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The Ritualist Outfit.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> Here is where things gets very interesting where Necromancer and Ritualist chemistry shines and are unified


> **White Mantle Ritualist**


> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/White_Mantle_Ritualist


> **Necromancer next elite specialization-Ritualist with having full possession of armor**



> Have a good day :)



That enemy unit was created before the Ritualist profession. They may be named "Ritualist" but they have nothing to do with Canthan ritualists.

They should have renamed those "White Mantle Cultist".

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > Here is where things gets very interesting where Necromancer and Ritualist chemistry shines and are unified

> >

> > **White Mantle Ritualist**

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/White_Mantle_Ritualist

> >

> > **Necromancer next elite specialization-Ritualist with having full possession of armor**

> >

> >

> > Have a good day :)

> >


> That enemy unit was created before the Ritualist profession. They may be named "Ritualist" but they have nothing to do with Canthan ritualists.

> They should have renamed those "White Mantle Cultist".




My point was not to adress who was there before Ritualist profession or not. My point was to point out how White Mantle Ritualist share Necromancer attributes.


How Necromancer and Ritualist can be unified as the White Mantle Ritualist was, resulting in a strong bond and chemistry .


**As One**

Ritualist being Necromancer next elite specialization, Ritualist can access the Necromancer skills etc...



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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > We don't live in a time where that is a bad thing.


> Man tell that to my great aunt, if it isnt flat as a pancake she calls us fat in the bottom. This coming from a woman built like a stick /rolleyes


You should play this song for her

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As a bit of odd trivia, I do have some experience with female models. There's a couple of mods for stuff like Fallout and Elder Scrolls that let you adjust and customize the female body. Can't name it because of adult content, though. Anyway, after the novelty wears off you'll have a surprising amount of inner conflict over every square inch of the woman's body. After many hours of tinkering and using a few real world references, I designed what would best be described as a curvy (fit, not fat), excellent but still realistic body. After all this... ain't got nothin' on Norn booty.


It isn't the outfit that makes their butts look big. It's other outfits that make them look small. Seriously. If you put on the gem aura outfit, and do a side-by-side comparison of sides, you'll discover our toons are packing a serious voluptuous bubble rumpus. The female norn especially have Tonka truck junk in the trunk.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> We don't live in a time where that is a bad thing.


> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Please don’t butt shame your char. You know she’s sensitive.


Its far from a bad thing. I am dealing OCD here and the butt looks way disproportionate to the rest of the body in this outfit. And it drives me crazy.

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I looked through the many outfits yesterday and the ritualist outfit is not alone in this (see the winter finery near the end of the outfit selection voucher!) and I’m convinced that it’s how the skirt hangs and nothing to do with the character’s implied proportions. It looks to me more like one’s character is experiencing an odd updraft or the skirt just has an odd shape disconnected from either the character’s body or gravity. It is distractingly odd-looking to me as well. But then I imagine it is probably very difficult to design a full skirt that looks natural and works with the character in motion. :/

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