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WvW need some kind of timer based destroyable mobile Waypoint portal siege machine


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One of the things that would really make WvW more fun to play is a mobile waypoint portal generator that is destroyable and revives on a timer base instead of the contested mechanic of current waypoints.


Commanders would benefit for having these at defensive strategy points for bigger epic defensive battles other than just SMC and Keeps, which both already have their own traditional waypoints.


Make is a golem speed or slightly slower. Can enter structures, and vulnerable to all forms of damage but immune to CC and heals. Need to be rebuilt if destroyed.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> If I had access to a portable wormhole, why would I use it to port reinforcements to my location ? I would use it suck enemy forces to the middle of the desolation.


Careful with those words, you might trigger mods for matchup thread :^)

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > If I had access to a portable wormhole, why would I use it to port reinforcements to my location ? I would use it suck enemy forces to the middle of the desolation.


> Careful with those words, you might trigger mods for matchup thread :^)


Well.... it’s not like he said the Black Gate of Mordor....

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > If I had access to a portable wormhole, why would I use it to port reinforcements to my location ? I would use it suck enemy forces to the middle of the desolation.


> Careful with those words, you might trigger mods for matchup thread :^)


Er...um..in case anyone out there is..er..watching, what I meant in my post was the literal location: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Desolation


Thank you. Sorry. Thank you.

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This is a really good idea, IF the goal of gate/wall nerf was to create more activity (fights) instead objectives no one was willing to attack. Years of buffed defenses have spoiled zergs into believing they can respond to threats at their leisure. Even with mounts, many or perhaps even most responders will ignore calls until the ewp is pulled. OTOH if the goal of the gate/wall nerf was to facilitate the ktrain, OP's suggestion would be counterproductive . . .


What would be the gameplay arguments against making it easier to get combatants together, either through OP's suggestion or reducing ewp cd's or w/e? It seems like a natural extension of the perceived motivation behind the introduction of mounts . . .

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Is this dood trying to > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> One of the things that would really make WvW more fun to play is a mobile waypoint portal generator that is destroyable and revives on a timer base instead of the contested mechanic of current waypoints.


> Commanders would benefit for having these at defensive strategy points for bigger epic defensive battles other than just SMC and Keeps, which both already have their own traditional waypoints.


> Make is a golem speed or slightly slower. Can enter structures, and vulnerable to all forms of damage but immune to CC and heals. Need to be rebuilt if destroyed.


Is this your prediction for whatever the developers are going to make to facilitate improved "time-to-entry" as they state in this video at 43 minutes?

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> Is this dood trying to > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > One of the things that would really make WvW more fun to play is a mobile waypoint portal generator that is destroyable and revives on a timer base instead of the contested mechanic of current waypoints.

> >

> > Commanders would benefit for having these at defensive strategy points for bigger epic defensive battles other than just SMC and Keeps, which both already have their own traditional waypoints.

> >

> > Make is a golem speed or slightly slower. Can enter structures, and vulnerable to all forms of damage but immune to CC and heals. Need to be rebuilt if destroyed.


> Is this your prediction for whatever the developers are going to make to facilitate improved "time-to-entry" as they state in this video at 43 minutes?


Oh wow, is that Anet staff? They seem to agree with my view of this as well. Wonder what their idea will be at tackling this will be.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > this is the biggest lol ever.


> Said the guy who made a thread/poll asking for all classes' weapons to have 5 sec weapon swap cd when not all classes have weapon swap.


said you presenting a tired strawman.

I never "asked" for it to happen anyways lol, I was more interested in what people would think.

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> @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> Maps aren't large enough to warrant a forward operating base styled waypoint. You'd need something DESIGNED like an ARMA map (smaller for gw2 mechanics but that kind of scale) to really necessitate buildable bases.


> I would love it though if we got that no lie.


I could see it on desert map, its large and obnoxious to navigate.

But on the whole I agree its not a stellar idea for this game. You're supposed to capture objectives and upgrade to their waypoints, not obsolete them by dropping a waypoint underneath the shield bubble with the catapults.


~ Kovu

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> i dunno man it would be fun to try out, but my best guess is that all that constant waypointing + combat uptime would overload amazons crappy servers.


> edit

> one way to limit its use would be to only allow it for servers with higher then average ppk. having a high supply req would only encourage snowballing.


This kind of waypoint would have a timer like most FPS multiplayer games, but its can be destroyed. So you can just die and waypoint instantly. There is a time delay to rez there. Defenses can have larger fights with the walls defending the waypoint portal generator from damage. This would lead to some epic fights instead of just the open field zerg vs zerg battles.


The waypoint siege generator cant be healed and moves slowly. So best to go from location to location that you control. Because if itsdestroyed, your team has to build a new one in the starter area by running resources back like a gathering event.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > snips

> the thing is tho, larger servers would abuse this to no end. whats left of guild groups would get destroyed, since even having 5 less doods would be a detriment over time.


This could be balanced by faction population numbers increasing the timer rate for the res and smaller numbers population has shorter timer on the waypoint portal siege.


Also the cost to make them can be adjusted by population.


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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > snips

> > the thing is tho, larger servers would abuse this to no end. whats left of guild groups would get destroyed, since even having 5 less doods would be a detriment over time.


> This could be balanced by faction population numbers increasing the timer rate for the res and smaller numbers population has shorter timer on the waypoint portal siege.


> Also the cost to make them can be adjusted by population.


So the dominating zerg can stand there while the smaller zerg keep feeding them with bags at a faster rate when they are camping the waypoint. Brilliant!


IMO keeps should also have a bag dispenser tactivator that works similar to one of those hamster water bottles.


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