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Manipulating WvW by Spamming and Abusing Siege Should Get People Banned


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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> a simple fix to prevent blueprint spamming would be that it works the same way as traps


> the one who throws needs to have 5-10 supply allready which is autoconsumen on deployment, then the others can finnish building it

> supply is capped at 25, so that would mean only 2 blueprints can be thrown by a single person if suply needed would be 10


> this would push more wvw guilds, and the use of shared guild-blueprints


> which, believe it or not..might be the main idea? GUILD wars 2


> go figure


I spam paper siege prints as my strat for solo'ing tower lords and their NPC's. Helps with adding targets for them to focus on.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > a simple fix to prevent blueprint spamming would be that it works the same way as traps

> >

> > the one who throws needs to have 5-10 supply allready which is autoconsumen on deployment, then the others can finnish building it

> > supply is capped at 25, so that would mean only 2 blueprints can be thrown by a single person if suply needed would be 10

> >

> > this would push more wvw guilds, and the use of shared guild-blueprints

> >

> > which, believe it or not..might be the main idea? GUILD wars 2

> >

> > go figure


> I spam paper siege prints as my strat for solo'ing tower lords and their NPC's. Helps with adding targets for them to focus on.

Or you could stop wasting time on that and just solo kill them like normal.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > a simple fix to prevent blueprint spamming would be that it works the same way as traps

> > >

> > > the one who throws needs to have 5-10 supply allready which is autoconsumen on deployment, then the others can finnish building it

> > > supply is capped at 25, so that would mean only 2 blueprints can be thrown by a single person if suply needed would be 10

> > >

> > > this would push more wvw guilds, and the use of shared guild-blueprints

> > >

> > > which, believe it or not..might be the main idea? GUILD wars 2

> > >

> > > go figure

> >

> > I spam paper siege prints as my strat for solo'ing tower lords and their NPC's. Helps with adding targets for them to focus on.

> Or you could stop wasting time on that and just solo kill them like normal.


Im pretty squish and cant solo normally with my main so this is what I do, so theres that. I dont find it a waste of time at all and I achieve my end goal thats the greater good for my server so there's also that bud.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> Idea: There could be minimum prices for siege blueprints to discourage wasting them. Now many of them are just too cheap, especially the standard ones.

> E.g. reducing the supply until the price reaches a desired level, whatever that may be.


That would mean increasing the gold reward in WvW to keep the WvW economy healthy. Something Anet will never do

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  • 9 months later...

Was on a server for a while about a year ago, every single time we matched up with a given server this same troll would show up. This was NOT a smurf account, it was full legendary and ascended gear, so this was an active account. However, when we were fighting this other server, they would show up in WvW on our server and burn through all supply building rams, they would spam pull all tactics, pick up banners and drop right away, I had probably over an hour of recording of this person doing this, all day long. I would see them in the morning, leave for work and see them still at it when I got off work. I sent reports under botting, I asked others to send reports, map chat was filled with people asking "who is the troll building siege/pulling tactics" and I would tell them "they are at *whatever structure*, come see and report them", I had over 20 people confirm they did indeed report them as well. After a week, I got them to talk to me, and all they did was laugh, they even admitted to what they were doing in chat, literally spamming in map chat "BAN ME ANET!!!". Can you guess what happened after I recorded and screen shot all of this and reported again and sent an email with video and screenshot proof with their own admission? Yeah, you guessed it, absolutely nothing, we still dealt with them until the new matchup.


It seems GW2 has no GMs in game to look at and monitor stuff like this. Every other game I have played, even super small ones where man power should be small, they have more people and move active monitoring of systems like this, that when something like this was reported with proof, bans would happen in hours or less. It's not like they need to take my word or proof, the person was doing it all day long, all the GM would need to do would be to monitor the player for just a few seconds and see for them selves.

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the siege thing is not that frequently happening luckily, some wrongly placed siege happens always but just use eyes and the "display usable neutral stuff" option in the menu; so you can see all siege, marked by floating texts.


luckily never saw golem suiciders, that sounds really bad. also, never ever saw this "fake tag" thing, since barely anybody on our server blindly follows tags. even the non-joke tags only get followers after hours or at special times. we sometimes have 6 people on tag, 20+ nearby but not exactly joining him.


the passive siege afkers might be just really afk though, impossible to call if that's double agenting.


one thing we frequently have is people pulling our keeps tactics, and therefore trying to burn our stock of them. another really bad thing was a guy who made a joke-guild probs named after his real server, who claimed a tower (Wildcreek, EBG) and then set the tactics to not-"public tactics activation", so that only his prank-guild could pull them. :sleeping:


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> @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

> I wish there was an way to lock these people up for x amount of time. If you get 3 or more witnesses you can have a server wide vote to place these traitors in the courtyard stocks for an hour or 2. You could even have an option to throw vegetables at them for extra karma.


While that would be fun, can you imagine the abuse of it? ?

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You don't even know seige spam. Once in wvw when I was in ET, the enemy literally built arms from one end of the bottom of the map to the other. A group of about five roamers would refresh them, kill anyone trying to take them out, and replace the as needed. At the time ET had small night crew so we couldn't do anything until the trolls got board or until the morning shift came on.

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> @"Riverborn.1542" said:

> Our server [EU] recently got a spike of so-called trolls who manipulate the game by things like:

> >

> > * Placing **random siege** literally **everywhere**, confusing our team and the enemies

> > * Taking up the same tag as the open commander tag and therefore **misleading players** mostly resulting in death

> > * Throwing the **server's golems off cliffs** so we have to rebuild them every so often

> > * Using the siege we built just to stay passive while blocking it (fortunately the one who placed it is able to take it back)

> > * Threatening in teamchat to get other players **banned for reporting** him


> It is a certain player I'd not like to mention, yet I think they should not be allowed to do so without consequences. For now the server decided reporting them for _Botting_ is the most accurate, unfortunately _System Abuse_ is meant for LFG only - we should be able to properly report people abusing wvw matches.



> Dear Anet, please do something about these type of trolls and spies. Every time they're online it's just very frustrating for lots of us.

> We just want a fair game and a fair fight. No spamming, no botting, no drops in frame rate due to like 60 trebuchet siege build sites all over the field.



> Even our enemy servers ask us what's wrong with us.


> And here are some censored pictures of our server-known troll throwing our golems off a cliff. I have video footage in case it could be useful, too.


> * ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/569944245733949441/569944342018654229/gw365.jpg "")


> * ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/569944245733949441/569944313946177537/gw367.jpg "")



> @"Riverborn.1542" said:

> Our server [EU] recently got a spike of so-called trolls who manipulate the game by things like:

> >

> > * Placing **random siege** literally **everywhere**, confusing our team and the enemies

> > * Taking up the same tag as the open commander tag and therefore **misleading players** mostly resulting in death

> > * Throwing the **server's golems off cliffs** so we have to rebuild them every so often

> > * Using the siege we built just to stay passive while blocking it (fortunately the one who placed it is able to take it back)

> > * Threatening in teamchat to get other players **banned for reporting** him


> It is a certain player I'd not like to mention, yet I think they should not be allowed to do so without consequences. For now the server decided reporting them for _Botting_ is the most accurate, unfortunately _System Abuse_ is meant for LFG only - we should be able to properly report people abusing wvw matches.



> Dear Anet, please do something about these type of trolls and spies. Every time they're online it's just very frustrating for lots of us.

> We just want a fair game and a fair fight. No spamming, no botting, no drops in frame rate due to like 60 trebuchet siege build sites all over the field.



> Even our enemy servers ask us what's wrong with us.


> And here are some censored pictures of our server-known troll throwing our golems off a cliff. I have video footage in case it could be useful, too.


> * ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/569944245733949441/569944342018654229/gw365.jpg "")


> * ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/569944245733949441/569944313946177537/gw367.jpg "")



This has been going on since the beginning . I look at it this way . If a server has to resort to spying , cheating , hacking ,map blobbing , band wagoning to win then I feel very honoured to be on the loosing side. If it gets to much for the week I just go do something else. I play for the fun of it and the camaraderie . Why give free bags to childish sociopaths with a sense of entitlement.

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