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Things that bug you as an elementalist


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Not necessarily things that you would want to see changed. Just anything that bugs you when playing as an elementalist, or anything that makes you pull your hair out about the class itself. A venting thread if you will.


For me, it's the fact that our revive trait isn't even on our healing specialization line. I believe almost everyone else has their revive trait where it should be, whereas if we want to support we're expected to absolutely get these two specializations, it feels like. Not really a concern about the class itself or anything, just something that bugs me personally.

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* Ride The Lightning skill still has that strange "if you don't hit/ do hit" cool down mechanic, that was introduced as a nerf to an Ele's mobility and was never reverted. Elite professions from HoT and PoF introduced far better damage + mobility skills on shorter cool downs + evade frames., but Anet's Devs never update the skill after 2013 to get rid of that strange nerf.

* Ele's Elemental Attunements are the only "weapon swap" type of mechanic that suffers from the chill condition. Back in 2012, Ele had access to more weapon skills than other professions, but nowadays just look at Holosmith or Firebrand. But again, Anet Devs seem to think that the Elementalist should be kept in its 2012 state, like it was at launch.

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a terrible balance team exists for elementslists that likes to put a lowest hp+armor class at melee range and give it skills with long delays but doesnt know how to properly balance the risk vs reward for it (probably because of reasoning such as IT HAS 20 SKILLS + ITS GOLEM DPS WILL BE TOO HIGH)

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> Every animation on my charr elementalist looks clunky and awkward, no matter what weapon/weapon set I'm using. I can't even explain it, really...it just bugs me. Maybe it's petty to grump about, but there you go. :tongue:


The 3 ability on dagger triggers me as charr. I have no idea how it looks on other races... But it feels silly to be flying through the air then suddenly do some weird Z turn to get to my opponent, being completely defenseless all the while only to do negligible damage and root them. Meanwhile, you're locked in the animation for a second so you can't even really take advantage of it. Spinning around while wielding a staff for fire overload also looks ridiculous.




> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> a terrible balance team exists for elementslists that likes to put a lowest hp+armor class at melee range and give it skills with long delays but doesnt know how to properly balance the risk vs reward for it (probably because of reasoning such as IT HAS 20 SKILLS + ITS GOLEM DPS WILL BE TOO HIGH)


It has always bugged me that elementalists seem to be shipped more as a melee class than a ranged class, at least it feels that way anyway.

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Weaver is about dual attuning but when it comes to traits that's not so. Off hand elements don't get the full benefits like they should. For example stone heart, 25 percent movement speed in air, or boons upon hit. If weavers can dual attune then why are those benefits taken away?


Everyone and their mothers know my distaste for dual skills and third skills overlapping. Also conjures are such a waste atm.

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From a WvW and PvP point of view, thing that bugs me the most about the current state of Elementalist is that whenever I do win a fight, my first thought isn't "Wow, I did really well in that battle" but rather "They must have screwed up their rotations/messed up." :(

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The thing that bugs me about Elementalist is simple: Elementalist. In short: wasted potential on such exhilarating and near perfect piece of art and design.


I don't think me whining on this sub gets/got me anywhere so, meh, I will try to be short on any thread related to a similar issue.

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All of the above.

Also not being able to use ranged and melee, getting stucked into one of them. Scalings are wrong. So many useless and deserted utility skills. Ele is left at 2012. Nowadays so many other professions can deal do everything better. I love the profession but it is really ignored. Also I too hate the dual attuning and the changing 3rd skill. So many things to write, so little desire to do it.

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I hate how the elementalist is divided against itself. For any practical sense, you don't get 4 elements. You get two, at most. This is because each element requires a substantial amount of investment (specialization and stats) in order to be effective, and some aren't effective at all. Like, if I am on staff, then Earth is a dangerous element which will tank my DPS if things don't go perfect, and water is a complete dead zone.

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I guess I have wanted to camp an element/become a single master of one play style wise - given we have traits focused on one particular element


I guess I can only really hope for an elite spec that has that in mind.

The doesn't feel like it fills the roles as to what I would be hoping for.

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There is so much to say, and that we did so many times.

But Shortly ; Gameplay of elem is disordered :

Swapping attunements is a need : because of long CD, low dmg/base, because of useless utility skills, traits that require swapping to trigger, because sustain is scattered between traits and related to weapon skills/attunements, .... ;

But elem/weaver is also braked when swapping : traits that require you to stay in a particular element, utility skills effetcs separate between elements (like earth lane that seems interesting, but is unfeasible in condition) , second element on weaver that doesn't trigger the traits, double attune in same element that doesn't trigger traits ...

  + the healing base too low, the HP pool ...


And the thing that bug me the most : The balance team still nerf/buff WEAPON skills, like +42% dmg shatterstone or +24% dragon'st tooth regardless castime / CD, but never rework the CONTENT ; the specs in their "doctrine" and utility skills.

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> @"Ranageki.2491" said:

> Not necessarily things that you would want to see changed. Just anything that bugs you when playing as an elementalist, or anything that makes you pull your hair out about the class itself. A venting thread if you will.


1. Need to waste utility slot for Unravel as Weaver; must be profession mechanic instead

2. Constant disruption of combat flow due to excessively long attunement switch cooldowns for Weaver; was much less of an issue on core Ele; I constantly find myself waiting for cooldown to end to switch to attunement I need; Weave Self temporarily makes it bearable, but it's too short and its cooldown is unreasonably long as well

3. The fact that there is no decent DPS build for Tempest except the one only using Air attunement (Fresh Air-based one); I like attunement-dancing part of Ele, but as Tempest, if I want to put out decent DPS, I must stick to a single attunement, that's a bummer

4. Hate how overloads turn you into a defensless punchbag as Tempest, especially Fire one which requires you to be close to your target.


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Ele never earned an F5 skill which could address the core mechanic of the spec


Tempest-Transmuting Aura's

Weaver-Unlocking third skill abilities


EDIT: Master's Fortitude-Why is this trait wrapped around a certain weapon? Other professions can swap weapons, allowing versatility, but Ele's are stuck on one weapon. This trait forces weavers to play a certain way. It should be a baseline health increase, encouraging countless builds. Given the upcoming balance change, Anet clearly wants to buff dagger weaver. If so, then remove this unnecessary trait!

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