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Please, make the raids with an additional mode (solo)


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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:


> snip


I don’t care too much for what anyone considers as toxic, especially when there are no arguments but only emotional responses. I pretty much consider your response toxic, in the sense that it involves a personal attack, while my responses were purely logical in nature, even if they used a language that did not pamper.

I will only comment on 2 things.

1) it took less than 30 minutes for a response in this “necroed” thread from someone who as it appears is rather invested in this “closed and done deal”. So it might not be that much of a closed and done deal...

2) I am supporting the position for 100% content access to solo players from the era of city of heroes so I don’t much mind to wait and vote with my wallet. And I’ve followed ANet from GW1. I never knew them to speak in absolutes. Please find and link the point where they say a definitive no. In an interview some months ago they did mention that they are considering things to support more all play styles. This is not an absolute and leaves open options.

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> @"pantognost.8397" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> >

> > snip

> >

> I don’t care too much for what anyone considers as toxic, especially when there are no arguments but only emotional responses. I pretty much consider your response toxic, in the sense that it involves a personal attack, while my responses were purely logical in nature, even if they used a language that did not pamper.

> I will only comment on 2 things.

> 1) it took less than 30 minutes for a response in this “necroed” thread from someone who as it appears is rather invested in this “closed and done deal”. So it might not be that much of a closed and done deal...

> 2) I am supporting the position for 100% content access to solo players from the era of city of heroes so I don’t much mind to wait and vote with my wallet. And I’ve followed ANet from GW1. I never knew them to speak in absolutes. Please find and link the point where they say a definitive no. In an interview some months ago they did mention that they are considering things to support more all play styles. This is not an absolute and leaves open options.




> “We won’t be adding a different difficulty tier at this time. Raids need to continue to remain the most challenging content in the game, and they aren’t designed to be accessible by everyone from a skill perspective. Could they be more accessible from a ‘finding 9 other players to play with’ side? Sure. That isn’t always an easy problem to solve, and any solution would detract away from the team making more raid content. We’d love to get more content out to you guys faster really.”

- Crystal Reid 2017, the quote can be found in the over 100 page long thread on this subject which has died down


Since then strikes were added as a bridge for getting players into instanced content paired with an ever decreasing commitment to instanced content (no new fractals, no reworks, no new raids, etc.). Your chances of ever seeing solo raids is 0.

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I seriously don't get the overall impression that raids are somehow impossible to access for casual players. There are dozens of training guilds you can join and training groups in the LFG every day that literally only require exotic gear and a build that makes even some remote sense (correct traits and skills equipped to match your stats). If the commander (or someone in the group) is even half competent, they will explain the mechanics and tell people where they made mistakes after a wipe.


I've joined dozens of these groups after checking out a quick raid wing guide and gearing my character accordingly, and eventually we've killed the bosses. All it takes is a bit of patience and preparation on your part. When the experience and the killproofs start piling up, you can join more and more groups (or make your own) and soon enough you'll be a competent, confident raider.

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They do have solo raids. It’s called strike missions ;). You can solo vg, cairn, gorseval, Mathias, river.


You have fractals you can solo.


The thing is why do you join a raid and not make it easier for the group to play the correct build? This is an MMORPG. Massive, multiplayer, online, role playing game. Play what helps the group.


There’s also training guilds that been mentioned like the RNT guild for players to learn.


The kp and li groups are for experienced players who killed the boss multiple times. Not for players who don’t want to adjust their builds for players who want to kill the boss.


As much as players complain about not wanting to change their builds, raids are easy. They are not hard. And for some reason everyone has this mindset like it is. Sure a brand new player shouldn’t run into soulless horror. But new players can definitely run into vg and cairn. Cairn there is no enrage and vg doesn’t give high damage unless you miss a green.


Anyways back on topic. Strike missions are the easy raids so you don’t need a solo mode. Any strike besides the boneskinner should be fine with any build you want to play. Boneskinner you just need 2 good healers. Other then that they are not hard. Players just need to not think these raids, tier 4s are godlike content. Get in there do 60-70 pulls until you kill it.


Joy are for those who go through tremendous trials.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> I, like many others, dislike playing the raids because of several reasons. Things like "you don't have the right build - you can't play", "you don't have experience - you can't play", "you fail too much - you can't play" or the constant flaming (in most cases) makes these encounters unplayable for someone who wants to relax in the game.

> ANET, why don't you cut all the drops/loot etc. and make an additional mode of the raids for solo gameplay so that everyone can experience the story and the feeling of the areas? This way the raiders will continue to enjoy their raids and still get the drops while the players that are here for the story and fell in love with GW because of it, will be able to experience these chapters too.



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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"pantognost.8397" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > >

> > > snip

> > >

> > I don’t care too much for what anyone considers as toxic, especially when there are no arguments but only emotional responses. I pretty much consider your response toxic, in the sense that it involves a personal attack, while my responses were purely logical in nature, even if they used a language that did not pamper.

> > I will only comment on 2 things.

> > 1) it took less than 30 minutes for a response in this “necroed” thread from someone who as it appears is rather invested in this “closed and done deal”. So it might not be that much of a closed and done deal...

> > 2) I am supporting the position for 100% content access to solo players from the era of city of heroes so I don’t much mind to wait and vote with my wallet. And I’ve followed ANet from GW1. I never knew them to speak in absolutes. Please find and link the point where they say a definitive no. In an interview some months ago they did mention that they are considering things to support more all play styles. This is not an absolute and leaves open options.


> Here:

> https://massivelyop.com/2017/09/13/guild-wars-2-raids-wont-be-getting-more-difficulty-options-in-path-of-fire-at-this-time/

> > “We won’t be adding a different difficulty tier at this time. Raids need to continue to remain the most challenging content in the game, and they aren’t designed to be accessible by everyone from a skill perspective. Could they be more accessible from a ‘finding 9 other players to play with’ side? Sure. That isn’t always an easy problem to solve, and any solution would detract away from the team making more raid content. We’d love to get more content out to you guys faster really.”

> - Crystal Reid 2017, the quote can be found in the over 100 page long thread on this subject which has died down


> Since then strikes were added as a bridge for getting players into instanced content paired with an ever decreasing commitment to instanced content (no new fractals, no reworks, no new raids, etc.). Your chances of ever seeing solo raids is 0.


Your correct. If Raids cease to be (which at this moment development has stopped) good luck seeing alternate modes of any kind. After I saw that they switched Snowman’s lair to a Strike Mission, I started to ponder if something similar will happen to Raids...

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> @"pantognost.8397" said:

>That way, reaction will be mitigated and the silent majority of soloers will vote with their wallets.


At the moment neither raiders nor soloers are a target group for Arenanet. So, while you're totally free in arguing against the actual raid system but let me explain to you that the core focus of the game is living story (now). They don't even cater to group content except for strike missions which aren't a good replacement for dungeons, fractals or raids - and those three aren't in development (any longer) to the actual day.

I recommend less hate & toxic wording but rather more understanding what's going on in the game right now.


Edit: Btw. it's highly debatable that the amount of pure solo players has a significant impact on revenues but losing whole groups and those in swarms can be dangerous for an MMO.


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Heck, I'd love if raids scaled 1-10 people.

It would allow smaller parties to enter and do it, it would allow bigger parties to continue as before, it would allow people who are nervous/afraid of stepping into raids to actually experience them at their own pace too.


It's what I loved about GW1. I teamed up with 1-2 friends and picked a group of heroes/henchies and then did all the hard content that way. We had a blast and we didn't have 'randoms' annoying us or acting all smartass and giving you a stressful time.


So yes, I am all for this.

You had raids in GW1 that were 'soloable' if you knew what you were doing and if you positioned your henchies and heroes properly and gave them proper builds.

With solo raids you can learn tactics, wipe as many times as you want and just get a grip of fights and have that challenging experience for yourself without having someone to rage at you.


And truthfully, I'd love to see content like FoW, UW, Urgoz's Warren and Torment return to GW2. Doesn't have to be 'cluttered' with big bosses, but just a land where you face off against many challenges, which includes normal mobs, specific quests and then big bad end boss.

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When games start making raid content solo able thats how you know the game is starting to die. tbh

Thats really the only reason you do that... the player base is small and mostly consist of vets who can solo that content so they give them the ability to do that just to keep them playing... or the content is just super old and no one plays it anymore so its made that it can be done solo.

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Before I started raiding, I did want an easy mode, but honestly, about half of the bosses ARE easy. Probably eventually they all will be, but I still have trouble with quite a few. Qadim, Soulless Horror, Dhuum, Largos. But it's pretty easy to have someone let you into a cleared instance and LO you can get the vistas and map completes and read all the stuffs without fighting anything.


I wouldn't like an easy mode to qualify for Coalescence though, or drop any sort of loot. For those who do not do raids, the drops are not all that great. 2 gold, some greens, a couple of exotics the first time you do a boss that week, and a slim chance at an ascended piece. So adding any loot to an easy mode would devalue the regular raids. And for those who insist it's "for the story" and not the rewards, head over to Istan sometime.

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