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sugg: option to not receive unidentified gears

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i know 99.999% of ppl liked this new change but i'm part of the 0.001% that don't... cuz i play like 12 hours a day, sick & tired of getting unid gears... having to click to open them, move them to bank so i dont accidentally salvage the unid... (and i have accidentally salvage the unid gears like so many times maybe i salvaged a precursos who knows)... I'm just tired of clicking things in general


so like i want an option to revert back to the original where gears just drop in my inv, not the unid gears... like the mexican girl say... why not both? like we can't ppl have option to choose... i dont get it... it's always have to be this way or the other


i know ppl have suggested invis bags to me in game, but im a special person and i have ocd when it comes to inventories, and i dont like not being able to compact something to the first box first row if u know what im saying... and the special bags dont let u compact items to first box first row if u dont pm me and i'll give a screenshot back to ur pm

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> so many times maybe i salvaged a precursos who knows)


I know. You didn't. All precursors are exotics and can't be salvaged using the "Salvage all" options. If what you mean is that you might have salvaged a yellow unid that might have given an exotic and that that exotic might have been a precursor, well, that's a lot of _might haves_ all lined up in a row, and a very small chance, even with maxed out MF, of them all being "yes, this time it did". Translation: it's so rare that it isn't worth worrying about.


Footnote: Your comment about playing 12 hours a day made me think of the first level 80 character I saw in-game. It was almost exactly 200 hours after the Early Start servers opened, and there he was, running through Divinity's Reach. When asked, he said that it had taken him 100 hours of game play to get there, which translates to 12 hours a day.


Re: Invisible bags: mine are always full of stuff, but of course nothing stops you from organising them manually. (And for invisible bags, the "won't compact" is an essential feature...)

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> i know 99.999% of ppl liked this new change but i'm part of the 0.001% that don't... cuz i play like 12 hours a day, sick & tired of getting unid gears... having to click to open them, move them to bank so i dont accidentally salvage the unid... (and i have accidentally salvage the unid gears like so many times maybe i salvaged a precursos who knows)... I'm just tired of clicking things in general


> so like i want an option to revert back to the original where gears just drop in my inv, not the unid gears... like the mexican girl say... why not both? like we can't ppl have option to choose... i dont get it... it's always have to be this way or the other


> i know ppl have suggested invis bags to me in game, but im a special person and i have ocd when it comes to inventories, and i dont like not being able to compact something to the first box first row if u know what im saying... and the special bags dont let u compact items to first box first row if u dont pm me and i'll give a screenshot back to ur pm


I can’t see how the changes are not the best what ever happened to ppl with ocd. Ones u have an invible back with 3 empty slots u put blue green and yellow unidentifiable gear in. Than when u are in the mood u alt drag them out of there let 1 inside the invisible bag. Open all and salvage. This system is way cleaner than the old one.


Perhaps u try those invisible bags which everyone tells u already about first out.

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> i know 99.999% of ppl liked this new change but i'm part of the 0.001% that don't... cuz i play like 12 hours a day, sick & tired of getting unid gears... having to click to open them, move them to bank so i dont accidentally salvage the unid... (and i have accidentally salvage the unid gears like so many times maybe i salvaged a precursos who knows)... I'm just tired of clicking things in general


> so like i want an option to revert back to the original where gears just drop in my inv, not the unid gears... like the mexican girl say... why not both? like we can't ppl have option to choose... i dont get it... it's always have to be this way or the other


> i know ppl have suggested invis bags to me in game, but im a special person and** i have ocd when it comes to inventories, and i dont like not being able to compact something to the first box first row if u know what im saying**... and the special bags dont let u compact items to first box first row if u dont pm me and i'll give a screenshot back to ur pm


If you have legit OCD and using an invisible bag makes you anxious and distressed, then I feel for you and I'm sorry that this change is affecting you this way. If that is the case, ignore the next sentence in that post.


However, if you just **don't like not being able to compact**, then you are asking for Anet to go back and rewrite **all the loot tables** (yes, that is needed) and code a toggle for one or the other system (which might take many hours of development and might break things in the process) instead of just buying a bag and adapt (which might end up with you actually liking the new system) ? That seems pretty selfish and unreasonable to me.

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I think the simplest solution to the OPs problem would be an option to have unidentified gear open automatically when it enters your inventory - that would create the effect of getting individual items instead of unidentified gear but without Anet needing to keep 2 sets of loot tables up to date. It's probably something Anet could do, but I can't imagine there would be a lot of demand for it, so I'm not sure they'd be able to justify the time necessary to make the change and test it (which would likely need at least 3 people - one to do the back-end code, one to create the UI option and one to test it).

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I think the simplest solution to the OPs problem would be an option to have unidentified gear open automatically when it enters your inventory - that would create the effect of getting individual items instead of unidentified gear but without Anet needing to keep 2 sets of loot tables up to date. It's probably something Anet could do, but I can't imagine there would be a lot of demand for it, so I'm not sure they'd be able to justify the time necessary to make the change and test it (which would likely need at least 3 people - one to do the back-end code, one to create the UI option and one to test it).


That or just make the Unid gears non-salvageable... cuz it's like who would salvage them? when rares and exotics drop from blues/greens ..... i dont understand why its salvageable... i would def salvage the blue/green unids if they dont give any rares

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> @"Haishao.6851" said:

> Maybe anet could introduce an "unidentified bag" with one of the future LS to have unidentified gears automatically sorted and prevent them from being salvaged.



No need ..... just put one of each colour in an invisible bag. Future unids will all stack there so you only need to worry about it again when you get 250 of the same type.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Haishao.6851" said:

> > Maybe anet could introduce an "unidentified bag" with one of the future LS to have unidentified gears automatically sorted and prevent them from being salvaged.

> >


> No need ..... just put one of each colour in an invisible bag. Future unids will all stack there so you only need to worry about it again when you get 250 of the same type.


Works with 3 account wide slots too btw.

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