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Would you like to remove Mounts from WvW?


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Give incentives to not use mount instead .


Commanders can activate an aura that emmits from their Mount , and whoever are not mounted get swiftness + protection and while remaining unmounted recieve a buff that increase the rewards from the next captured point .


The same apply to ppl that spawn from the base + wont mount + and there is an active commander somehere in the map .

Those ppl can do other things , instead of following the commander


(or if the Ruins /3 captured points have been captured for your server by random ppl)

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I was against a Mount - but now i like my little griffon without wings :)

Just balance it ! Remove stomp, reduce life, enable stability bar, 3 dodges ->2


As a Solo / duo / small scale player the stomp is bad for us - i hate it when we are fighting 2 vs 4 and a 5th player comes and 4 players can revive instantly.

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They can go for all i care,but that's not gonna happen anyway. I mean look at all these simpletons claiming roamers are gankers,the ones that run with 2 - 3 fighting outmanned or being chased by a blob,are now gankers..Its hilarious ! I should make a vid when i roam and show them how much of a ganker i am,its gonna be +- 2h of me being chased by a blob where i have 1 or 2 fights because the rest runs away unless they can outman me.

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I doubt mounts are a problem for sizeable groups.

Even roaming Gank squads are adapting and thriving.

* They either bring a soul beast in their comp which dismounts foes easily, or

* They bring a condi spike class in their comp which dismounts foes easily, or

* They rotate and take turns to dismount and spike the mounted foe, forcing up his mount evades and dismounts eventually


Gank squads can afford to cycle through their bursts with little risk because they usually outnumber their foes.

In fact, I've encountered several BG mounted Gank squads over the past few days and they did all of the above mentioned points.


Mounts are really only a problem for solo roamers on certain classes/builds looking to fight those who do not want to fight them (like Zerglings trying to get to their Zerg).

Solo Roamers on melee-ish classes/builds with no instant blinks/teleports will struggle to dismount foes.

Other builds with range or instant teleports and condi/power spike still have a fair chance of dismounting foes on their own, but runs the risk of trading an offensive cycle for a short stun.


Depending on how the new dismount skill functions, it could help give solo roamers using classes/builds that are not efficient at dismounting, a better chance at dismounting foes though. If the dismount skill is not telegraphed and can't be easily dodged, then solo roamers could have a fair shot at bringing down a mounted foe. If the dismount skill is highly telegraphed and easily dogdgeable, it would hardly help solo roamers much.

On the other hand, the new dismount skill will just make things easier for larger groups like roaming Gank squads to dismount foes because they can force evades much easier without having to burn through their skills.


So no, mounts do not need to be removed.

They just need to be tweaked.

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ANET had promised swift balancing fixe for the mount and they have kept that promise. We'll see where it goes from here. I'm not particularly worried about players leaving the mode over this, as lets face it, players leave the game every time any change is made for any reason. No matter what, when a developer makes changes it is guaranteed to ruin someone else's day. Players come and go, and the only mark they leave behind is their blubbering on the forums, another thing that happens when any developer makes any change in any game ever.


I like the speed the mount gives, but I also wish that it was only used as a vehicle. I'm not a fan of the 1 skill, neutral on 2, and 3 is just so underpowered it's fairly useless, but then you can't buff it without making siege useless

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I like the mount for the slow classes, making them viable for roaming. Zerglings trying to get back to their group have a fairly easy time running past gankers; perhaps too easy. Roamers can pick and choose their battles with impunity with other roamers.


I think that if it had a medium break bar, it would make non-long range, non-condi players able to dismount players. As it is, you can pretty much just run around in circles keeping melee builds on foot in combat forever despite any sort of CC.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> > As a Solo / duo / small scale player the stomp is bad for us - i hate it when we are fighting 2 vs 4 and a 5th player comes and 4 players can revive instantly.

> iirc, rallying in WvW is one-for-one, and has been for quite a while now.


It is, which also goes to show the people complaining about these things are trolls that barely play the mode and don't pay attention to the patches that actually affect the gameplay.

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I'm a thief main and I like the mount.


Firstly, when playing deadeye it takes a lot of pressure off of me when I've been marked by a sentry etc, as a 30s duration on marked for a stealth based spec is basically a death sentence if any other players are around. Mounts offset this somewhat by making marked not so much of a hard counter; I cap sentries while mounted and marked. It means I have to disengage and wait out the debuff if someone comes along, but it means I'm not a free kill due to a mechanic I can't do anything about either.


Secondly, mounting up is also a lot faster than travelling in stealth between areas, which is way more convenient and it saves dodges and cooldowns for actual fights. Since you can now see me moving between areas, this means that if you have scouts you'll get fair warning I'm in the area before I try to kill something. It also gives those roamers that can dismount players easily (like soulbeasts and revenants) a fair crack at killing me as I travel. So while it's an advantage to me, it can also work to the advantage of the other team too.


Thirdly, it makes for much more entertaining roaming. I still have the stealth opener, which if I'm careful and play well will likely result in a down. Regardless of whether I get the stomp or not, I've likely blown most of my stealth utilities and my shadowstep doing so, which means if I've been pressured at all while trying to stomp my best option is then to get OOC. Before mounts, if I went OOC just before I left stealth I'd regain the ability to stealth before you caught up to me. Now that stealth duration is lower on dodge, I'm forced to mount up after going OOC to wait for cooldowns, but your mounts move faster (I'm almost always in enemy territory) and you can now see where I am, giving you an advantage you didn't have before. I've been caught by a couple of players because of this, and while I lost I had fun doing it, so it was OK to me.


Fourthly, it ends all arguments about ganking being unfair because it removes any excuse for being killed while travelling. Now if I manage to dismount and kill you, I deserved the kill.

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> I'm a thief main and I like the mount.


> Firstly, when playing deadeye it takes a lot of pressure off of me when I've been marked by a sentry etc, as a 30s duration on marked for a stealth based spec is basically a death sentence if any other players are around. Mounts offset this somewhat by making marked not so much of a hard counter; I cap sentries while mounted and marked. It means I have to disengage and wait out the debuff if someone comes along, but it means I'm not a free kill due to a mechanic I can't do anything about either.


> Secondly, mounting up is also a lot faster than travelling in stealth between areas, which is way more convenient and it saves dodges and cooldowns for actual fights. Since you can now see me moving between areas, this means that if you have scouts you'll get fair warning I'm in the area before I try to kill something. It also gives those roamers that can dismount players easily (like soulbeasts and revenants) a fair crack at killing me as I travel. So while it's an advantage to me, it can also work to the advantage of the other team too.


> Thirdly, it makes for much more entertaining roaming. I still have the stealth opener, which if I'm careful and play well will likely result in a down. Regardless of whether I get the stomp or not, I've likely blown most of my stealth utilities and my shadowstep doing so, which means if I've been pressured at all while trying to stomp my best option is then to get OOC. Before mounts, if I went OOC just before I left stealth I'd regain the ability to stealth before you caught up to me. Now that stealth duration is lower on dodge, I'm forced to mount up after going OOC to wait for cooldowns, but your mounts move faster (I'm almost always in enemy territory) and you can now see where I am, giving you an advantage you didn't have before. I've been caught by a couple of players because of this, and while I lost I had fun doing it, so it was OK to me.


Wow, an actual thief roamer response, not a ganker. Thank you.

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > I'm a thief main and I like the mount.

> >

> > Firstly, when playing deadeye it takes a lot of pressure off of me when I've been marked by a sentry etc, as a 30s duration on marked for a stealth based spec is basically a death sentence if any other players are around. Mounts offset this somewhat by making marked not so much of a hard counter; I cap sentries while mounted and marked. It means I have to disengage and wait out the debuff if someone comes along, but it means I'm not a free kill due to a mechanic I can't do anything about either.

> >

> > Secondly, mounting up is also a lot faster than travelling in stealth between areas, which is way more convenient and it saves dodges and cooldowns for actual fights. Since you can now see me moving between areas, this means that if you have scouts you'll get fair warning I'm in the area before I try to kill something. It also gives those roamers that can dismount players easily (like soulbeasts and revenants) a fair crack at killing me as I travel. So while it's an advantage to me, it can also work to the advantage of the other team too.

> >

> > Thirdly, it makes for much more entertaining roaming. I still have the stealth opener, which if I'm careful and play well will likely result in a down. Regardless of whether I get the stomp or not, I've likely blown most of my stealth utilities and my shadowstep doing so, which means if I've been pressured at all while trying to stomp my best option is then to get OOC. Before mounts, if I went OOC just before I left stealth I'd regain the ability to stealth before you caught up to me. Now that stealth duration is lower on dodge, I'm forced to mount up after going OOC to wait for cooldowns, but your mounts move faster (I'm almost always in enemy territory) and you can now see where I am, giving you an advantage you didn't have before. I've been caught by a couple of players because of this, and while I lost I had fun doing it, so it was OK to me.


> Wow, an actual thief roamer response, not a ganker. Thank you.


I'm just glad someone reads what I write haha.


I've always seen roaming vs ganking as a matter of semantics tbh. It doesn't matter how much I do for the server in between killing people, some people will accuse me of being a filthy ganker when I kill them simply because I'm a thief. I've had the exact same reaction when playing permastealth DE, condi daredevil, and lockdown S/P daredevil, it doesn't matter what build, some people just don't like being killed by a thief. At the end of the day, they're dead, I'm not, and if they expect a fair fight from a rogue class that's their fault not mine, so why worry about it?

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> I'm a thief main and I like the mount.


> Firstly, when playing deadeye it takes a lot of pressure off of me when I've been marked by a sentry etc, as a 30s duration on marked for a stealth based spec is basically a death sentence if any other players are around. Mounts offset this somewhat by making marked not so much of a hard counter; I cap sentries while mounted and marked. It means I have to disengage and wait out the debuff if someone comes along, but it means I'm not a free kill due to a mechanic I can't do anything about either.


> Secondly, mounting up is also a lot faster than travelling in stealth between areas, which is way more convenient and it saves dodges and cooldowns for actual fights. Since you can now see me moving between areas, this means that if you have scouts you'll get fair warning I'm in the area before I try to kill something. It also gives those roamers that can dismount players easily (like soulbeasts and revenants) a fair crack at killing me as I travel. So while it's an advantage to me, it can also work to the advantage of the other team too.


> Thirdly, it makes for much more entertaining roaming. I still have the stealth opener, which if I'm careful and play well will likely result in a down. Regardless of whether I get the stomp or not, I've likely blown most of my stealth utilities and my shadowstep doing so, which means if I've been pressured at all while trying to stomp my best option is then to get OOC. Before mounts, if I went OOC just before I left stealth I'd regain the ability to stealth before you caught up to me. Now that stealth duration is lower on dodge, I'm forced to mount up after going OOC to wait for cooldowns, but your mounts move faster (I'm almost always in enemy territory) and you can now see where I am, giving you an advantage you didn't have before. I've been caught by a couple of players because of this, and while I lost I had fun doing it, so it was OK to me.


> Fourthly, it ends all arguments about ganking being unfair because it removes any excuse for being killed while travelling. Now if I manage to dismount and kill you, I deserved the kill.


Well tbh thief roaming "died" when they added reveal on mark, why would u roam with a thief if with thief taking a t1+ camp takes like 2-4 minutes, on war it is like 1 minute

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > I'm a thief main and I like the mount.

> >

> > Firstly, when playing deadeye it takes a lot of pressure off of me when I've been marked by a sentry etc, as a 30s duration on marked for a stealth based spec is basically a death sentence if any other players are around. Mounts offset this somewhat by making marked not so much of a hard counter; I cap sentries while mounted and marked. It means I have to disengage and wait out the debuff if someone comes along, but it means I'm not a free kill due to a mechanic I can't do anything about either.

> >

> > Secondly, mounting up is also a lot faster than travelling in stealth between areas, which is way more convenient and it saves dodges and cooldowns for actual fights. Since you can now see me moving between areas, this means that if you have scouts you'll get fair warning I'm in the area before I try to kill something. It also gives those roamers that can dismount players easily (like soulbeasts and revenants) a fair crack at killing me as I travel. So while it's an advantage to me, it can also work to the advantage of the other team too.

> >

> > Thirdly, it makes for much more entertaining roaming. I still have the stealth opener, which if I'm careful and play well will likely result in a down. Regardless of whether I get the stomp or not, I've likely blown most of my stealth utilities and my shadowstep doing so, which means if I've been pressured at all while trying to stomp my best option is then to get OOC. Before mounts, if I went OOC just before I left stealth I'd regain the ability to stealth before you caught up to me. Now that stealth duration is lower on dodge, I'm forced to mount up after going OOC to wait for cooldowns, but your mounts move faster (I'm almost always in enemy territory) and you can now see where I am, giving you an advantage you didn't have before. I've been caught by a couple of players because of this, and while I lost I had fun doing it, so it was OK to me.


> Wow, an actual thief roamer response, not a ganker. Thank you.




We will hash over your confusion with the use of verbs and nouns in reference to "gankers" for now but I truly am curious why he's not a "ganker" when he's doing exactly what everyone labels as such.

He's in enemy territory, stealthed and killing people.


I genuinely am curious what seperates him from the rest?

Or is it just ran off assumptions that "gankers" do nothing but kill players?

Even then, its open world PvP so nothing wrong with that either.


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> @"Menyus.4610" said:

> > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > I'm a thief main and I like the mount.

> >

> > Firstly, when playing deadeye it takes a lot of pressure off of me when I've been marked by a sentry etc, as a 30s duration on marked for a stealth based spec is basically a death sentence if any other players are around. Mounts offset this somewhat by making marked not so much of a hard counter; I cap sentries while mounted and marked. It means I have to disengage and wait out the debuff if someone comes along, but it means I'm not a free kill due to a mechanic I can't do anything about either.

> >

> > Secondly, mounting up is also a lot faster than travelling in stealth between areas, which is way more convenient and it saves dodges and cooldowns for actual fights. Since you can now see me moving between areas, this means that if you have scouts you'll get fair warning I'm in the area before I try to kill something. It also gives those roamers that can dismount players easily (like soulbeasts and revenants) a fair crack at killing me as I travel. So while it's an advantage to me, it can also work to the advantage of the other team too.

> >

> > Thirdly, it makes for much more entertaining roaming. I still have the stealth opener, which if I'm careful and play well will likely result in a down. Regardless of whether I get the stomp or not, I've likely blown most of my stealth utilities and my shadowstep doing so, which means if I've been pressured at all while trying to stomp my best option is then to get OOC. Before mounts, if I went OOC just before I left stealth I'd regain the ability to stealth before you caught up to me. Now that stealth duration is lower on dodge, I'm forced to mount up after going OOC to wait for cooldowns, but your mounts move faster (I'm almost always in enemy territory) and you can now see where I am, giving you an advantage you didn't have before. I've been caught by a couple of players because of this, and while I lost I had fun doing it, so it was OK to me.

> >

> > Fourthly, it ends all arguments about ganking being unfair because it removes any excuse for being killed while travelling. Now if I manage to dismount and kill you, I deserved the kill.


> Well tbh thief roaming "died" when they added reveal on mark, why would u roam with a thief if with thief taking a t1+ camp takes like 2-4 minutes, on war it is like 1 minute


It's much faster taking camps if you make use of the pierce from spotter's shot to damage everything between you and your mark. Also using daggerstorm with assassin's signet popped will deal a surprising amount of damage in camps, I've seen that kill veteran scouts by itself.


> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > I'm a thief main and I like the mount.

> > >

> > > Firstly, when playing deadeye it takes a lot of pressure off of me when I've been marked by a sentry etc, as a 30s duration on marked for a stealth based spec is basically a death sentence if any other players are around. Mounts offset this somewhat by making marked not so much of a hard counter; I cap sentries while mounted and marked. It means I have to disengage and wait out the debuff if someone comes along, but it means I'm not a free kill due to a mechanic I can't do anything about either.

> > >

> > > Secondly, mounting up is also a lot faster than travelling in stealth between areas, which is way more convenient and it saves dodges and cooldowns for actual fights. Since you can now see me moving between areas, this means that if you have scouts you'll get fair warning I'm in the area before I try to kill something. It also gives those roamers that can dismount players easily (like soulbeasts and revenants) a fair crack at killing me as I travel. So while it's an advantage to me, it can also work to the advantage of the other team too.

> > >

> > > Thirdly, it makes for much more entertaining roaming. I still have the stealth opener, which if I'm careful and play well will likely result in a down. Regardless of whether I get the stomp or not, I've likely blown most of my stealth utilities and my shadowstep doing so, which means if I've been pressured at all while trying to stomp my best option is then to get OOC. Before mounts, if I went OOC just before I left stealth I'd regain the ability to stealth before you caught up to me. Now that stealth duration is lower on dodge, I'm forced to mount up after going OOC to wait for cooldowns, but your mounts move faster (I'm almost always in enemy territory) and you can now see where I am, giving you an advantage you didn't have before. I've been caught by a couple of players because of this, and while I lost I had fun doing it, so it was OK to me.

> >

> > Wow, an actual thief roamer response, not a ganker. Thank you.




> We will hash over your confusion with the use of verbs and nouns in reference to "gankers" for now but I truly am curious why he's not a "ganker" when he's doing exactly what everyone labels as such.

> He's in enemy territory, stealthed and killing people.


> I genuinely am curious what seperates him from the rest?

> Or is it just ran off assumptions that "gankers" do nothing but kill players?

> Even then, its open world PvP so nothing wrong with that either.



This is kinda what I mean when I call ganking vs roaming a semantics thing, the difference is basically whether the person views the activity favourably or not. I'll cap camps and kill dolyaks to cut supply lines, call enemy group movements in map chat when I see them, and if I can sneak into an open enemy tower then cap it myself I will. But if I get caught, I'll hide in the tower and kill as many people as I can before they force me out or kill me, and I'll happily one shot people on catas and trebs just to punish their group for not paying attention.


My current favourite game is to permastealth behind the enemy zerg, killing backliners where I get the chance but mostly to wait for downs, mount up, stomp, then stealth up again.

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I voted no but as I said before in others threads I wished they had addressed issues that seem far more important first.Mounts are here now so lets get on with proper balancing of classes ,population and the lag issue many are still experiencing.No more bells and whistles . Fix whats broken please.

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > @"Menyus.4610" said:

> > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > I'm a thief main and I like the mount.

> > >

> > > Firstly, when playing deadeye it takes a lot of pressure off of me when I've been marked by a sentry etc, as a 30s duration on marked for a stealth based spec is basically a death sentence if any other players are around. Mounts offset this somewhat by making marked not so much of a hard counter; I cap sentries while mounted and marked. It means I have to disengage and wait out the debuff if someone comes along, but it means I'm not a free kill due to a mechanic I can't do anything about either.

> > >

> > > Secondly, mounting up is also a lot faster than travelling in stealth between areas, which is way more convenient and it saves dodges and cooldowns for actual fights. Since you can now see me moving between areas, this means that if you have scouts you'll get fair warning I'm in the area before I try to kill something. It also gives those roamers that can dismount players easily (like soulbeasts and revenants) a fair crack at killing me as I travel. So while it's an advantage to me, it can also work to the advantage of the other team too.

> > >

> > > Thirdly, it makes for much more entertaining roaming. I still have the stealth opener, which if I'm careful and play well will likely result in a down. Regardless of whether I get the stomp or not, I've likely blown most of my stealth utilities and my shadowstep doing so, which means if I've been pressured at all while trying to stomp my best option is then to get OOC. Before mounts, if I went OOC just before I left stealth I'd regain the ability to stealth before you caught up to me. Now that stealth duration is lower on dodge, I'm forced to mount up after going OOC to wait for cooldowns, but your mounts move faster (I'm almost always in enemy territory) and you can now see where I am, giving you an advantage you didn't have before. I've been caught by a couple of players because of this, and while I lost I had fun doing it, so it was OK to me.

> > >

> > > Fourthly, it ends all arguments about ganking being unfair because it removes any excuse for being killed while travelling. Now if I manage to dismount and kill you, I deserved the kill.

> >

> > Well tbh thief roaming "died" when they added reveal on mark, why would u roam with a thief if with thief taking a t1+ camp takes like 2-4 minutes, on war it is like 1 minute


> It's much faster taking camps if you make use of the pierce from spotter's shot to damage everything between you and your mark. Also using daggerstorm with assassin's signet popped will deal a surprising amount of damage in camps, I've seen that kill veteran scouts by itself.


> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > > I'm a thief main and I like the mount.

> > > >

> > > > Firstly, when playing deadeye it takes a lot of pressure off of me when I've been marked by a sentry etc, as a 30s duration on marked for a stealth based spec is basically a death sentence if any other players are around. Mounts offset this somewhat by making marked not so much of a hard counter; I cap sentries while mounted and marked. It means I have to disengage and wait out the debuff if someone comes along, but it means I'm not a free kill due to a mechanic I can't do anything about either.

> > > >

> > > > Secondly, mounting up is also a lot faster than travelling in stealth between areas, which is way more convenient and it saves dodges and cooldowns for actual fights. Since you can now see me moving between areas, this means that if you have scouts you'll get fair warning I'm in the area before I try to kill something. It also gives those roamers that can dismount players easily (like soulbeasts and revenants) a fair crack at killing me as I travel. So while it's an advantage to me, it can also work to the advantage of the other team too.

> > > >

> > > > Thirdly, it makes for much more entertaining roaming. I still have the stealth opener, which if I'm careful and play well will likely result in a down. Regardless of whether I get the stomp or not, I've likely blown most of my stealth utilities and my shadowstep doing so, which means if I've been pressured at all while trying to stomp my best option is then to get OOC. Before mounts, if I went OOC just before I left stealth I'd regain the ability to stealth before you caught up to me. Now that stealth duration is lower on dodge, I'm forced to mount up after going OOC to wait for cooldowns, but your mounts move faster (I'm almost always in enemy territory) and you can now see where I am, giving you an advantage you didn't have before. I've been caught by a couple of players because of this, and while I lost I had fun doing it, so it was OK to me.

> > >

> > > Wow, an actual thief roamer response, not a ganker. Thank you.

> >

> >

> >

> > We will hash over your confusion with the use of verbs and nouns in reference to "gankers" for now but I truly am curious why he's not a "ganker" when he's doing exactly what everyone labels as such.

> > He's in enemy territory, stealthed and killing people.

> >

> > I genuinely am curious what seperates him from the rest?

> > Or is it just ran off assumptions that "gankers" do nothing but kill players?

> > Even then, its open world PvP so nothing wrong with that either.

> >


> This is kinda what I mean when I call ganking vs roaming a semantics thing, the difference is basically whether the person views the activity favourably or not. I'll cap camps and kill dolyaks to cut supply lines, call enemy group movements in map chat when I see them, and if I can sneak into an open enemy tower then cap it myself I will. But if I get caught, I'll hide in the tower and kill as many people as I can before they force me out or kill me, and I'll happily one shot people on catas and trebs just to punish their group for not paying attention.


> My current favourite game is to permastealth behind the enemy zerg, killing backliners where I get the chance but mostly to wait for downs, mount up, stomp, then stealth up again.


That is exactly the difference between Roaming/Havoc and Gankers to my mind. The kills have a purpose toward _objectives_ either by taking them directly or helping a tag with the effort. And I got no problem with that. Killing people just trying to get a daily done, or running to catch up with a tag that's not even in a battle yet (no OJs) that just implies he just joined the map, not so cool. Now, if there is OJs, you can make the call that guy died in the battle and is running back. That's a bit more grey area.


Then I usually attack them, if they turn back and fight, great, if not, I let them go. I tagged them, if they die at the OJs I get credit and they got back to the battle so maybe they got some credit before dying. Win Win for both of us, or as much as you can get in a digital warzone anyway.

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > @"Menyus.4610" said:

> > > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > > I'm a thief main and I like the mount.

> > > >

> > > > Firstly, when playing deadeye it takes a lot of pressure off of me when I've been marked by a sentry etc, as a 30s duration on marked for a stealth based spec is basically a death sentence if any other players are around. Mounts offset this somewhat by making marked not so much of a hard counter; I cap sentries while mounted and marked. It means I have to disengage and wait out the debuff if someone comes along, but it means I'm not a free kill due to a mechanic I can't do anything about either.

> > > >

> > > > Secondly, mounting up is also a lot faster than travelling in stealth between areas, which is way more convenient and it saves dodges and cooldowns for actual fights. Since you can now see me moving between areas, this means that if you have scouts you'll get fair warning I'm in the area before I try to kill something. It also gives those roamers that can dismount players easily (like soulbeasts and revenants) a fair crack at killing me as I travel. So while it's an advantage to me, it can also work to the advantage of the other team too.

> > > >

> > > > Thirdly, it makes for much more entertaining roaming. I still have the stealth opener, which if I'm careful and play well will likely result in a down. Regardless of whether I get the stomp or not, I've likely blown most of my stealth utilities and my shadowstep doing so, which means if I've been pressured at all while trying to stomp my best option is then to get OOC. Before mounts, if I went OOC just before I left stealth I'd regain the ability to stealth before you caught up to me. Now that stealth duration is lower on dodge, I'm forced to mount up after going OOC to wait for cooldowns, but your mounts move faster (I'm almost always in enemy territory) and you can now see where I am, giving you an advantage you didn't have before. I've been caught by a couple of players because of this, and while I lost I had fun doing it, so it was OK to me.

> > > >

> > > > Fourthly, it ends all arguments about ganking being unfair because it removes any excuse for being killed while travelling. Now if I manage to dismount and kill you, I deserved the kill.

> > >

> > > Well tbh thief roaming "died" when they added reveal on mark, why would u roam with a thief if with thief taking a t1+ camp takes like 2-4 minutes, on war it is like 1 minute

> >

> > It's much faster taking camps if you make use of the pierce from spotter's shot to damage everything between you and your mark. Also using daggerstorm with assassin's signet popped will deal a surprising amount of damage in camps, I've seen that kill veteran scouts by itself.

> >

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > > > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > > > I'm a thief main and I like the mount.

> > > > >

> > > > > Firstly, when playing deadeye it takes a lot of pressure off of me when I've been marked by a sentry etc, as a 30s duration on marked for a stealth based spec is basically a death sentence if any other players are around. Mounts offset this somewhat by making marked not so much of a hard counter; I cap sentries while mounted and marked. It means I have to disengage and wait out the debuff if someone comes along, but it means I'm not a free kill due to a mechanic I can't do anything about either.

> > > > >

> > > > > Secondly, mounting up is also a lot faster than travelling in stealth between areas, which is way more convenient and it saves dodges and cooldowns for actual fights. Since you can now see me moving between areas, this means that if you have scouts you'll get fair warning I'm in the area before I try to kill something. It also gives those roamers that can dismount players easily (like soulbeasts and revenants) a fair crack at killing me as I travel. So while it's an advantage to me, it can also work to the advantage of the other team too.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thirdly, it makes for much more entertaining roaming. I still have the stealth opener, which if I'm careful and play well will likely result in a down. Regardless of whether I get the stomp or not, I've likely blown most of my stealth utilities and my shadowstep doing so, which means if I've been pressured at all while trying to stomp my best option is then to get OOC. Before mounts, if I went OOC just before I left stealth I'd regain the ability to stealth before you caught up to me. Now that stealth duration is lower on dodge, I'm forced to mount up after going OOC to wait for cooldowns, but your mounts move faster (I'm almost always in enemy territory) and you can now see where I am, giving you an advantage you didn't have before. I've been caught by a couple of players because of this, and while I lost I had fun doing it, so it was OK to me.

> > > >

> > > > Wow, an actual thief roamer response, not a ganker. Thank you.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > We will hash over your confusion with the use of verbs and nouns in reference to "gankers" for now but I truly am curious why he's not a "ganker" when he's doing exactly what everyone labels as such.

> > > He's in enemy territory, stealthed and killing people.

> > >

> > > I genuinely am curious what seperates him from the rest?

> > > Or is it just ran off assumptions that "gankers" do nothing but kill players?

> > > Even then, its open world PvP so nothing wrong with that either.

> > >

> >

> > This is kinda what I mean when I call ganking vs roaming a semantics thing, the difference is basically whether the person views the activity favourably or not. I'll cap camps and kill dolyaks to cut supply lines, call enemy group movements in map chat when I see them, and if I can sneak into an open enemy tower then cap it myself I will. But if I get caught, I'll hide in the tower and kill as many people as I can before they force me out or kill me, and I'll happily one shot people on catas and trebs just to punish their group for not paying attention.

> >

> > My current favourite game is to permastealth behind the enemy zerg, killing backliners where I get the chance but mostly to wait for downs, mount up, stomp, then stealth up again.


> That is exactly the difference between Roaming/Havoc and Gankers to my mind. The kills have a purpose toward _objectives_ either by taking them directly or helping a tag with the effort. And I got no problem with that. Killing people just trying to get a daily done, or running to catch up with a tag that's not even in a battle yet (no OJs) that just implies he just joined the map, not so cool. Now, if there is OJs, you can make the call that guy died in the battle and is running back. That's a bit more grey area.


> Then I usually attack them, if they turn back and fight, great, if not, I let them go. I tagged them, if they die at the OJs I get credit and they got back to the battle so maybe they got some credit before dying. Win Win for both of us, or as much as you can get in a digital warzone anyway.


Its not like you can see if he's dailies are done before killing him...


Ganking is something that all players do, I can't count how many times a zerg ganked me for taking Bravost, Veloka, WC or Klov sentries.


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