldn't believe the amount of whining simply because you can't be ported to the end chests to get the progress.


> Not wanting to be disrespectful then using phases such as 'people like me' Geez thanks alot.

> I'm pretty certain if enough players complain you'll get your wish. A nerf, so to speak. They like nerfs.



As I said, anything I say could be misconstrued as insensitive... If it's any consolation, I've been on the other end of that phrase. And a lot. I am now immune to it.

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> @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > > > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > > > @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > > > > Disable mesmer portals around jumping puzzles. A pet peeve, but hey, you get 10 APs for hitting F on a pink hole. Get out.

> > > >

> > > > And very helpful to the ones like me that suffer from motion sickness.

> > >

> > > Anything I say here could be misconstrued as insensitive. My point still stands. It's a pet peeve of mine because it cheapens the value of the achievement points you get for doing the jumping puzzles. Also, what I proposed will never happen. Not because of people like you, but because it would enrage the lazy players or those who hate jps for whatever reason.

> > >

> > > Just stay on the map a bit when the daily jp is Scavenger's Chasm in Malchor's Leap. You wouldn't believe the amount of whining simply because you can't be ported to the end chests to get the progress.

> >

> > Not wanting to be disrespectful then using phases such as 'people like me' Geez thanks alot.

> > I'm pretty certain if enough players complain you'll get your wish. A nerf, so to speak. They like nerfs.

> >


> As I said, anything I say could be misconstrued as insensitive... If it's any consolation, I've been on the other end of that phrase. And a lot. I am now immune to it.


Observation: you could have said this to avoid the whole issue:


> Also, what I proposed will never happen because it would enrage the lazy players or those who hate jps for whatever reason.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > > @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > > > > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > > > > @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > > > > > Disable mesmer portals around jumping puzzles. A pet peeve, but hey, you get 10 APs for hitting F on a pink hole. Get out.

> > > > >

> > > > > And very helpful to the ones like me that suffer from motion sickness.

> > > >

> > > > Anything I say here could be misconstrued as insensitive. My point still stands. It's a pet peeve of mine because it cheapens the value of the achievement points you get for doing the jumping puzzles. Also, what I proposed will never happen. Not because of people like you, but because it would enrage the lazy players or those who hate jps for whatever reason.

> > > >

> > > > Just stay on the map a bit when the daily jp is Scavenger's Chasm in Malchor's Leap. You wouldn't believe the amount of whining simply because you can't be ported to the end chests to get the progress.

> > >

> > > Not wanting to be disrespectful then using phases such as 'people like me' Geez thanks alot.

> > > I'm pretty certain if enough players complain you'll get your wish. A nerf, so to speak. They like nerfs.

> > >

> >

> > As I said, anything I say could be misconstrued as insensitive... If it's any consolation, I've been on the other end of that phrase. And a lot. I am now immune to it.


> Observation: you could have said this to avoid the whole issue:


> > Also, what I proposed will never happen because it would enrage the lazy players or those who hate jps for whatever reason.


Not enraged. If you agree far enough. As far as it goes *if* they did do it I would simply just do another daily. *shrugs*

Isn't this community all about being helpful?

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> Observation: you could have said this to avoid the whole issue:


> > Also, what I proposed will never happen because it would enrage the lazy players or those who hate jps for whatever reason.


But I did say that... Am I missing something here?

This is a thread about 'Things I want that will never happen'. Stress is on the first person singular. The content here is subjective and therefore can be highly opinionated. I think my idea fits. Will it happen though? Of course, not.


And this is way off-topic now.

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Alliances (unified guilds from GW Factions) that can control towns and areas in the game’s open world.


I really miss this feature. Not because of the actual control over provinces and all of its mechanics, but because it gave guilds something to aim for, a large goal that unified many guilds and a good reason to compete. This game with every passing year does better job at bringing people together, but it could do so much more...

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An affection meter for all major NPCs. It will never happen, I know. But just thinking about giving gifts and seeing them be happy for it would be awesome.


Please note: _Not_ a dating thing, just the ability to garner a little more attention towards NPCs that have fallen to the wayside.

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