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what silliness do you want for april fools day?

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The following balance changes will now go into effect for exactly 24 hours. No, this is not the Purge, Faren asked us to do it so he could get an actual date to the Prom:


Regardless of specialization, gear, weapon, or build, if a thief steals one time, they go directly to ChronoJail. their skills all change over to signet of inspiration, with each charge having a cooldown of 66.6 seconds


We have noticed that many players have chosen the revnant class without actually playing through the heart of thorns Story, Making Rytlock's becoming a revnant with "strange magic" we know nothing about immediately becoming an invalid concept. THEREFORE, all revnant skills except autoattack skill 1 will be disabled until player interacts with Rytlock, AND Rytlock gives an accurate and detailed explanation.


Since Mesmer has gone through a lot of changes as of late regarding Signet of Inspiration, We felt that SOI has had enough tinkering that it now should be given one last change: the name. Signet of Inspiration will now be called Signet of Multiple Personalities. When active, this signet will, depending on the player's current mood regarding mesmer, either increase or decrease in effectiveness, with the only way to achieve true effectiveness is by meditating at the top of Mt. Everest for 2 full hours.

since we felt that this significant change might cause some controversy, Signet of Multiple Personalities, when passive, will become "Signet of Chronojail escape" granting a player, if they play chronomancer, the ability to, once per day, not be asked by any other player if they have a chronomancer.


Since Necromancers have been dealing with dead things for the majority of it's history in game, we felt we needed to lighten up the overall feel of Necromancers. Therefore, if any necromancer dons an entire pink outfit with angel wings and a Pink Quaggan Mini, all Necromancer skills will become Healing Skills, granting Extra Lives to any ally standing within 600 range. Necromancers having this change happen will also be granted a new touch skill called "hug it out" where, if the necromancer gets entirely too close to an overly aggro group of players or mobs, a single activation of this skill will cause everyone within a 150 radius to instantly get Harpy Love, and mobs will immediately become non-hostile.


we felt that, for many years, the overall effectiveness of an engineer has been dwindling, especially due to a lack of actual Trains in Tyria. Therefore, we have added the "Train Turret" skill to the engineer's arsenal. Train Turret, when activated, will spawn a small train set, complete with tracks and a whistle, that will grant the castor 25 stacks of might, swiftness and alactrity. However, should anyone come in contact with the engineer's train turret, the boons go away, and so will the engineer.


While we felt That Guardian is in a very good place at the moment, we have noticed that Guardians don't actually guard anything. they are typically very active, and often do not actually stand guard. Therefore, Guardians will, across all specializations, be given the Virtues trait called "beefeater". this trait, when taken, will cause the Guardian to, if standing absolutely still and using no skills whatsoever, gain stability and reflect all incoming attacks with the exception of any shout within 100 range. Shouts will inflict confusion and Taunt on Guardians, especially if they move. The firebrand Elite spec will now only be effective if a guardian is actually carrying a book greater than 500 pages. further more, the skills of Firebrand will increase during Finals week at every Major University(but only if you study hard!)


We have listened to you, the fans, and we have answered. Warriors will now have increased use of their rifle skills, as we have made significant changes to the warrior rifle. the rifle 5 will now be called "bass cannon" and when used, will knock down every enemy within 1500 range, with the audible noise being the extremely Loud Thumping of a car with too many speakers inside. Rifle skill 1 will remain the same, however, after the auto attack chain is completed 5 times, a cooldown effect will take place called "reload". during "reload" warriors will actually reload their rifles and cannot use a single skill until the rifle is cleaned, loaded and ready to go again. Rifle skills 2-4 will remain unchanged, as long as Reload has taken place. if reload does not happen properly, skills 2-5 will have an instant 120 second cooldown.


since we have made every possible skill variation based on elements, we felt the elementalist has way way too many skills, and should have to learn them like a proper wizard. therefore, prior to switching to any other element, an elementalist must go to the Wizard's Tower and immediately ask to be trained. If the Wizard refuses to train the elementalist, all other skills will be locked until said training is completed, or until Snape Kills Dumbledore, whichever comes first.


While the initial concept of Soulbeast has had many benefits to the ranger, We felt that there needs to be a little more balance to the concept of melding with your pet. therefore, if a soulbeast remains in beast mode for more than 120 seconds, they will begin to display characteristics of the pet they have melded with, including not knowing when to go outside, fleas, fear of water(only applies to cats, increased when playing a charr) and howling at the moon at inappropriate times while the other players are sleeping. While this debuff is a bit harsh, we also felt the need to increase the ability of the Druid to be more druid-like. therefore, while the druid is near any stone formation, they will immediately go into a kneel mode, occasionally speaking in latin, and whacking themselves in the head with gold ingots. and speaking of gold ingots..

for a Limited Time Only, all Gold, Silver, and Copper Ingots will be worth their actual cost. 1 gold = 1 gold ingot, etc.

Happy Hunting!



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> @"blackheartgary.8605" said:

> The following balance changes will now go into effect for exactly 24 hours. No, this is not the Purge, Faren asked us to do it so he could get an actual date to the Prom:

> Thief:

> Regardless of specialization, gear, weapon, or build, if a thief steals one time, they go directly to ChronoJail. their skills all change over to signet of inspiration, with each charge having a cooldown of 66.6 seconds

> Revnant:

> We have noticed that many players have chosen the revnant class without actually playing through the heart of thorns Story, Making Rytlock's becoming a revnant with "strange magic" we know nothing about immediately becoming an invalid concept. THEREFORE, all revnant skills except autoattack skill 1 will be disabled until player interacts with Rytlock, AND Rytlock gives an accurate and detailed explanation.

> Mesmer:

> Since Mesmer has gone through a lot of changes as of late regarding Signet of Inspiration, We felt that SOI has had enough tinkering that it now should be given one last change: the name. Signet of Inspiration will now be called Signet of Multiple Personalities. When active, this signet will, depending on the player's current mood regarding mesmer, either increase or decrease in effectiveness, with the only way to achieve true effectiveness is by meditating at the top of Mt. Everest for 2 full hours.

> since we felt that this significant change might cause some controversy, Signet of Multiple Personalities, when passive, will become "Signet of Chronojail escape" granting a player, if they play chronomancer, the ability to, once per day, not be asked by any other player if they have a chronomancer.

> Necromancer:

> Since Necromancers have been dealing with dead things for the majority of it's history in game, we felt we needed to lighten up the overall feel of Necromancers. Therefore, if any necromancer dons an entire pink outfit with angel wings and a Pink Quaggan Mini, all Necromancer skills will become Healing Skills, granting Extra Lives to any ally standing within 600 range. Necromancers having this change happen will also be granted a new touch skill called "hug it out" where, if the necromancer gets entirely too close to an overly aggro group of players or mobs, a single activation of this skill will cause everyone within a 150 radius to instantly get Harpy Love, and mobs will immediately become non-hostile.

> Engineer:

> we felt that, for many years, the overall effectiveness of an engineer has been dwindling, especially due to a lack of actual Trains in Tyria. Therefore, we have added the "Train Turret" skill to the engineer's arsenal. Train Turret, when activated, will spawn a small train set, complete with tracks and a whistle, that will grant the castor 25 stacks of might, swiftness and alactrity. However, should anyone come in contact with the engineer's train turret, the boons go away, and so will the engineer.

> Guardian:

> While we felt That Guardian is in a very good place at the moment, we have noticed that Guardians don't actually guard anything. they are typically very active, and often do not actually stand guard. Therefore, Guardians will, across all specializations, be given the Virtues trait called "beefeater". this trait, when taken, will cause the Guardian to, if standing absolutely still and using no skills whatsoever, gain stability and reflect all incoming attacks with the exception of any shout within 100 range. Shouts will inflict confusion and Taunt on Guardians, especially if they move. The firebrand Elite spec will now only be effective if a guardian is actually carrying a book greater than 500 pages. further more, the skills of Firebrand will increase during Finals week at every Major University(but only if you study hard!)

> Warrior:

> We have listened to you, the fans, and we have answered. Warriors will now have increased use of their rifle skills, as we have made significant changes to the warrior rifle. the rifle 5 will now be called "bass cannon" and when used, will knock down every enemy within 1500 range, with the audible noise being the extremely Loud Thumping of a car with too many speakers inside. Rifle skill 1 will remain the same, however, after the auto attack chain is completed 5 times, a cooldown effect will take place called "reload". during "reload" warriors will actually reload their rifles and cannot use a single skill until the rifle is cleaned, loaded and ready to go again. Rifle skills 2-4 will remain unchanged, as long as Reload has taken place. if reload does not happen properly, skills 2-5 will have an instant 120 second cooldown.

> Elementalist:

> since we have made every possible skill variation based on elements, we felt the elementalist has way way too many skills, and should have to learn them like a proper wizard. therefore, prior to switching to any other element, an elementalist must go to the Wizard's Tower and immediately ask to be trained. If the Wizard refuses to train the elementalist, all other skills will be locked until said training is completed, or until Snape Kills Dumbledore, whichever comes first.

> Ranger:

> While the initial concept of Soulbeast has had many benefits to the ranger, We felt that there needs to be a little more balance to the concept of melding with your pet. therefore, if a soulbeast remains in beast mode for more than 120 seconds, they will begin to display characteristics of the pet they have melded with, including not knowing when to go outside, fleas, fear of water(only applies to cats, increased when playing a charr) and howling at the moon at inappropriate times while the other players are sleeping. While this debuff is a bit harsh, we also felt the need to increase the ability of the Druid to be more druid-like. therefore, while the druid is near any stone formation, they will immediately go into a kneel mode, occasionally speaking in latin, and whacking themselves in the head with gold ingots. and speaking of gold ingots..

> for a Limited Time Only, all Gold, Silver, and Copper Ingots will be worth their actual cost. 1 gold = 1 gold ingot, etc.

> Happy Hunting!




Terrifying!!! :s For the love of Bear do not, I repeat DO NOT give them ideas. D:

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > I'm not sure that would go over well in the lower-level maps, especially for new players.


> It's one day fest, they'll manage. It's meant as a joke, after all, and many of them will find it refreshing to change their way of playing, for a brief moment, no doubt.


Considering we had snowflakes screaming their heads off after people ran around with silly airplane poses (and noises) that one year, I doubt people will "manage." :confused:

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > I'm not sure that would go over well in the lower-level maps, especially for new players.

> >

> > It's one day fest, they'll manage. It's meant as a joke, after all, and many of them will find it refreshing to change their way of playing, for a brief moment, no doubt.


> Considering we had snowflakes screaming their heads off after people ran around with silly airplane poses (and noises) that one year, I doubt people will "manage." :confused:


One day of screaming won't change a lot, each significant change to game produces many days of screaming anyway.

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> @"Jura.2170" said:

> > @"blackheartgary.8605" said:

> > Shouts will inflict confusion and Taunt on Guardians


> what happens if you shout Brexit at them? :confused:


Guardians will then proceed to spend the next 12 hundred years debating on wether or not to brexit accompanied by multiple votes signifying nothing.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"Batel.9206" said:

> > > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > I'm not sure that would go over well in the lower-level maps, especially for new players.

> > >

> > > It's one day fest, they'll manage. It's meant as a joke, after all, and many of them will find it refreshing to change their way of playing, for a brief moment, no doubt.

> >

> > Considering we had snowflakes screaming their heads off after people ran around with silly airplane poses (and noises) that one year, I doubt people will "manage." :confused:


> One day of screaming won't change a lot, each significant change to game produces many days of screaming anyway.


That's true, but ANet has shown us more than once that they can't manage the screaming so they avoid it...make of that what you will but it's, imho, why we can't have nice things, not even once a year.

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> @"Jura.2170" said:

> > @"blackheartgary.8605" said:

> > Shouts will inflict confusion and Taunt on Guardians


> what happens if you shout Brexit at them? :confused:


anet responds with a 10 minute unbreakable knockdown while [minstrel finisher](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hidden_Minstrel_Finisher "minstrel finisher") plays the "coming soon" theme song.

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> @"blackheartgary.8605" said:

> Engineer:

> we felt that, for many years, the overall effectiveness of an engineer has been dwindling, especially due to a lack of actual Trains in Tyria. Therefore, we have added the "Train Turret" skill to the engineer's arsenal. Train Turret, when activated, will spawn a small train set, complete with tracks and a whistle, that will grant the castor 25 stacks of might, swiftness and alactrity. However, should anyone come in contact with the engineer's train turret, the boons go away, and so will the engineer.



Unnecessary. Engineer is the April fools joke that writes itself. It's the ultimate straight man.


Just list every core Engineer trait line, leave the entries blank, and then follow it with something to this effect;


"We(Anet) believe that in spite of the negative feelings expressed in various internet forums, and upon further exhaustive testing, review, and internal discussion, the Engineer is in a good place and so we won't be changing anything at this time or the foreseeable future.'


And leave it there. Comedy gold. Perhaps a bit too subtle for these boards, but gold nonetheless.




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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"Batel.9206" said:

> > > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > I'm not sure that would go over well in the lower-level maps, especially for new players.

> > >

> > > It's one day fest, they'll manage. It's meant as a joke, after all, and many of them will find it refreshing to change their way of playing, for a brief moment, no doubt.

> >

> > Considering we had snowflakes screaming their heads off after people ran around with silly airplane poses (and noises) that one year, I doubt people will "manage." :confused:


> One day of screaming won't change a lot, each significant change to game produces many days of screaming anyway.


Oh, really? That screaming caused us to lose April Fool's Day in-game 'jokes'. Sigh.

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