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Maguuma Pact Operation Portal Device


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There is something I want to understand. The device signals when meta starts and you can teleport to meta only when it's about to start or it's on already?

What is the point? Maps where people are doing meta will be full already. What am I missing?


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Going to SW is pointless since it will vary with every map instance unless it ports you specifically to the one that’s active.


I don’t see it being all that useful for HoT since the maps are based on a specific schedule and 3/4 of the maps generally organize before the final meta begins.


I could see some benefits if they included the LS3 maps but only if it gets people to go to those metas. Just like SW, some metas are map instance specific.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> It’s possible that it’s existence may mean more populated late maps as ppl teleport en masse


Depending on how it works, it's also possible people will teleport to dead instances or failing metas. But I guess we won't know until we (or some reviewer) tries!

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> One use is free teleportation to a map (if the Meta is up or upcoming), whether one is interested in the Meta, or not.


I use the one for Core Events for that right now. I do like this sort of thing, items that enhance my account.


With the introduction of this gadget, it seems it is time to add more Shared Inventory Slots. I would think people would be more inclined to buy such things it there was more room for them to be shared across an account. Right now I'll have to ponder what I would be willing to move to the bank from a shared slot.

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I bought one this morning, though I did not have time to do anything but evict my recently-acquired Music Box from the spare shared inventory slot to make room for it.


Like the World Boss gizmo, it lets you know both ongoing metas, and 'imminent' metas that will happen in the next ten minutes, so you might have time to get into a decent meta map if you are keeping track. At the time I got it, I think it was showing the currently ongoing meta as the Dry Top daytime/non-sandstorm phase, so I am kind of curious to see what all is on the tracked event list.


Re maps filling, I think it would be more useful if it also had a 20-minute pre-imminent warning for the big HoT events. But since I mainly bought it as the shortcut device to HoT I had always wanted (AND Maguuma wastes, as a bonus!) I am not complaining. Someone who is determined to get into a specific HoT meta during a busy time will still be better served by the wiki's Event Timer and the LFG.

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I know only a handful of people who bought the World Boss portal device. For them, the main value is convenience: live map or needing to LFG... they wouldn't bother heading to the map except that the device makes it easier for them to know which boss is next and get there. Is it needed? Well, no, neither is is the Copper-Fed, everyone's favorite convenient device which saves you from... taking three more steps towards a vendor every so often.


Me? I'm more interested in a HoT event device because I might actually want to do those events. Having to LFG seems like a minor step for me, since typically, I wouldn't head to any of the maps ever in time for the meta, because it's not part of my routine.


tl;dr target audience are those who keep saying, "yeah i should find me some more of them metas" and never end up doing so, without an ingame reminder.

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Right now the thing is to do a lw4 meta train.


So I'd have preferred a device for lw4. Pala for Istan, the chamber for sandswept, the thing south for Kourna, Shatterer for Jahai, north and south metas for the latest one. I keep forgetting which starts at which 45.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"Drecien.4508" said:

> > So it would be safe to assume a POF portal device would follow into the future? Would be nice


> Does PoF even have events worth porting to?




The maw ( it always needs people) Serpents Ire, The ascension one in north Elon, Casino coins in amnoon, the treasure hunt, there are some. maybe if it includes lw4 maps too. Keeps it interesting.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> One use is free teleportation to a map


I believe that is its _only_ real usefulness. I already regret buying this before doing some research and see which type of events are included. For some reason, I was convinced it would include LWS3 as well (like the metas in Bloodstone Fen).

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> There is something I want to understand. The device signals when meta starts and you can teleport to meta only when it's about to start or it's on already?

> What is the point? Maps where people are doing meta will be full already. What am I missing?


> @"Snail.7215" said:

> I would love to know exactly how this works and if it's useful or not for the HoT metas like Chak Gerent, Dragon's Stand and the rest.


> @"HyperLooser.2698" said:

> yeah, someone has to sacrifice 400 gems for science


I bought it last night, prepared 400 gems in advance just for that. So far I find it quite helpful for Chak Gerent and Tarir where the cool expensive infusions are. While using it there were lot's of pop ups:

_**Pact assistance requested! Chak Gerent Defense begins in 10 minutes.

Pact assistance requested! Crash Site Aid needed in 10 minutes.

Pact assistance requested! Daytime Deployment begins in 10 minutes.

Pact assistance requested! Nighttime Deployment begins in 10 minutes.

Pact assistance requested! Sandstorm Relief needed in 10 minutes.

Pact assistance requested! Tarir Assault Reinforcements needed in 10 minutes.

Pact assistance requested! Tarir Defense Prep needed in 10 minutes.

Pact assistance requested! The Assault on Mordremoth begins in 10 minutes.

Pact assistance requested! The Tarir Octovine Assault begins in 5 minutes.**_


Also they were telling the zones in brackets if the player using it don't know what the message means... I'm not sure there is pop up for Silverwaste... after all the meta is not time gated. But I can confirm there are pop ups for **Dry Top, Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths, Dragon Stand** . Also I have to point out that the portal ports you on convenient spots where you can rush right for the metas. I think on the world boss portal device there were pop ups 25 mins before(announced in the chat), 10 mins before(announced in the chat) and when the fight starts. For the Maguuma Device I think the pop up is only on the **10 mins before the start**_**(announced in the chat)**_ and **when the fight is starting**. Last night I also ported on Chak Gerent when the fight started and it ported me on a map with 4 commanders, not sure if the map was full but i totally can see some benefits having the Device.


Hope that helps for your decision! :)

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > There is something I want to understand. The device signals when meta starts and you can teleport to meta only when it's about to start or it's on already?

> > What is the point? Maps where people are doing meta will be full already. What am I missing?


> > @"Snail.7215" said:

> > I would love to know exactly how this works and if it's useful or not for the HoT metas like Chak Gerent, Dragon's Stand and the rest.


> > @"HyperLooser.2698" said:

> > yeah, someone has to sacrifice 400 gems for science


> I bought it last night, prepared 400 gems in advance just for that. So far I find it quite helpful for Chak Gerent and Tarir where the cool expensive infusions are. While using it there were lot's of pop ups:

> _**Pact assistance requested! Chak Gerent Defense begins in 10 minutes.

> Pact assistance requested! Crash Site Aid needed in 10 minutes.

> Pact assistance requested! Daytime Deployment begins in 10 minutes.

> Pact assistance requested! Nighttime Deployment begins in 10 minutes.

> Pact assistance requested! Sandstorm Relief needed in 10 minutes.

> Pact assistance requested! Tarir Assault Reinforcements needed in 10 minutes.

> Pact assistance requested! Tarir Defense Prep needed in 10 minutes.

> Pact assistance requested! The Assault on Mordremoth begins in 10 minutes.

> Pact assistance requested! The Tarir Octovine Assault begins in 5 minutes.**_


> Also they were telling the zones in brackets if the player using it don't know what the message means... I'm not sure there is pop up for Silverwaste... after all the meta is not time gated. But I can confirm there are pop ups for **Dry Top, Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths, Dragon Stand** . Also I have to point out that the portal ports you on convenient spots where you can rush right for the metas. I think on the world boss portal device there were pop ups 25 mins before(announced in the chat), 10 mins before(announced in the chat) and when the fight starts. For the Maguuma Device I think the pop up is only on the **10 mins before the start**_**(announced in the chat)**_ and **when the fight is starting**. Last night I also ported on Chak Gerent when the fight started and it ported me on a map with 4 commanders, not sure if the map was full but i totally can see some benefits having the Devic.


> Hope that helps for your decision! :)


I understand that, but 10 minutes before meta in my experience AB/TD are almost always full, let alone DS.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > There is something I want to understand. The device signals when meta starts and you can teleport to meta only when it's about to start or it's on already?

> > > What is the point? Maps where people are doing meta will be full already. What am I missing?

> >

> > > @"Snail.7215" said:

> > > I would love to know exactly how this works and if it's useful or not for the HoT metas like Chak Gerent, Dragon's Stand and the rest.

> >

> > > @"HyperLooser.2698" said:

> > > yeah, someone has to sacrifice 400 gems for science

> >

> > I bought it last night, prepared 400 gems in advance just for that. So far I find it quite helpful for Chak Gerent and Tarir where the cool expensive infusions are. While using it there were lot's of pop ups:

> > _**Pact assistance requested! Chak Gerent Defense begins in 10 minutes.

> > Pact assistance requested! Crash Site Aid needed in 10 minutes.

> > Pact assistance requested! Daytime Deployment begins in 10 minutes.

> > Pact assistance requested! Nighttime Deployment begins in 10 minutes.

> > Pact assistance requested! Sandstorm Relief needed in 10 minutes.

> > Pact assistance requested! Tarir Assault Reinforcements needed in 10 minutes.

> > Pact assistance requested! Tarir Defense Prep needed in 10 minutes.

> > Pact assistance requested! The Assault on Mordremoth begins in 10 minutes.

> > Pact assistance requested! The Tarir Octovine Assault begins in 5 minutes.**_

> >

> > Also they were telling the zones in brackets if the player using it don't know what the message means... I'm not sure there is pop up for Silverwaste... after all the meta is not time gated. But I can confirm there are pop ups for **Dry Top, Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths, Dragon Stand** . Also I have to point out that the portal ports you on convenient spots where you can rush right for the metas. I think on the world boss portal device there were pop ups 25 mins before(announced in the chat), 10 mins before(announced in the chat) and when the fight starts. For the Maguuma Device I think the pop up is only on the **10 mins before the start**_**(announced in the chat)**_ and **when the fight is starting**. Last night I also ported on Chak Gerent when the fight started and it ported me on a map with 4 commanders, not sure if the map was full but i totally can see some benefits having the Devic.

> >

> > Hope that helps for your decision! :)


> I understand that, but 10 minutes before meta in my experience AB/TD are almost always full, let alone DS.


But if more ppl will get item it will be possible to fill 2nd map with ppl, so it may still work

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