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LWS5: I believe we are going to Cantha

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> @"Cat Warrior.9240" said:

> The only reason that I speculate we're goin' to Cantha, is 'cause of the Ritualist outfit that's gonna release soon (why not release it with Rev, which is GW2's Rit?). And, dragons (normal ones, I suppose) existed in Cantha; the new mount we're getting _is_ a dragon. Then again, the beetle had nothing to do with Kourna, besides it loosely relating to the scarab plague which kinda invovled all of Elona.

> But that's just me. I find it fun to speculate until the episode releases and then the questions are answered.


That was supposed to be Engineer, but then they went after turrets, took literally everything out of them that made them unique and worth using, made them susceptible to crits and conditions, took away ground/wall deployment, and put all that into the tablet on Revenant. Essentially ruined them, and on the argument that they were an unfair advantage in competitive, then turned around and on top of all the rest made the tablet invulnerable, movable, have multiple overcharges on demand using an energy system, and and on such a low cooldown that it might as well be permanent.


Then they left Engineer turrets to rot as glorified bombs.


And no, not picking on you in particular, just bitter enough that when I see it mentioned I still comment on it.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> if you at least tried to read up on some GW lore you would know why all the tengu are next to lobster land.


> @"dusanyu.4057" said:

> It is now the ministry of purity kicked everything that was not a human out


Had already been clarified and I responded to it already as well.

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> @"Iozeph.5617" said:

> > @"Cat Warrior.9240" said:

> > The only reason that I speculate we're goin' to Cantha, is 'cause of the Ritualist outfit that's gonna release soon (why not release it with Rev, which is GW2's Rit?). And, dragons (normal ones, I suppose) existed in Cantha; the new mount we're getting _is_ a dragon. Then again, the beetle had nothing to do with Kourna, besides it loosely relating to the scarab plague which kinda invovled all of Elona.

> > But that's just me. I find it fun to speculate until the episode releases and then the questions are answered.


> That was supposed to be Engineer, but then they went after turrets, took literally everything out of them that made them unique and worth using, made them susceptible to crits and conditions, took away ground/wall deployment, and put all that into the tablet on Revenant. Essentially ruined them, and on the argument that they were an unfair advantage in competitive, then turned around and on top of all the rest made the tablet invulnerable, movable, have multiple overcharges on demand using an energy system, and and on such a low cooldown that it might as well be permanent.


> Then they left Engineer turrets to rot as glorified bombs.


> And no, not picking on you in particular, just bitter enough that when I see it mentioned I still comment on it.


Champion Ritualist is the title a Rev receives for an achievement in PvP and it makes sense that Engi's starting idea was Rit. (And yeah, I mained Engi in the early days, so I do feel the killing of our turrets too. So yeah, I feel ya in that) ((This is totally not off topic!! XD))

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> I hope not. Kaineng was super ugly.... it looked like 2-3 planks just copy-pasted in all sorts of directions to make the city


I’m hoping if they did do it they would make it a cyber futuristic city with flashing neon lights and stuff instead of the old wooden planks. Especially given how much time has passed.


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Cantha would have no animals or creatures that aren’t human. It would be basically like dealing with divinity’s reach but not so uptight.


The first step would be that we’d have to visit the dominion of winds first though.


The tengu were the last creatures to leave cantha so we’d have to get information from them first.

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I don't know. I mean lore wise it's underwater due to the jade sea becoming- un-jaded and then you have bubbles. but i mean anet is all about breaking some lore with backwings and mounts so whatever. id be more interested in EotN and more Norn friendly oriented story and armor, new tattoos and hairstyles that don't go to humans for once. their needs to be a line separating the two so they stay unique from each other.

I would only hope a Canthan dive would come with a new race like the Tengu, starting with their own starter instance like how it was done in WoW.

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> @"dodgerrule.8739" said:

> Cantha would have no animals or creatures that aren’t human. It would be basically like dealing with divinity’s reach but not so uptight.


> The first step would be that we’d have to visit the dominion of winds first though.


> The tengu were the last creatures to leave cantha so we’d have to get information from them first.


I think you're taking "expelling all non-humans" a bit too literally. If there were no animals, who do humans in Cantha eat? I doubt they would all suddenly become vegetarians.


Most likely, it just limited to civilized non-humans, such as the tengu, dredge, and naga (wardens are uncertain due to their unclear origin), and even then pockets would no doubt survive in the wilderness (such as yeti caves, kappa nests, etc.) and I'd imagine it'd be very hard to do a full out extermination of an entire species that can burrow into the ground / jade, swim deep underwater, or fly away.


So I'd imagine that there'd be pockets of wardens, naga, sensali tengu, dragons, and yeti out there. Along with natural wildlife. But there'd be no "towns" or "cities" of non-humans; any non-humans would be nomadic or far from human civilization, deep in forests, seas, or mountains.


> @"SnowHawk.3615" said:

> I don't know. I mean lore wise it's underwater due to the jade sea becoming- un-jaded and then you have bubbles. but i mean anet is all about breaking some lore with backwings and mounts so whatever. id be more interested in EotN and more Norn friendly oriented story and armor, new tattoos and hairstyles that don't go to humans for once. their needs to be a line separating the two so they stay unique from each other.

> I would only hope a Canthan dive would come with a new race like the Tengu, starting with their own starter instance like how it was done in WoW.


Cantha wouldn't have sunk from the Jade Sea de-petrifying (it was the Battle Isles that sunk), and the DSD should be west of Tyria based on current lore, not south like Cantha.


Also, I don't think backwings are lore. Nor are any mounts really lore-breaking (except branded unless we assume they got purified ala Arah ritual like Glint).

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@"dodgerrule.8739" The game lore outright contradicts your theory.


Shiro was a pawn of Abaddon, as revealed in the mission [Gate of Madness](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Gate_of_Madness) in GW1. It is also explained in [his history](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Shiro_Tagachi) on the wiki --


> During his service as both a guardsman and later bodyguard, **a demon sent by Abaddon** had disguised itself as a Fortune Teller and consulted Shiro multiple times, eventually telling him that he would be killed by the emperor during the Harvest Festival. This caused him to turn to forbidden magic, breaking imperial law, and led him down the path of insanity.


No Elder Dragons were involved then, as they we still asleep until the end of the Eye of the North campaign, when Primordius started to awaken.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> There have been releases lately (mount skins, outfits,...) that make me believe that LWS5 will take us to Cantha.


> I also have a feeling that new elite specs are awaiting us:

> * Necromancer: Ritualist

> * Thief: Assassin

> * (no idea for the others)


> Mark my words: Cantha looms on the horizon. :)



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Cantha is probably 5+ years away (at least 2 more xpacs first IMO). Next I’ll bet is a blood legion problem. If they’re really committed to providing expansion quality releases in living world, then it should be within their abilities to make a full brand new region’s worth of assets and music, meaning we could see blood legion homelands exploded in season 5. If the season is a full 6 episodes, it’s hard to say if the next expansion will be around there or not, depending on if they add new unheard of threats over there as the plot goes on. That, or we could see watery areas in S5 and unending ocean for expansion 3. Then blood legion stuff for season 6. We’ll see.

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> @"dodgerrule.8739" said:

> If my theory is correct the jade sea was never from Shiro but from shiros master the dragon


Shiro's master was Abaddon and the magic used to create the Jade Sea was the stolen magic of Dwayna wasn't it?


I do find it interesting that the solid ocean fractal boss is a giant tentacled monstrosity akin to what you would expect from the DSD's minions.

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> I hope not. Kaineng was super ugly.... it looked like 2-3 planks just copy-pasted in all sorts of directions to make the city


I loved it for its dirt and overpopulation. It was a city with a face, so to speak. It had its own charm. That said, Kaineng was just a part of Cantha. The Jade Sea, the Luxons, the Kurzick forest and their Gothic architecture - it had to offer a lot of variety and adventure.


> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> I believe in unicorns.




> Sometimes believing something doesn't make it so.


That's true, but we will know before the year is over, won't we? ;)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> There have been releases lately (mount skins, outfits,...) that make me believe that LWS5 will take us to Cantha.


> I also have a feeling that new elite specs are awaiting us:

> * Necromancer: Ritualist

> * Thief: Assassin

> * (no idea for the others)


> Mark my words: Cantha looms on the horizon. :)


Ritualist Elite Spec fits more with the Revenant lol.


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"dodgerrule.8739" said:

> > Armor weights didn’t really exist in guild wars 1.


> That's true, but by its rating, a Ritualist's protection level was more like that of GW2's Necromancer than that of the heavily armored Revenant.


pllllzz looks at scraper, 3 bally on a scrapper and his health barelly moved, he was gaining barrier xD, kind aremminds some very tanky RT builds that could resplendish self HP up.

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